The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 12, 1938, Page TWO, Image 2

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Published Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant Street,
Omaha, Nebraska
Phones: WEbster 1617 or 1518
Entered as Second Class Matter March 15, 1927. at the Postoffice at
Omaha, Neb., underAct of Congress of March 3, 1879.
Race prejudice must go. The Fatherhood of God and the Brother
lood of Man must prevail. These are the onlv principles which will
itand the acid test of good.
All News Copy of Churches and all Organizations must be in our
iffice not later tnan 6:00 p. m. Monday for current is»ue. All Adver
ting Copy or Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, preceed
ng date of issue, to insure publication.
Muster farmers of Nebraska,
asked by a representative of
the Associated Industries of
Nebraska Tor tjheir views on
the Nebraska Wjhit-c Spot ad
vortising campaign, praised it
highly for seeking to promote
the state’s industrial develop
meat and in calling attention
to Nebraska’s thrifty financial
and taxation policies.
Since 1926, the roster of No
braska farmers and livestock
growers who have received the
award of Master Farmer lias
grown to a tot id of 83. The
ones quoted here, each point
to specific industries they be
lievo should be developed and
which would pro per in Nebra
The Guide will publish a see
ond article giving the views of
others of these agriculturalists
of our state at an early date.
‘‘The Nebraska advertising
campaign is doing some very
good work to attract new in
dustries to our ptato and to
tell tlie world tlinj Nebraska is
really the White Spot of Aimer
ica because of its freedom from
snob extrrt forms of taxation
as the sab's tax, income and
eigaret taxes,” J. R, Higgins
of, Rogers a, 'Mfipter Farmer
since I9d4, said.
“Nebraska, is not only free
from debt a,ml has no sales or
income taxes, but will soon
have one of the best networks
of eleetriie lines in the United
States. 'The Missouri River will
Soon bo navigable and this
with one <>f the best railway
systems in the United Stales,
should solve the transportation
problem," he added
Since agriculture is our basic
industry, tflie manufacture of
agricultural implements should
be a paying proposition here,
Mr. Higgins declared, lie also
advocated the manufacture of
alcohol blend gasolines and he
cited the sugar beet industry
as an example of the industrial
opportunities of Nebraska.
“If all the produits of Neb
aska’s soil tuul all its livestock
and poultry proniiced in one
year were loaded in freight
ears in one long traiin and stnt
westward from Leningrad, Rus
sia, tlie engine would be half
"ay between San Francisco and
Honolulu before the caboose
left Leningrad,” Fred Knobel
of Odessa, a Master Farmer
since 1929, salid in illustrating
the abundance o^ this state’s
agricultural resources.
He added “suredy our bond
free state would be a good
place for industry switch
off most of thohe cars of raw
materials to manufacture at
home, ”
___ • •
»■'#»>■ ■ t - - T t , , g ,
INI4-6 North 24th Street
Phone WE 4137
Poultry and Egg Dealers
Oh prices are reasonsable,
see us first.
V ,,
Rev. T- J. Sanford, Pastor
J. S. Jefferson, Reporter
Sunday school opened at its us
ual hour with excellent attendance
Subject of the lesson, “Serving
With What We Have. Mark 6:1-13.
Everyone took great interest in
the lesson. The school was one of
the best for the season The boys
intermediate class was presented
with the collection banner, and the
girls intermediate class received
the attendance banner. Alf classes
okj working hard to obtain the
collection banner.
At eleven o’clock Rev Sanford
del'vered another inspiring sermon
to a very large congregation. Ev.
eryona was filled with the spirit
h s text from Gen. Revelation 1:13
“In the midst of seven candle
sticks one like unto the son of
man. Clothed with a gannent down
to the foot and a girt about the
paps with a golden g'rdle.’’
This morning we were pleased to
have a very large number of vi
sitors and among them Jessie
Stone and Mr. and Mrs. James
Peoples. We are very pleased to
nnnuonce the banquet a success ft
was sponsored by Mrs. Alberta
Michael with the help of the senior
choir. The banguet hall was crowd
rd to capacity, seating more than
one hundred. After dinner they
usaemoieu 10 tne mam auditorium
to witness a beautiful style show.
Rev. D. C- Stephenson acting as
master of ceremonies. Mrs Joseph
Lewis gave a very splendid talk
on "Christianity” and also re
marks were made by Miss Hilda
Woods. Many beautiful spring sty
les were shown through the, eour.
tesy of the J C. Penny Co.
Models Misses Ada Lee
Walker, Francis Cloud, Julia San
ford, Mabel Richardson, Josie
Woods and Juanita Artison.
Our quarterly conference, will
' convene Sunday evening March 13.
Come and worship with us Come to
our prayer and class every Wed -
■ nesday evening
1410 North 24th Street
Any shoes left over 30 days
wiil be sold for charges.
We are 'convetnictntly located
for the occupants of the Fon
tenelle Aparaments.
... Look to your stomach
Start taking Hostetter’s Stomachic Bitters right now
and you will quickly note how its mediciniH herbs
and roots help to revitalize your digestive glands
#^,dai I* “•Ws!l«Sri •“•*** >nd •PP«tite. Famous
for 84 years. At all drug stores. 18 ox. bottle. $1.50.
Marge’s Column
Dr. Trr ll had a laughing hy
steric Sunday when the fellows
got on a man for Haying I eter
White was a sap for returning the
old pe. s on tchetks.
Margaret Cu'ty is looking for
a house with lots of doors so that
she can stem them as much as
she please*. Let’s be sure to
watch for hiskies on Jabbo’s head.
If the song about Dipsy Doodle
is right, that’s what Jess Hutton
had wh'le gaalng into the eyes of
Mable Clark
Mrs. Wm. Parker, speaking to
a lady who was admiring her head
dress said. ‘This is my own crea
tion.” Her son Wm-, jr, standing
close by said, “Mother are you
talking about me?” It looks like
she accidentally killed two birds
with one stone.
Raiy at the barber shop is re
ducing. He says 1\, i8 living on
II the least thing happens at
the new apartments, those of us
who couldn’t gnt one can say that
Is the reason why we didn’t want
J.imm!ie Crawford held a lady
spell bound while the orchestra
played “Blue Hawaii.” Maybe he
was telling her she could have
grass skirts and more grass skirt.
Most people think Rodney Will
iams Is a perfect gentleman. Not
j true He swears, but you can’t
understand him.
Since the bookies are closed, Ed
na Banks listens to broadcasts of
th0 stock market trying to hear
something said about a horse.
If competition makes business,
there is soon to be a cab boom.
The are a lot of changes in
Mao McGee. H0 doesn’t balk as
loud and isn’t seen as much nowa
Charlene Lewis primping doesn’t
moan that she is looking for an
Omaha boy friend. Her mind is
elsewhere, thank you.
V.'.W.V.V.V.V.-.V.VAW '
< 111 So. 14th St. <
\ Bluest 10c Meals In Citv 5
'• Everybody Welcome
WEbster 3043
ICE and COAL 00.
No Extra Charge for Half-Ton
2520 Lake Street AT 6355
Followers of the Baha’i Faith in
this eity and in hundreds of other
cities in the United States and
Canada are celebrating a religious
Fast which began March 2, and
ends in a Naw-Ruz (New Year)
feast on March 21, the first day
of spring
The Fast, according to the local
adherents of the Faith, is inter-re
ligious in character for members
of all the great religious systems
who have embraced the Baha’i
movement, will unite in this per
iod of consecration.
An interesting feature of this
yearly observance is that it’s an
integral part of a religious calen.
dar but little known in the western
hemisphere. May 23,1844, accord
ing to the belief of a million or
ientals and some thousands of oc
cidentals marked the formal ad
vent of a new religious dispensa
tion This happned in Persia where
within nineteen years of each
other two successive prophets, the ,
Bab and Baha'u’llah, one heralding
ina otner proclaiming* a world re.
liglon, made their appearance.
This date marked the birth of
the Baha’i Movement whose two
outstanding precepts are essential
oneness of all religions and the
unity of mankind.
Present day followers are work
ing for a new world order based
on the brotherhood of all creeds,
races and nations All the great
religious systems of the world
have periods of spiritual resusita.
The Baha’i Fast coincides in pur
have periods of spiritual reusita
poses with the Christian observ
ance of Lent.
But while in times past religious
consecration and sacrifice were in
terpreted to mean privation of ma
terial possessions and comforts,
seclusion from the world and from
human intercourse, the Baha’is
maintain that true consecration
and sacrifice are spiritual, not for
mal and material only It is your
life, they claim, not philosophy;
not pi'eaehing but doing; making
today better than yesterday that
will lay a film foundation for the
building of a better tomorrowo.
Doreene Holliday
Always Offers
Ihe Best
. Rsce^Rcs ults
Home Style Cooking
Ladies Welcome
2047 No. 24th St JA 4777
Repvrdlesa of what your trouble may be, you can look the world la the face
Solve all problems; Oet what you Want, and Pear no Man or Clrcutnstanoee
four Happiness and Success demand that you print your name dearly
*nd it to
545 Owen Awe. REV. CHAS. P. COLBERT. Detroit, Midugaa
Flush Piosonous Waste and Acid From Kidneys
If you aren.t feeling just right-*
are nervous—have dizzy spells and
kidneys and learn more about
Through the delicate filters of
the kidneys, acids and poisonous
waste are drawn from the blood
and dicharpred from the body
these filters become clogged with
poisonous waste and kidneys do
not function properly—they need
a good cleaning.
One reliable medicine highly co
efficient and inexpensive is GOLD
MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules—
you can’t go wrong on this grand
medicine for it has been helping
people for 50 years—to correct
their aches and pains and to ban
lish uric acid conditions, the ag
gravation of sciatit, neuritis,
neuralgia, lumbago and rheumat
So if you have symptoms of
Kidney Trouble as backache, ner
vousness, getting up two or three
time during the night—scanty,
leg cramps—moist palms or puffy
leg cramps—nvoitpalms or puffy
eyes, get a 35 cent package of this
grand and harmless diuretic at
any modern drug store—it starts
the first day on its errand oi
But be sure it’s GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules—the origi
nal—the genuine— right fron
Haarlem in Holland.
The Quack dub gave Mrs Her
bert Wiggins, members of the Com
mittee of Management of the
Northside “Y” a token of thanks
for the the wonderful talk she gave
them on religion during th€ month
of February. The token was pre
sented to her by Mrs, Gladys Pull
urn. executive secretary of the
Northside “Y”
Mrs. Bernice Marshall, chair
man of the worship committee was
elected by the club group as a de.
legate to the bi-annual convention
The financ0 committee is making
plans for the annual style show
and dance which will take place
April 18. Mrs. Haze] Miller is chair
lone Jones, President
Willa Jakes, Reporter
Atty. H. C. Robertson, Room 718
Keeline Bldg, at 17 and Harney St.
In the matter of the estate of
Theodore Scott Simpson, deceased.
Notice is hereby given; that the
creditors of said deceased will
meet the administratrix with will
annexed of said estate before me,
County Judge of Douglas County,
Nebraska, at the County Court
Room, in said County, on the 2nd
day of May 1938 and on the 2nd
day of July 1938 at 9 o’clock A
M., each day, for the purpose of
pjesenting their claims for examin
ation, adjustment and allowance.
Three months are allowed for the
creditors to present their claims
from the 2nd day of April 1938 j
Bryce Crawford
County Jhdge
3 12 19 26
Cleaning, Pressing and Re
Dyeing and Hat Cleaning
Dresses Cleaned and Press
ed—Fur Crafting, Etc.
Asthma Cause
Fought in 3 Minutes
By dissolving and removing mucus or
phlegm that causes strangling, choking,
Asthma attacks, the doctor's prescription
Mendaco removes the cause of your agony.
No smokes, no dopes, no injections. Ab
solutely tasteless. Starts work in 3 minutes.
Sleep soundly tonight. Soon feel well, years
younger, stronger, and eat anything. Guar
anteed completely satisfactory or money
back. If your druggist is out ask him to
order Mendaco for you. Don't suffer another
day. The guarantee protects you.
I New Cleaning
> '
| Any Two 90c Items . $1.25
1 3-Piece Suit . $ .75
2 3-Piece Suits . 1.25
' 1 3-Piece Suit
[ 1 I.adies’ Plain Dress .$1.25
i 1 Men’s 3-Piece Suit
\ 1 Top Coat . $1.25
! 2 Ladies' Plain Dresses _ $1.25
’ 1 3-Piece Suit ...
1 Felt Hat ........ $1.00
1 3-Piece Suit
12 Neckties . $1.25
f 4-Piece Suit . $1.15
1 Pair Pants...40c
2 Pair Pants . 75c
Launderers and Dry Cleaners
WE 6055
Kay Lawrence Williams, Attorney
24th and Lake Streets
In the matter of the estate of
John William Gatus, deceased:
TO: The Heirs at Law, creditors,
and all other persons interested in
said estate:
You are hereby notified that a
petition has been filed in this
Court on the 14th day of February
1938, by Travis Ancell Gatus, alleg
ing that John William Gatus died
on the 13th day of January, 1930,
intestate; that at the time of his
death he was a resident of Omaha,
Douglas County, Nebaska and that
he was possessed of interest in the
following described real estate, to
West 55 feet of Lot 5, Shill's
Sub. Division of Block A, Shinn‘6
Addition to the City of Omaha,
Douglas County, Nebraska, as sur
veyed, platted and recored.
That said petitioner has an inter
est in said real estate, being the
Son of said deceased; said petition
er prays that a hearing be ^ad on
said petition, that notice thereof
be given as required by law, and
that upon said hearing a decree of
heirship be entered and further ad
ministration of said estate be dis
pensed with.
You are therefore notified that
a hearing will be had on said pet
Cleo Cola I
Queen of Sparkling Drinks j
12 oz. for 5c I
Get Money ... Love
I guarantee to help you fat a nr* atari to
Ufa No ease beyond ho pa. 8 Lop worry
ing I Writ* me today Information rREg
Ml. WILLIAMS, Journal Square Sta
Jersey City, N. J. Dept a 1
- -
it ion at the County Court Room
on the 21st Day of March, 1938. at
9:00 A. M. and that if you fail to
appear at said time and place and
contest the said petition, the
Court may grant the same, enter
a decree of heirship, and decree
that further administration of said
estate be dispensed with.
Bryce Crawford
County Judge
2 26 38 — 3 12 38
Clean Large Lump
Most Economical
AT 4444
FEW husbands can understand
why a wife should turn from a
pleasant companion Into a shrew
for one whole week in every month.
You can say "I'm sorry" and
kiss and make up easier before
marriage than after. Be wise If you
want to hold your husband, you
won't be a three-quarter wife.
Far three generations one woman
has told another bow to go "smil
ing through" with Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. It
helps Nature tone up the system,
thus lessening the discomforts from
the functional disorders which
women must endure In the three
ordeals of life: 1. Turning from
girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre
paring for motherhood. 3. Ap
proaching “middle age."
Don’t be a three-quarter wife,
Go ''Smiling Through."
Clean up that front room. We specialize in making old
houses look like new, Inside and out. No charge for eeti
mation on work. No job too small or too large.
|, | j
Ten trained decorating medhafnics. Our Motto—Service ;
First, at the lowest prices. Call WEbster 2858.
Peoples Paint and Papering Shop i
Make YOUR Dreams \
Come True ... Use
EN never make passes at girls who
wear glasses”— and seldom say "Give
me a kiss’ to a faded, grey haired miss!
But they admire a woman with richly col
ored, softly gleaming hair. So, if you are
missing love because your hair is dull, iron
burnt, off color or streaked with grey, get
a bottle of Larieuse today.
Larieuse is no more trouble to use chan an
ordinary shampoo, yet the beautiful color
it gives to your hair will not rub off or wash
out and will last a long time. Color wanted
comes evenly; iet black, black, dark, medium
or light brown, or blonde. No dyed look,
no stickiness, no smell. Ask your dealer for
Godefroy’s Larieuse, the Hair Coloring ia
the red box. Every bottleis guaranteed to sat
isfy or your dealer will refund your money
ooDErnovi . • (
If your Mt M W S\ M?
does hove
!, ”r«.fo” HAIR COLORING ,,.
Here’s Your Big Chance to Make Quick Money-Be Agent for SWEET
GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing, Bleach Cream, 300 Products. It’s Easy;
Do you need Money? Do you wish for the good things that Money would buy
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Making AGENT. Men and Women wanted everywhere as AGENTS for SWEET
GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing Pomade, Hair Strength, Skin Brightener,
Bleach Cream, Face Powder, Perfumes, 300 Products. You don’t need any
experience. Work in Spare Time or Full Time. We show you how to make up t«
$40.00 a week or up to $6.00 in a single day.
Send No Money!
Just fill in coupon and mail it
today for FREE SAMPLES of
Hair Dressing, Face Powder and
Special Offer to AGENTS. Don't
wait. Mail the COUPON NOW!
Valmor Products Co. Df«T
2241 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, III.
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2241 Indiana A«e., Chicago, IH.
I want to make Quick Money. Plea** send am |
Free Samples and Special Offer to Agents right away I
Name......................... __ §
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