RUMMAGE STORE. 2621 Granl Street AMERICAN i i WIENER SHOP 2509 North 2-llh Street Be>t Chili and Best Hod Dogs in the West ' All Kinds *1 Sandwiches i Ice Cold Beer to Complete the Meal I.! i i . i* .. • • ■ • -« *1 lit 5Vff\Ji Shoe Pride or Shoe Shame . . . Shoes look new again with our new invisible half soling. I>ake Shoe Service 2407 LAKE ST. pfmwm v rt'ftttrftmm " — ■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ " ■ . S P E C IA L . Shampoo .. 25c **»-■>*« .... 25c ; Croiuinols ... 25c Mi ntp«r<* ..-. 15c Pla-n Facial ... 25c A I T II O U S E BEAUTY SCHOOL *422 N 22nd St. WE 0846 AWW/WWWAV.WM Duffv Pharmacy We. 0809 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery b'AV.V.V.V.W/AVW.V.W ASV.V.*,,.,AWA,.V.,.V.,.V. WORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Dietance Hauling Moving and Storage Phone W£:»«,'.» 2414 Grant St V.V.V.V.W/AVW.V/.W TRADE TUCHMAN’S Food Stores,Inc. WE 0402 24th &> LAKE FREE DELI\ .iRY CHURCH NEWS CHRIST TEMPI E HOLINESS Rev. L. M llrlf, Pastor Edr.a lak»y. Reportec Sunday, February 27. Sunday chool opened with an interesting lesson Subject, “Measuring a Wans Worth." The lesson was in 11 viewed by the superintendent, Mr. S. Stafford Many good points ere brought out. Rev- doodwin, assistant pastor, conducted the services. The morn ing message was found in St. Mark, 5:17. The sermon was highly ,appreciated and afforded food for i t hought 11VPU opened at the usual hour, six p. m., with a large attendance, good lesson and a lovely program One young people's meeting is gradually increasing this nice wea tier. Como out and worship with us. Visitors are always welcome The Salem Baptist Missionary Society m't Friday. February 25, at the home of Mrs. C. C Pettis, 1613 No 22nd St. Avery enjoyable riveting was held. The regular fourth Sunday Mis- I s.onaiy program was held Sunday February 27. at the Salem Baptist church, 28th and Decatur streets. A very inspirational devotion was < est invironment for them and see that all other pitfalls are cleared out We are sorry to report so many suk of the church which are as follows: Sis. Martha T. Carter and Sis 1 alley are still very sick- Miss Addie George and Mrs. C Hanna have been ill for two weeks or so. Mr \\. L Myers has returned home Irom the hospital and is able to be up. We pray for these and s*ll | others who are sick a speedy re covery Next Sunday will be Quarterly meeting at St. John and we a,-e hoping all clubs and members will make fine reports We are always glad to see our ■is fairs at St. John We invite SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH Rev Pettis, Pastor Connie Harris, Reporter Sunday scliool opened at 9:30 o'clock, with the superintendent presiding. At eleven o'clock, Rev. Reagans presented an inspiring srmon. His text was found in the 10th chap ter of Matthews BYPi: opened at five thirty with the vice president presiding. Dif ferent members of the groups par ticipated in a Bible drill. Wo had n lively BYPU. At eight o’cock. Rev McQuire presented the sermon. His text was found in the 5th chapter of Jer emiah and the 44th verse. His sub ject, "Come!” There will he a pre-Easter Tea, given by the senior choir at the homo of Mrs White, 2604 Wirt St. Horn's 2 to 6. Sick of the church: Mrs. Elma Porter, Mr. Austin, and Mr Tho mas. Visitors are always welcome at Salem. PARADISE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev- Hurvey, Pastor Sunday school hours have been changed from 9 o’clock to 9:30. At 9:30 the superintendent opened the Sunday scht-ol with a large group present- We were glad t»o ack nowledge five visitors. The school was reviewed by Bio. Gamer. At eleven a. m., our pastor brought to us a wonderful sermon. Subject, ‘‘Fe'ding ” Text, was found 'ti I Peter 1:5. BYPU was well attended. At eight p. m the pastor prea ched to a very large and apprecia te, audience. Truly the spirit of the Lord was in our midst. His text was taken from Mark 5:19 Subject. “Go Honio,:’ Quite a few visitors worshipped with us during tb-> morning and evening services II you are hungry and desire spi ritual food come and worship with us at tho Pai-od'se Baptist church. A Bible class has started and anyone desiring o attend may do so The class meets every Thurs day night at the chuix’h at eight o’clock. MT. NEBO BAPTIST CHl'RCH Rev- J. G Cates, Pastor Helen S Bradshaw. Reporter The Sunday school of Mt. Nebo opened at the usual time with the superintendent, Rro Conner, pre sidin. The lesson, “Measuring A Mans Worth,” and the Text. “How much then, is a man better than a ship?” Matt 12:12, brought on much costroversy and argument among the young men as to how much they were worth. Rev Gates preached a very spi ritual srmon. ’rbo church services were indeed spiritual with the presence of Rev and Mrs. C L. Union and others of the family. Rev L. C Crawford of Zion was a visitor at Mt. Nebo Sunday morning The BYPU was one of great en thusiam under the direction of Rev. J. A Harris The sermon was enjoyed by all Sunday night Thert. will be a national prayer meeting at Mt. Nebo Friday, March 4 from 10:00 to 4:00. All are invited to come and worship with us Mt. Nebo’s doors are al ways open to visitors. BETHEL A- M E. CHURCH Rev. T. J- Sanford. Pastor .!■ S Jefferson, Reporter Sunday school opened at its us ual hour, 9:45, with excellent at tendance. All werc feeling real springy. Subject for discussion, Mark 5:1-17 Title “Measuring A Mans Worth." All took great in terest in their lesson. At eleven o’clock. Rev. Sanford took the stand. The, mornings les son was Exodus 4:1-24. Text, “And the I'Ord said unto him what is that in thine hand? And he said, a rod." Everyone enjoyed the ser vices very much. We were pleased to have Mr Brown from Texas unite with us. Our visitors were Miss Ethel Jones, Mr. Jefferson of Des Moines Iowa and Mr. Lewis Rutledge Don’t forget the Spring Style Show and Banquet given by the choir, Friday night March 4- Tic kets only 36c. The menu: Roast Turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, peas, salad, hot rolls and coffee, and pie. Everyone please buy a ticket from those who are selling You will miss a treat If you don’t attend. Miss Hida Woods is president. Mrs. Saunders is still on the sick list and Miss Thelma Lewis is reported much improved Always remember our prayer and class meeting every Wednes- ! day evening. Come and worship with us. For news read the Omaha Guide our own, fresh from the I press. PATRONIZE OITR ADVERTISERS A'JWWWWAWWW RITZ SHOE | REPAIR 2033 NO. 24TH ST. Special On Army Shoes Any Shoes left over 30 Days Will Be Sold for Charges W.'WWWWAV.WWA Robbin’s Pharmacy 2306 No. 24th St. WE 1711 r CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishea King Yuen Cafe 201094 N. 24th St. Jackson 857# Open from 2 p. m. until S a. m. Warren Webb OIL STATION MOBILE GAS, MOBILOIL and FUEL OIL 24TH and WILLIS AVE Johnson Drug Co. Liquors, Wines and Beer Prescriptions WE 0998 1904 No. 24th St. WWWWAWAVWWW/A :i COFFEE JOHN’S ji •: 111 so. 14th st. •: !; Biggest 10c Meals In City •; i Erarybody Welcome f WHY PAY MO Ht V> ri N Dr.FRED PALMER’S SKIN WHITENER LIGHTENS SKIN FASTER FOR ONLY 25 * You’ll be amazed and delighted when you see how fast DR. FRED PALMER’S SKIN WHITENER OINTMENT lightens and brighten^ your skin as surface pimples, black heads, freckles, etc., rapidly fade away! Try it today- Only 25c! Yet it must give you complete satisfac tion, or no cost. At drug stores ev erywhere. FREE SAMPLE: Write to DR. I'RED PALMER’S LABS, Dept. D-303 11 ■ NOW I Save "Left-overs” and Save M oney! •/ v * -I End refrigeration worries! Stop costly food spoilage and the waste of left overs. Let a modern Electric Refrigera tor save for you. It's no trick at all to turn saved left-overs into new, appetiz ing dishes with this modern conveni ence. But don't wait 'til summer! Be gin to be thrifty NOW with dependable Electric Refrigeration. SEE YOUR DEALER Nebraska—The “W hite Spot" of The Nation a n K T