The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 26, 1938, Page THREE, Image 3

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Cleaning, Pressing and Re
.Dyeing and Hat Cleaning
Dresses Cleaned and Press
ed—Fur Crafting, Etc.
Men’s Dress Shirts 13y2 to 20
Men’s Ties. $.29—4 for $1.00
Open Saturday Evenings
Until 9
1403 Parn&m
2423 N 24th St
* —
" T
Drinks Of All Kinds
At Moderate Prices
Special Courtesy to Ladies
Direct Wire on
All Sporting Events
Christopher &
McGill, Props.
^1UH i IH m A Li
When skin is too
dark, rough, blot
chy, etc-, spread
on genuine Dr. FRED PALMER .S
SKIN WHJTENER. It must work
faster to lighten, brighten and help
clean up skin or money back. 25c
at drug stores.
FREE SAMPLE: For Free Sample
LABS., Dept. D-302 Atlanta, (la.
Cheyenne . $9.00
Chicago . 8.50
Denver . 9.00
Kansas City . 2-95
Los Angeles . 23.00
San Francisco . 24.00
• Bus travel today is most
luxurious. Coaches are warm and
comfortable. Individual reclining
chairs and free pillows. Baggage
stored inside-nlways handy. Asle
agent about low fares to all points.
Big savings on round trips.
1416 Douglas at 15th St.
Ph. ATlantie 2300
8c SHIRTS 8c
When Finished Out of Any Family Service i
I 2324 No. 24th St_WE 1029
0. A.—I want to know if there
is a jo|b for nie anytime soon. My
stepmother would have already had
me a job if it wasn’t for my father.
You helped me once before.
Ans: Yes.there is a job
for you and very soon too.
Your stepmother has her eyes
opem and she will see that you
have something to do shortly.
Your father just can’t seem
to want you to go to work. ..
ho still believes you to be.
a baby.
F, L. H B—1 am terribly anxi
ous to get a job in the tobacco fac
tory near us and I wonder if there
is a chance for me?
Ans: Sure there is a chance
place your application im
mediately in this company. ^
Also try to meet several of the
people who live near you that
have found employment in this
company and they could give
you information how to go ab
out the job. It will pay well.
B. T.—Is there going to be some
sad .news in my family and let me
know about my madam?
Ans: No sad news is sched
uled ahead I don’t think and
it i$ rather foolish for you to
worry about trouble before it
reaches you. Your madam will
not quit her job anytime sonn
you have nothing to fear
about work.
Rev. L. M. Relf Pastor
Sister Edna Pankey, Reporter
Sunday was Youth day at Christ
Temple church in which the youth
of our chuich conducted the ser
vivoe during the day. Sunday i
school opened at 9:30 with young ,
Rro. Sogan as acting superinten- J
dent. The lesson was ‘Choosing
Companions in Service, Mark 3:1-1
Rev. Relf brought us the morning
message. His subject was, The
Duty of the Children, Proverbs
The BYPU1 met at 6 p. m. There
was a wonderful attendance.
The evening sermon was bought
to us" by Rev. Berton. His subject
was, Remember Thy Creator in
the Days of Youth. The services
were enjoyed by all. Come and
worship with us. Visitors are al
ways welcome.
— ■■ -ft
Rev. J. G. Gates, Pastor
Helen Bradshaw, Reporter
The Sunday school was very' in
teresting Sunday. The lesson was
very interestingly taught.
Rev. Gates preached a soul stir
ring sermon. His subject was, “Let
Your Light Shine So that Meii May
See Your Good Works and Gloryify
Your Father Which is in Heaven.’
His text was ‘Ye Are the Light of
the World-’
The BYPU was very interesting
The subject was on Sin and Its
Work.’ Rev. Harris taught a very
instructional lesson.
The sermon Sunday night was
very inspirational.
Mt. Nebo’s Mission is still pro
All are invited to come and wor
ship with us.
Beauty Shoppe
Use Elise Turner’s Glow Gloss
For Your Hair
Special Hair-styling For
Use Our Face Cream and Pow.
der to Keep You Looking
OALL AT 3036
2512 N. 24th Street
Facts vs. Rumors
(Continued from Page One)
roundings and recreational oppor
tunities, a right to live a normal
life, so long as you do not infringe
upon the rights of others.
There is no ‘Mason and Dixon
Lino’ as many Have thought and
subsequently stated, to the con
tary the Wagner Steagall bill un
der which the project is governed
plainly states there shall be posi
tively no discrimination as to race
creed or color in selection of ten
ants. This I am proud to say is be
ing carried out to the letter by the
In conclusion may I state, that
thd primary objective of those
sponsoring the Homes, from Pre
sident Roosevelt down and inclu
sive of the Omaha Housing Au
thority, is to provide modern
homes for low wage earners, thus
giving you and others an oppor.
tunity to live the life of a typical
American. Listen not to rumors
which others may tell you, but
como to the office of the Logan
Fontenelle Homes and receive facts
from thos^ in authority. Make out
an application and allow same to
go through the proper channel, this
p.nd this only, is the way to find
out whether you are eligible or not,
—-■ ---
Rev. R. W. Johnson. Pastor
Sis. M. Cason. Reporter
After having such a wonderful
time in the revival meeting with
Evangelist C. Gore and Miss Aus
tin, Sunday found the spirit still
high at the Metropolitan. Sunday
school was opened at its usual time
by Sis. Mitchell. The teachers and
pupils all in their places. Text,
‘What Look I Yet.’ Luke 18:18-30.
Morning service, was very uplift
ing to those who put their hearts
in the service. Sunday being Royal
Sunday, the boards ook very nice in
purple rails and collars whicjj re
present royalty. The sermon by
the pastor was very well explained.
The subject ‘Interpretation.’ Gen.
40:16. There were two souls added
to the membership.
The Union is very strengthening
and is of great help to all who at
tend. I am a Good Shepherd was
the lesson from the 10th chapter
of St. John. They also had a lovely
program. Come out to Union and
cncourage vach group and their
The Lord was still in his Holy
Temple, during the evening ser
vices. The choir sang speeial num
bers. The sermon was by our pas
tor and a continueation of his Bible
serial. Subject ‘Your Good Works
Will Follow You. Gen. 41:15.
There were two people who were
connected with the church. WP are
looking forward to bigger and bet
ter things at Metropolitan. So
w,t,h the help and cooperation of
the people we can build a church
that will be a monument for the
Negroes of Omaha to be proud of.
Wednesday night sermon will be
preac.hed by Rev. Beasley. Come
out and encourage this young min
ister of the gospel. Everyone is
, welcome. Bring your friends with
Rev. Wm. Pruitt, Pastor
Sunday School opened at the us
ual hour with the superintendent,
Mrs. G. W. Stronile presiding.The
general lesson subject—Choosing
Companions in Service. At 11:30
our pastor brought to us an inspir
ing message: subject—Honors; the
text. St. John 6:4.
I At 3 p. m. Master R. O. Bass, the
Hoy Preacher, preached for the
Chillen’s Activity Club. The mes
sage was enjoyed by all.
At 6:00 p. m.. BYPU. opened
with President Johnson presiding.
A large attendance was present.
General lesson subject, Making
Your Country More Christian.
8:00 p. m., the pastor again
brought to us a splendid message,
subject—The Great Opportunity,
Text St. John. 4:36.
The Willing Workers dub is to
meet Thursday night at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Raymond John
son. 2414 Frankin street. Mission
Circle meets every Friday at 7:30
p. m. On last Friay night an open
discussion on a paper subject- -The
Essentials of a Chritian Woman’s
Missionary Society. Much thought
was gleaned. 19 were present. Mis
W. E. Frederick, president. Visit
ors are always welcome.
The sick of the church is Mrs.
Rosetta Berry, 3623 Pinkney St.
Farmers Endorse
State Advertising
Lincoln. Nebr., Feb. 24—Agricul- j
tural leaders of Nebraska are |
strong in their pra'se of the Ne- I
Laska national advertising cam
paign which is seeking to interest
industries to come to this state
to Like advantage of the great
abundance of raw materials from
the farms
"I have noted with much inter
est the spend id constructive work
which is being done for the state
of Nebraska through t he. advertise
ments sponsored by the Associated
Industries of Nebraska,* says 41.
J. Gramlich, chairman of the. De
partment of Animal Husbandry,
Nebraska College of Agriculture
‘These advertisements,” Mr.
Gramlich adds, “call attention of
the nation to the splendid oppor
tunities which are afforded in this
basically sound agricultural state.
Nebraska’s reputation as a live
stock and crop producer is based
upon seventy-five years of known
fact. A state which stands second
as a producer of swine, third in
corn, and near the top in most
other major livestock and field
crops certainly has a wonderful
0. J. Claassen of Omaha, presi
dent of the Farmers National Com
pany, which successfully manages
many farms for absentee owners
throughout Nebraska and Iowa,
stressed the advantages Nebraska
enjoys because of its wholesome
financial condition, its freedom
from state debts and from sales,
income and luxury taxes, and its
governmental economy.
‘ From the standpoint of farm
management and agriculture in
general, the Nebraska advertising
campaign is just as important to
make our own people realize the
preferred positions in the matter
of taxation, as to spread this in
formation t0 outsiders,” Mr. Claas
sen said.
‘‘Having such a preferred tax
position,” he pointed out, "the
other advantages emphasized in
these advertisements follow, for
with less money demanded by
government in taxes, more is left
for production and for living. That
should be a strong incentive to
give Nebraska its proportionate
share and more in the industrial
development of the middle west.”
“The Associated Industries cam
paign.” he added, "is of definite,
important and tangible value to
agriculture as it seeks to bring
new industries here to make use
of our c’ plus farm products. Wo
need such industries to keep the
money at home which is now spent
elsewhere for processing these
farm products. With the divelop.
men't of such industries in Nebras
ka wo will build greater local mar
koto for both raw and finished
farm products, thereby also creat
ing greater opportunities for busi
ness in our cities and towns.”
Jacob Ktrpp. prominent farm
leader of Columbus, adds his en
dorsement to the advertising cam
paign which, he says, “is valued
very highly by agriculture "
"Any effort to open new and
larger fields for industry will
mean a broader and bdtter market
for agriculture,” Mr. Kupp states.
‘ It will bring higher prices for our
products and therefore raise the
marked value of our farms. There
neve#' was a more opportune time
for this type of campaign-”
Thp Bethel Mission Art cluib
'sponsored a Pre-George Washing
ton Tea Sunday, February 20 at
the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Randall
Roberts, 1711 No. 28th street.
Nearly one hundred guests were
| served. Mesdam^s Rose and Jar
j rett were hostess. t
A request solo was rendered by
Mrs. Downing accompanied by Miss
Addie Foxall at the piano. The, ta
blo was beautifully decorated in
red and white.
Mrs. Hattie West, Reporter
North 24th Street
1807 No. 24th St. WE 4240
Have your old shoes made to
look ajnd wear like new.
Our invisible resoling is ji st
what you need to keep ycur
feet nice and warm.
Men's and Women's shoes
left over for sale.
A Three Days7 Cough
Is Your Danger Signal
No matter how many medicines
you haVe tried for your cough, chest
cold, or bronchial Irritation, you can
get relief now with Creomulsion.
Serious trouble may be brewing and
you cannot afford to take a chance
with any remedy less potent than
Creomulsion, which goes right to
the seat of the trouble and aids na
tur^to soothe and heal the Inflamed
mucous membranes and to loosen
and expel the germ-laden phlegm.
Even if other remedies have failed,
don't be discouraged, try Creomul
sion. Your druggist is authorised to
refund your money if you are not
thoroughly satisfied with the bene
fits obtained from the very first
bottle. Creomulsion is one word—not
two, and it has no hyphen in it.
Ask for it plainly, see that the namo
on the bottle is Creomulsion, and
you’ll get the genuine product and
the relief you want. (Adv.)
Paint, Glass and Varnish
We do glazing and make window
shades to order
1822 24 N. 24 WE 1607
a on dlouA ta
> HOIB ¥01)3! MAN
Look at your hair. Is it as radiant as it
used to be? He’s naturally the first to
\\ notice its fading —he's counting those
I grey hairs as they appear. Don’t let that
go on. You can do something about it.
With a simple home application of
Godefroy’s Larieuse you can give your
hair glorious new color—hide every
grey hair. Then you can hold the man
of your choice. Larieuse is guaranteed to
satisfy. Get a bottle at your dealer's today.
If your dealtr
does not have
»• «"d $,-2S HAIR COLORING 70
direct to
Bird Art Brie
Will Modernize Your Home
Like fine face brick in appearunce, it is applied
over insulating board without removing the old
wood siding, thus affording double protection ^and
insulation. In your own neighborhood there’s a
house we can show you and an owner who will tell
of the added comfort, beauty and fuel saving.
Bird Brie comes In several colors and blends.
Let us estimate—JA 5000.
1 to 5 Years to Pay
The Micklin finance plan will
take care of all details for
Bird Brie or other Improve
ments. No money down.
a JA 5000 =
3 room Apt. Bills paid. JA 0986.
Large front room, furnished, 2836
FYanklin, JA 2549,
Room for rent 2310 No, 22nd St.
Liquor Store
Specials on
wines and Whiskey
2 year old Whiskey 1
90 proof, pint.. * wV
24th and Patrick JA 9255
Beware Kidney
Germs if Tired,
Nervous, Aching
Are you Run Down. Nervous, Buffer Aching
or Swollen Joints? Do you Qet Up Nights, or
Buffer from Burning Passages, Frequent
Headaches, Leg Pains, Backache, Dirtiness,
Puffy Eyelids, Loss of Appetite and Energy?
If so, the true cause often may be germs
developed in the body during colds, or by
bad teeth or tonsils that need removing.
These germs may attack the delicate mem
branes of your Kidneys or Bladder and often
cause much trouble. Ordinary medicines
can't help much because they don't fight the
germs. The doctor's formula fystes, now
stocked by all druggists, starts fighting Kid
ney germs In 3 hours and must prove entirely
satisfactory In 1 week and be exactly the
medicine you need or money hack Is guar
anteed. Telephone your druggist for Cystcx
(Siss-texl * today. The guaranty » >rotccts
you. Copr. 1837 The Knox Co.
r> room, modern, sun porch. $2#
Inquire at 3109 Corby St. W1
Neatly furnished rooms strickly
modern for rent $2.00 per week
and up. Apartment and house* foi
rent. Call ATIantic 7436, *i
Mrs. E. Z Dizon, WEbster 3678
1617 No. 29th St.
2517 Corby St.
2825 Parker St.
Apply at office
1607ti Cuming St. 2nd Floor
Call J V 5033 or HE 0069
Apartment for rent AT 9320.
Apartment for rent 2502 Burdette.
Street. AT 9460.
One room with use of kitchen in
modern home* Inquire at 2211
Grant street.
Two furnished rooms WE 3738.
FOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette
Apartments, 2616-18 Fames, or
2613 Grant at. Call We. 5663.
1,411 jre front room, single or coupl-s
2423 Maple. WE G070.
Enroll Now For Course In
Best Paying Field for Girls. Bovs. Men and Women
Individual Instruction. Under State Board Supervision
All Kinds of Beauty Work at Scfhool Prices.
Versie Winston, Manager
.2204 Ohio Street AT. 5902
you save!
...with an
Here's simple arithmetic 1 Food protection plus quan
tity buying plus bargain specials plus low operating
cost EQUALS real savings . . . with a modem Electric
Refrigerator. Why not see the new models at your
dealer's today? Note their spacious interiors. Learn
how surprisingly little they cost to own and operate.
THEN ... let a modem Electric Refrigerator help
you SAVE1 R
Nemuska—TNtt ‘‘White Spot"
. ■ of The Nation
• a * j.