The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 26, 1938, Image 1

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    ! Largest j Cents
1 Negro Paper *1
in Nebraska i__ Copy j
Entered as S»-c«Tid Clsst- Matter-i* Po*toffic«, Omaha Nebraska- OMAHA, NEBRASKA SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1938 VO’- XT, NO. 44
Roscoe Smith, Steve Locke Win Golden Glove Final
■ ' — ■" '■ ■■ \
Leaders Endorse “White Spot” Campaign
Lincoln. Nebr. Feb. 24—Interest
ard amazement are exprssed by
persons in a'!l parts of the country
whose requests for more informa
tion about Nebraska, White Spot
of America, are pouring into tile
offices of the Associated Industries
of Nebraska in response to the ad
vertisements in Time magazine.
At a uncheon in Cleveland, O.
recently, executives of a national
advertising agency were discussing
il there were not “somewhere one
state in the union where conditions
the*, *f'tMju"ib;'d in --^••r adver
tisement actually exist,” one If
those advertising executives, re.
ports-' "The information contained
in your advertisement in Time of
February 7 followed closely on the
heels of that luncheon discussion,”
ho adds. “Surroundedas we are in
Ohio by many labor troubl s and
conflicting viewpoints of political
parties, it gives many of'us a gen
uine pleasure and not a little cour
age for the future to know that
there are still in America men
whose feet are on solid ground, and
*»*;. who hnve a true respect for
volitions of public trust.”
'Allow me as an individual,” he
M-ru'cs, ‘‘to arid my tithe of appre
ciation v,, your accomplishments ”
From . consulting engineer in
Louisiana, who had written for
mare mfonn.»jon aft,er reading the
Time advertisement t)f January 10,
'eyrnes hiph^p^? for Nebraska’s
taxation and financial situation.
‘Surely you can be proud of the
record that has been made, and
what strikes me is that this accom
plishment could o-nly have been
made by the cooperation of many
individuals—no one man could have
put over and maintained these,
magnificent policies,” he states,
die compares Nebraska’s tax
rates with those on property he
owns in Mississippi where the city
levy is 46 mills and the state and
county, 62 mills, in addition to
‘dozens of special taxes ” He also
outlines the tax situation in Louis
iana, declaring that this state has
“the heaviest taxes, both direct and
indiirect, of any state, in the coun
try,” and concludes. “I wonder how
in Heaven’s name you have pre
served your status.”
'This is the best advertisement
I have ever seen. It should be sent
to gwernois of all states and the
President.” is the notation made by
George W. Harris, Albany, N. Y.,
on a copy of the. January 10 ad
vertisement from Time Magazine.
0. F. Hey wood, retired general
agent of an express company, in
Portland, Ore., writes for informa
tion on “how you got that way ”
“Wq are a XXXX of a long
ways out here from being the
Bright Spot with all of the labor
rackets and politicians who are
‘money mad,', he says.
Within Nebraska, too, the White
Spot map is becoming a symbol of
Chambers of Commerce and busi
ness firms in increasing numbers
weekly. They print it on the enve
lopes and on the back of stationery
to help spread the facts about Ne
braska’s advantages and opportun
ities for industry.
('m- industries committee is tak
ing cognizance of all these point
ers you are sendng us and we want
you to know we appreciate what
is being done to bring Nebraska.
h‘‘r towns and the White Spot so
forcibly before the country. We
are making use of the cut on much
of our town’s stationery,’ writes E.
H. Westeott, secre'ary of the
FlaUsmouth Chamber of Commer
On the reverse side of the month
ly statement of Nebraskas financ’a'
-vomiitinri issued by the state trea
surers office is a largo White Spo.;
map with the words. ‘The White
Spot shows that Nebraska alone
has NO income tax, NO sales tax,
NO luxury taxes. Its debt-free
state government levies nothing
to pay interest on bonds because
‘Y’ Activities
Tho Annual Membership Cam
paign of the N'orthsid.e YWCA will
start with the Take Off on Wed
ncsday evening, March 2- This year
the Y takes to the air with an air
plane flight. The ten Pilots with
their navigator and agents are
expected to return with a total of
200 passengers or memberships.
The capacity of each plane is 20.
Wa expect that each plane will
return filled to capacity. Ms. Vera
Price, chairman of the Membership
Committee is the field manager,
Mrs. Ruth W,heeler Co chairman is
the Chief Traffic Manager or
in other words. General Chairman
of the drive.
The s.hips and the pilots who are I
flying them are as follows: The j
Spirit of St. Louis. Pilot Zella |
Broadus; Trans Pacific, Pilot Leona
McVay; Pan American Special,
Pilot Susie Yancy; Great Silver
Fleet. Pilot Dorothy Pollard; China
Clipper, Pilot Estella Waters; I
Overland Flyer, Pilot Geraldine ,
Stewart: Flagship Omaha Pilot
Minnie Dixon: Silver Air Express,
Pilot Gertrude Vawter: United Air
Liner, Pilot Vera Cowan: Sundown
er. Pilot Essie Porter.
Each pilot will be accompanied
hi a navigator and two agents as
the crew. The crews will be announ
ce(] later.
The Worship Service of the
Quack club will be led by Mrs.
Herbert Wiggins, a member of the
Committee of Management. A pro
gram will be rendered by the pu
blic Affairs Committee with the
chairman, Lydia Rogers, in charge.
A new class has been started at
the Y namely, How to meet the
Public. This class, me^ts-on Mon
day nights.
The Semper Fidelis club and the
Cross Kicks cluli PdRfcrirted St.
Valentines day with a Dutch Treat
The girls decorated their table very
lovely and all were partakers of
delicious food.
Facts vs. Rumors:
Regarding Logan
Fontenellc Homes
By S. E. Gilbert
Having now be n connected with
hc Housing project here in Oma
ha fur a month in the capacity of
Application Clerk ar.d noting that
iha gi'oup of which I am identified
j has failed to make application f if
apart manta in proportion to the'r
i known needs, I wish to contribute
that which I deem my civic duty
that of imparting to you informa
tion. Information which I find
through investigation will play
a great part in rectifying erron
eous data that has been put out
concerning eligibility and rules of
the Logan Fantenellc Homes.
It is the wishes of the manage
ment to have you know that they
are vitally concerned about that
group of families whose incomes
range between $65 00 and $100.00
per month, thereby dispelling the
rumor that it is ncessary for one
to be earning $85 00 per month in
order to be eligible.
Another very damaging rumor
that has been put out is to the ef
fect that all ligh's must be turned
out at 11 p. m.. which is very un
true. You find in connection with
the Logan Fontenelle Homes, rules
no different from those always
necessary with many families in
the same place. You have, the right
to burn your lights as long as you
wish, however, certain stipulated
regulations are set up governing
the use of light and gas, said re
gulations are as follows: Included
in your monthly rent you are al
lowed for three room apartments
a kilowatt consumption ranging
from 60 kilowatts in June to 80
kilowatts in December; four room
houses from 70 to 96 kilowatts;
five oom houses from 75 to 100.
Gas allowance for three room
apartments, 1.600 cubic feet; four
rooms 1,800 cubic feet; and five
rooms 2.000 cubic feet per month.
Consumption of either electric or
gas in excess of these allowance
will be charged against the tenant
as additional rent.
In regards to the having com
pany in your home, may I state
that you have the full right of
any American citizen, which im
plies. the right to desirable sur
(Continued on Page Three)
Club Entertains At
Old Folks Home
The Commercial club, on Sunday.
February 13, at 4:30 p. m. enter
tained the occupants of the Old
Folks Home with a chicken dinner,
which was augmented by a varied
program of music and speeches.
The club will also sponsor at the
Uiban League, a school of instruc
tion in heating.
Mr. and Mirs. Alolph Hicks of
2432 Blondo street are are first
among the Colored group to pass
the government inspection for their
future home at the Logan Fortten
elle Apartments and will be com
fortably located about March 1.
The Ritz Photo Shop wishes to
express their appreciation to the
Omaha Guide for lending their
support toward making their busi
ness a success.
Members of
Ritz Photo Shop Staff
gji^KimVnft]-ifll M
Washington. I). C, Feb. 21—'1 h
veto on closure on the anti-lynching
hill, taken February 16 at onf o’
clock, resulii d in 42 in favor of
i.nd 46 against, as follows:
Adams, Ashurst, Farkley, Bone,
Brown (Mich.), Hulkley, Capper,
Chavez. Clark, Copeland, Davis,
Dieterich, Donahey, Duffy. Gillet
te', Green, Guffey. Hatch, Hitch
cock, Hughes, Johnson (Co!o.). La
Follttfe. Lee. Lewis, Logan, Loner
gan, McAdoo, McGill, Maloney,
Minton, M'urroy, Neely, Pope.
Swartz, Schwellenbach, Thomas
• (Okla-). Thomas (\Jtah), Town
send. Truman, Van Nu.vs, Wagner,
Andrews, Austin, Hailey, Bank
head. Berry, Bilbo, Borah, Bulow,
BUItKE, Byrd, Byrnes, Caroway,
Connally, Elleiidcr, Frazier,
George, Gerry, Gihson, Gass, Hale,
Harrington, Hayden, Herring, Hill,
Holt, Johnson (Calif.), King,
Lodge, McKellar, McNary, Miller,
Milton, NORRIS, O'Mahoney, Over
tern, Pepper, Radcl'ffe, Reynolds,
Russell. Sheppard, Shipstead,
Smith, Tydings, Vandenberg,
Brown (N. H.), I.undeen, Mc
Corran, Nye, Pittman, Reames,
Smathers, White.
Omaha Negro Council
Org-anizes Youth
On Sunday afternoon, February,
Id. in the Urban League Commun
ity Center, the Omaha Council of
the National Negro Congress sat
in motion a youth council with the
following temporary officers: Mr.
Nathaniel Goldsfcon, president; Mr.
Edward Bruce, vice presdent; and
Miss Mabel Longmire, executive
The youth council held a mam
mouth forum Sunday, February 20
at 3:30 p, m.. at which time a pan
el discussion on the Federal Anti
lynching bill was conducted by the
Critic cub. The meeting was held
:n the auditorium of the Urban J
League Community Center.
Wanamakcrs Make4
Apology for Slur
New York, Feb. 24—John Wana
maker’s store here has sent writ
ten apologies to all persons who
protested the use of the offensive
word ‘'nigger” in an advertisement
appearing some weeks ago for ra
Watch for our 32-page Eleventh
Annual Anniversary Edition. Full
of interesting facts about you and
yours. Two full pages of the Oma
ha Guide’s publishing plant and
two full pages of local leading ac
Two Colored Hoys
Win Places On The
Golden Gloves Team
! Two of the smartest and ol-*r**
i st litUo boxers that wcr"' in the
World If' r?! i G Hi n C I 'ves to a ■
nament wi 1 1 >tvp for ( hie»g> with
flip Midw st Chamfrons Saturday
to reprcsa't the Mid flp. West at
the National Gold* n Glovp« to hr>
hr’ld in Ch’crjro F brua'v 28 to
March 2. Both of them won the
championship of their division at
th“ Ak-Sar Bi-n Goliseum on Thurs
day night February 17. Roscoe
Smith, who won over Reuben Lin
ker on a decision, gave th fans a
(great thrill in his three rounds of
: fighting', lip fought one < f the
greatest fights of his career. He
gave Linker everything he had.
He cut witted Linker in very res
pect. Linker had been tiaing thre{,
j cars for the Goldi n Goves and
was the favorite to win th light
weight championship, but when hp
ran into that gTent little southpaw,
Roscoe Smith, he ran. into plenty
of dynamite. This was Smith’s
first time to fight in the golden
glove*. Ho is 16 years old and a
student at Tech high school, al
though hp as been out of school
about a year he will return in the.
fall. His chances will be very good
at Chicago. You will hear a lot
nior„ about him in the future.
The other Negro champion that
wo have is Stove Locke of Grand
Island, who won tbo bantamweight
championship. Locke won his final
bout also on a decision. He beat
that great little Indian fighter
Bernard Springer, who fought for
the Fre mont Fire Department. He
was quite a springer at that, be
cause Locke couldn’t catch up with
him to make him fight. H0 was all
over the ring trying to catch
Springei-. Lock*, has been fighting
for five years. He is very smart
and athletic instuctor at the Com
muity Center of Grand Island
Hillside Radio
Choir In Concert
The Hillside church radio broad
casting choir, under the. direction
of Rev. J. S. Williams rendered a
musical pvogram at St. John AME ,
church. Sunday evening February '
20 at 7:30 p. m.
Roscoe Smith, lightweight hard right to the face. Photo
champion, hits Pinker with a courtesy of World Herald.
Wagon Wheelers
Go Tobogganing
Sunday afternoon. February 20,
] i< m’ era of the Wagon Wheel club,
that newly organized sports club
v. hich has awakened such high
hopes in the hearts of those who
ere mi nibus, for a richer ami full
er lifo through sports, and which
has caused such favorable com
ii’rrt from th is, wh ' are not mem
bers. but who n cognize the great
need for such a club, sp *nt a very
ohilirating and exciting two hours I
on a tabogganing party which
opened the clubs sports activities.
The club used one of the fastest
and most dangerous runs in the
city, but there were no accidents.
Many of the members were un
able to attend their first sports
party because of illness and work.
Those who attended were Mr. and
Mrs. Grady Fry, Misses Ella Mae
Mills and Estella Robertson, Mrs
George Porter, Mrs. Louis White,
Mr. Valder Ra'cliff and two young
club admirers, Kenneth Myers and
John Hamilton, jr.
The club regrets very much the
illness of Mrs. Russell Reese. Her
vivacious personality is missed on
any occasion and we are hoping
for her speedy recovery.
Th0 next meeting of the club
will be at the home of Mr- and Mrs.
Robert Britt, the first week in
During the month of February,
the worship chairman will turn
the worship service over to Mrs
Herbe rt 'Diggins. who is a member
of the committee of management.
Dr. C. J- Courtney of Creighton
university spoke before the club on
the labor movement. Two Quacks
chosen as represen'atives of the
club will meet at the Central “Y”
Wednesday to make plans for the
net ion wide ba-nqudt which will
take place on March 4
lone Jones, President
Willa Jakes, Reporter
Mil, and Mrs. Reuben Moore
wish to announce the marriage of
their daughter, Lucille- to Mr. Leu
ay Gustin, son of Mr. and Mrs
Guston. on February 16, 1938
Washington, D. 0., Feb- 24—The
failure of the Senate on February
10 to vote for clotuie on the anti
lynching bill fi;'b’jster ami thus
end ti.i debate which has been in
P ogr< ss since January 6 was re
garded here ns being certain to
cause widespread r< percussions in
both the d mocrat'c and republi
can parties in the ejections of 1938
and 1940.
The vote on the clotutre motion
was 42 for and 46 against.
I’>y th's vote, the supporters of
the legislation showed that they
had gained some strength since
January 27 when the first vote for
cloture was taki n. On that date,
there were 37 votes for clot lire and
til against. The supporter thus
gained five votes. Thjj, irepvv'ol can
blue again voh d agnfatat •*le+,j>m
but this time not as solid as
on January forSenators Arth.
m Cupgp nf Kansas, John G
TownsewE Jr. of Delaware and
tames .ill avis of Pennsylvania,
voted foiB- oture. finnator Capper
was the oBi republican to vote for
cloture o«J inuary 27.
Relr Bill Threatens
linless l> ie unforeseen happen
ing intei®r';<s, the anti-lynching
liill is sen.ded to be displaced
IW.mlay, m President Roosevelt’s
$250,000;..® Relief b’ll. The failure
of the ant® j aching bill Supporters
to win clt®u a made displacement
by the relBf bill almost inevitable
Support®- of the anti-lnching
bill and iMrtmg lobbyists for the
measure wiC' have been fighting
day anti n® h i for its passage in
dicated th® ■£ all the bills in the
Congress, t - relief bill was the
one measu®- which they could not
fight succAfnlly; indeed, they are
reported ® believing that relief
effects so ®any destitute persons,
both white®a id Negroes, that in
sistence ui®i continued debate on
tlie anti-ly®h ing bill would work
hardship u®r. a great many peo
ple who an®ftiVorable to the anti
lynching hi®
It was en®l isized here that the
nnti-lynchinl >ill be displaced, it
will be onljl From its position as
the unfinisl q business of the
Senate and I * 1 not mean that it
will taken oil ihe calendar. It may
still be callel f?p at any time dur
ing the seal >|i that a favorable
opportunity jpi sents itself.
In his speelli Wfi’b-.tay urgyj#-'
a vote for clotug!,^ tatpr fldbert
F. Wagner co-spnnso, ^5r the bill
“The Constitution of the Un
ited States is the supreme, law
of the land.. It was adopted,
among other reasons, in order
to establish justice promote
tho general welfare, and secure
the blessings of liberty for our
poepe. The free and: appropri
ate enjoyment of the various
fundamental civil rights em
bodied in the amendments of
tho Constitution are the veTy
basis of any democratic form
of government, local or other
wise. Foremost among these
fundamentals guaranties is
that of all persons to be ac
corded tho equal protection of
the laws and due process of
law-. It is the high pmiv'se of
this bill to make a r Iby of
these fundamental guaranty
in a s:,nation vhert notorious
ly C ■ havn been naught but
(("/n. 'nuvd on Page Two)