HINES TAILOR SHOP Cleaning, Pressing and Re pairing, .Dyeing and Hat Cleaning Dresses Cleaned and Press ed—Fur Crafting, Etc. 2523 Q STREET Men’s Dress Shirts 13^ to 20 j $1.00 Men’s Ties. $.29—4 for $1.00 Open Saturday Evenings Un' il 9 ACE TIE SPOP 1402 Farnain Society Girl Lightens Skin Three Shades Discovers magic double-acting bleach She had thought her dark skin was lopeless—that she would never have the Ushionable light skin of other girls. And (hen she found this simple safe way to a dear, creamy skin — Nadinola Bleaching Cream. And in an amazingly short time ihe discovered that her skin was actually I'.iree shades lighter! Not only that—but i was far softer and smoother—free from flemishes and blotches. Just smooth a little Nadinola on at iedtime—no massaging, no rubbing. Then uhile you sleep it immediately begins to dissolve dark pigment. And remember it las DOTBLE-ACTING qualities found i» no other product—that’s why it is so lemarkably quick and sure. Yet it is won derfully gentle to sensitive skin. Satisfaction Guaranteed —or Money Back Get a jar of Nadinola Bleaching Cream it any toilet counter or by mail postpaid, '■Oc. If you are not delighted your money will be cheerfully refunded. Don’t ruin your skin with cheap bleaching creams, ; intmento or lotions—insist on Nadinola •—tested and trusted for over a generation. NADINOLA, Dept. 91, Paris, Tenn. oNodinoia ‘Bleaching Cream — I VISIT THE New Elite Bar 2423 N 24th St. i Drinks Of All Kinds At Moderate Prices Specinl Courtesy to Ladies Direct Wire on All Sporting Events Christopher & McGill, Props. | I AFTER 45 B Very often as you grow B older vour digestivesys B tem become* deficient ^B and your blood can not ^B get the proper nourish H ment. You feel listless and worn out. Try a tingle bottle of famous old Hoe tetter's. Its stimu lating herbs and loots quickly help in revitalizing the diges tive glands. At drug •tores everywhere.$ 1.50 NOTE:—Your question w.M bt answered FREE in this col umn ONLY when a <1 pping of this column is enclosed with YOUR QUESTION, YOUR FULL NAME, BIRTH DATE and CORRECT ADDRESS. For PRIVATE REPLY send twenty-five cents and a self-addressed, stamped envelope for my NEW ASTROLOGY READING and receive by return mail my FREE ADVICE on THREE QUESTIONS. Send all letters to Abbe Wallace, care of The Omaha Guide. 2418 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska. C. C.—1 am disgusted with life and could commit suicide from this unhappiness. Tell me what to do and if this man will kill me it I leave? Ans: You have a right to be disgusted.but don’t let it get you down. This man you are with is somewhat of a “brute ’ and if you expect to leave you must do so while he is at work. You won’t ever be happy until you make this change. Get a job and have something in view before mov ing. o. s.—Have been a reader for a number of years. There are two women that says that I steal from them and I would like for you to tell mo what is their idea of tell ing this? Ans: They are very untact ful in making statements of this kind and if they only knew that the time might arise where hey would have to prove such they would stick to the truth. Njone of your fri ends believe them. Forget it. M. H. R.—Is my husband going bo be successful in business ? Ans: He is, yes.. but he and you also must continue to pinch your pfnn'nes for a num ber of mkwths yet. Success comes slowly. G. M. W.—I am a reader of your column and I am interested in it. Which one of these young men I know would you advise me to put my interest in ? Ans: BOTH. At this time neither of them is ready to « RobbirTs Pharmacy 2.306 No. 24th St. WE 1711 Ritz Photo Studio 4 Photos—4 Poses—10c Let, us make your application and identification photos. Enlargements 15c to 50c. Open Evenings and Sundays 2035 NO. 24TH ST. LOOK. .. Ladies’ 2 Thread Hosiery in seconds All Newest Iridescent Sihades 49c and up Also A Complete Lime of 1st Quality 2 and 3 Thread Hosiery In The Newest Shades 69c and up Hosiery Headquarters for North Omhha AT FRIEDMAN’S SHOE STORE 1510 No. 24th St JA 0353 8c SH IRTS 8c When Finished Out of Any Family Service EMERSON LAUNDRY ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 Mo. 24th St _WE 1029 marry you but by letting these boys know thait lots of boys are interested in you besides them.they will wake up and start proposing. The newcomer it hat you met recently wants Ito know you better. R. L. J—Will I get the proper y that I think should be mine, after my uncle’s death ? Ans: No I am afraid that you won’t. If you were to have ic reived any property, you would have been notified be fore this time. The other ques tion you have in m;nd don’t allow your husband to discoui-age you for your thought is a good one. __ C. J. M.—Would tt be wise for mc to leave this town as my hus band will not move out of this old :.hed ? Ans: Foice him to do so... but bring it about in such a manner that Ire will not feel that you are having your way. Ivook art.und for a nice place and tell him that you two are moving. When you get the things moved out. he will come j with you E. L. G.—I am just another silly gill desperately in lov?. Do you ' think that young girls are playing I with fire when th y go around with married men? Ans: Indeed I think so. You think that it will break your heart to gi' e this man up now but you can’t imagine any heartache as great as the one ' in store for you if you DON’T STOT* THIS AFFAIR. The man isn’t true to his wife, or ! to you there hre several oth r girls on his string. End the affair before your sister gets wise. • j M. H. S—Do you think that I should go away to Chicago as I ! now have in mind? Ans: Not under the condi I tions that you plan to leave for you would be perfectly miser j able if you dfd go- Tell your boy fri nd that you expect to leave town if he really | cares very much for you. he will put up a squak. You won’t make a trip before the. first of the year. -o The many fri' nds of Mr. Wendell Willis will be interested to hear of his appointment as l: acher in the Attucks school at. Kansas City, Mo- Mr. Willis receiived his B. A dcgr.es and teachers certificate from Nebraska university in 1933. -o 1 “Its All Over Town.’’ a drama will be given by the Senior choir of Zion Baptist church, Tuesday evtning. 8:30 p. nv, February 22 I Don’t miss it BETHEL AME CHURCH Rev. T. J Sanford. Pastor j. S- Jefferson. Reporter Sunday school opened at 9:46 Excetent attendance. Subject for discussion, Mark 2:23-28 and 3:1 -«»- Everyone took an active , art in the lesson. Sunday was an other great dhy in Bethel. The pas tor ascended t.he pulpit to deliver his message which was found in St. John 9:1. “And as JVsus passed by he saw a man who was born blind from his birth." Everyone enjoyed the services, with the ad j ditions of two joiners. The sick of the church are: Sis. Stella Saunders. Miss Thelma Lewis. We are praying for their speedy recovery. Our visitors were Mesdames Da vis, Maude Richard and Minnie Cooper, also the daughter of our present presiding elder, Rev. J. W Williams, and Messrs J. P. Brown, Robert Gray and Jt>hn Ilunkins. jr. The ACE League meets at 6:30 every Sunday evening. We wish for all those who can be present. 1 wish to announce a Patriotic Tea at 2711 No. 28th avenue Sunday, February 20, by the Sacrifice club of Bethel. Hours 4 to 8. Mrs Bow ler. president. Visitors are always welcome to our church. Remember our prayer and class every Wednesday even ing. ____ ST. PHILIP’S CHURCH Rev. E. M. M Wright, Rector Services for Sexagesima Sunday Church school at 9:30 a. m. Solemn Sacrifice of the Holy Eu charist and sermon at 11:00 a- m. A church with a personal-social message, a hearty handshake, a warm heart and an denial gospel with a modem interpretation. A cordial welcome awaits stran ger*. visitors and friends. AUTUMN LEAF CLUB The Autumn Leaf club of Plea sant Green Baptist church will hold a Patriotic Luncheon on February 21. at 1908 No. 28th street, at 8 p. m. Admission will be fifteen cents. Everyone i$ welcome to at tend E. Watters, President -o Mr. Travis DiAon. who was for merly employed by Hayden Bro thers, is now with the Fontepelle Homes project, as messenger and guide. Cleo Cola! I Queen of Sparkling Drinks] : 1 2 oz. fer 5C : THAT MEN ADMIRE £ND WOMEN ENVY When skin is too dark, rough, blot chy, etc., spread 'em genuine Dr. FRED PALMER’S SKIN WHITENER. It must work faster to lighten, brighten and help clean up skin or money back. 25c at drug stores. ttipiL I REE SAMI LETForFrt^S^mple write to DR FRED PALMER’S I LABS.. Dept. I)-302 Atlanta. Ga. | um—ai l?.".—_ CO. NO SHORT WRIGHTS “Cool It Our Butinets ,, , Not Our Sideline” COMET SEMI-LUMP .I SI 1.25 OOMET MINE RUN 'ISXSSl.$9.75 BLACK JOE SEMI-LUMP SKt*'.. $10.75 BLACK JOE MINE RUN.*...$9.25 TRADEWATER LUMP $9.50 TRADEWATER NUT $9.26 ■Hi MOA ITVMAAB TO SHOW—RIU TOC* COAL UK IS LOW-AX lillW Atty. John Adams, Jr. 310 Karbach Bldg 15th and Douglas St, In the Ounty Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Cornelia Burrell, deceased. All persona interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 7th day of February 1938 Net tie J. Fredericks and Enrline filed a petition in said County Court, pray mg that th^'ii' final administration account filed herein be settled. and allowed and that hey b;> discharged from their trust as execut (♦»•.< and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 5th day of March 1938, and that if jou fail to appear before said Court on the 5th day of March 1938 at 9 o’clock a- m., and contest, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirahlp, ar.d make such other and further orders, allowances and decree*, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined. Bryce Crawford County Judge Atty. H. C-. Robertson. Room 718 Keeline Bldg, at 17 and Harney St. NOTICE of PROBATE of WILL In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Theodore Scott Simpson. Deceased. All persons interested in said es tate are hereby notified that a pe tition has been filed in said Court, praying for the probate of a cer- l tain instrument now on file in said i Court, purporting to be the last will and tesament of said deceased, and that a hearing will be had <>n said petition before said Court on the 5th day of March 1938 and that if they fail to appear at sadi Court on the said 5th day of March at 9 o’clock A. M., to contest the probate of said will, the Court may allow and probate said will and grant administration of said estate to Leota L. Simpson or some other suitable person, enter a de gree of heirship, and proceed to a settlement thereof, estate to Lulu Stout or some other suitable person, enter heirship, and proceed to a settlement thereof. Bryce Crawford ( _County Judge Ifidelity] j SPECIALS.. ON NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED . . . Eluht-pleer walnut flnl.li illniint ro«»in suite, 00-ln. buffet, extension table, host and five side C vt n cn chairs . $49.50 . . . Modern five pirn* bedroom suite til genuine walnut veneer, round mirror i vanity, panel bed. large chest of draw ers, Innerspring mattress and CCO CA hrllcul tied bed spring ... . vOCivU I • • • Living room suite, five-piece, davenport and elialr, tapestry covering. I j choice of colors, durable construction, end table, fuble lamp nnd ss ra | metal smoker.$0 9*50 ... Studio couch, full innerspring with pillows, opens to twin or 0 | A CA full site bed.$19.50 . . • fias range, table model, folly In sulated, porcelain throughout, speed burners, automatic starter, CdA CA service compartment.JiDU VELVET RUG SIZE 9*12. one-piece.$22.50 JENNY LIND IEO Walnut Finish, only.$7.50 VISIT OUR EXCHANGE DEFT. Where Sou Will Find Good Furniture I Hatjrnine f„, every room In your home, i Terms te Suit Your Focketbook . . . F/enty of Free Forking | Space FIDELITY I Furniture Department Aooocinte of FIDF.MTT STORAGE A VAN <0.. Inc. 1107 HOWARD ST. JA 0298 1 " ■' ... . CLASSIFIED ADS I KOU RENT Lafyare front 1*0010, single or couple 2423 Maple. WE 6070. FOR RENT Apartment for rent 2502 Burdette. Street, AT 9460. FOR RENT One room with use of kitchen in modern home. Inquire at 2211 Grant street, FOR RENT Two furnished rooms WE 3738 FOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette Apartments, 2616-18 PatncK. or 2613 Grant at. Call We. 6663. Ally. Kay L. Williams Room 206 Tuchman Bldg. 24th and Lake Sts. - I PROHATE NOTICE In the matter of the estate of Lovelac Campbell Deceased. Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of said de ceased will meet the administrator of said estate before me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebras ka, at the County Court Room, in Raid County, on the 4th day of April 1938 and on the 4th flay of June 1938 at 9 o’clock A. M., from the 4th day of March 1928. each day, for the purpose of pre senting their claims for examina tion, adjustment and allowance Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, Bryce Crawford County J*Udge 2 19 38—3 5 39 FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms striekly modern for rent $2.00 per week and up. Apartment and houses for rent. Call ATlantic 7435, or Mrs. E. Z ICzon, WEbster 3678 HOUSES FOR KENT 1617 No. 29th St. 2517 Corby St. 2825 Parker SC Apply at office 16074 Cuming St. 2nd Floor Cal! .1 \ 5033 or KE 6069 FOK RENT Apartment for t nt AT 9320. OP SKAGGS If. P. KELLY KiTlI and LOCUST NTS Bl’TTEK NUT COFFEE 1 lb. 27c 2 lb. can 54c BUTTER NUT SALAD 1)RF:SSING ... (It. 29c P. * G. PEA NUT K RACK EL .Qt. 'Jar 29c ROBERTS MILK ....