I _ Published Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant Street, Omaha. Nebraska Phones: WEbster 1517 or 1518 | Cntered as Second Class Matter March 15. 1927 at the Postoffice at Mnaha. Neb., under Act of Congress of March 1, \879. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER YEAR Race prejudice must go. 1 lu* Fatherhood of God and the Brother lood of Man must prevail. These are the onlj principles which will itai.d the acid test of good. All News Copy of Churches and all Organizations must he in out tffice not later tnan 5:00 p. m. Monday fur current issue. All Adver tising Copy or Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, proceed ing date of issue, to insure publication. ..EDITORIALS.. ? The Dangrous Walker “J augeroi.s vv- In.ng’’ i i i ^parable from the aulo a ci dent Situation. Autlum if in formation in iicalcs t'lia ■ >j per cent of aJl pede trim deaths | are due in son e measure to 'm fault, of (lie pedestrian. In (lies. , eanei i, the walker .sn’t lie in noeent victim li i usu ly i>i tured, hut definitely eon r.lmt es to his own doom. 'The National Sal’ ty (’imu ^ eil ! 14 gests fi e s. pie and prae ieal things the pel strian can do to keep tin* Dark Angel a,t. a safe di lance. First, obey raffic signals t/ne naane jv good drivers do. Second, learn he laws and •rdinances in effect in state or city to regulate traffic from a pedes rianD point of view, his lights and his duties. Third Having dun* this, a pedes rian i in portion to de maud a better are plane* of their obligations by dp.vers. Fourth*— TaJf e.fetv. as well as t he man a the wild I. Many p. destriails la* lieve they should lie allowed to •onunit abnost any raffic * r ror. The sad re lilts of that no tion are found ,n the daily ac •ideut figures. Stop The Recession The hopes ,hat wire held out during the first hrnlf of this year for continued ex pan ion fl|f ji'ndust rJd ^rodubOion, iUi. growth of private employment und an increasing national in come, have bei« disi paled. The United Staler* enters the new year under the cloud of a critical business reee. sion. The values of securities de preeiated by more than 40 pel* cent, in a single week during October,—and are s ill hov ertng near due lows reached at /hat- time, The unemployment •♦•»dv iu the heavy in totals, no.- . , duR.rie1, are soaring se. * i The standardindieeR of busmetu activity have shown alarming and continued drop*. Frighten j ed investors reveal an increas ing disinclination to put their J money in productive enter prise. Individual*, worried as to the future, are cu ting pe^;., ifmal buying to the limit, with the resultant depres-ive influ ence on tJhe entAre bushiest structure, A chaotic labor sit uation is Ntill another barrier to the normal progress of trade and industry. Inis recession cannot dr ac curateJy compared to the oc casional declines which char acterise almost all upward bus iness cycles. It is, instead, the inevitable result of a long se ries of deliberate acttlj which culminate only in what we wit ness today. Those whose voices were dif^egarded for (many years, because they refused to view conditions through rose colored glasses, are Seeing all their prophecies and their fears come true today. The federal government has pursued a policy of competi tion witfci private business, that has prevented the spending of billions of private capital. The federal government has pursued a fiscal policy which, long enough continued, must end in bankruptcy—and it has continuously put off the day of reckoning. Some two dollars have been spent for every dol lar received in . tax revenues The federal debt has doubled in about five years. And the burden of the present heavy faxes, plus the prospect of ev - . . ! en heavier taxes in the future. bias been oiip of the mo t damp ening of aJl influences that re tard.' irwef^anont and •indus trial development. i The federal, as well as sev eral of the state government', has hampered normal eompe ti lion in the field of retail trade, to the end that prices have been ar ificudly forced, upward, and the consumer has' rebelled. Business ha beeu burdened with H]>et* al taxis which, while [ snwdl revenue producers, dis * rupt normal indu trial opera-} •lions, prevent the creation of fi„Hl—*iai ijurplllses which are' necessary guards again'-11 bad times, and disc'k,U'Oge ex-j pension. j In brief, government has in f late years tended to he says it is costii g ^ each family in the U. S., $160 a year, just for irambos norma' stuff — not in.j eludi ng rrlief | And 1 g d ou my | wn pencil, end it is a month nut. i f my own jeans— hrec and •• half a we k. Wow, that’s mjn y. I gu^s I s'-ire If n a sue’ e*r ’.V-te- in’ 'o ail this sw ■. t stuff 1 been swallowing wh la—and n ;.’ 1 ryin’ into deta ls or Icokiu’ un’e 1 Lh< blankets nr(i bin] cut who is ' ll're. and ft* t',Ti the mom y, jrul h n g-bb< r, L.» *ky$, J“ y "I are Just the kind of a duck who is to blame- He says also, nobody s ever goin' to slow down Sambo, till w;r vote and pay on the same day. He says, if people dug up the. cash on election day. we would nit see so much tomfoolery, and so many $10,000 Govt, tellers l idi i' in automobiles longer than your own old wreck. This neighbor guy—he s a pretty feller. .JO SURRA which means a balance! bud get, o.nd a plan for steadily re due',ng the national deb . Sixth, in matters that affect all industry, there mus tie a cooperative spirit toward our groat security qxohangert, in stead of an inimical a titude that, tends to render them im potent. There muist be a re building of our faith in the processes and philosophy of our constitutional form of gov ernment. The industrial and agricul turn! resource.1! of this country are greater than ever. We lead the world in national wealth, n living standards, in oppor tunity, and in potential achievt me»t for the betterment of all Out of thiss can come a finet civilization than the world has ever known—tif only we use ti the fullest, extent tlhe tools w* have. And in securing this, tin first essential is fairness ant tolerance—on the part of in dustry, of government, of laboi and of all other elements in oui national life. Drive Mobilized For Antl-Lyn It T\Y (Continued from Fstge Ore ! no against any amendment, an-i especially against this amendme t In New York, On D ember .9 i ij -rx-entatiyes of e'gh no o a' ■ graniza ien met at the rfftee of h" Nation- 1 As-’O'-iati n for th Advancement of Colore ’ Po.-'p' _> to "'on 'he final strategy for tlvc : r et»s?n«» of th lr rr/mbr'sYps for I the drive for enactment. Organ’s?. tions represented besides tha N. A. 1 I A. C P. were the Fed?" • 1 Council | of Chu"ch s, Tb) Anv't'c n C'v'l , I 'b-r'ies Union, the Fo-;ety of | Congregnti nal a tl ChrVt an Wo. mrn of N ‘w Yn- k State, Th > In . t rd"m’r'ationt'l Mirist r Confe1’ NTitval Urban League, fount”! for Sccial Action, nnd tve V it" Women's Christian Assoc'a- ! t'on. Also represented was the 'I-t^r oc: 1 Review,” oft’c'al mon it!t-- m-nsr'ne of the Negro Ca 1.1. 1 4 3 * I itb'P s of A nr idea. Th'' Conference agreed: 1 Have telegrams sent to srna tors from their local branches urg ing them to stand pat aga’nst any ; amendments and to vote for th ‘ bill. , 2. To instruct their membership that any legislative jam caused by a filibuster will b? the respons’b 1 ' , ity of the opponents of the bill, j ( since the supporters of the bill j»r. ready to vote at anytime; tha‘ rape is not the cattse of lynching", being charged in only one-six'h o'' the cases; that the county penalty clause is not a tax upon the inno. I cent, but u nrevert'v'e for lynch ing* and that it is contained in P'ob v oli nee statutes in twenty, threo states; that the decrease in ' ivnchings has been caused primar !lj by tb increased agitation for a federal an'i.lynching bill; and that in 1937 the law enforcement officials have shown 100 per cent inability or unwillingness to do anything to pun;sh lynchers since there has not bo n a single arrest. All organizations and their mem. bers are ugred to keep in constant touch with their senators on th° bill by letter and telegraph and to walch the debate daily. Rohbin’s Pharmacy 2306 No. 24th St. WE 1711 NEBRASKA PRODUCE ROS 18 North 24th Street Phone WE 4137 ■ Poultry and Egg Dealers Out prices are reasonsable, • see us first. i » a ■ ■ ■<■ ■ Mis. Bobbie Simpson returned ti her home in Kansas Ci'.y, Mo.- af trr attending- :h fun-ral of Mr. W llii m Thomrs. -M s. Simps n is the cousi i of Mrs. Biidie Thomas. CHARLES F. DAVIS Attorney at Law 25C4 No. 24th St. In the D'strict Court in and for Douglas County, Nebraska Pearl Mill r. Plaintiff, vs. Daniel Miller, Def ndant. Doc. 332 No. 24 To: Dnnied M Per, Defer dant: The defendant, Danie] M Her, will take notice that on the 22nd ' day of September, 1937, Pearl Miller, the pla nt ff, filed her pet ition in the DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA, Dock t 332 Number 24. the object and pr?y>r of which is to obtain a deciee of absolute.] divorce from the bonds of matri- ( mony existing b: tween F’e abov named plaint'ff and d) fendant. alleging Sis the grounds ther fo extreme cruelty toward plaintiff by defendant and non-support of th • plaintiff; • NOW, uni ss panic) M'lter. defendant herein, shall appear before said Court and in,the above, entitled cause on or before the 28th ' day of February. 1938, and plead, answer or demur to said petition of plaintiff filed against him in the office of the Clerk of sa d Court, the contents of said pet'tion will be taken as true and a Deere1 , entered against the defendan* , according to the aforesaid petition. PEARL MJLLER Plaintiff By CHARLES F- DAVIS Attorney for Plain* iff Jan. 8 to 29 ‘38 ■ --I DOUBLE COLA IDEAL BOTTL1NC COMPANY WEbster 3043 | Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On No matter how many medicines you have tried for your cough, chest cold, or bronchial irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with any remedy less potent than Creomulsion, which goes right to the seat of the trouble and aids na ture to soothe and f al the inflamed mucous membrane^ to loosen and expel the g ~ » *,**®®fW Even if other remedies have failed, don’t be discouraged, try Creomul sion. Your druggist is authorized to refund your money if you are not . thoroughly satisfied with the bene fits obtained from the very first bottle. Creomulsion is one word—not two, and it has no hyphen in it. Ask for it plainly, see that the name ! on the bottle is Creomulsion, and | | you’ll get the genuine product and J the relief you want. (Adv.) MODERN SHOE REPAIR 1410 North 24 h Street While haring your shoes repaired .'iIso do your Xmas shopping. We have late of valuable Noreltiae and Xmas toys. AFTER 45 , Very often as you grow Y older your digest ivesys I tern becomes deficient m and your blood can not 3 get the proper nourish 3 raent. You feel listless B ^ and worn out. Try 5'V# * bottle of Tf^' famoiT* Q]tf Hos 3v tetter’s. Its stimn lating herbs and roots quickly help in revitalizing the diges tive glands. At drug St or esc verywhere.$ 1.50 ■ B B fi irjil II J ■ ■ "1 * U J I I SLYTER ICE and COAL 00, } No Extra Charge for Half-Ton [Delivery 2520 Lake Street AT 6355 HERMAN’S j MARKET HERMAN FRIEDLANDEP Proprietor ' “EAT FLEISCHMANN’S YEAST FOB HEALTH” 24th and Lake Street WEbster 5444 Johnson Drug Co. Liquors, Wines and Beer Prescriptions WE 0998 1904 No. 24th St. Parks Ice and Fuel ‘Reasonable Priees and Quick Delivery Service’ is Our Motto. < VE J 1 I P V'-'i tfft a tie** *t»rt (a ife. No case beyon i hope. Slop worry rt|f • Write me today Information Kit EK 1 M. V/ILLIAMS, Journal Square Sta Jersey City, N. J. Dept. a Besides easing functional pains of menstruation, Car dui aids in building up the whole system by helping women to get more energy and strength from their food. CHAMPION Always Offers The Best Race Results I 0UNTRY CLUB — HAMMS, AND METZ BOTTIED BEERS Home Style Cookinsr By AMANDA OFFUTT Ladies Welcome 2047 No. 24th St JA 4777 f New Cleaning | Prices SPECIAL 1 — ■ ' i ■ ————ii ■ ■ ■ ■■■■iii • f Any Two 90c Items . $1.25 | 1 3-Piece Suit . $ .75 f 2 3-Piece Suits . 1.25 | 1 3-piece Suit 1 Ladies’ Plain Dress .$1.25 | 1 Men’s 3-Piece Suit 1 Top Coat .-. $125 \ 2 Ladies’ Plain Dresses .... $f.55 f 1 3-Piece Suit .— I 1 Felt Hat -- H-— f 1 3-Piece Suit j 12 Neckties .... $1.25 | 1 fcPiece Suit . $1.15 j 1 Pair Pants...4®c £ 2 Pair Pants -......- 75c | Edholm and Shermani I.aunderers and Dry Cleaners f WE 6055 LET PEOPLES DO IT j < Clean up that front room. We specialize in making old 1 houses look like new, inside and out. No cbalrge for esti « Nation on work. No job too small or too large. Ten trained decorating medhalnics. Our Motto—Service First, at the lowest prices. Call WEbster 2858. i i Peoples Paint and Papering Shop LARRY PEOPLES, Proprietor