The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 08, 1938, Image 1

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    N.A.A. C. ?. Continues Anti-Lynch Bill Campaignl
' IT t”c^
Paper in H per I
Nebraska f ___ 1^/ W Copy 1
Entered as Second CUa. Na«erjt PoafffiCe. Omaha. Nebraska- OMAHA, NEBRASKA SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1938 VOI XT NJ “
Father Flanagan’s Boys in Concert with Prof. Germani
Violette N- Anderson Johnson,
widely known woman attorney of
Chicago, who dt*d last Tuesday.
Mn Johnson, active in civic, poli
tical and social circles, was Su
preme Basileus of the Zeta Phi
Beta sorority, and was busily plan
ning to attend the annual boul' of
that organization in Houston when
she was stricken. She is survived
by her husband, Dr. Albert .John
son (ANP)
Presents Music Pupils
In Public Recital
*Y RKV. .1. S. \Y II LIAMS
Mr*. Flora Pinkston Mit*hell,
presented her advanced pupils in
piano recital Sunday afternoon at
tlw Hillside Presbyterian church,
and Ohio streets. The pro
gram was inspiring from begin
ning to end. The program opened
with Slyvesb r Stroud, Florence
James and Alice Coleman playing
a irion, “The Rustic Dance,” by
Rioaeke. Archit Mae Young, young
and promising, played ‘Fur Elise”
by Beethoven, “Song of the Wind”
by Barnes and “Country Gardens”
by Grainger. Slyvester Stroud, a
youth of much musical feeling and
intensity, proved himself a true
dioosple of Mrs. Pinkston in Chopins
' Potooaise in A Major." Bertha
Yomag, eldest daughter of Archie
B. Young, was the main attraction
«f the evening. Bertha has all the
characteristics of a true musician.
Besides knowing her keyboard, she
is a sensitive and sympathetic
pianist, although not lacking in
dramatic emotion. Her ‘‘Scenes
from Imaginary Ballet, 1 2 3’’ by
Golerridge Taylor and “Morning ’
taken from Dett’s “Charastic
Suite" were a credit to the race.
Miss Irene Harrow is also worthy
•f Mentioning. Her poem “Honey’
by Dunbar was played with mu
skal understanding and was one of
ii»» highlights of the evening. Ap
pearing with these talented pian.
were Miss Marguerite Cadi* and
Mtv Carlotte Crawford Miss Cade
sang ‘Rose in the Bud" by Forster,
"Wiere You There," “Go Down
Maaes ’’ “Deep River' and “De
HAi»d Man Stood on De Road” by
Mapioigh. Mi's. Crawford read the
portM “Honey" by Dunbar. Much
ur«NlH is due Mrs. Pinkston for
d*p oontribution she is making to
thp Musical culture of the people of
As a piano faacher among
OMpdka ‘12 thousand" she has no
Owems, world famed athlete
ifcuior Sunday evening at tie
T*«r 2«14 No. 24th street
-- - Jl
Norway Refuses
Selassie’s Appeal
Oslo. Norway, Jan. 6 (ANP)
King Haakon on last Wedne dav
address d a personal letter to ■ x
iled Ethiopian Emperor Haile S 1
ass, in response to the fo m r
monarch's app al to the heads of
states that are s'gnaton s to the
Convention. King Haakon s mess
My Go'ernm nt r: fuses tli"*
invitation of the Netherlands
to approach Great Britain and
France in regard to the re
cognition of the Italian con
quest of Eth'op'a-"
It was also iep>rter .hat ne:th r
1h Swedish government nor King
Chr'stian of Denmark had as yet
r plied to Selassie's appeal. It wrs
idcvstood that Danish Premi r
Theodor i Satining would consult
the other Oslo powers before tak.
!ng action.
Guidetes Have Big
Holiday Party
Thursday evening from 6 until
10:00 p. m.. the auditorium of the
Omaha Guide was a spot of radi.
mt sunshine as 300 Guidites gav*
vent to the holiday spirit, singing,
<1 caking and daughter reigned su
pi e rne
With Mr. J- Westbrook McPher
<>n serving as the mast r of ;eie.
monies, the program was opened
at 7.30, the highlight of which was
i wonderful address on lb signi
ficance of Christmas by Rev. D. H.
Harris of Mommouth, 111., after
which Unde Gil, the originator of
Mho Guidite Club, was introduced,
garbed in a Santa Claus suit,
Uncle Gil took his bow. Following
i ncle Gil’s entrance, pictures were
taken and candy, toys, fruit, clo
thing and food stuff was distribut
ed to all present.
I nch Gil is in high praise for
the wonderful assistance given in
making the first annual Christmas
tree a success, of Mrs. M. D. Gil
bert, Mr. J. Wrstbrook McPhcson,
Mr. Homer Lee, Mrs. Edna Mitchell
Mrs. Mildred Martin, Mrs. Elma
Porter and many others whose
l amt « I do not have at this writ
A benefit concert, featuring th »
internationally known organist,
Fernando German1, and the A’Ca
pella choir from Father Flanagan’s
Boys' Home, will be presented at
Technical high school on the even
ing of January 14. It is sponsored
by Wiliam Schmoller, sr. for the
purpose of aiding in rehuildng th“
barn which was destroy d by fire
recently at the Home.
German1, rn excit'ng n w virtuoso
today is virtually the State orgen
'st of Italy, being called upon to
play at important functions of the
Tint rial Court and at the Vatican.
Although not yet 30 years of age,
hi:- recitals in th> mus e capitals of
Europe attract enormous aduiences
and music critics abroad and in
America are enthusiastic about his
work. At the personal r. quest of
Olympic Star Guest
Of Fraternity Here
J.sse Owens. Olympic spr ni
champion and world's record hold
( i- along with his Olympians werj
royally entertained by members of
the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity of
which Mr. Owe ns is a member, at
th home of Mr. Bernard Squires,
2018 No. 28th street. Sunday night.
The former Ohio State flash is
managing the Olympians hasfc t
ball team, claimant of the Negro
A. A. U. Cage Crown. They have
been touring the middlewcst.
The Olympians include T‘d
Belcher, Cleo Johnson, both of
whom made nccords at Western
Reserve; Roscoe Cumberland and
A1 Williams, formerly of;
Sammy Boswell. Choker Grant,
P. tro Boyd, Ernest Seats and the
speed demon himself.
“Cortea W. Peters, World’s No.
2 Professional Champion Typist,
pictured above wrth a handsome
silver trophy presented him by
President W. J. Hal-, of A- and I.
college, Nashville Tenn., for out.
standing achievement in the field
of professional typing. The presen
tation was made on the occasion
of accent Silver Anniversary of
the school which was attended by
notables from throughout all parts
of the country." (ANP)
Mussolini, he played at the wed
d i g of Edda Mussolini to Count
Supporting this famous organist
in concert will be the A’capella
Power Ompany Has
Gain In 1937 Business
Th“ Nebraska Power Company,
during 1937, continued to carry
f rward its function of supplying
new and old customers with elect
ric service and. at the same time,
carried out a constmction program
which had as its aim better strivec
for th’o people of eastern Nebraska
and western Iowa, J. E .Davidson,
president, said today in a year end
‘The generating plant of the
Company produe:d, in 1937 415,
000.000 kilowatt hours of electric ty
an increase, of 5,000,000 kwh over
1936 production figures.’’ said Mr.
Davidson. ’“This incirase in genev
at ion of electricity meant addition
al service and benefit to the cus
turners of the Company.
I he. y’.ar just ended witnessed
much construction work of a per
manent nature, including farm
lines, overhead and underground
systems and additions and improve
ments to the generating station,
to provide for the needs of custom
( is. Over $1,400,000 was spent for
this work during 1937 and a like
j amount has been budgeted for con
struciiion work during 1938. The
principal work to b done in 1938
will be the construction of the new
South Omaha steam and electric
1 g nerating plant which will bo
I completed during the year. This
project is now furnishing employ
ment for as many as 165 men.
‘ The year 1937 saw electricity
hrough* to many farms in the
Nebraska Power Company teiTi
toiy. At the close of the year,
approximately 25 per cent of all
farms in the company’s territory
had availed tbemservis of the ad
vantages of electric service, com
pared with an average of 10 per
emt for the state, of Nebraska as
a whole. Nebraska Power Company
is preparod to supply electric ser
vice to ail those farmers who de
sire it, within its economic service
According to Mr. Davidson, a
marked advancement in 1937 was
shown in the sale of electrical ap
pliances. The records show that the
total sum spent by customers of
Nebraska Power Company in 1937
with dealers and in electric shops
was $3,595,000 as compared with
$3,281,000 in 1936, and increase of
almost 10 per cent.
The year 1937 also brought more
residential customers to the Com
pany, bringing the present total
number of residential customers to
71.300—the largest in the history
of the company—as compared with
70,800 in 1936.
choir from Father Flunagan’s Boys
Home. It is the only choir of its
kind west of Chicago and in the
numerous conmrts it has g ven.
has won the acclaim of the most
searehingmusic critics of the m'd
The choir is Comp >s(d of 53 boys
i ranging in age from 8 to 19 years.
Fourteen states are r piesented in
its membership and there are 15
different nationalities. It is under
direction of Edward Paul, B. A.
j in Music from Augustana college,
: Sioux Falls. S. D. Mr. Paul was
| formerly on the Music Board of
Augustana college.
Tickets for the concert are on
sale at Schmollcr and Mueller
Piano Co., 1514 Dodge; Beaton’s
Drug Store, 15th and Farnam;
iand Unit Dockal Drug Store. 17th
'and Farnam.
Maryland Governor
Would Equalize
Teachers’ Salaries
Haltimore, Md., Jan. 6 —Governor
Harry W. Nice.* on December 28 ■
itnnuonced that he would initiate ]
the necessary steps to equalize the
salary's paid to white and Negro
; teachers in the state. This will
, mean an increase of $186,000 in the
i annual salaries of Ni (fro teachers
throughout the state.
Governor Nice stated that a
number of distinguished lawyers in
Maryland had informed him that
the law now on the statute books
providing one saary scale for
white teachers and a much lower
salary scale for Negro teachers
wp “ totally unconstitutional.”
At the present time Maryland
works its discrimination through
a state law which puts salaries for
white teachers on a yearly basis
The minimum salary for a white
teacher in elementary schools is
$600 per year, but for a Nrgro
teacher $40 per month In an eight
month school term the Negro ele
mentary teacer receives $280 less
than the white elementary teacher.
A white high school teacher re
ceives a minimum salary of $1,150
p:r year, while a Negro high
school teachers receives $80 per
month, which makes a differential
of $510 against the Negro high
school teacher in an eight month
N.A. A- C. 1*. Attacks Law
The law and the salary scales
have been attack by lawyers of
the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
acting for teachers in Montgomery
county and Calvert county, Mary
land. The NAACP legal staff con
tends that statute setting up sep
arate salary scales for public
school teachers based solely on
race violates the Fourteenth
Amendment to the United States
(Continued on Page 3)
Appointed To Fill
Vacancy Caused By
l Death of Sgt. Rose
Mr. und Mm. Horae > Henney
tib rtainfd at a turkey dinner
Srturday January 1, hono ing the
7, hr A K. O. No. 62 of
the Mys '<■ Sh iners end Z ih-i
(';«n<t No. 72 rf the Daughters of
( Isis. Covets wt'r * laid for the
following people; Mr. S lnmons.
lorv. Harris, Mr. Murray, Mr.
Trimble, Mr. and Mrs. Carter, Mr. :
and Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. |
Turner, Mrs. Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. j
Givens, Mr. and Mrs. N. Horton.
Mr. Ervin. Mrs. J. T- Scott. Mr.
p.nd Mrs. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. !
Stewart Mr. und Mrs. Pett'is, Mr.
and Mrs. Wakefield, Mr. Richard
Tavlor, Mr. Hayden and Mr.
Dr. Hu't n. Dr. Gooden, At'y.
Chares F. Davis and Mrs. Houston
were honor guests. Th's was a very
dabornte affair a>'<| veryone j
enjoyed themselves imm i s ly.
General Publishing Agent of the
C. M. E. Publishing House, 109
Shannon street. Jackson, Tenn.,
since 1934, who is standing for re
election in 1938 on his record of
impi'oving the publishing plant,
cvttrng overhead expenses and
raising the general tone of tha
church literature. Born in Mississ
ippi Rev. Pipkin was educated at
M. I. college in Holly Springs, and
Lane college in Jackson, Tenn. He
servtd for 17 years as presiding
elder of the Oklahoma City District
of his church (C)
The Thrifty 12 Art club mi t at
the home of Mi's. Viola Oliver,
3029 W street. After the routine
of business our hostess served a
very nice lunch, which everyone
expressed thvmseiveis as having
| enjoyed more than they could *ve.r
I tell.
We will tell you later about the
prizes that are being offered to
each one. which was suggested by
our president, Mrs. 0. T. Whitlaw.
Santa Claus was so nice to each
one, it geeaned quite a task to fiti
1 ish naming our gifts.
We were happy to have Mrs. L.
Arnold of 2876 Binney to visit our
club. A nice time was had by all.
M. Robinson, Reporter
C. C. Dudley, a member of the
Crnahu Police force for 19 years,
was appoint'd Det ctive Sergeant
by Police Conunseon.r ”*charh
W Jepscn January 1st to fill the
vacancy caus d by the death of
Sgt. Ros". He was assigned to the
lay shift with Sgt. Birch
Sergeant Dudley r sides at 2902
No. 25th street wiih hia w:ft*.
Magnolia :nd the r two *>*
Clara, age iO and C“ age ..
He is a member of c i AMK
church, u m mber .icia! of
the NAACP and F aster of
Masonic Lodge No. 1 A. I*1, and A.
M., Past III. Commarder in Chief
of Consistory No. 27 32’ Degree
Scott'ah Rite, Past 111, Recorder of
Shrine Temple No. 52 and Present,
"P ght Woes! '»,f LGrand Lecturer,
for the state of Nebraska.
Detective Dudley s many friends
and acquaintances join hands with
the Guide in congratulating him on
his promotion and wish him sue
ccss in his new position.
Drive Mobilized For
Anti-Lynch Bill
Washington, D. C.. .Jan. 6—Sup
ported of federal anti-lynching
legislation mobilized their forces
today for a final drive for passage
( T the Gavagan-Wagner.Van Nuys
1) II which come to the floor of
the Senate this week.
While Washington observers are
practically unanimous in agreeing
that the bill will be passed if it
can lr> got to a votthey are also
predicting that there will be a
stubborn resistance and that the
supporters of the tre asure can
not relax for one instant until the
vote is taken.
More than 70 senators at one
timp or another pledged in writing
to vote' for the bill or indicated
unmstakenably in polls and other
ways that they were in favor of
it. However, there is always a pos
sibility that southern senators
will filibuter against the bill and
it is known that many attempts
will be made to amend it so as to
take the teeth oujt of it.
Senator William E- Borah of
Idaho already has introduced a»
j mendment to strike out section
; five of the bill, which is the heart
of the measure, providing for a
, penalty against counties where
j lynchings occur. It is expected that
a stiff fight will be made to have
this amendment adopted and ev
ery possible pressure must be ex
erted upon senators by the voters
hack home to k«rp them firmly !*•
(Continued on Pag* 2)
-o — -
New York, Jan. 6 (ANP)—A
I message prepared by John Iva»
I Holt, pastor of St. John's Me.
thodist Epscopal church. St. Loais
and sent to various churches of the
nation by the Department of Raeo
relations of the Federal Council of
Churches, described the housing of
Negroes in cities and towns as a
“disgrace to any nation.’’
Calling attention to tho 16th aa
nual Race Relations Sunday to bo
held on February 18, P> Holt's
message also asserted th-* *'d’ie*
tional opportunities for Negroes to
obtain employment noil that civ®
and political rights are being J*a
ied th m.