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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1937)
Popalarity Contest In Last Lap Th T '> n vns push'd ir'' first place by an Onprfcodente H" Iff >"ftti‘S ; s the M tl sker i: 1 Coprl- ri y race swung i t i the * * 1-n, with R. W, Johnson run nip - v close second and R. A. A1'- ■ d J S. W ll ams tied f r th!- I'ee. V ho Will the Winners lie? A ‘ho closing da'e is set for l'ri i ' 27. there is only one m'. to see your minister v’■ • o •• i * h!ni. Vsk • hs last volt pul yi.ur r < v r the top. V so.,. *n t'fi y’t’r name to yei t • !’•>* P< mi'm' er fhat one I "U * 1 of 'is1 o im'1'.'in rlv s g'i «*d v dof 'it your favorite min isU Thi-d W-<*> h St trding 1>. £.cm n . 7f>6 non ■u. O. .Mn o: c:7.7"0 - It. A. ^d'ovt BO.roi J. s w:’i’oms r>nnon M. K On-'- 20 000 W. C. Honwell 20 000 <!. T'. ST’vcnson 10 000 1*’ 1’. Jones 10,000 T. J. Sanf rd 5 000 W. B. Billrew 5.000 U v u" pastor th-> most popular mi-, »*<*r in Omaha ? B'ill y u make your pastor happy slur •err Chrsfmas by helping him ■win in (his popularity contrst. you iinnce ate your pastor? t " r.** these quest/ons may bo unt ‘ er.'fl bv casting a vote for the minister whom you consider the mo** popular. RI LES OF THE CONTEST Itejid Rules Carefully: 1. Any minister pasturing church within the limits of Douglas Coun ♦y may be entered as a participant in this contest, providing the cou lion on this page has been clipped and brought or forwarded to this ■office. 2-118 Grant street. 2 Coupons will be published in the Omaha Guide for three weeks of the contest, and will be number ed < no two and three and will be accepted only when clipped and properly signed ou or before Mon •day 12 noon, following the issue in which it appears. ?. No single person may vote more than once each week 4. Each vote brought or sent to i hi is office must be signed by the •persons voting. f>. Persons desiring to vote for diff< rent, ministers, not pastors of their respective churches, may do so. fi Person desiring to vote for different ministers different weeks s of the soniest may do so. 7 TVr relative standing of each c: ch ••abestant will be published in the Omaha Guide each week of the contest. The actual standing will he published in the issue fol lowifig December 27th. the closing date of the contest. ft. A committee of five to he se lected at the time and place of the awarding of the prize will count the votes and determine the win ner 9. No minister who is a relative of any employee of the Omaha Guide will be accepted as a candid ate in this contest. 10. The contest opens December 2nd, and positivtly closes Monday, December 27th at 12 M. Vote For Your Favorite Minister Fach Week. Fill Out the Coupon Below Each Week. ST. JOHN A. M. E. CHURCH “The Friendly Church" i)r H. A. Adams. Pastor Sunday school opened the day s icrvicrs at St. .)• hn Inst Sunday vilh M. B. Webb, f lip- i in en len in hnigo, \s h s was a f hrisfmn • >on, t was taught with gr >ai 'nterest. ITi t hn1 eh a tenrian e was fine * d I Adams message was r'dl i f I he spirit to those whose hears were set to receive it. We should '< • I very llinnkful as there has only one or two Sundays that we tl no! have someone east his or her lot with those who me trying to serve Christ. The ok of the chur h are slow ly improving. We pray for tha’r comfort. The Sunday school is preparing a very fine Christinas program to t o given Friday night December 't at H p. m. The young peo|de’s chorus, directed by Mrs. Alice iison, will sing on this program Mrs. FT'.u Turner is working very hard to have this to bo one of the best. Tin* children’s Christmas tree "'ll b> b-nutifully dec r ited and ' t '1 lerrls given out after the program. A' mol'dght Friday night, the nil- will present the cantata ‘ The Chris'mas Glory.” We nr' expecting the choir to have the moat of its members present. The solos by Mr. H. I... Preston, and other members of the choir prom ises to he very good. ion ran again hear the choir this week in i's regular 4th Sun day night service. There is a movement at St. John to try to get each member and fri end to try to start the New Year I'v trying to be on time to church through the month of January. What will bo considered on time will be to be in church when the di 'otional service begins. We feel ml get more out of the service. T,et ns at least give this a trial, and see if we don t lik/i it better by the end of January. Visitors in the city for the hoii .dny season are invited to attend services at St. John. Read your Omaha Guide very carefully this week that you may tie informed of things interesting to you during the Christmas Sea son. 'IT. OldVK BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. 'J. P. Mosely. Pslor I.enora Parker, Reporter Sunday school at 9:30 a. m- with •i splendid attendance. Subject of t hi lesson, ‘ The Birth of Jesus.'' I At 11 a. m. the pastor preached a wonderful sermon. Text was .found in St. Luke 21:11. The subject for the Christmas, l"Tidings of Great Joy." He brought to us many wonder ful thoughts about the tiding of irnat joy. Our hearts burned with in while he delivered this wonderful message. i We want to thank all our visit ieg friends that took part in our White Gift program, i At 0 p. m. BYP1I. Bro. Elmer .Collins, president. At 8 p. m. the. jWhite Gift program. The Sunday school is looking forward for an Xmas program here Friday night, Oeeomber 24 at the church. You are always welcome to Mt. Olive. Ministers Popularity and Christinas Gift Coupon COUPON This coupon is good for 5.000 votes I hereby cast my vote for: K*v. .....-..... Pastor of .—... *ig«ed ......... Address ____........ COUPON No. 4 No. 4 Coupon is not good after December 27, 1937 CHRISTMAS PROGRAM ST, PHILLIP’S CHURCH <”*vV Midnight Celebrat''on of the Holy Eucharist vv 11 bp h 1 I at; the Church of ,St. F'hil'p. 'lie Deacon, 1121 No. 21st street, b ‘gi i ning Christmas pee if 11:00 o’-lock pie (“ded by (if een minutot of or 1 gati fe.citnl as“is'erl with 'rump “t I Miss Ed rose Wilis at the organ, | R*r, with trumpet. Old r of S' vice—10:45 P. M. I .nrgo Handel Crad1'. Song ,loha nes Brahms /\vr> A*i •’ f’ha'l s Cmno-I Siien N'• V llnly N'g’it Frank Guber T'l R IHVTNE I ’THBCY cmmonly known as T14R HOLY ( OMMPNION [’lPf" Q?np.o 1. ‘‘O Come, All Ye J Fni'hful” Adestp FHrls fnlrait, 'S'l n* Night II ly Night1' Cruber K.v"!n Fb-ison T-ll's Gr,“ ’ 1 Tri'rnn. ‘ It Came Upon tbm ’'l'd*'Vbt” W liis Cloria Tbi R. ri Crn'is Till Eyre Cit'-lo In Ileum Untmi Evr-“ Hvmn la fere the sermon, “O Little Town of Bethelehem’ Rodner Cffcr'orv Caro', “The First Not 1“ Tradtionnl Melody Siirum Cot da E"rp n tnc’us Eyre B.ncdletus Qui Vonit Eyre Agnus Dei Eyre Euchnristic Hymn, 1 Here. O My Lord' Dearie Gloria in Exc Isis Eyre Recessional, ‘Hark! Tim Herald Angt Is Sing” Mendelssohn You are expected. Bring several I with you. -o j 1st SPIRITUAL TEMPLE No. (i Rev. Mr Cell and. Pastor Mrs Alire 'Johnson. Reporter Sunday was another great day nreached a wonderful sermon. We invite everybody to come out and at our chine | 'Rev. lV^CMl* nd hear this great man firm New York. He is coming to help the tho Rev. to fight sin n Omaha and save souls. We make no difference to creed color. The man from New York will he in soon. Everyone ii v led to conic. Watch for the d Me ai I he church for the man f o n New Vork. Meetings Thursday night, Sunday. II oVock and R 0 < lock. For private readings. II \ JS63. -o MT. MORI Ml BAPTIST CHUIH II Rev. F. P. Jones, Pastor Services were as usual through out the day. The church beautifully decora' 01 was the sene of the1 unusual \\ bite (lift service at the evening hour. The pastor, in a lovely whi'e silk robe, conducted the sm-vlcs The choir in robes of white and glittering crowns, directed by Rev. Williams, pastor of Hillside Pres hyterian church, sang the Chris* mas cantata, "The Infant King." (lifts of self, service, and sub stances were a part of this service Mt. Moriah wishes to thank all I who helped too make this ooeca sion a success. The sick are: Mrs. .halt Henrv, Mrs. Davidson and Mrs. Beck. To our many visitors we extend a cordial welcome. MT. NEFO BAPTIST ( HI UCH Rev, Gates, Paster Helen Bradshaw, Reporter The. Christmas spirit was truly in Mt. Nebo Sunday morning. The scripture was read by Rev. Ltffail and the sermon was prea j < bed by our pastor Rev- Gates. , He used as his text I Samuel 16th jchapter. His subject was “Seeing I Have Him Reigning Over Is rael.’’ The sermon was enjoyed by all. I There was no BYPU or evening service heid Sunday night. All are invited to come to Mt. Vebo’s Christmas program Friday night at 7:30. Come and worship with us. METROPOLITAN CHURCH Rev. R. W. Johnson, Pastor Not only the spirit of Xmas, but nlso the spirit of the Lord was dwelling in the Metropolitan Sun day. Sunday school started ano her great day, the children attending splendidly sin e Xmas is so near. Their lesson, ‘The Birlh of J-sus,” very interesting to them. Do not miss the'r wonderful program round the tree Xmas eve. Our pastor I rought us a wonderful message in the morning service. It. was taken from St. Luke 2:7. Su'd “Will You Make Room For Christ” Some very good thoughts he giv.* to us were, it is very near the closing of 1937 and so we should make it up in our minds to do •vay with all jealous malice on I make room for Christ hy lotting love, peace and unity take their places. If the nations and coun tries would make room for Christ, there wouldn't be so much confu sion and war. Since Jesus is the Fght of the world, He is able to fight our battle and will bring us out. more than conquered, because il power is in His hards. Th ro were several visitors present. One of them mod-, some splendid re marks. He complimented the pas tor on his wondrful sermon and said that if we didn’t feel the message that we didn’t have any hearts. I he evening service was very uplifting. The choir mar.hed their usual processional carrying candles and humming Silent Night. The church is also decorated very beautifully. The sermon by the pastor was good food for the soul. His general thought was “But God forbid thatt I should glory save in the Cross of our Lord, Jes us Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me. and I unto the world.” There were two new mem bers added to the membership. ednesday night is prosperity service. Come out and let God bliss your souls. The church will I« open ail night Xmas eve, so bring your lunch and come where it will ge warm. Spend the night so that, you will be able to have a siat for the great Christmas dra ma at 5 o’coek. This drama was " ii“-*n and will he dire ted by ‘•ur pastor. So follow the crowd ”.! ””rne to Metropli'tan where yu will feel at home. nm nnrr H \RPW\RF I'aint. Class and Varnish '' •’ do Blaring seid make window shades In order 1822 24 N 24 WE 1C(17 ! _ CHOP SITEY ' meriran and Chinese Dishes Iv inir ViM-n Cafe 11 h Si. Dickson H*.7t 'pen fr»»m •> n. tn unfit 3 a. m Lfai fPH n=*n fpfl r^fl n=»n n^n nan n=*n rr=m r7=m n=>n ! CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RENT 2 and 4 room aoartnients with pri vate bath. Call JA 0386. FOR PENT front modem apar'men' and garage. 2226 Ohio street. FOR RENT Apartment. Call WE 2365. CIIR'ST TEMPLE CHFRCII Rev. L. M. Relf, Pastor Edna Panky, Reporter ' Sunday schorl opened at 3:30. \vi h a splendid atterdarce, and an interesting lesson. It was fu 1 rf happy boys a"d girls who were filled with enthusiasm to what Christmas day would br'ng for h. The pastor preached the serv ers for the day. Many good and practi cal truth were brought out and the sermons afforded food for 1 thought. We were glad to have in our midst, Rev. O. J>. Burckhardt. and friends of Lincoln, Nebr. We an preciate the lovely trio tha1^ was tendered by thy friends from Lin coln. We would like to invite the pu ic to a terd our Christmas pro v am. Saturday evening at 7:30 Wo also invite you to at'end our i • gular services, and our friends are always given a hearty w< 1 i nine. FOlt RENT One modern furnished room in pri I vate home $2.00 per week. Inquire at 2210 No. 24th St. FOR RENT I ice room in modem home. 2705 i Ohio street FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms striekly modern for rent $2.00 per week and up. Apartment and houses for rent. Call AT 7435 or Mrs. F„ Z Dixon, WE 3678. FOR RENT A nice warm room for a nice man. Call AT 9350. $2.00 per week. FOR RENT—Love's (Utcrieneu Apartments, 2616-18 Patrick, oi 2613 Grant st. Call We. 5553. COMPLETE LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANING SERVICE SOUTH SIDE Cleaners & Laundry 24th and O Sts. Opposite Ci y Hall—East ) <1 ' GBfcT>01>/THAT'S lid 05. I A SWELL OXIX *■ ■ GOODRICH BIKE. r,Uat C000f>^«,% f y JOS'WHAT I WANTED j ^ A MESSAGE TO CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Christmas offers a real problem to most people. What to give? . .. Where to get it? ... How much to pay? ... How to pay for it? SHOP AT GOODRICH AND SAVE This year, try shopping at Goodrich. You’ll find a complete line of modern attractive toys, and a fine selection of practical gifts for home and auto. If you don’t want to pay cash, you can make your own convenient terms on any item we sell in our Budget Department. Come in . .. look over our Christmas merchandise . . . see for yourself what quick friendly courteous service you’ll receive here. GIFT SUGGESTIONS • BICYCLES.$24.95 • AUTO RADIOS.$32.95 ® TOY WAGONS.$3.45 ® AUTO HEATERS.$7.95 ® SCOOTERS.$2.39 • HOME RADIOS....$16.95 • ROLLER SKATES.98c • VELOCIPEDES .$2.75 ® TOY AUTOS.$4.95 DEFERRED PAYMENTS ARRANGED 20th and Douglas ^rfrTnE*| 2406 L Street downtown Store South Omaha Mi,auiu immmmmmrmmmmmmammmmnNinmmm '»«» ran i—»n »—m r—in t—m ran r—«n ran ran r~in ran ran ran r^n ran rx an ran ran ran ran ran ian ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ion ran ran ra ! What Would Be A More Acceptable Gift ale -------—---* than one of Peterson‘s delicious Fruit Cakes or Christmas Cookies packed nice ly in a box if vou so de«ire? .Nijp Mince and Pumpkin Pies, Roots and Bread, Fresh from Our Oven. ... ^ n man man man man man man ran man man man man man man man m= SPECIALS for Friday and Saturday Marthas SuCt Fudge Cake. 47e Yellow Butter Cake with Pecan Butter Scotch Icing .45c Cranberry and Amber Pecan Pies at .25c and 35c Each Fancy Cookie .15c per doz. Parker House Rolls . 15c per doz. rp*n n=3fl rp>fl fPHl fP i rai ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran rao a