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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1937)
THE GUIDITE CLUB Santa Claus Will Be Guest of the Guidite Club Good Wsl Xmas Party Pec. ilia With Christmas only 15 days off •Id Santa Glaus has started from his Artw renderoug with a huge load of toys candies, fruits and clothing addressed to the Goodwill Christmas tree that is scheduled for the evening of December 2T, v he* the Guidite club shall play hosts to thousands of children throughout the city of Omaha. Uncle Gil is putting forth every effort to arrange for a free show for aff Guidites and their friends to he hrtd at the Rite theatre. TJmie Gfl is urging all Guidites to be IdM and obedient to their parents in *rder that he will be able t* maka a good report to Santa Claus when he arrives on the morning of the 24th with all the nfoe things for good children, as he has thready told Unde Gil that he would not give any of the children vthme parents mad a bad repadl for them, any of the toy, candies, or fruits, that he is bring ing from his toyland warehouse in the fhr North. So dear Guidites let's be nice, by observing the fol lowing ‘'dun’tS”—Don’t stay out late at pig&t. Don't fail to do what ever pwifrar or father tells us to do. Don't take that which does not belong to us. Don’t fight. Don’t mark up our school bodes. Don’t fail to have a good lesson for your teacher. Dan't miss Sunday school. These are Santa Claus’ orders. ■-O— Wm-d Stady ‘‘tfse a word three times and it is years.” I«et us increase our vo cabulary by mas'ering one word errb dev. Words for this lesson: NH90TBNCE; lack of knowledge complete ignorance. ‘ God fetched it about for me. in that absence and neseteneo of mine,”—Bishop Hall. INEXPEDIENT; not practicable. «)• advisable; “Such action is in expedient, at this time.’’ F.ATTFY; to approve a”d sanc tion, especially in a formal manner '‘The agreement (treaty, eon'ract, nemioa’inn) was ratified-” CREDENCE; belief. ‘Such an assertion might easily find cred ence.” tPronounce first e as in m") ANTMOSTTY; i'l will; active en mitv. ‘‘Ariimositv exists between h.d'v'duala, hostility between na tions.'’ OUR FLAG There are many flags in many lands, There are flags of every hue, Put there is no flag in any land Like our own Red, White and Blue. Then hurrah for the flag, our country’s flag, It's stripes and white stars too, There is no flag in any land Like our own Red. white and Blue. —Gwendolyn Dunlap jThe Guidite VVorldj of Music i | By Miss Ethel June' A Song of Christmas By Nine ta M. Lowater From down the distant ages thru the centuries dark and dim; Comes a flash of light supernal and the Tcho of a hymn. ‘Tis the light which shown from HiYven, whpn Hhe child of peace was born; And the song was sung by Angels on the first fair Christmas mom. Peace on earth, good will from Heaven, how it rolled along the sky. And the ages all have listened as the echoes passed them by. Even now the star is shining and its light is soft and clear. And the angels still are singing if We will but pause to hear. Loud and louder grows the anthem, nations swell the glad refrain. Telling to the future ages all the glory of His name. Unto earth a song is given and a Prince of Peace is born Let us join the angel's chorus on this Joyous Christmas morn. -o Wards Often Misused Do not say, “He had no other alternatives,” nor, “He had three alternattwes ” Alternative means ffcur a ad novice. An amateur some. Say, "He had no alternative,” or ‘He had an alternative.” Discrimina'e in the uses of ama teur and novice. An amateud some times has the skill of a profession 's], A novire is a beginner and never so skillful as a professional. , Do not say, “The work is mighty difficult.” Say ‘The work is very difficult.” Mighty means possess ing might; powerful. While tJv; express'on “to grow smaller” is often used by good writers, it is just as easy to say “to become smaller.” Grow means to increase in size. Do no* say, ‘ It was a painful accident.” Say, “It was a ser ous accident, resulting in a painful in jury.” Do not my, “I am real glad you came.” Say, "I am very glad you came.” ■ n. Famous Quotations If you attend to de'ails the rest •is easy.—Henry Ford. Appreciate kindness and reward v i rtue.—Han son. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Success contains a “you” but no "I”. It is less dangerous to slip with foot than with the tongue. APPLICATION-GUIDITE CLUB Please enroll me in The GUIDITE CLUB, I promise U abide by the rules as set forth in The Omaha Guide. My Name is ________ Age_ My Address is____ City -—-State_ School Grade - Name of Sehsol Parents’ Name __ __ Date of Birth__ Cut this out and bring or mail to “Unde Gil”, Omaha Guide OMAHA, NEBRASKA (Top) Bing—one rf the per forming elephants with the Carter Bros. Circus. (Center) Albert Po well—one Of the score of clowns with th; Cicus. ((Bottom) Juanita Hobson—world’s greatest lady ; bareback rid r, with the famous riding Hobsons, a feature in the Carter Bros. Cic is. Show ing at the Cit.y Audi orium for seven days starting Chris1 mas eve with two performances daily—afternoon and night. Jncle Gil Offers Prize For Best Scrapbook Uncle Gil will give a prize of one lollar to the Guidite member who turns in to him the most complete scrapbook carrying clippings of juestions and answers as may be 'ound on the Gudite page each week. Included in scrapbook aside from questions and answers there must also be found articles of an •ducational nature, as may be found on Guidite page lor example, ‘Facts About Boulder Dam,” in >rder to be eligible for the prize. Uncle Gil hopes to be able to find a Guidite who hus a complete scrapbook dating back to the be ginning of the Guidite elect cover.' ing questions and answers on Ne gro history, music, articles under the caption of the Guidite World of Music, by Miss Ethel Jones, Arith. mctic questions and answers, poems etc. Now dear Guiditeg if you have failed to keep a scrapbook get busy and start one for it may be you that will receive a brand new crisp new dollar bill from Uncle Gil for the most complete scrap book. This offer will close on the 27th day of December. Illicit C I IS I'M A1 Christmas comes December twen ty-fif'h When all the children love to lough and skip, / nd all the Christmas songs they hear. For Santa Claus they do not fear. Because he brings the toys, nuts, and candy Which make the tree look just dandy For this was Jesus Christ’s birth day. So all the people are happy and gay. —June Blair Blye [T PAYS TO I.OOK WEL1 MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies’ and Children '■ Work A Specialty 2422 Lake Street HINES TAILOR SHOP Cleaning, Pressing and Re pairing. Dyeing and Hat Cleaning Dresses Cleaned and Press ed—Fur Crafting, Etc. 2523 Q STREET ■ i GUESTICN j BOX I 1. Who vwote the “Tales of Hoff- , luan ? 2. Who wrote the opera ‘ I Pag iacci?” j 3. From what opera is the ''An 'il Chorus?'' j 4. Who wrote the famous Hun- | •arian Rhapsodies? Answers 1. Jacques Offenbach 2. Ruggiero Leoncavallo 3. “II Trovatore” by Guiseppe *’erdi. 4. Franz List. 1, What black man was consider ed the greatest captain the world j has ever known? | 2. What nationally are the pro ducers in Hollywood using to im- j personate the Carthaginian for the Ipicture “Scipio Africanus?” I 3. What is the largest city in Africa? 4. What was the direct cause of the war with Italy and Ethiopia in 1894-96? 6. What Negro wrote the opera The Dream Lovers?” 6. Who said “The only American folk music is the Negro folk songB?'’ 7. What group of colored singers were entertained by the Prime Itinister of Great Britain? 8. How nrnnw Negro doctors are here in the U. S. ? 9. W'hat is the capitol of Li beria? 10. What Ethiopian ruler exchan- J ged letters with Pope Leo XIII ? Answers 4 1. Hannibal, (he Carthaginian 2. They are using the black Lib jan troops in Italy. .'S.^Cairo jn Egypt. 4. King Menelik issued a postage stamp with his photo on it. When Italy, the protector of Ethiopia, at that time, demanded the with Ulrawal of the stamp, Menelik re fused, thus causing war. 5. Samuel Coleridge Taylor. fi. Miss Burlin in an article in he musical Quarterly “Negro Mu L at Birth.” 7. The Fisk Jubilee Singers. 8. 3,805 colored piysicians, ac cording to the statistics of 1933 9. Monrovia. 10. King Meneiik of Ethiopia (1894). Men’s Dress Shirts 13y2 to 20 $1.00 Men’s Ties. $.29—4 for $1.00 Open Evenings Un'il 10 From Now Until Xmas ACE TIE SHOP 1402 Farnam BE FINANCIALLY FREE Enroll now for fall classes. Graduates prepared to pass a»y State Board Examination. ALTHOUSE BEAUTY SCHOOL 2422 N 22nd St. WE 0846 Raising the Fanflily- Qh-yeat The whoto Incident was as funny as a crurc.n to Pat — __Flshei V'K (»<*'*% <iiw ■i* o^^S'*** ,_ __ ^ H° 5^m! »ri« ^ _ fcc-CKsrtiwu^ i -SSL ' "•■ >f. j c>~ i2 i ,' I '—-i :£) . y_*■-> suwjen Stop •-» * ;_~ t_-Zt?,v:.VU.*,.l CAl. n^j ^ |___ GAMP3S Thumbs Up This is the old game of *'Si«on Says,” the lender and players si ground a table or in a circle about (he room, with fists closed and thumbs upright. The leader says: "Simon snys, thumbs down, at tie lame time turning his own hards over. The players do likewise. Thi> leader says ‘‘wiggle waggle” or ‘up” but if he fails to repeat the words "Simon says,” and anyone in the party obeys his order, the one making this error must pay a forfeit. Or should the leader say "Simon says thumbs down or Si mon says thumbs’ up and not do it himself and anyone of the players should do it, that player must pay r forfeit. A (’at Tarty Each player is provided with a sheet of paper on which is written the following questions. Each ques tion Is to be answered with a word of which the first syllable is cat. The player wins who writes the ,.rgest number of correct answers, the list of answers being read by the host at the close of the time allowed for the game. Sample questions: 1. What sort of cat is allowed in the library? (catalog). 2. What sort of cat requires a physician's attention? (Catalepsy) 8- What sort of cat is bad for the eyes? (Cataract). 6. What sort of cat goes to Sun day school? (Catechism.) North 24th Street SHOE HOSPITAL 1807 Mo. 24th St. Wii 424U Have your old shoes made to look and wear like new. Our invisible resoling is j< Bt what you need to keep yt ur feet nice and warm. Men’s and Women's shoes left over for sale. LOANS v ' Pt \ era Com Watch and Jewelry HcpaMag We Ix>an Moner «n Everything Gross Jewelry ad Lean Co. TLOTHLNG Corner 24th and Knkiae 2414 No. 24th St. Onuth*. Neb*. /.V.V.V.V.V.VJ-MVWWA i COFFEE JOHN’S \\ ■: 111 So. 14th 8t < S Biggest 10c Meals in City 5 Everybody Welcome .■AV.V.V.'.V.'WMWWftt Cleo Cola ; Qut*en of Sparkling l>rink» ■ 12 oz. (or 5C ; ARE YOU ONLY A. THREE-QUARTER WIFE? MEN, because they are men. can nsver understand a three quarter wife—a wrlfe w ho la all loss and kindness three weeks In a month and a bell cat the rest at the time. No matter bow your back aches —bow your nerves wrearn -don't take It out on your husband. For three generatioasooe wwauae has told another bow to go “smil ing through" with Lydia K. Plnto bam'a Vegetable Compound. St helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure In the throe ordeals of life: 1. Turning tHxn girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. S. Ap proaching "middle age." Don't he a three-quarter wipe take LYDIA K l’lNKHAUa VEGETABLE COMPOUND aM tio "HrnlUng Through.” r<&Hi£r *AtML I Remember, please—when you take a Smith Brothers Cough Drop .-j V (Two kinds—Black or Menthol—5V), you get cn extra Lcuofit:— ■ | SffiithGros.Cou^hDrcpsarcthconlydropscoritainiinsVITAfdlNA | I This is the vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous ■ I membranes of the nose and throat to cold and cough infections. if aa——e—wff—rwK: jwtjiu Be A Booster When our solicitor calls at your home, be sure to show YOUR interest in your LOCAJL PAPER, THE OMAHA GUIDE, by giving him or her a newsy item or taking a subscription for 12 months, 6 months, 3 months, or even 1 month. When you BOOST THE GUIDE, you are boosting Omaha, ind are enabling us Do give employment to more of our own boys and girls. “SO COME ON, BE A BOOSTER.” ALWAYS DEPENDABLE Both Our Service and Printing. We are Equipped To Print Anything From Stamp* to Newspapers. We Call For and Deliver. OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. 2418 Grant StreetWE 1517—1518 AGENTS WANTED » mu And Our 18 Other Cannolene Beauty Creaflom P.ij’anlinj oar New AdralUat Cioinln ora «■ yhn a Faaa Btaal b anarvatlc nai ar taotaaa aW aaa taUlMfl la UkM taaai and build up a hnalnaaa ad taak aaa ■ ■ rh.a baaaOy paodocM ar tba baftaa Hud. Our. la atrtcAf 'a anatty Baw fed appaala M -*• baal paapla a.arywhara. Tow mafca anaa aaaay taiM a 11 Ita. md yon win .aluabia prtxaa, Wlha al aaoa la Cdjuica Cosmetics Co* Dept. 20-A. *rtawta Q% N-N-F r.y * *