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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1937)
Duffy Pharmacy 24 and Lake WE 0609 WISHING MY MANY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS MIKE COLTON A Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year Dry Goods Shoes Furnishings Quality Merchandise at Low Prices Phone JA. 5757 24th and Lake 2503 N. 24th A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year , Robinson Drug Co. 24th amd Decatur WE 500C GROW GLOSS Beauty Shoppe 2512 N. 24 h Street ' o i': * "t .1 c:if fure designed especially for your holiday festivit es. I iroraagareB MAKE IT A Merry Christmas. WITH —Friedman’s Hosiery Special Prices, two threads 49c and up FRIEDMAN’S SHOE STORE 1510 No. 24th St JA 0353 THE SEASON’S . GREETINGS The LOYAL Dinette FROM HALL’S EXPRESS 1206 N. 24th St. JA. 858! .A Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year Sam Feldman Grocer) tfmrmxmmipamwsi BRODY’S BARGAIN CENTER 1324 No. 24th St. WISHES THEIR MANY CUSTOMERS \ Merry Christmas and Happy New Year < WISHING YOU A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year LOUIS MARKET THE SEASON’S . GREETINGS FROM DON’S Cleaning & Laundry Service 2008 No. 24t& St. A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year FROM W. PHILLIPS AT RABE’S BUFFET r-" inr a 1 a i ^ j w a la—mi a.—^h. SAM FLAX 1402 No. 24th Street We carry a large quantity of Scotch and I domestic liquor and will give our patrons and friends a good reduction on all holi day goods. We extend Our Sincere Best Wishes For A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR _ —IHmrmriMlMBIIWHIIlMIBHIlWMMMHlIIMIII I ■■Mil I. HU IIIIM •:a C. > 11 I JOT afraid,” the crnrf.l “That Santa Claus will * . _ J Eacause we have no fireplace deep Cr chimney broad down which to v^aep. A radiator seems too small To let him climb or even crawl; But none the less on Christmas day ^ We’ll Know that he has found his way “For when our radio near by Borrows the lightning' from the sKy And brings, to chase away our gloom, A brass band, right into the room, I Know that such a clever Saint Will never let his heart grow faint. Some new improvement, never fear, Will bring' him here for Christmas cheer.” Washington Star > V t THE SEASON’S j . GREETINGS i FROM j LITTLE DINER j 2314 No. 24th St. J Xmas Greeting Royal Jewelry Co. |ll 218 So. 15TH ST. ! Emerson Laundry A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Houston’s Grocery THE SEASON’S . GREETINGS FROM Beuhler Bros. 212 N. 16th St. 24th and Lake 24th and Ouming WISHING MY MANY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS . A Merry Christmas. and Honntr Yo3|* T?/VT*F’Ct FTTFFFT .W.V.VAV/.V.'.VW.VV .A Merry Christmas FROM Ralph W. Craddock . THE BICYCLE MAN AT. 0955 1514 Capitol Ave *.*.V wwwwwww BEST WISHES FOR .A Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year FROM RIZZUTO BROS. Contractors 215 S. 13th St. .■.W.V.'.V.V.V.V.V.V.W^ .A Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year FROM Dr A. C. SHAKES .V/.VAV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V. I The Loyal Dinette 2210 NO. 24TH ST. Bring the family and have a big Xmas-dinner with us. Boast Young Turkey and All the Trimmings Country Fried Spring Chicken And Many Other Good Things to Eat. Jones & Thomas Liquor Store 1612 No. 24th JA1189 i I ACCEPT OUR BEST WISHES FOR A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Bargains in Rebuilt Sweepers Apex . 12.95 1 Hoover . 17.95 Eureka . 16.95 and many others. Guaranteed like new Terms 50c per week, small carrying charge. We Trade For Free Home Demonstration CALF, Omaha Electric Sweeper Co. WA 0842 A Merry Christmas. TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERr FROM J. P. CROUNSE 1314 N. 24th St. JA. 3478 live and Fret|h Fish, Oysters, Shrimps and Poultry Poultry cleaned wh le you wait Produce Our Specialty OPEN SUNDAYS THE SEASON’S . GREETINGS FROM J. J. FRIEDMAN 740 First Nat’l Bank Bldg. WISHING YOU . A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year L. WOLK TAILOR 1506 North 24th St. JA 9384 Omaha, Nebraska .A Merry Christmas : and Happy New Year KING YUEN CAFE | WISHING YOU THE SEASON’S GREETINGS TRADE AT TUCHMAN’S Food Stores,Inc. WE 0402 24th & LAKE FREE DELIVERY Chr istma sGreetings and Best Wishes ' for the | NewY ear Herman Friedlander