• ■ -- 111 -—” . • ~ ■ ' - **'- •* •* ' ** - * ‘ '—**“ *- 5 : * SOCIAL _ , AFFAIRS 'I^y* - ORGANIZATIONS lj T- :■*»/?. ’j ' . ~ . - T' t - • ■ **- ^ v Wt" __________•_ GIRL RESRVES The Up To-Date Girl R serves, with Mrs. Dorene Holliday as ad visor, were pleased to we I com into the membership, six girls from Kc’lom school. Nam ly. ! Delthea New, Antoinette Herman, ! A iicc Bowman, Blanch Ph fi r, B ! te Da'is, and Wlh Mae Crawford, j Hobby gr vips will not mee again urv il January S. at whi h time cooking wi’l be one of tb ma jor inter sts. Leaders who are working \vi‘h the'*1 "rnupi nr-: | Misses B-rrice Grc , Doro hy I Beck, ard an Enpl t. Th- Gross Eic’s wll have n soc'al and rrog' am on Do em' er I 21 at which time g'f s will b turned in for tb Chr's mas par y 'I he program will he ore of rea significance. Velma Th mas, I a 'erne Hincaid. M'ldr d Greene and I'carl Winston will sing Chr stm-s carols in Spanish. The above ram rd will «l-o sing at T« hnical high school on Wednesday and Thursday of this w*?ck. -o—— QUACK CLUB Thv nominating committee was elected last Friday by the club gioup. Th's oommitte is elected each year for the purpose of nom inating new officers for the club for tho incoming year. The commit tee group is as follows, Lucy Mae Britt, Mattie Moore, Edna Thornes Wfila Jakes and Lillian Perttey f«,rd. About ninety children, ages from 2 to ft are expected to attend the annual Xmas party sponsor, d by the elnb on Friday, Deeembor 24. 1 from 2 to 4 p. m. at the YWCA. ThiB pftft}' is prepared by a special committee of whrth Mrs. Anna Mifry Kennedy is chairman. For the last two months Mrs. OMdie Oerter, personal counselor of tb1 YWCA has brought to the (Jflprk dub. a s'etics of discussions on ^henmo*lfy .Adjustment/! These discussions' Wive been vert" interest •i . Wf ' • • • \ ' • ini* .and educational. Tone l rW's. President; Will •lakes, Reporter. *i The Thrifty Twelve Art club met'at the home rf Mrs. Naom' I'trderson. 3222 R s’net, Tuesday November 31. After a few minutes businss discussion of dn'es of "lie' members birthday- we found b'rth days of five of the twelve com? in .Tanuai-y. With our president, Mrs. O. T. Whit law’s birthday b ing Doccmhe' 6. It was decided that we have our gifts ready on time. Our host served a delicious Dutch lunch. A pi asant time was h?d by all. Myrtle Robinson, Reporter. The doors of Hillside Presbyter ian church will be opened at 3:30 o’clock p. m. on Christmas Sunday Hicember 26th for its first annual unique candlelight service. For 15 minutes a trumpeter will be sta tioned in th? vestibule to entertain the gathering crowd with familar carols. The church will be dimly lighted. The large electric lights will be masked with red covers. Fir boughs will be fastened to the ends of each pew, connected with rtd streamers. At the end of every 4th pew will be a 6 ft. high cross, topped by a cross piece which will hold fine red candles. In front of the altar will be spruce and balsam trees decorating the auditorium. Suspended, right above the organ will be an Eastern Star, below which will gather a choir of 50 voices who will sing music appro prate for the occasion. ANNOUNCEMENT H>« • reate a greater interest in the Wednesday evening concerts fag th* Omaha Concert band, at the Urban League, opportunities will be given to any musicians, singers, •r other performers, amateur or otherwise to appear on these pro grams in the hope of encouraging and discovering new musical talent. Any person or groups interested in appearing on these programs please call Mr. George Bryant at the Urban League. There has been an increase in th* attendance and we are hoping for an even greater one. The programs start at 8 o’clock promptly each Wednesday night. C*me and hear them. The band will play all requests. The** *onc«rts >N fir** — World-Hera Id rhoto. ‘The Rocky Ro~d to Jerusa'?m' The way of Ihc transgressor was proved to be really hard Thursday night, fi a pageant, "The Rocky Road to Jeri’s >>m." staged by colored soloists, s ng ers and actors at St. John's A. M. K. church. A good Christian soldier (Mrs. Lillian Vincent), is shown belaboring tly; devil (Willie Chapman) and Trs as sistant (Floyd Collins), as they sought to prevent her entrance into heaven. I In the two hour pageant, writ ten and directed by Mrs Pauline Dai'ry of Kansas City, St. Peter and his angels were finally tri r™ ’•'-"if, showisg the triumph of good over evil. LastMlnuta Snappy News Items FromNatlonal FI el Durham. N. C., Doe. 16—The North Carolina conference of stu Jil t YM( A and YW(’*A delegates j meeting at Dn|y* university here December !V. pa feed a resolution 'supporting th» enactin', nt of a f si i ral anti-lynching law. -O—H Washington, 1). C., Dee. 16 (ANP) Mrs. Mary McLeod Be thune, Dim.tor of Negro Work in NYA. wns a guest of Ms. Eleanor Roosevelt, at the White House last Monday at 5 o’clock. Mrs. Roose velt entertained for the women oc cupying administrative posts in th’ government departments. Birmingham. Dec. 16 (ANP)— laist Sunday after exhorting his flock at Old Ship of Zion church, > Rev. Fred G. Williams the pastor, was taken into custody by local police and lodged in the city ja’l Police Chief T. A. Riliy said the minister will b:* extradited to Roan oke, Va., his former home t > face charges of deserting his wife and two small Children. -o Washington, D. C., Deo. 16 (ANP)—A week end conference at which was discussed problems of Xmas Greeting Royal Jewelry Co. 218 So. 15TH ST DIAMONDS — WATCHES and JEWELRY Fine Watch Repairing Liberal Terms Fthone AT. 0081 particular importance to the youth of the District was brought to a close at the Twelfth street branch of the Young Men’s Christian As sociation. The conference was under the chairmanship of Dr. Charles Dr w ofTlownrd Unives;tv Medical School. The topi s dis cussed included franchisement, hou sing. juvenile d liquency, economic security and health. Among thos^ taking'part being Miss Anna Good win, Mrs. Marion C. Hope. Deal Thomas K. Hawkins. Jam s Brown and Alston Burl.igh. SLVTER | ICE and COAL 00. No Extra Charge for Half-Ton j Delivery 2520 Lake Street AT 6355 { HERMAN’S MARKET ' HERMAN FRIEDLANDEF Proprietor ■ •EAT FI.E1SCH MANN’S YEAST FOR HEALTH” __ i 24th and Lake Street WEbster 5444 i ______ ' Coal on Credit at Cash Prices LET US PUT IN YOUR WINTER COAL NOW NO PAYMENT UNTIL 30 DAYS AFTER DELIVERY MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS—6 to 12 MONTHS TO PAY BIG CHIEF Semi AuAk 10.75 FRANCO Lump 9.25 AJAX Semi Autfc 10.25 CHEROKEE Nut 7.50 COKH Nut 11.50 COKE Lump 12.50 WE EMPLOY COLORED DRIVERS AND UNLOADERS CALL US FOR MORE INFORMATION AT 4114 CITY FUEL CO. AT 4n4 AT 4114 Mr. and Mrs. Mack Bangs visit id the mother of Mrs. Banks in rdsa. Okla., for the holidays, and Mr. Banks who is head bartender at the popular H. and M. states to his many friends that you shoul 1 have been there and watched him •at turkey. Mr. J. Westbrook McPherson conducted a round table group dis cussi in wiitih t)he boys pf high school on what constituted a man ind the requirements for goed !v alth. Mrs. McDonald a graduate of the dorthside Beauty school conducted v round table discussion with the high school girls on beauty and ■alth. MODERN SHOE REPAIR 1410 North 24th Street While having your shoes repaired J ilso do your Xmas shopping. We have lots « f valuable Novelties and Xmas toys. f I The Thrifty Twelve Art club nlrt Tuesday. Deo-mbor 7. at the home j of Mrs. Fannie LeeT517 So. 31st street, with Mrs. A. L. Morrow our vice president, presiding. On tim? seems to be our motto, for we ars tdl on time with our quotations, for the opening. ft was deeded we dis uss a nam I topic each meeting as we s w. Mrs. Whitlaw received many beau * iful handiwork pito s for her VrtMay. She was so happy she u1'.! hardly express her appreci • V" *he club. Our vi e pr: ident presented ‘ h ' ‘f:.s to her. After wh'ch our h"st rs served a very »'ice lunch in lud | ir.g hot rolls in the m nu. \ -’easart afternoon was had by all. NOTICE:— ^ ** Adult Education Music and Dra. matic Classes, YWCA. Monday evening, 8 p. m.. Voice Culture; Solo and Chorus singing Wednes. day evening, 8 p. m., Dramatics. -n WEDDING SOLEMNIZED Miss Hazel Brown, 2223 Lake street, was joined in holy w dlock to Mr. Ernest Turner. 2232 Lake street, Friday December 10 in Cpuncil Bluffs, Iowa. The groom is on® of the many efficient butchers employed by the Omaha Cudahy Packing Company and the bride is employed as a waitress at Phillips Lunch Counter. 2229 Lake street. Mr. and Mrs. Turner will be at home to their many friends at 2232 Lake street. * ' I ; Meet Your Friends at iTHE NiiW RABES BUFFET •2229 Lahe St. JA 9195 t •Beer — Liquor — Soft Drinks f /t *so DANCING ! Direct Wire on all Sporting Events AT 7527 Lunch Counter—W. Phillips t Prop. Barbecue, Chili, Hamburger and j Pastries < < Babyland Gilts r In W ide