The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 11, 1937, Page TWO, Image 2

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    NO IK;— e-Don w.' I ht answered FREE In thsn col
umn ONLY when a <' pplnjr of this column i» enclosed with YOUR
ADDRESS. For P'TVAIE REPLY send twenty-five cents and
a self-addlessee. <amped envelope for my NEW ASTROLOGY
READING and receive by return mail my FREE ADVICE on
THREE QUESilONS Send all letters to Abbe Wallace, care of
The Omaha Guide. 2418 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
M. B. T.—Please let me know if
there ia a chance of my getting the
money my deceased aunt left for
me ?
Ana: Right at this time it looks
very doubtful. The insurance com
pauy does not iniend to pay the
claim until the reco,ds they hold
aro somewhat clearer than they
are now. It is going to he several
months before the matter is entire
ly cleared up.
A. X. T.—Did my husband deliv
er the letter that 1 found some few
days ago? How will it end?
Ana: No. He didn’t deliver the
letter after all. He felt that you
were auspicious and he took “cold
feet” at the last moment and des
troyed the letter. Don’t judge him
too harshly and forget the long
distant ca l for it really had no.
thing to do with what you have in
S. B.—'Does this man that says
he lovtts me, mean anything to me?
Ans: He does loye you, but you
•ertainly are not liming any sleep
•rer him. It wouldn’t be advisable
to waste too much of your time
with him for h* isn’t ever going to
mean anything more to you than
he does at this time.
W. B. R.—I am undecided whe
ther 1 should conaid r going thru
college or to get married)
Ans: College is the place for
yea young lady and don’t let any.
•no try to talk you out of going.
You can get married when you
graduate and if you wait until then
you will make a more desirable
choice I feel sure.
B. G. A.—I would like to know
if I am going to succeed in the
work tfiat I am undertaking right
Ana: Indeed you will. However,
you aren’t go'ng to continue in
this line of work hut a couple of
years. At that time you will begin
•(•■ething entirely new.
M. C.—Will I be able to get a
‘•7 or a '38 Chevrolet in the spring
of this coming year?
Ans: You could do so if you ar.
Rm. 2M Tuchman Bldg. 24th I-ake
In the County Court of Douglas
Ceunty, Nebraska:
In the Matter of the Estate of
Lovelac Campbell, deceased.
To Lovelac Campbell and all be.
Baflciariea of his estate, and all
othor persons interested in said as
Yoa are lrerabj notified that a
JfptHioa hat bern filed in this Conrt
en the 3rd day of November, 1937
by Horace Campbell, interested in
saM estate as sole beneficiary
thereof, alleging that Lovelac
Campbell, a resident of Douglas
Be—ty, Nebraska, on or about the
1st day of November, 1829, with
out kuewn cause absented himself
from his usual place of residence
■ud boa ever since concealed his
whereabout* from hie family for a
period of more than seven year*
fast past; that said absentee has
personal property to be administer
ed la Douglas County, Nebraska.
Said petitioner prays that the
Bourt prescribe the notice and tho
return date therein which shall be
flies, addressed to and served upon
said absentee and said beneficiary
as provided by law, that the date
of death of said Lovelac Campbell
ha determined and that administra
tion of said estate be granted to
Huy K* Williams. Ton are therefore
notified that a hearing will be had
en said petition on the 8rd day of
Jan—ry, 1938 at 8 o’clock a. m.
at the County Conrt Room of
Bouglas County, Nebraska and
that if yon fail to appear at said
thne and place and contest the pe
tition, the Court may grant the
prayer thereof, appoint a repre
senative for said absentee and
make such other orders according
to law, as may be necessary to the
and that said estate and all things
pertaining thereto may be finally
settled and determined.
Bryce Crawford,
County Judge
Be Nov. fl 37 End Dec. 30 37
ranged to do without everything
else under the sun. Why don’t you
wait until you have enough money
ill the bank to buy a small second
hand car and pay cash for it. To
purchase one before then you
wouldn't even be able to buy en.
ough gas to run It on.
Ii. E. W.—Will my husband and
I ever live happy together again?
Ans: I’m afraid not. The best
I king for both of you to do is to
try and forget your past life and
look for a new companion. You
couldn’t) make a go if things this
time and it isn’t likely that you
would if you were to try it again.
W. R. I am anxious to secure my
new Astrology Reading and wonder
if this is the time to write for it?
Ans: Yes. Send a quarter, your
full name, correct address, and
I wlil he glad to send your Astro,
logy Reading. Will also give you
free opinions on three questions
Endorse Sale Of
Christmas Seals
Carrying national, state and com
munfty endorsement, the th:rty.
first annualChristmas Seal drive of
the Nebraska Tuberculosis Asso
ciation opened Thanksgiving Day
to continue through the holiday
Franklin D. Roosevelt, the na
tion’s chief executive, gave the
campaign national recognition and
endorsement in a message from
the White House, in which he urg.
id the people of the nation to do
their pint; in supporting the cam.
paign to raise funds for the con.
t»ol of tuberculosis.
His message, in part, stated:
‘Under the leadership of the Na
tional Tuberculosis Association,
state and local societies and coin,
mittees in all parts of the United
States; Conduct organized healih
programs in all communities in
which the seals are sold. The aid
of every American is needed in
this cause. Tuberculosis is every
body's problem. I thereby urge all
to do their part generously in sup
porting the thirty.first annual
Christmas Seal sale to bo carried
on up to Christmas.”
Governor R. L, Cochran of No.
brnska in a letter to the Nebraska
Tuberculosis Association states in
part: “It is my pleasure to join
once again in calling attention to
the people of the state of Nebras
ka to the annual Christmas Seal
sale of the Nebraska Tuberculosis
Association. The proceeds from the
sale of these seals are used to fin.
nee the war upon tuberculosis. For
all of us to participate as fully as
possible in this war, by the pur.
chase and use of these seals, is a
concrete way in which we can give
expression to our thankfulness for
the blessings bestowed upon us.
“Science is doing its part to con.
trol the ravages of tuberculosis.
But if this war is to succeed to the
point where this terrible disease
no longer constituites the wide
spread menace, which it now is, the
active and intelligent cooperation
of the general public is necessary.
The purchase and the use of
Christmas Seals is an appealing
and effective way in which the
general public can cooperate. It Is
my hope and my belief that the
people of Nebraska will again res
pond to this appeal as generously
as they have in the past.”
Mayor Dan B. Butler of Omaha
has given official recognition by is
suing a proclamation to the citi
zens of the community to do their
part in the campaign to curb the
ravages of this disease.
Battery Station
2934N. 24th Ja 9999
• <+>*** <9 •
Sioux City, la.
The Torchbearers Women’s club
met on Monday November 8th in
he home of Mrs. Mary Avery, 606
Lafayette street. Refreshments
were served by the hostess, Mrs.
The Rey. J. H. Patten, pastor of
Mt. Olive Baptist church, preached
a soul stirring sermon Sunday
evening in spite of the influenza
which is troubling him. Testial ser
vices were held Sunday morning.
The Mt. Olive choir gave a
chibterling supper in the basement
of the church Saturday November
Mr. and Mrs. Jean Williams,
1609*4 East Fourth street are
proud parents of a baby boy. Mrs.
Williams was the former Helen
M rs. Carrie Roberts of Clarinda,
la., is visiting here with her dau.
ghter, Mrs. Jess Boyd, at 819 Main
street and b r son. Mr. Percy Lan.
Mrs. Louisa Tillman of St.
Joseph, Mo., is visiting here with
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tillman and
family; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Till
man and with Mr. and Mrs. Ken
dall Mitchell and son, John.
Mr. T. H. Gartrr, 609 Steuben
stredt, is able to be out on the
streets after having his tonsils ex
tract. 'd some time ago.
Mrs. Mary Newkirk is on the
sick list.
Mias Flora May Odell won first
prize and Miss Ruth Harris second
prize in the BYPU Bibical Question
constes c*>nducti:d every month in
the BYPU.
The first place in the choir con
test held Monday, November 29
in Mt. Olive Baptist church, was
won by Malone AME church choir.
Th«i other two competing groups
Pilgrim choir of Sioux Falls, S. D ,
and Mt. Olive choir placed second
and third respectively.
Judges wer- Mrs. Paul MacC
Pit n^d M'ss Clara Asmois of Morn
| ingside College Conservatory
Musical faculty and Martin F s h • •
assistant violin instruc or in *'
conservatory. More than one ha
drcd persons attended the cont
a feature of the 18th anniversa
ry Mt. Olive church.
Rev. J. H. Patten celebrated his
fourth anniversary as pastor of Mt
Oliy« Baptist church.
Rev. J. II. Patten. Moderator of
the Western District, is ill in h s
home at 602 Morgan.
Testimonial service was held
Sunday morning in Mt. Olive
church. Special prayer service was
held Sunday evening for the re
covery of our pastor Rev. J. H.
Mrs. Luella Ramey, 606 Lafay
tte street received word that her
mother. General Morgan was ser
Long Distance Hauling
Moving and Storage
I’hnnc a K ii'if Mil I.ran*
Cleaning, Pressing and Re
Dyeing and Hat Cleaning
Dresses Cleaned and Press^
ed—Fur Crafting, Etc.
fir"r --If Is- Hugf ■ - VWm m ,1P
11 -*■bj iiriT^W/
^Th^Lerieve^ieavf^loenditiZ^vM^ estsblahed by ^
tke Gebetray *snelK«vrii>fl Compeer H Heby m«*hodi
•I preserving women's Mlersl beiuty, tab lb disks
tke resells el thie research tvtileble It *' gobllo.
It has often been said that tf a
woman keeps the health and beauty
of her youth, years are an asset.
But what of the woman who has
found the years too busy to devote
time to the preservation of her
complexion, her figure, and her vi
Is It too late for the wornnn <f
forty or thereabouts to resolve. “I
will Improve my appearance"? Can
she hope to regain some of the
beauty she has allowed to slip
away? Emphatically yes. It Is
never too late for bentity and ro
Women of forty, and forty-five,
and fifty should realize they never
again can look swPel sixteen They
should avoid emulating the ad
vanced styles of the fashionable
young Seventh avenue set. and en
denvor to achieve that which s
even more attractive to many men.
the dignity of character and per
soiiallt.v that Is the older woman's
rightful heritage
When we are young we time a
ceriain type of chic nenuty Hint
vanishes with the years to he re
placed by a more mature type: and
tills In turn ts replaced by still
other types as we grow older. We
must forever avoid trying to he
that which we are not, and rnnren
trate our atttntioii on making the
most of what we are.
The woman of forty hns Inst her
lissom ness In many cases. Her fig
ure Is fuller, anti perhaps her hair
Is turning a hit gray Her health
may not tie wlmt It once was.
She should adopt a set of exer
dses tending to otTset any propen
slty to plumpness, and more Import
uni, she should perform the exer
cises faithfully. She should get
plenty of sleep and eat healthy
easily digested foods Untying hair,
unbecoming to some women, can tie
tinted to Its full rich natural color
by the application of efficient mod
ern preparations.
Clothing should be fashionable of
course, and yet conservative. In
choosing apparel and accessories It
Is often well to select the darker
and less guy article If a choice pre
senis Itself.
Especially Important Is the use of
cosmetics. No matter how many
crenms and lotions we apply, it is
Impossible to remove without plas
tic surgery the little wrinkles and
lines that advancing years have
brought. We should not try to re
move them, for they are often a
mark of character. We should en
deavor, Instead, to turn our alien
tion to Improving complexion and
general appearance.
Itouge should he used lightly. He
sure it Is the proper shade and that
it Is applied correctly
If the eyebrows have .become
fuzzy and unkempt It is well to
pluck them In the manner dictated
by the shape of the face If Jewel
ry Is worn especially earrings It
should follow conservative trends.
The hands and fingernails are es
pecially Important, because men nu
tlet* them more In older women.
Fingernails should he kept well
groomed and polished Bright hued
enamels should he used sparingly.
Above all. women should remein
•ber they have not lost their clmrin
at 40; that by following common
sense rules they can become more
truly beatillful than they ever were
III their lives
Many of my contest letters re
mind women of this fact, and later
I’m going 10 pass on to you some of
the beauty hints they contain But
right now there are so many excel
lent letters I'm kept busy Just read
ing them And I do want to thank
you all for your leiters and your
help. You were Just grand I
iously ill in the hospital at Clarinda
The Willing Workers club will
have a chitterling social Saturday
December 11 in the home of Mrs.
Frances Woods, 314 South Iowa
""’’e BYPU Questionable Contest
v M '•nd Sunday December 12th. If
you are interested in learning more
concerning the word of God. attend
the BYPU. Teacher, Mrs. Frances
'r n; President, Mrs. Irma
P/.WvVi 1’harma**'
>30fi Nit. M >t «t. WE I*
A Three Days7 Cough
Is Your Danger Signal
No matter how many medicines
you have tried for your cough, chest
cold, or bronchial irritation, you can
get relief now with Creomulsion.
Serious trouble may be brewing and
you cannot afford to take a chance
with any remedy less potent than
Creomulsion, which goes right to
the seat of the trouble and aids na
ture to soothe and heal the inflamed
mucous membranes and to loosen
and expel the germ-laden phlegm.
Even if other remedies have failed,
don't be discouraged, try Creomul
fion. Your druggist is authorized to
' refund your money if you are not
thoroughly satisfied with the bene
fits obtained from the very first
bottle. Creomulsion is one word—not
two, and it has ns hyphen in it.
Ask for it plainly, see that the name
on the bottle is Creomulsion, and
you’ll get the genuine product and
the relief you want, (Adv.)
^■iday special
White Ash Semi-Anthracite
Lump 01 VO C|r Use Our
Gra'e Cash Special Fuel Plan
Take tips opportuni y to save your Christmas Money.
Al^o from now until Chris'mas, every third day we
ane offering a special price on different gnvdes of coal.
Call us for information.
American Coal Co.
AT 3670 1224 N 13th AT 3670
ii The wise anil pleasant way to relieve a cough due to a cold is a
Smith Brothers Cough Drop. (Two kinds: Black or Menthol—5<*.)
Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the only drops containing VITAMIN A
I This is the Vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous
mentbrands of the nose and throat to cold and cough infections.
The W»rd CeateJempe
TW ward MUilNp la ifla
■ ■■>!> teed Iwt ahaald realty ha
' ihtdlad only to a parttealar variety
r «f ribbed wnnkawlea wMch waa
| drat arawa la torwpe at tha eastk
• at Oaatalupo. la Italy.
. , m _
Reform* awd Prayraea
tj 'Raforma are aaaaattal ta yray
r«ap" Hid III Ha. the aaye af China
i»wa. "‘They am* ha attained hy
^-earning a* only wbat la yta*hlr
* bat what la Impiiaaihle.”
Toarha*** of Lithograph Paper
Experiment* with lithograph pi
vtr comhicged by tha hnreaa af
standards abow that Ita re**anew
to tearing and breaking Increases
•a the humidity gees up.
Much of anyone’s kaowledge la
really only Information gained by
reading or hearing the facta and
net hy actual wlfneaa ar examine
ties ef theta.
London’* Ru*h P. O. Hour*
One-third of the 42..VIO.O(* letter*,
postcards, etc., posted In Ixnidon
every week are posted In the two
hour* between 4:30 p. m. and drSd
Uui I \ I'harmao
* »
W* OiiO1'
' y tr' ~’TRFET>
r r-t l> II •> \
Lftdici' and Children’a Work
A Specialty.
2422 Lake Street
I guarantee to help row
2. . ii° '*" Wy«»o4 bm Ito, mm»«■.
S'* ,*rp1 ■* »oda» hfenMllM nitfl
M. WILLIAMS, Journal Square Sli
Jersey City, N. J. d*,*. a
FEW husbands can understand
why a wife should turn from a
pleasant companion into a shrew
for one whole week in every month.
You can say "I'm sorry" and
kiss and make up easier before
marriage than after. Be wise. II you
want to hold your husband, you
won’t lie a three-quarter wife.
For three generations one .vorraji
has told another bow to go "smit
ing through" with I.ydla 11. P.,ik
ham'a Vegetable Compound, it
helps Nature tone up ti e system,
thus lessening the discomforts I rom
the functional disorders which
women must endure In the three
ordeals of life: 1. Turning from
girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre
paring for motherhood. 3. Ap
proaching “middle ago,”
Don't be a three-quarter wife,
take LYDIA E. PIN liH AM'S
Go '‘Smiling Through.”
Let Peoples Do It
Olean up that front room. We specialize in making old
houses look like new, inside and out. No chajrge for esti
mation on work. No job too small or too large.
Ten trained decorating medhajnics. Our motto—Service
First, at the lowest prices. Call WEbster 2858.
Peoples Paint and Papering Shop
A Full Size Specially Posed Photo
PREE with Every Can of Sweet
Georgia Brown Hair Dressing
Here’* the biggest money-making opportunity ewt
offered to Agcntsl Don't lose any time taking ad van
tage of this sensational offer! Just think how your cus
tomers will buy when you offer them a beautiful Auto
graphed Photo (9*4*12 ) of JOE LOUIS absolutely
FREE with each can of Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Dress
ing. Everybody want* a picture of this coming world’s
champion in their home. So don’t wait. Send name and
address for FREE samples of -
Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Dress
ing, Face Powder, Agents Offer
and Special JOE LOUIS FREE
PictureOfler. Hurry I Write today 1
. Dept. 160
2241 Indiana Avenue
Chicago, Illinois
Hair Grower Bleach Cream
Ooabt* e»ne W—n. »»mi»
‘ , “
And Our 18 OfHor Cahnolaat Baauty Qroaflono
IhMh mm Inr JUietki Qnprip W «■ #f* a Vina Mm
S'M?baMjTSm*0^rtTwm%ji^m«aW^ lyn**
Cannon Coamallca Cow Dap*. BOA. EUanta, flfc
n-n-f. »«. a - _jar_
Raising the Famlly« swing • jnu«sung iwmih_^ __ __ .
■ S swl were
ow totv.^ri I \ *22^22*
nc 'iooft M(s | v TV-WsT 3HjHr|
ne<vas her- , -*- f— .. . • >«. ■■ ■ **-|
BoOCW hvch ooor r j i am "ToO 1 .
CO WITH HfeB- V‘ CA- k «C«4) WOUJ \ \ Vv 9 fl I
-7—-’ - OX!/* I