The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 04, 1937, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    Who Is Most Popular Minister In Omaha?
‘•NOTH|| to all 'thurch, civic, re-j
lifftlMM, secret and social clubs; to
pastor*. presidents and reporters.
All news of the above organiza
tion moat be in our office on or be-I
fore Monday at 6p. m. each week j
for the news items to appear in the
current issue. Your members want j
their paper on time. Please be
prompt and cooperate with ua.
C. C, Galloway. Acting Editor
Itev. Wm. Pruitt, Pastor
.Sunday school opened at the us
«m‘1 hour with the superintendent:,
presiding. At 11 iHO a. m., the, ser
mon was preached by the pastor.
Subject, “Sowing and Reapirg." At
2:3}) p. m. (he Union Mission was in
session of which tibe Rtv. J. C.
Crowder delivered the message.
Subject, ‘ Hang Out Your Sign."
BYPU opened at th usual hour
with a large attendance. Visitors
■were Mrs- Hays and Mrs. Johnson.
At. 8 p. m. the pastor again brou
ght to us a splendid Message. Sub
ject, "Tht Lords f'r.iy>r.” The
pastor of the church cordially in
vites you to visit at Moraine Star.
Everyone welcome.
Rev. J. I*. Mosley, Pastor
Mrs. Lenora Parker, Reporter
Regular services were held and
the pastor preached a soul' stir
ring strmon. Baptizing was held
at Bethel Baptist church and we
■wish to thank them for their hos
pitality. There were three baptized.
Instead of preaching, the. pastor
Rev. Mosley, lot the young people
take charge of the evening services
A program was rendered by thd
Shining Star Choral club, of Mt.
This Week In
Thought and Religion
By Robert L. Moovly
The Monroe Doctriiw
On December 2nd, this doctrine
■was more than 100 years old. The
Monroe Doctrine stands for the
perservatkm of American territory
against European acquisitions. This
was to guard aganst control of
Latin-American Republics by for
eign powers.
Of course this doctrine was aim
ed at foreign colonizations but
these principles should be applied
to all foreign theories and practices
Despite the conflicts and complexi
ties, these strong ideals caused in
Europe, sure Americanism is threat
ened by foreign invasions. Amer
ica was settled upon the basis of
Christian freedom and any foreign
theory that denies Christ ard free
dom is unAmerican and should be
resisted upon these shores.
Now that Thanksgiving is oyer,
we begin to prepare for Christmas.
As we prepare to celebrate the
birth of our Lord, let our highest
aim be. ’‘The spirit of giving."
presents from others are to be gra
ciously received but let us seek to
display the spirit of Christmas
where H is most needed. Give those
persons who need happiness most.
Seeing that the world and man
kind was helpless in need of deliv
erance God so loved the world.
that He gave his only begotten
Son." We may not give the most
ooetly gifts, but let the spirit of
sharing and helping be our goal.
‘‘Not what we give, but what
we share .
The gift without the giver is bare
Who gives himself with his alms,
feeds three.
Himself, His hungering neighbor
and Me.”
Our Bible school theme this week
ir “Christian Best.’’ It is absurd to
thing of obtaining “rest” without
‘'laboring.’’ Whether you are la
boring under, (1) the burden of
sin, or (2) the yoke of spiritual,
social, financial or moral response j
bility, the Miaster yet calls: "Come
unto Me, all ye that labor and are '
heavy laden, and I will give you '
retA. Take my yoke upon you and
earn of me, for My yoke is easy
Md My burden Is light.” Matt. 11: |
Olivo church. This dub was organ
ized about a month ago, but they
rendered well their parts. Miss
| Annie Mae Milton is president.
I The program was enjoyed by all.
Como to Mt. Olive, you are wel
Service order: Preaching 11:00
n. to. Evangelistic Service 7:30 p.
m. Mother Aanie Salughter in
charge. Residence 2210 Clark.
-v- |
2307 No. 24th Street j
Rev. McClellan, Pastor
Alice ‘Johnson, Reporter
- I
Sunday was another great day
with us in spite of the cold wea
ther. We had a large number in
attendance, both Sunday morning
and Sunday night.
Com# out and hoar this great
gospel minister. He is one of God’s
chosen men. A wonderful prophet
and henler. On Wednesday and
Friday nights we will have the
white minister and his congrega
tion from South Omaha.
We make no deference between
race, -creed or cclor. The public is
cordially invited to worship with
us at all times.
Rev. R. W. Johnson, Pastor
There were three services Sun
day, all of which were very uplift
ing. Sunday school at it’s usual
time was well attended. The child
ren and teachers found the lesson
very initereating. The pastor prea
ched on the subject, “Grow.’' The
sermon was preached so anyone
could understand it. There was one
added to the church, in the person
of Mi's. Hally M. Stevens, of Kan
sas City, Mo. In the afternoon ser
vices tinder the direction of Sister
Alexander and the healers was of
its best. The sermon was delivered
l>y Rev. C. I Union, subject, “Sow
ing and Reaping.’’ Evening services
were conducted by the pastor and
special music was rendered by the
choir. The subject of the evening
sermon was “Lord Bless My Soul.'’
You are always welcome to our
church, we see no creed nor color.
Wednesday night will be the pros
perity service night. Saturday at
2431 Patrick Avenue there will be
a chitterling supper. Follow the
crowds, and come to the Metropoli
-— ■ o
Rev. F. B. Banks, Pastor
The Sunday school opened on
time with a very nice attendance
Two new pupils enrolled in the
j Sunday school, Imogene and Jun
! ior Perry. Brother Henderson was
| n visitor in the Sunday school from
l the Church of God. Morning ser
vices were well attended. Rev. F.
C. Williams preached a wonderful
sermon. At 6 p. m., we had a wide
awake BYPU with the Christian
Culture Course manifesting much
interest. Visitors were Misses
Clara Mae and Mildred McClinton
of Pleasant Green Baptist church.
At. 8:30 Rev. C. Union brought to
us an inspiring sermon. Sick of the
church are Mrs. Smith, 3019 Pink
ney. Come and worship at Paradise,
a warm welcome awaits all.
Will You rMinister Win?
With the Christmas holidays,'
only a few weeks off, the manage
ment of the Omaha Guide, launches
a Minister Popularity and Christ-1
mas Gift Contest at the conclusion
of which $100.00 in prizes shall be
given away.
Is your pastor the most popular
minister in Omaha?
Will you make your pastor happy
during Christmas by helping him
• win in this popularity contest.
I>o you apprecate your pastor?
All of these questions may be
answered by casting a vote for the !
minister whom you consider the
1 roost popular.
Contest opens December 2nd.
closes 12 M., December 27th
(Winner announced and prizes
awarded December 27th, 8 p. m.)
Omaha Guide auditorium. Clip
coupon on this page and start your
favorite minister off with 5,000 j
Read Rules Carefully:
1. Any minister pastoring church
within the limits of Douglas Coun- I
ty may be entered as a participant 1
in this contest, providing the cou
pon on this page has been clipped
nnd brought or forwarded to this
office, 2418 Grant street.
2. Coupons wifi be published in
the Omaha Guide for three weeks
of the contest, and will be number
ed one two and three and will be
accepted only when clipped and
properly signed on or before Mon
day 12 noon, following the issue
in which it appears.
3. No single person may vote
more than once each week.
4. Each vote brought or sent to
this office must be signed by the
persons voting.
5. Persons desiring to vote for
different ministers, not pastors of
their respective churches, may do
0. Person desiring to vote for
different ministers different weeks
of the contest may do so.
| 7. The relative standing of each
each contestant will be published
1 in the Omaha Guide each week of
[ the contest. The actual standing
will be published in the issue fol
' lowing December 27th. the closing
i date of the contest.
I 8. A committee of five to be se
lected at the time and place of the
| awarding of the prize will count
I the votes nnd determine the win
! rcr.
9. No minister who is a relative
of any employee of the Omaha
Guide will be accepted as a candid
ate in this contest.
10. The contest opens December
2nd, and positivtly closes Monday,
'December 27th at 12 M.
Vote For Your Favorite Minister
Each Week.
Fill Out the Coupon Below Each
W eek.
Contest Begins with the Decem
ber 2nd. Issue of the Omaha Guide.
Off the Press Thursday Evening
at 6 P. M.
Rev. T. J. Sanford, Pastor
Sunday school opened at 9:46
j with the superintendent, J. 9. Jeff
erson at his post of duty and the
I school was well attended. The pas
tor preached from the 12th chapter
of Mattheiws and the 26th verse,
j Everybody is welcome to attend
the service*. Prayer and class
( meetings Wednesday night. The
sick of the church is: Mother
| M ickins and we are praying for her
• speedy recovery.
Ministers Popularity and Christmas Gift Coupon
This coupon is good for 5,000 votes
I hereby cast my vote for:
Kiev. ..........
Pastor of ........ ....
Signed . ....
Address ...........
Number 1 Coupon is not good after Dec- 6th, 12 p m.
Rev. M. B. Bilbrew, Pastor
Minnie Bryant, Reporter
Services were well attended at
Salem Sunday. The Sunday school
classes seem to receive much from
the lesson. The superintendent gave
ft helpful preview of the lesson.
At 11 o’clock our pastor brought
a wonderful message. The Mission
ary Society held their regular
fourth Sunday meeting at 3 p. m.
and a splendid program was ren
Tho BYPU met at its regular
hour- Both the Sunday school and -
BYPU pupils are working hard on
a Christmas contata.
At the evening services, eur pas
tor again delivered the message.
Those ill are: Mrs. Slaughter and
Mrs. Kendal. We were very happy
to have Mrs. Alexander and Mrs.
Williams pesent after a long per
iod of illness
Visitors are always welcome at
Rev. F. P. Jones, Pastor
Church services were as usual.
The Sunday school being the first
with fair attendance. The Holiday
spirit is in the air and preparations
aro being made to meet the de
mands of the occasion.
The pastor preached for the
morning worship from the subject,
■'Christian Fruitfulness. ’’ Next
Sunday morning will be known as
Family Reunion Day. All families
aro asked to be present for a sl>e
cial message awaits them.
The Usher board is giving a
chitterling supper at the home of
Mrs. Ella Thomas, 2508 Parker
street. Saturday. Everyone is in
vited to attend.
The sick of the church are Mrs.
Burton, Mrs- Davidson, Mrs. Beck
Mrs. Lucas and Mrs. Henson.
Visitors present were Mrs
Fields, Mrs. King and Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas. Visitors are always wel
The BYPU meets at 6 oclock
and each and everyone is invited
to visit the meetings and see what
the young people are doing. They
aro featuring an amatuer slogan
contest for next Sunday evening.
Miss Moore was a visitor in the
BYPU service.
Two persons united with the
church as candidates for baptism.
.Don’t forget the White Gift ser
vices will be held the 19th and
20th of December.
“The Friendly Church”
Dr. R. A. Adams, Pastor
The Sunday school started the
service at St. John ’ast Sunday
with a fine attendance.
Rev. Williams, presiding elder of
the Omaha district, pr<*acched as
it was quarterly meeting day. The
subject of his sermon was, ‘Lord
To Whom Shall We Go?” One of
his most outstanding thoughts was
that we nesd someone to go to,
who can lift us up, else we perish.
The revival has been fair, but
the attendance has not come up to
expectation. The religious pageant
that is to follow the revival pro
mises to be very impressive.
The choir is working on its mu
sical for Christmas.
The church expresses its sym
pathy to the family and friends
of Sister Jenkins who passed last
The ill of the church are report
ed as doing fine. We pray for their
speedy recovery.
Read the Omaha Guide and keep
posted on your church, social and
fraternal news as the Christmas
holidays are growing near, you
will want all the news and the
Guide will have it waiting for you.
Rev. Gates, Pastor
Helen Bradshaw, Reporter
Despite the inclement weather.
Sunday school was opened on
time. A very inspirational Sunday
school lesson was taught by our
young minister, Rev. Lefall.
The morning services were in
deed spiritual. The pastor. Rev.
Gates preached the morning ser
mon, subject. “A Compassionate
American and Chinese Dishes
King- Yuen Cafe
010'/, N. 24th St. Jackson 857*
Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m.
Saviour.^ The sermon was enjoyed
by all. Our BYPU is progressing I
rapidly. Rev. L. C. Crawford of
Zion preached his second sermon j
at Mt. Nebo Sunday night. His
subject. “What Is Man that Thou
Art Mindful of Him.” Wednesday
night the young minister, Rev. Le- j
l'all preached. Mt. Nebo's doors are
opened to all who wish to worship
God with us.
2202 4-6 North 24th Street
Phone WE 4137
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Tear credit is good here and
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Just select one tire or a full
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