THE GUID1TE CLUB__ Guidlie Club To Sponsor ' Goodwill Christmas Tree The Guidite club will hold its first city-wide Goodwill Xmas Tree, Monday evening, December 27th in the auditorium of the Omaha Guide 8419 Grant street. In tracing the life of the Guid ito club, we find that this organiza tion of youth created for the pur pose of teaching the boys and girls who read the Omaha Guide to ap preciate art, literature, science and physical education as well as en lighten them as to the progress of black America through the Negro History Questions and answers, has indeed made an inroad into the life of the youth of Omaha, result ing in the Guidite club, which start ed March 6, 1937, to now boast of oyer 700 members. Among the outstanding programs of public nature that has been sponsored by this organization of youth are as follows: The Gu dite Club May Day Festival; a program that drew together the youth of sixteen Omaha churches and one out of town church, totalling 750 young people, subsequently they staged a mammouth parade cover | ing one half a mile along Twenty fourth street, lead on by the Ne gro WPA band. The host of youth march to St. Jfohn AME church where they were greeted by ap proximately 1.000 mothers, fathers and friends, where they put on un doubtedly the largest demonstra tion of youth talent that has ever been in Omaha, in song and speech i - under he direction of Miss Ethel J ones. A theatre party that packed the Ritz theatre with over 700 young people. An Easter Egg hunt at which time over 400 youth enjoyed an afternoon of hunting eggs. They enjoyed good eats. Thus as we come to the end of an enjoyable year Uncle Gil is anxious to make thousands of Omaha Youth happy during the Christmas holi day season, with that in mind he is planning for the, biggest Christ mas tree program ever to be held in Omaha, where candies, toys and cMtfhing and fruit will be giv en to every child in attendance. -o———— GAMES Battle Balancing Place a round bottle on its side on the floor, then have a person sit down on the bottle, extending legs full length. Put the right foot on top of the left toe, afterwards giving the person pencil and a piece of cardboard or heavy paper, and tell him to write his name on it without, his hands touching the floor. It usually takes several ef forts to accomplish this feat, v Trick Matches This stunt may be used on vari ous occasions. Have one or two candles in the room lighted. Have, one that is not lighted, and when a new arrival comes give him a trick match and ask him to light the match. It will explode like, a small firecracker or toy pistol cap. It is harmless. The matches may be bought at any novelty store at five cents a box. This is a lot of fun. The Guidite World of Music By Miss Ethel Jones Peter Ilyitch Tschaikowsky Conductor Walter Damrosch Peter Ilyitch Tschaikowsky was born May 7. 1840 at Kamsko, Vot kinsk, government of Viatka. Al though a creator of immortal works, no man was ever more sub ject: to mortal moods than he was. Never robust in health, nostalgia and restlessness beset him, through out most of his mature years When on conducting engagements throughout Europe and America he suffered agonies of homesickness. On the other hand when he was home he suffered a restlessness to be on the go again. His start on a musiccar eer canie when he gaye up the legal practice into which he had been thrust after graduating from a law school in 1859, he was appointed to a post of mirsttry of Justice. His parents were not particular ly musical, but he had had regular piano lessons from the aige of se ven. As he came into manhood his musical talents became more and more manifest. In 1861 he studied theory with Zaremba and in 1863 he decided definitely to follow a musical career. Entering the con servatory of Petrograd, he took up the study of the flute, organ and piano. Anton Rubenstein being his piano teacher. One of the good fortunes which came into his life was the financial assistance given him by Madam von Meek, which enabled him to devote his time entirely to composi | tion. Strange to say, that in the 13 years she aided him he never met her. Some of his well known works are the “Nutcracker Suite,’' “Mar che Slav,” the ‘‘Pathetique Sym phony” and many others. Tskaikowsky’s career came to a close suddenly when he died of Cholera in Petrograd on Novem her 6, 1893. Who Knows? 1. Who has been called the mu sical poet of Poland 2. What opera by Puccini has four heroes—a poet, a painter, a philosopher and a musician? 3. Who wrote the song “Good bye?” 4. Which of Verdis operas was named from the principal charact er, a hunchback? 5. Who wrote the opera “Thais?'’ Answers 1. Frederic Chopin 2. “La Boheme” 3. F. Paola Tosti 4. Rigletto 5. Jules Massenet APPLICATION-GUIDITE CLUB Please enroll me in The GUIDITE CLUB, I promise to abide by the rules as set forth in The Omaha Guide. My Name is___Age _ My Address is__ ____ City---State_ School Grade-Name of School_ Parents’ Name___ _ Date of Birth_ Cut this out and bring or mail to “Uncle Gil”, Omaha Guide. __OMAHA, NEBRASKA Pitfalls In English Avoid such expressions as the fol lowing: Poor: I went to the superinten dent of the PoPor’s office. Good: I went to the office of the Superintendent of the Poor. Poor: The superintendent of Edu cation’s office in the Geresee Build ing. Good: The office of the Superin tendent of Education is in the Ger esse Building. Poor: One of the men’s wives was hurt in the accident. Good: The wife of one of the men was hurt in the accident. Poor: One of the children's mo thers called to see us. Good: The mother of one of the children called to see us. Poor: The box’s cover was brok en. Good: The cover of the box was l: l'oken Lie—Lay To use and lay correctly re quires a knowledge of their differ ences in meaning and application, and also the memorizing of eight little words. Here they are: Mem orize the first four from left to right, then memorize the second four. 3. To recline Present, (see note A;) Past ing Fqrm, lay (see note B), lying. Use with has, have or had, lain. 2. To place on object Present, lay; Past ing Form, laid, lying; Use with has, have or had, laid. Praciice saying all of groups 1 and 2 accurately and rapidly. Note A: Use the words shall, will, do, does; did, may can must mighit, could, should, would; to with the present form in both groups of words. Nate B: Use the words, am, is are, was, were with the “ing” form in both groups of words. Divice Step A: Decide whether the use ' to which is to be put carries the ; idea of reclining, eliminate the four words in group 2. If it carries the idea of placing an object, eliminate the four woias in group 1. Step C. If you have used, has. have or had in your sentence, you select one of the words under, has have or had. If you need the “ing” form, use it. If you are speaking of the pre sent time, you use the word under present. If you are speaking of tho past you use the word under Past. Application of Device 1, Father - down when ; eyer he feels ill. Step A. Decide whether reclin ing or placing an object. An swer: reclining B: Eliminate four words of group 2. This sentence is obviously Robbin’s Pharmacy 2306 No. 24 th St. WE 1711 HOW OFTEN CAN YOU KISS AND MAKE UP? FEW husbands can understand why a wife should turn from a pleasant companion into a shrew for me whole week In every month. You can say "I'm sorry" and Ida and make up easier Iwfore marriage than after. Be wise If you want to hold your husband, you won't be a three-quarter wife. For three generations one woman has told another how to go "smil ing through" with I-ydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforu from the functional disorders which women must endure in the three ordeals of life: I. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. i"re paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching "middle age." Don’t be n three-quarter wife, take LYDIA E. PINKUAM'8 VEGETABLE COMPOUND aud Go "Smiling Through.” The QUESTION BOX i , » » g- » » «- lyll ■ • m 1. Who wrote “Souls of Black Folks?” 2. Who was the first Negro to finish West Point. 3. Name the three Negroes now holding world's boxing champion ships? 4. Who was the author of “Beale Street and River George” and from what state does he hail? 5. Who is the national president 'of the National Women’s Federa t ion ? Answers. 1. Dr. DuBois 2. Henry 0- Flipper. 1877. 3. Joe Louis, John Henry Lewis and Henry Armstrong. 4. Lieut. George W. Lee. Miss. 6- Mrs. R. R. Moton. 3014 Miami St Omaha. Nebr November 20, 1937 Dear Uncle Gil; This letter is to let you know bow much I enjoyed the party. I liked the games that we played very much. I especially liked the one where you counted to seven and say ‘ buz.’’ Yours truly. Monrovia Murrell in the present. C: The word required is lies. Therefore: Father lies down when ever he feels ill. 2. The gloves are--on the bureau. Step A: Decide. Answer reclining B; Eliminate four words in 'group 2. C: The ing form is required with ‘are.” Dying Therefore: The loves ere lying on the bureau. 3. Roveir -in the sun all yesterday morning. Step A: Device. Rover reclined. B: Eliminate four words in Group 2. Yesterday indicates past time. The required word is lay. Therefore: Rover lay in the sun all yesterday morning. Men’s Dress Shirts 1314 to 20 $1.00 Men’s Ties. $.29—4 for $1.00 Open until 9 Sat. evenings ACE TIE SHOP 1402 Farnain SIGNS FOR F. D. R. Washington, D. C.—Jeanne Kava oagh, twenty, pretty, blue-eyed Iowa girl, pictured here, has been ap pointed by President Roosevelt as secretary, with the power to sign his name to all land grants and pat ents. She is the youngest person ever to hold this position, and has her desk in the general land office, in the Department of the Interior building. Famous Quotations “Measure your mind's height by the shadow it casts.’'—Browning. ‘‘It lies in our power to attune the mind to cheerfulness.”—Auer bach. “The less you want to know people, the more people want to know you.'’—The Saturday Even ing Post. ‘‘Saying the wrong thing is mis fortune; but trying to explain it is disaster.”—The Saturday Evening Post. ‘Everyone can master a grief, but he that has it.’’—Shakespeare. Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On No matter how many medicines you have tried for your cough, chest cold, or bronchial Irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with any remedy less potent than Creomulsion, which goes right to the seat of the trouble and aids na ture to soothe and heal the inflamed mucous membranes and to loosen and expel the germ-laden phlegm. Even If other remedies have failed, don’t be discouraged, try Creomul sion. Your druggist Is authorized to refund your money If you are not thoroughly satisfied with the bene fits obtained from the very first bottle. Creomulsion is one word—not two, and it has no hyphen in it. Ask for it plainly, see that the name on the bottle Is Creomulsion, and you’ll get the genuine product and the relief you want. (Adv.) AGENTS WANTED i DO YOU KNOW WHY — - No m Who Hasn't Bo to Collagg Can ^prtclitB TTHb? ****** iy ftfcjt ^-. (Vi —' loiAO r€ fee / > vov ^ f* P~< 1 j-'rr see ms p> ) I OOb‘6 pot 6NWU»TeO \ l te«TH«e> *« *©-<* ©* THe c*» c- wow'. ; CH .THK tm- 004 ok THB PHHH #KMt> TH« ^w. **■ IM TH’ POO*- . OH. C ta. r»jr I -«OU ITS 1 , J «Xr