The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 04, 1937, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    "Love will find a way" Uno lt«v
ble but not so easily out of it
Rescue the under dog in a dog
fight but better do it with a pole
rood Stores,Inc.
Butter Nut Coffee
1 lb 30c 2 lbs 59c
WE 0402 24th & LAKE
Arthur's “Round Table”
Is Lure of Tourists
Winchester. Eng. — King Arthur ■
Round Table is still one of the at
tractions which bring tourists to this
city, if one may judge from the
number of visitors this last summer.
The fact that Winchester is more
truthfully the city of Alfred the
Great, or that it has one of the
finest cathedrals of England, seems
to mean less than the fact that in
the old castle hangs a "wheel of
fortune.” known as King Arthur s
Round Table.
The table here was first men
tioned by the poet Hardyng in 1378,
and Henry VIII brought the Em
peror Charles V to see it when
Charles visited England in 1522,
proudly displaying it as one of the
most interesting sights in England.
2509 N. 24th, Street.
Ice cold beer to complete
the meal
» __I
Wie wish to express our appreciation for the sym
pa.hy and the kindnesses of our friends, during the.
illness and death of our dear wife and mother, Mrs.
H. B. Il)ieronymous. ,We aire grateful for ftoe floral
messages, for the uuders.anding services of dip Jo
sjeph I>. Dew is Mortuary; for the great discourse by
Rev. J. S. Williams; for the sweet musif of his choir;
for all cars; so kindly donated, for the presence of
nJl who called and for the pug spua auoi[dO[a} •
many post cards of solace.
Signed: Solomon Hieronymous, husband ;
Prleston and Janies Hieronymous; sons;
Jennie, Vinnie and Lenora Hieronymous,, daughters
Pearl Hieronymous, daughter in law.
EMERSON Model AC-149
American Broadcasts, All Police Calls,
Amateur and Aeroplane Stations.
Pfvp-tobe AC Superheterodyne With
aBVtest developments. BeVelite cabinet.
Round-the-World Set
EMERSON Model AM-131
Six-tuba AC-DC Superheterodyne. Playx
anywhere. American, Foreign, end
Police celli. All advance feature*. Hand*
tome hand rubbed Walnut cabinet
Hear the Sensational
New Emerson Invention
(Mechanical and Detlgn Patent* Pending)
Entirely new type ef
Speaker Grille with
Tone Heading
Chamber. Glveg
equalled reception
of all voice end In*
(trument tone*.
“Re-Create* the Arti*t In Your Home.''
Emerson Radios from
$14.95 UP
There ere Eveersoe soft for every pur
pose end every purse. Come m end
ft 1 Tin
Allen APPlianie Co.
/L Omaha's Largest: Exclusir© Electrical Appliance Store
f 7sl’* MA. 2221 5003 S. 24th Street
b - _____ _
V* Club Women Win Praise For Aiding Worthy Students
Headed by President Aliela Bailey
the Women's Educational club of
Montclair, N. J., has won wide
commendation by its policy if pro
vding seholarsh:ps for deservmd
students, funds for which are rais
td by recitals, featuring nationally
famous artists and sponsored by
*hp club. Marian Anderson was last
year’s recitalist. Shown in the
above photo, grouped about Presi
dent Bailey, are club members
Flizabeth Vasburgh, Fnnnie Down
1 ey, Minnetta Dennis, Kathleen Wi
bocan, Vestilla Lester, Mary B.
James, Clifton Beckett, Virginia
Fowler, Mary Gregg, Forence
Hampton, Auriel Hayes, Mary
Moore, Clara Rickets, Lucy Seldon
and Lena Stephens. (ANP)
State Will Hold Ixcminaltcns ,
For Appointments in Pension office
The Advisory Committee for mer
it examinations in the Nebraska
Unemployment Compensation D,v
ision, State Department of Labor,
has announced plans for the forth
coming examiations. The Commit
tee is composed of Mr. Charles C.
Hellmers, Licoln, as chairman; Mr.
E. W. Augustine, Grand Island, and
Mr. William D. Lane, Omaha. Dr.
E. Glenn Callen, Nebraska Wesley
an university, Lincoln, has been
selected as Supervisor of Examin
ations for the Committee. He has
just returned from Washington
with information and suggestions
as to how the examinations are to
be conducted. The examination of
fice will be maintained at Room
414, Main Building, Nebraska Wes
Icyan university.
In commenting on the import
ance of thV- application of the mer
it system and the place of the
Board in the examination program
Mr. Hellmers says: "The Unem
pioyment Compensation division of
tho Nebraska Department of La
bor is practically tWe first Depart
ment of the State of Nebraska to
select its personel by a competitive
merit system. The examination and
operation of this merit system is
under the supervision of an Advi
sory Board. The members of the Ad
visory board will take absolutely
no part in selecting empoyees for
this division. The board is on re
cord that it will assure to all ap
plicants quaified, and impartial
examnation and examining board.
Regulations shall be applied im
nartially, with freedom of political
influence and justice to all citizens
of the State of Nebraska. It is the
firm opinion of the Board that the
merit system will assure to the
State, an efficient, loyal person
rrel and to the personnel, an oppor
tunity to be of service to the State
with proper reward for loyal and
sincere service. Employment will
not be affected by changes in poli
tical fortunes, but will be perman
ent execpt for dismissal for cause."
The examinations are conducted
on a merit basis as is required the
Paint, Glaaa and Varniah
Wp do (lazing and make window
shade* to order
1822 24 N. 24 WB 1607
Cleaners & Laundry
24th and O Sts.
Opposite City Hall—East
North 24th Street
1807 No. 24th St. WE 4240
Have your old shoes made to
look and wear like new.
Our invisible resoling is just
what you need to keep your
feet nice and warm.
Men’s and Women’s dhoes
left over for sale.
Nebraska Unemployment com pen
sation and to provide equal oppor
tunity for ail qualified persons to
compete for positions in the Un
employment Compensation D vi
sion, the Commissioner of Labor
has adopted these regulations to
carry out the merit principle as pro
vided for in Section 11 (d) of the
Nebraska Unemployment Compen
sation Act. All appointments shall
be made on a non partisan merit
The fact that these are merit ex
laminations that a career service
is possible in the Unemployment
Compensation Division is further
emphasized by the statement in
the rule which says “It will be the
policy of the Commissioner of L.a
bor to make possible a career ser
vice by making promotior.3 based
on efficient work and providing ten
ure in office for those wjjo give
satisfactory performance.’’
The positions for which examin
ations are to be held are as fol
lows: General Counsel, Junior At
torney, Chief Accountant, Jiunior
Accountant, Senior Account Clerk,
Intermediate Account Clerk, In
formational Assistant (Public Rela
tions Officer), Chief of Reasearch
and Statistics (Junior Statistician,
Intermediate Statistical Cl'erk,
Chief, Unemployment Compensa
tion Field Advisor; Unemployment
Compensation Field Advisor, Super
visor of Tabulating Unit, Senior
Tabulating Machine Operator, Key
Punch Operator, Senior Clerk, In
termediate Clerk, Junior Clerk,
Senior Clerk Stenographer, Inter
mediate Clerk Stenographer, Junior
Clerk Stenographer, Junior Punli
eating Machine Opera' <>
Clerk Typist, Junior File Clerk,
1 Telephone Operator, Office Mana
! ger (Tentative). Salaries will
range from $70 to $275 per month.
Examinations are to be of a
practical type and will pertain to
the duties of the work to be per
formed. Some will be limited to
written examinations, while others
will include oral examinations and
performance test and credit for ed
ucation and experience as wel.
Grades earned in the examination
will serve as a basis for establish
ing lists of eligibles from which all
appointments will be made.
Examinations will be open to all
who have been a resident of the
State for at least one year prior
to the closing date of the examina
tions, and who meet the specific
.educational requirement set up in
[ the specifications. There are no
age requirements.
The written examinations will
probably be held early in January,
1938. Official application blanks
and specific announcement of the
duties and requirements for the
various positions for admission to
the examinations may be secured
from Pr. E. Glenn Oallen at Nebr
aska Wesleyan university, Lincoln,
Nebraska. All requests for applies
t.ion blanks should be addressed to
bim, as all applications must be
submitted on the official form. The
closing date for filing all applica
tions is December 29, 1937.
-O' — ■
Why Dum-Dum Bullet* So Callod
They were first made In Dum
dum, a military town In India.
They were partly encased In steel.
The soft core spread or expanded
upon striking, thereby Increasing
the Injuries Inflicted.
That red mark across your fore
head shows what kind of a straw
hat you shouldn’t have got.
Plan Health Program
Chicago, Dee. 3 (ANP) Pare
I f tickers and others interested in
the wef- re of youth, will attend a
free health program and exhibit
Monday, Dec, 6t!h, at Proyid nt
The purpose of the meeting is to
create health consciousness in
young people and show how health
can be promoted through the
thoughful choide of Christmas
gifts for children. The program is
■vponsorored by the youth Health
Advisory Committee of the Ch;c
s,go Urban League and the Nat’l.
Youth Administration, of which
J‘. Campbell is state director.
The hospital program will show
how children are made health con
scious through movies, songs and
discussion; how they are taught to
build up good health attitudes
through handicraft, games and
parties, and how they are aided
physically tihrough exercise, play
and physical examinations.
We are again calling your at
tention to the fact that (he WPA
orchestra will continue their Wed
nesday evening concerts. These pro
grams are very interesting and
quit© worthwhile. All persons in
terested in appearing on these pro
grams please call Mr. Bryant at
the Urban League before Wednes
day. We are encouraging musical
tjalen/t of any sort to come forth
and make your bow to the public
by appearing on the Wednesday
musical program and Concert hour
from eight to nine p. m. at the Ur
ban League. These concerts are
See AND! lint
Everyday is Sale Day at Andy’s
1936 Chev. Town Sedan $460
1935 Ford V8 Coupe 385
1936 Ford Tour Sedan Radio,
heater 450
1934 Olds Sedan, Radio
new tires 395
1934 Ford V8 Tudor or Sedan 265
1933 Chev. Sedan or Coupe 275
1933 Ply. Sedan or Coach 276
1932 Chev. Coupe or Coach 175
1932 Ford V8 Tudor or Coupe 196
1931 Chev. Coupe or Coach 145
1930 Chev. Sedan 125
1929 Chev. Sedan or Coach 95
1930 Ford Coupe 85
Auto Sale, Inc.
2042 2044-2112.2200 Harney Street
Phone ATlantle 2425-2426
FOR RENT—Love's Kitchenette .
Apartments, 2516-18 Patrick, or
2613 Grant st. Call We. 5658.
FOR RENT—Furnished room in a
warm modern home. WE 1517
KITCHENETTE apt. for rent
furnished. 2875 Wirt.
FURNISHED rooms for rent. One
with twin beds in modem home.
WE 1280.
NEWLY decorated ami furnished
apartment for rent. Phone AT
1 FURNISHED room to rent, 2920
No. 25th St. WE 5734.
FURNISHED or unfurnished house
or rooms for rent. WE 6031
2 FURNISHED rooms. $2.75 and
$2.50 each for men only. 2825
No. 24th Btreet.
UNFURNISHED room for rent.
AT 4031.
STRICTLY modern apartment,
WE 2742.
FOR RENT furnished room. Call
AT 074S.
Apartment. Call WE 2665.
lodem furnished apartment, cal!
WE 2742.
WANTED—Elderly Christian wo
man as companion to stay with
widow, pay part of own expense.
WE 2365.
Telephone—ATlantic 2120
Rea. Phone—KE. 5872
i ■
Barber & Beauty
Supply Co.
f 114-116 North 16th St.
t '
I Louise Zacek,
• i
Omaha, Nebr
! "
47 Years at 15 and Harney Sts•
A Genuine "ELDREDGE"
Electric Sewing Machine
Regular l’rice . 59.50
Allowance for Your
Old Machine . 14.50
Plus Usual Small
Carrying Charge
Never before have we been
able to offer such an attrac
tively low price on a Cabinet
Sewing Machine of this qual
ity. It’s a new 1988 model
with new refinements and
new conveniences. Trade in
your old sewing machine.
Beautiful 2 tone Walnue Cab
Speed is regulated by knee
New type automatic tension.
Complete with attachments.
Guaranteed 10 years.
Free dressmaking course.
Costs less than 2c a day to
Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
is taken into our
Exchange Dep’t
to encourage the purchase of new merchandise. It ii
ed for resale at the lowest prices we can put upon it
Our first and constant purpose is to maka it easy for MV
customers to have the new. Our second is the quiek dm- ,
posal of the old.
Every day in the year there are large assortments afera* j
In fact you can furnish a whole house from this ttoe* ^
which changes constantly. ^ [
It's worth your while to come to tbo Eaahaago Depart J
mart today, and a week from today. lo ••'•'JoTr* *•*
Walnut Spinet Desk ---$ 4.75
Walnut China Caibinet - 15.00
Mahogany secretary (good condition) - 19.50
Good selection of occasional chairs, trilbies, end
tables and telephone sets.
8 piece Walnut! dining suites_$15.00 to 59.50!
Odd Walnut buffets ---$7.50 to 15.00
2 pc. uplholstered living room suites 15.00, 22.50, ....-27.50
Odd upholstered davenports--$3.00 to 12.50
Convenient Terms
——iv■ ■■1 1 ■■_■'■ _■■ '_■■■■ - — ■■ — — - —I.. .
A coal so hard it has to be crushed like anthracite to size it.
Consequently delivers clean. NO DIRT, NO ROCK, NO SLATE!
Ir Just the Coal You Have Been Looking For!
New Liberty 1
(DMi AT 2806 TRY IT! 1
SS2SL™-_^--^i&2SlHlr I