The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 04, 1937, Page TWO, Image 2
I - —————————y NOTE:—Your question w'.i be answered FREE in this col umn ONLY when a <1 pping of this column is enclosed with YOUR QUESTION, YOUR FULL NAME. BIRTH I) ATE' and CORRECT ADDRESS. For PRIVATE REPLY send twenty-five rents and a self addressed, stamped envelope for my NEW ASTROLOGY READING and receive by return mail my FREE ADVICE on THREE QUESTIONS- Send all letters to Abbe Wallace, care of The Omaha Guide. 2418 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska. M. S.-r-My mother says he does n't mean mo any good b cause he doesn’t visit me and I want you to tell mo What you think ? Ans: You had better take your mother’s advice about ,th’s pro blem for rhe is plenty wise. The young man does not think as much of you as you appear to think of him. Don’t worry much about him for you are going to have a num her of nice boy friends before you get grown. R. G.—Will my hushand get the - job he has applied for and if so iilwmfluiw soon will h > go to work ? Ans: He is going to get a Job around the first of the year. It will pay enough for you to make ar rangeraents to begin housekeeping. : both of you will be a lot better off w hen you do get out to yourselves. B. L.—Would I be acting wise to wait on tjhie raise I am wishing for? Ans: It will be necessary for you to wait if you expect to get the rnise in salary. Don’t gye up your presei^ti job but you should try to find soinethng that will pay you better. M. F.—Did M. C. ever care any thin for me and will he care any more in the finure ? I am worried about this partly. Ans: Then ease your mind right now, once and for all. This fellow doesn't care one thing about you RAY L. WILLIAMS, Auy. Km. 200 Tuchman Bldg. 24th Lake In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska: In the Matter of the Estate of Lovelac Campbell, deceased. To Lovelac Campbell and all be neficiaries of his estate, and all othe.r persons interested in said es tate: You are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in this Court on the 3rd day of November, 1937 by Horace Campbell, interested in said estate as sole beneficiary thereof, alleging that Lovelae Campbell, a resident of Douglas County, Nebraska, on or about the 1st day of November, 1929, with out known cause absented himself from his usual place of residence and has ever since concealed his whereabouts from his fnmily for a year? | ^ast past; that said absentee bfts personal propei ty to be administer ed in Douglas County, Nebraska. Said petitioner prays that the Court prescribe the notice and the return date therein which shall be ’’ tiven, addressed to and served upon said absentee and said beneficiary as provided by law, that the date of death of said Lovelae Campbell be determined and that administra tion of said estate be granted to Ray L. Williams. You are. therefore notified that a hearing will be had on said petition on the 3rd day of January, 1988 at 9 o’clock a. m. at the County Court Room of Douglas County, Nebraska and that if you fail to appear at said time and place and contest the pe tition, the Court may grant the prayer thereof, appoint a repre senative for said absentee and make such other orders according to law, as may be necessary to the end that said estate and all things pertaining thereto may be finally settled and determined. Bryce Crawford, County Judge Be Nov. 6 87 End Dec. 30 37 and he never will. Stop trying to < base him around. F. G. M--—Please tell mo im mediately who put the money in my room? I shall be watching for ii answer? Ana: You are innocent and you know it. Stick to your story. The money was planted there by sflme i nr you are well acquainted with end the whole story will come out very shortly. If. B.~—Does my boy friend love me light now as I desire him to? 1 wrota you privately back in the summer and was well pleased. Ana: lie is still very interested in you although another young wo i man is in his 1 fe at th:s time also. : Don’t give up the fight for you stand as good chance as she does of winning him. However, he is the type that you have to “run after” to some degree, but don't let him knowit. L. FJ.—Will I get an answer to tho letter tlhat I wrote some few weeks ago and wihen must I expect one ? Ann: You are in for a big dis appointment for your uncle is not in a position to help you out fin ancially right now. You should be able to get some kind of job that would pay you enough to live on. Get out and make a deligent search and you will get work. A. L. S.—Please tell me if my boy friend cares more for me than the worn on that he live® w th? Ans: Absolutely not. If he did he surely would not be staying with another woman. Don’t let this in diyidual fool you any longer. He doesn't care anything at all for you or anyone else, he is out m re 1>‘ to see how much fun he can have. r.W.—Would it be a good idea 'or me bo invest all my savings in ho proposition lihat I have n mind this time? Ans: I sincerely *hi k tha! you would be using mighty good ju.lg meni to purchase the pinv of pro perty that has been offered you it such n low price. The party is sacrificing the place just as ch >ap ns he can. Buy it by all mean for you will double your money in a short time. .v —— Alliance OpenMeeting Tho Cact that over a million per sons have been laid off in the last few weeks in private industry, thousands of them right in our own state and county. The vicious nttaek on the unemployed by the local relief ‘Czar” Margaret re f'.ntly through the World Herald. Tho Workers Alliance Locals now orgunized in Omaha, are going to map out the plan and strategy to be used to repulse the attack at a Mass Meeting being called for Monday night, December 6th at Fraternal Hall, 15171 ^ Capitol avenue, 8 p. m. Nr, Frank Alsup, Sub Regional Director. CIO, will speak on “Why tho Employed and Unemployed Should Unite.’’ OLE’S Battery Station WE SPECIALIZE ON BAT TERY SERVICE j 2934N. 24th Ja 9999 - * * Clarinda, la. News i | , , ■»■»■«■ ■«■.» m »■» The second Baptist church Bchool met at its usual hour with Miss Rachel Cason presiding. Morning service was held at the usual hour with a nice attendance. The pastor brought forth a stirring message on “Love.” Evening service was the spot light service of the day with a large gro|up of young people pre sent. The pastor again brought forth a wonderful message full of thoughts, subject, '‘Change.'’ We were pleased to have Mrs. Irene Morton of Omaha in our service. Miss Louise Martin of Omaha, has moved to Clarinda. Health Beauty Charm Keep Young and Beau iful (By Althoiise Beauty School) In speaking of charm in women, no writer said, ‘ Charm is no lon ger a matter of merely physical beauty and languishing that ia.” It is not an accident of birth, nor a gift of God, but a quality that is tho result of thought, training and constant care. All beautiful women are not aways charming. Just what is a charming woman ? First sbo is good to look upon, or she nmy not be beautiful according to artistic measurements., but she will always have t)he good looks that result from good health, good phy sical care and careful dressing. Second, she is sufficiently sure of herself to be unconscious of self. Third, she is interested in other people and therefore, a pleasant campanion Fourth, she is very much alive; full of energy;* ‘game.’' Fifth, she is mentally at least ageless Sixth, she knows just when to talk and when to listen. RED MARROW BONES ARE BLOOD MAKERS The University of Chicago sur geons who recently reported to the American Medical association thr !r discovery that blood cells are m-i!e only In the marrow of bones main- j tained at all times at body heat, | have given valuable new informa tion to medical science. It was al ready known, noteo a writer in Pathfinder Magazine, that on!y bones with red marrow are bio.d makers and that all the bones in the body have red marrow al birlii But why the bones in the extremi ties should drop this function a- d why tiieir marrow should turn ye! low a few years after birth was rr known. In their experiments, ho' ever, these Chicago sclent!: placed rats in incubators and fou: that when all the bones in the bo, were kept at body tempera tu they once more began to produc blood cells. The most evident result ol this 1 discovery is the basic support ii gives the new method ol treatin" diseases by producing ar, artifle , Sever. Experiments with this fc ver treatment indicate that by rr,'s ing the temperature of the bo:!> more blood cells are produc j which aid in fighting off disea: e This seems to hook up very dr/ initely with what is now known of the blood-making function of warm bones. However, years of experi mentation are necessary to prove the actual practical value of th* discovery. NORTH SIDE rRANsFKIt Long Distant*? Hauling Moving and Storage t'bonr WE.1658 3411 Grant s VWVAWWVWWWAW HINES TAILOR SHOP Cleaning, Pressing a,nd Re pairing. Dyeing and Hat Cleaning Dresses Cleaned and Press ed—Pur Crafting, Etc. 2523 Q STREET Woman Columnist Rebukes Senator New York, Dee. 2—In an open letter to Senator Dixie Graves of Alabama, Dorothy Dunbar Brom ley, famous American columnist and novelist whose articles are featured daily in the Scripp-Ho ward and other newspapers, sharp ly rebuked the Alabama senator for her participation in the fili buster against the Wagner-Van Nuys-Gavagan anti lynching bill. Mrs. Bromley advises Senator Graves to follow her own advice to the Senate to “seek the truth know the truth and the truth shall make you free/ ,Mrs. Brombley challenges Senator Graves’ statement that lynching has declined to the extent alleged by the successor in the Senate of Hugo L. Black, and sharply differs with the assertion that given five more years, the Sou'h of its own volitation will wipe out all of the lynchings. Mrs. Bromley grants there is a growing sentiment in the South against lynching “but it does not prove, unhappily, that ‘effec tive law enforcement' has stopped any lynchings. No arrests, no in dictments, no convictions of the in dividuals responsible for the lynch ings—that has been the upshot of each of these instances of mob murder.” In confirmation of her assertion, Mrs. Bromley cites the lynching of Wesley Johnson on February 2, 1937 in Alabama. She writes: “One of these lynching, as you are aware, Madame Senator, oc 'uin-cd in your own state of Ala bama, at Abbeyville. It was the old story of an assault on a whit'1 wo man and of the sheriffs supposed ly arresting th^ first Negro he could lay his hands on to appease the populace. But the populace was not to be appeased until the 22 year old Negro had been kidnap ped from the jail and riddled with bullets- After the grand jury had refused to take action your hus band, Governor Bib Graves, to his credit, instructed At'omey Goneral Carmichael to bring impeachm nt proceedings against Sheriff J. L. Corbitt before the Alabama Su preme Court. "Victim Declared Innocent" “In presenting the case to 1 h > couit the Attorney General, as you will recall, asserted that h1 could prove conclusively that ;n <h:s case an innocent Negro h oi been lynched. Yet the Alabani 'Supreme Court refused, by a vote of 4 to 2, to punish the responsibl official by removing him from of fire. “That, decision must have given I tho Attorney Gen nil and th Governor and you—the Governo-’s ! wife—who say you ‘abhor lynch ing’ a helpless feeling. It caus d the Itirmingham News to come 0"t frankly and say. ‘It is just such crses that, tend to justify a fed crnl law against lynching’...... ‘ As one woman citizen to an other I ask you in all sincerity, ITow else can we stop lynching?'’ Tt is known that a great many protests have been sent to Sena tor Graves against her speech bv both white and colored women and from both the South and the North .W.VAV.V.V.VAVJW.V Duffy Pharmae. We Ofi09 24*h and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Ertte Delivery York County Makes | Compete TB Survey A tuberculosis survey which has been in progress in York county for the past year has been com pleted and a state widemeeting will be held in York. Dr. Philips P. Ja cobs of the National Tuberculosis Association of New York City and Dr- W. W. Bauer of the American Medical Association of Chicago will be speakers. Because of the interest of York County Medical Society and the co operation of other York organiza tions, that county was chosen for the intensive demonstration. The project was financed by the county and by the sponsors including the Nebraska Tuberculosis Associa tion, Nebraska State Medical As sociation, State Planning Board, R<V to Board of Contiol and State Health Department. The purpose of Dr. Jacob’s visit is to observe the completed pro gram with the possibility of York County becoming a model for the eliminaitnon of tuberculosis. A county tuberculosis society will be organized during the sojourn of 1 Dr. Jacob?. A thorough method was used in making this tuberculosis surv'y i First, all contacts of people, who had died of tuberculosis during the past ten years; all contacts of cases in the State Hospital for ; Tuberculosis and all contact*: of physicians cases were given tuber ' cuin skin tests and the reactors were X-rayed. Then tests were given to all grade and high school pupils who wished it, and reactors were X-ray ' id Teachers, likewise, were test ! cd. After that came the employees in industries such as bakery, res taurant, creamery etc.; pupils in York college; nuns and pupils in the convent, and employees and in mates of York Reformatory. A public meeting will be held in the United Brethren church at 8 p. m. and the survey will be dis cussed. Because the work done in , York County, showed the need of such a survey, the state legisla ture made an appropriation of $15, 000 to continue the work through- J out the state for the next biennium Help Kidneys Don't Take Drastic Druys Your Kidneys contain 9 million tiny tubes or filters which mny fc<» endangered bv ref lect or drastic, irritating daie.. Be careful. If functional dirorderi of the Kidneys ur Bladder rr ;ike \ou suffrr from Getting Up Nights, Nervousness, Leg Fains, C Is Under Eyes. Dizzine s, Backache, Swollen Joints, Exce.1.* Aciditv, or Burning Passages, don't rtly 0*1 ordin •’•y medicine ,. Fight such tre ibles with t » doctor’s pre scrip tion Cyder. Cystr* working in 3 hours fi’ d mnr* pro-ve entirely satisfactory In 1 week, and b*! exact v t’^e m*»d>'-ine you reed or none'* bark H guaranteed. Tcle phor*^ * o^r d jvvi t for < v«tex (Slss-te O tod.- Tr « p”*.: c protects you m -opr. Get Money --- Love I guarantee to help you *cet a ne» lUrt u> life. No case beyond hope. Stop worry ing ! Write me today. Information FREE M. WILLIAMS, Journal Square Sta. Jersey City, N. J. Dept. O. TIRED, NERVOUS, EXHAUSTED! .. . Look to your stomach Start taking Hootetter'j Stomachic Bitters right now ind you will quickly note how its medicinal herbs ind roots help to revitalize your digestive glands ind give new vigor, energy and appetite. Famous 'or M'years. At all drug stores. 18 oz. bottle. $1.50. -— | I taadiXjI EXTRA MARK ■ i Remember, please-when you take a Smith Brothers Cough Drop (Two kinds—Black or Menthol-5*), you get an extra benefit: Smith Bros. Cough Drops ar* the only drops containing WT A M! K A This is the vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat to cold and cough infections^ _“IT ISN’T ANTIQUE r SAID “GIRLET STEW"-“IT’S JUST PLAIN OLD 311 <U MU 910* MWH *4 tar.a 4om« mr* *%*■ fuM«ru>«a VJ. .—-I r I Ht UUP t-T Ab AM y ASM CHAIR UNTIU. ) Ht LOST BOTH ANMb. I SWAT THINK IBS I VlMSb A&Ol J ( A* «NkV MJTM*' IMco »ob rt • % OH I>«AV! mow COULD YOU HAV* YH* HIA18T TO 9HA9M «eANt>P*& . <M«HR ? ■ TV*AN* YOU HR. S-Tlwt IW<W* A LOVt LY kOuK ! TMI IlfaMTIIMTM BIS IMOUkD kOVt t=OR YOU .to ai« S. Tamm* YOO WlMOt-VI ] M collict!n4 or MOWM tATIN ANTlQUlSgy I* ft rftD TUftT lO NOTICE:— Adult Education Music and Dra. matic Classes, YWCA. Monday evening, 8 p. m., Voice Culture; Solo and Chorus singing. Wednes day evening, 8 p. m., Dramatics. IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL MAYO S BARBER SHOP Ladies’ and Children ’« Work A Specialty 2422 Lake Street. And All Because She Discovered . . . GODEFROY'S LARI EUSE C' ERALDINE, as you see her now, ap 1 pears with a halo of glorious hair. Rue until not so very long ago, Gerry was a drab, unexciting creature, her hair faded and grey-streaked. One day a friend told her about Godefroy's Larieuse Hair Coloring. The treatment sounded simple, so Gerry determined to make a last struggle to recap ture her former charm. Her success shows in the conquests she's making every day. Just apply Larieuse in the color you want. It will make your hair a rich, even shade of yet black, black, dark, medinm or light brown, or blonde ... giving it the softness end sheen that everyone admires. Your hair won’t look dyed—it won’t be sticky or smelly. Don’t delay—go to your dealer to day and ask for a bottle of Godefroy s Larieuse. Satisfaction guaranteed or dealer will refund your money. SS~" tleuAe r.dct?o25 HAIR COLORING T>* GODEFROY MANUFACTURING COMPANY • 3SI0 OLIVE ST. • ST. LOWS, MO Let Peoples Do It Clean up that front room. We specialize in making old houses look like new, inside and out. No charge for esti ; ma'ion on work. No job too small or too large. Ten trained decorating medhainics. Our Motto—Service ; First, at the lowest prices. Call WEbster 2858. Fecples Paint and Papering Shop i LARRY PEOPLES, Proprietor PHONE JA 5000 NINETEENTH at NICHOLAS TRANSFORM Ifoux Home with BIRD BRIC SIDING Bird Brie Siding not only gives your home added insulation at amazingly low cost, but completely transforms its appearance to that of an expensive brick residence. You owe it to yourself and your family to find out about this unusual siding. Call us today. We’ll be glad to send out an expert who will give you an estimate on your home. You can finance this improvtment through MICKLIN—we arrange everything— material, labor and a finance plan that gives you 1 to 3 Years to Pay—No Money Down See Our Special Storm Sash Values i Storm Sodh from 90c Combination Doom ...... $4.50 Storm Doors__ $2.50 Hanging service if you wish. PHONE JA 5000 £