The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 13, 1937, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Guidite Party to be at Urban League Center
__ . *
Uncle Gil Asks Cooperation
Of A31 Youth Leaders
■- T
Greetings, nephews and neices,
the day ns almost here, Saturday
evening your Uncle Gil will be
your host at that long awaited j
party. There wc shall have many :
many surprises for you aside from
an abundance of eats.
Now dear Guidites, Uncle Gil ;
is exportring you to come prepared
to take part in an impromptu pro
gram. If you can sing, come pro
pared to sing; if you can speak,
come prepared to say your speech.
If you can draw, bring along some
of your work; if your can sew
bring along something that you
have made; if you can write
poetry, bring along some of your
poetry. Anything that you can do,
bring it along or come prepared to
Don’t forget to bring your par
ents or guardian and be on time we
will Start our party at 7 p- m.
Yours for a big night? Saturday,
evening beginning at 7 p. nt„ in
the auditorium of the Urban Lea
gue Community Center.
Who Knows?
1. Who wrote the opera ‘Mig
2- Who wrote the Surprise Sym
phony ?
3. Who wrote the Liebestraum?
In what arrangement?
4. Who wrote the well known
Prelude in C sharp minor?
5. What is the name of the last
opera Wagner wrote ?
1. Ambroise Thomas
2. Granz Joseph Hayden
3. Franz Listz. The Liebestraum
are three nocturnes, transcription
of his earlier songs.
4 Sergei Rachmaninoff
6. Parsifal
Nothing will be attempted if all
possible Objections must be first
Knowledge is of two kinds: we
knew a subject ourselves or we
know where we can find informa
tion upon it.
Who would be free, themselves
must strike the blow.
The only failure a man ought to
fear is failure in cleaving to the
purpose he sees to be best.
Life being very short and the
quiet hours of it few, we ought to
waste none of them reading value
less books.
Errors like straw up on the
Ho who would search for pearls
must dive below.
Place three articles on a table
in the center of a room and then
announce to those present th y
may touch any of the three arti
cles while you are out of th.‘ room,
and when you return you can tell
which article they touched. The
trick) is to have some one or two
persons assist you by having a
piece of straw which they place in
their mouth. The one who goes out
from the one who has the straw in
of the room receives his signal
his mouth- If the center article, has
been toueed, the straw will be in
the center of his mouth. If the
others it will be either in the right
or left side, according to the ar
icke that has been touched. The
straw need only protrude one quar
ter of an inch to give the signal.
If none of the articles have, been
touched the straw will not show at
.. .Observation
Place from one dozen to twenty
small articles on a tray and pass
around the room giving each per
son about 10 seconds in which to
‘"observe.” Then let each one write
on a slip of paper the names of
the articles as far as remembered.
A few simple prizes may be given
to the ones able to name the larg
est number of articles, and also a
booby prize.
What Am »
This game is played by having
several pictures cut out of maga
zines or newspapers and pinned on
a person’s back. The person is then
told that he is to guess what he
represents by suggestions given by
the audience, these suggestions re
lating in some definite way to the
pictures pinned on his back. The
one from whom he gets the sug
gestion must take his place for
the next game.
Little Coleta Williams, daughter
of Rev. and Mrs F. C. Williams,
2407 No. 22nd street, celebrated
her sixth birthday, Sunday, Nov
embei' 7th from 4 to 8 p. m- 31 of
her little friends were guests at the
party. She received many beautiful
and usful gifts. Coleta is a born
artist. She does some of the most
beautiful paintings for a child her
“The Voice of Haiti,” by Laura
Bowman and her husband, LeRoy
Antoine, a native Haitian, is being
published by the Clarence Williams
Music Publishing Co., 145 West
45th street, New York. This is an
unsual collection of Native cere
monial songs, invocation, voodoo
chants, drum beats and rhythms,
stories of traditions, etc.
Please enroll me in The GUIDITE CLUB, I promise to
abide by the rules as set forth in The Omaha Guide.
My Name is____Age_
My Address is_.__________
Schoel Grade - Name of School_
Parents’ Name_____
Date of Birth __ __
Cut this out and bring or mail to “Uncle Gil”, Omaha Guide,
The Guidite World
of Music
By Miss Ethel Jones j
The Mocking Bird
From off the oak limbs he flew
A cunning little bird, gray brown.
Upon my sars’prilla vine
And busily be.gon to dine
On scarlet berries he found there.
I moved up closer, paused to stare; ;
lie raised his voice, and when I
I knew he was a mocking bird
His voice was such a charming
And all his tones were oh! so
I thought about the way he sings
In early summers and Jate springs.
| Now, if I practice every day,
And do my best each time I play,
II wonder—will niy music be
jAs sweet to him, as his to me?
Jncle Gil Offers Prize
For Best Scrapbook
Uncle Gil will give a prize of one
dollar to the Guidite member who
turns in to him the most complete
scrapbook carrying clippings of
questions and answers as may be
found on the Gudite page each
week. Included in scrapbook aside
from questions and answers there
must also be found articles of an
educational nature, as may be
found on Guidite page for example,
“Facts About Boulder Dam,” in
older to be eligible for the prize,
i Uncle Gil hopes to be able to
find a Guidite who has a complete
scrapbook dating back to the. be.
ginning of the Guidite elect cover,
ing questions and answers on Ne.
gro history, music, articles under
the caption of the Guidite World of
Music, by Miss Ethel Jones, Arith.
metic questions and answers, poems
etc. Now dear Guidites if you have
failed to keep a scrapbook get
busy and start one for it may be
you that will receive a brand new
crisp new dollar bill from Uncle
Gil for the most complete scrap
book. This offer will close on the
25th of October.
- - -n
Short Short Story
He is hailed as one of the great
est tap dancers of the age.
Other members of the profession
are always in attendance, when he
performs in an endeavor to learn
some of his steps ad marvel at his
perfect execution.He recently
returned from Europe where he
was a sensation.What makes
this item news is the fact that he
has only one leg.amputated
during childhood and yet is adept
at most of the sports.His name
is Peg Leg Bates.
FEW husbands can understand
why a wife should turn from a
pleasant companion into a shrew
for one whole week in every month.
You can say "I'm sorry" and
kiss and make up easier before
marriage than after. Be wise. If you
want to hold your husband, you
won't be a three-quarter wife.
For t liree generations one woman
has told another how to go "smil
ing through" with Lydia E. Pink
ham'3 Vegetable Compound. It
helps Nature tone up the system,
thus lessening the discomforts from
the functional disorders which
women must endure in tbo three
ordeals of life: 1. Turning from
girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre
paring for motherhood. 3. Ap
proaching "middle age."
Don’t be a three-quarter wife,
Qu ''Smiling Through,"
A new vaudeville theatre, is open
ing in Harlem on 121>th street and
is slated that Pigmeat Markham,
the comedian, will be one of the
top men in the setup . .Cries of
discrimination in the Federal then
tre setup are again being heralded
in newspaper circles It is re
ported that there is a wholesale
firing of colored talent going on
with the orbiration boards refusing
to do anything .... It would seem
that in a government project, this
sort of thing would be dis allowed.
Louis Armstrong is on the coast
making another picture with Bing
Crosby.Lucky Millinder and his
orchestra are no longer under the
management of Irving Mills....
Ethel Waters and her hubby, Eddie,
Mallory, headline the Appollo thea
tre this week.After this en
gagement, the troup will play a
series of one night stands in the
South We wonder why the ma
jor picture companies passed up
Joe Louis.The $10,000 he has
been guaranteed for his film, is
chicken feed compared to the dough
that other ring and athletic figures
have drawn down.Clarence
Muse, the character actor, has been
selected as supervisor for the film
and will also teach Louis the art
of acting.
Hits and Bits
Johnny Dancer, he is the brother
of Earl Dancer who was hurt in
the auto accident last week, is
opening at the new night club
known as Club Indigo.The ven
ure will be housed in 130th street
.Duke Ellington has a block of
houses named after him in London,
England Cab Calloway recently
bought a new car that is so large
that he had to tear down part of
the partition of his swanky upstate
home in order to make room.
Katherine Perry, whom the Har
lem gapevine reported as dead, is
doing nicely as Cora LaRedd......
The lad the critics are saying that
will take Bill Robinson’s place is
named Bill Bailey, who picks them
up and lays them down in fine man
ner.Robinson is said to have
desigated him as heir apparent to
the throne.
n VT 1Y C' Let Us S*nd You
13 aj|i,ik3 On l-'RtE TRIAL
Just send us your address
and you will get l»y return
m.dlonapprt»val (in plain
wrapper) thisgl package
of Dr. Van Vleck's great
Conjoint Soothing Prep*
orations which nre help
ing thousands who suffer
the pain and soreness of
itching, bleeding, pro
truding Piles. If satfslied
with benefits received,
then wnd iw*l. H not, k'- p your money. We tiu»t
you for fair treatment. Write today.
Jack,on, Mloti. j^jp
1. Who was the father of the
Negro Baptist church ?
2. Who was the founder of the
A. M. E. church?
3. Who was the founder of the
A. M. E. Zion church?
4. Who was the first Negro col
lege graduate in America and from
what school was he a graduate?
5. Who was the first Negro doc
tor in America and from what
school was he a graduate?
1. .Rev, Andrews who established
the first Negro Baptist church in
2. Rev. Richard Allen who es
tablished the first A. M. E- church
in Philadelphia. '
3. Rev. James Variek who cs
tablished the first A. M. E. Zion
church in Philadelphia
4. John B. Russwurm, was the
first NVgro college graduate, class,
mate of John P. Hale at Bow'doin
in 1826.
6. Dr. James McCune Smith, a
distinguished graduate in medicine
of the University of Glascow and
Johnson Drug Co.
Liquors, Wines and Beer
WE 0998 .. 1904 N 24th St
WEbster 3043
North 24th Street
Celebrates thu 15th Anniversary
With a Big Shoe Repairing Sale
Women’s Toplifts .. $.15
Women’s half soles ..65c and up
Men’s half soles 75c and up
Men’s rubber heels 35c and up
Childrens Half soles 50c and up
1807 No. 24th St. WE 4240
. V --
I An3 Our 18 Otfiar Canaolona Beauty Craafloaa
Beginning bv Hnr Ad
k latelBgent energetic mm a*
BM*r aad build np'a
at a# better Had. On la
a* beat people avaarwhere.
ha aad yoa via valuable prtaaa. WrSa * aaaa a
Cannon Cosmetics Co. Dept, 20-A, Atlanta* Ga.
N-N-F. Ex. a * -«r
— ... ' I. .1 1 .. .. I—' .
DO YOU KNOW WHY • - • Everybody His ttie “I Should Worry” Habit ? I
■ ■«! ... ... " - - - ■ - ■ — - ■
y ftm t» im» mwr If flsftat
<0Cp. I LOVE
77} S t>e txrt>oo
\ hellO. WOR.RN
I $EOR<5E. ^^-*
How'S . £|v , »
Bill *
Ce.s, \ Vm
SHouto ee \
pbuturbed, |
"» ■ J
Wrong: What do you think of
him speaking to me like that?
Right: What do you think of his
speaking to me like that?
Wrong: Here comes the boys.
Right: Here come the boys.
Wrong: Are there any good ap
ples amongst them?
Right: Are there any good np
pies among them ?
Wrong: You stny whilst I go.
Right: You stay while I go.
Wrong Thank you, this is plenty
good enough.
Right: Thank you, this is good
. nough.
Wrong: This is the best of the
Right: This is the. better of
the two.
Enroll now for fall classes.
Graduates prepared to pass a**y
State Hoard Examination.
2422 N 22nd St, WE 0840
Beware Kidney
Germs if Tired,
Nervous, Aching
Are you Run Down, Nervous, suffer Aching
or Swollen Joints? Do you Get Up Nights, or
suffer from Burning Passages, Frequent
Headaches, Leg Pains, Backache, Dizziness,
Puffy Eyelids, Loss of Appetite and Energy?
If so, the true cause olten may be germs
developed In the body during colds, or by
bad teeth or tonsils that need removing.
These germs may attack the delicate mem
branes of your Kidneys or Bladder and often
cause much trouble. Ordinary medicines
can't help much because they don't fight the
germs. The doctor's formula Cyst**, now
stocked by all druggists, starts fighting Kid
ney germs In 3 hours and must prove entirely
satisfactory tn 1 week and be exactly the
medicine you need or money back Is guar
anteed. Telephone your druggist for Cyatex
(Slss-tex) today. The guarantee protects
you. Oopr. 1937 The Knox Co.
Ladies’ and Children's Work
A Specialty.
2422 Lake Street.
iCleo Cola
| Queen of Sparkling Drink*
: 12 oz. for 5C
Wear a Joe Louis button now on
sale at your local drug store.
Es SerEcus
E:*i It Can’t
Person Yc«!
nmmmm Say Doctors i—i
Modern doctors now say that the old idea of
poisons getting into your, blood from consti
pation is BUNK. They claim that constipa
tion swells up thn bowels causing pressure on
nerves in the digestive tract. This nerv*
pressure is what causes frequent bihoua*
spells, distinct**, headaches, upset stomachJ
dull, tired-out feeling, sleepless nir.hfs.’coated.
tongue, bad tuste aud loss of appetite.
Don't suffer hours or even days longer than
necessary. You must GET THAT PRES
RELIEF. Flush the intestinal svstern. When
offending wastes are gone the bowels return
to normal site and nerve pressure STOPS. Al
most at once you feel marvelously refreshed*
blues vanish, and life looks bright again.
That is why so many doctors are now in
sisting on gentle but QUICK ACTH)N. That
Is why YrOU should insist on Adlerika. Thin
efficient intestinal evacuant contains KEVKM
carminative and cathartio ingredients. It ac-la
on the stomach ae well as the entire intestinal
tract. It relieves stomach
GAS at once and often re
moves bowel congestion in
half an hour. No violent no
tion, no after effects, just
QUICK results. Recom
mended by many doctors
and druggists for 85 year*.
GISTS know that Ad/cr
Ika hat no tubttituta.
Alwayt DEMAND tha
1 »
y i
Regardless of what your trouble may be, you can look the world In the faceft
Solve all problems; Get what you Want, and Fear no Man or Circumstance*.]
Your Happiness and Success demand that you print your name clearly auk
tend It to X
545 Owen Ave. REV. CHAS. P. COLBERT. Detroit, Michigua
Be A Booster
When our solicitor calls at your home, be sure to show
by giving him or her a newsy item or taking a subscription for
12 months, 6 months, 3 months, or even 1 month.
When you BOOST THE GUIDE, yon are boosting Omaha,
and are enabling us to givo employment to more of our own
boys and girls.
F «
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Here’s the biggest money-making opportunity ever
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2418 Grant Street WE 1517—1518