The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 13, 1937, Page FIVE, Image 5
Mrs. Estelle Starnes, 2426 Cald well, has just returned from a four months enjoyable visit in the South. She was visiting her mother Mrs. Elisa MeKinney and relatives I FOOTPRINTS OF SERVICE This is a reproduction of a pic ture taken in sub zero tempera . ture the morning after a severe snow storm showing footprints of a telephone operator leading to the telephone office. They are mute evidence of the “spirit of! srvice” that is back of your tele phone Mlocked streets and highways seldom keep telephone employees from the job. If at all possible, I they are at work ready to do! thedr part in providing your tele ] phone service. The management of this Com pany greatly appreciates- the fine “spirit of service” shown by cm ployees an dwe feel sure that our customers do also. Because of it, I the Company is able to serve you much better that otherwise would be possible. Employee devotion to the job of providing telephone service is essential to the carrying out of our policy to provide the best service at the lowest practicable, charges- As a part of this policy, it is our obligation to employees to poy wages that are in all re speets fair and just; to provide . safe and agreeable working con ditions and to deal fairly with each individual and group. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Health Beauty Charm Keep Young and Beautiful (By Althouse Beauty School) Falling Hair, Dandruff There are many causes for fall ing hair, but I think wv are safe in saying that dandruff is one of the most jomnty>n causes. Just what is dandruff? This morning a customer came to the school and refused to allow the dandruff to be lifted. She insisted that she had dandruff all her life, and that the scales we. found on her scalp were good for the hair and caused it to grow. Is there a “growing dandruff ? ” We study dandruff in a scientific way wq find it to be an abnormal growth and shedding of horny cells of the epidermis, an excessive discharge of sebum from the baceous (oil) gland. We may compare the growth of hair with the growth of vegeta tion. We know that everything in nature grows from the inside out. When ever soil will not produce weeds, that same soil will not pro duco the best form of vegetation. The same is true of the scalp Whenever we find a head uf hair with no form or sign of dandruff we usually find a tight drawn shiny scalp with little, or no hair. Just why is this? We know that to have a beautiful abundant head of hair, the papilla, erector muscles and also the sebaceous glands must be functioning properly. When the oil from the sebaceous glands reaches the air, it forms flacky scales. These flaky scales are found on the most healthy thick head of hair, even on the scalp of babies. If there is a ‘ growing’’ dandruff this must be it. But when there is an excessive flow of oil, and when the dandruff is allowed to remain on the scalp as a prey to dirt, germs and more oil, the) scalp be comes mildly infected, the hair begins to fall, and we have the second or destructive form of dan druff. -o Truck Driver Injured York, S. C., Nov. 4 (ANP)—A remarkable demonstration of fidel ity and courage was given in York county last Saturday by Wm. Wil fong, a truck driver for the Mc Whirter 5 and 10c chain store, com pany. Instrusted with two bags, containing large sums of money, i for delivery at the York headquar ters of the firm, Wilfong’s truck was in collision with another car on the highway between Great Pall and Rock Hill, and in the crash he suffered a brain concus ■sion. Despite his injury, and think ,ing only of the money entrusted to Ihim, Wilfong managed to drive his .truck to Rock Hill where he chanc ed to see Dr. R. J. Settle, whom he knew. Wilfong turned over the. physician, asked him to rush it to the company's office in York. Dr. Settle took the courageous man, cut and bleeding and in a dazed condition from the pain, to a Rock Hill hospital, where, still incoher ent, he was unable to give details of the crash. In Police Court Arrested twice in succession on the same charge of operating and bemg the keeper of a disorderly house, with the first being a dis missal, Gurman Craig, was sen tended to serve 16 days in the County jail However he was releas ed on an Appeal Bond. The convic tion came after Judge O’Brien des cribed as “ridiculous," his defense that 16 person present at the time of the raid were playing dominoes. Tho only evidence produced by ar resting officers, were two pairs of dice, which were found in a bucket of water, seemingly which were being given a bath. Maxine Brown and Willie Harvey were arrested Sunday morning by Officer Luray Gustin, and charged with disturbing the peace. It was also asserted that Miss Brown had Fault’s New Book To Be Out- Soon Philadelphia, Nov. 11 (ANP)— The University of North Carolina Press announces the publication of ‘Sojourner Truth,’ a biography of the noted slave character, by Ar thur Huff Faucet. This is the sec ond of a series of biographies of Negro characters issued by the University of North Carolina Press the first of which was ‘Paul Law rence Dunbar,' by Dr. Benjamin G. Brawley of Howard university. Arthur Huff Fauset is a native of Philadelphia and the author of i ‘‘For Freedom,” a series of bio-! 'graphical sketches, and various short stories, essay, and other ar ticles. He is one of the founders of the National Negro Congress, and recently elected first vice president of that organization. The volume on “Sojourner Truth” is scheduled to appear early in the winter. -o The St. John Guild club is ob serving the Fifth anniversary at the YWCA, November 17 from B to 8 p. m. in the form of a tea. The public is invited to attend. SAVE TIME SAVE $$ CALL DON’S DeLuxe Cleaning and Laundry Service WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN Rhone JA. 0555 2031 NO. 24TH ST BARGAIN WEEK FEATURES Women's Fall Dresses Typical of the season's smartest fash- ^ Ions in color, material and style. Oric inally 3.98 and 4.98. Sizes 12 to 46 and 4' m half-sizes. One of the Best Bargains We’ve Had.,. Women’s ADA Percale HDv Dresses Fabrics Usually Found in Dresses at 1.49 ABC percales have long stood for quality * in house dress material . . . seldom are they found in dresses at this price. Light and dark patterns. Clever styles, smartly trimmed. Sizes 14 to 44 Basement—Where Quality Is Low Priced n pistol in heir possession, and be fore the officers could get her she got rid of it. A fish knife was found in Harvey’s possession- Each wero given the maximum sentence of 30 days in the county jail. Luther Caldwell was arrested at 25th and Patrick streets, and chargd with being drunk. Upon his plea, the judge dismissed the charge. Clifford Booker and Lovey Ro per, 1803*4 No- 24th street, were arrested by Officer Birch, for dis tubing the peace. The case was dismissed, because of Miss Roper’s desire not to have him jailed be cause of his job. Billy Richards, charged with op orating a motor vehicle with the improper state license, the case was continued. Willis Bartlett was arraigned be fore Judge O’Brien Monday and charged with firing arms within the city limits. Bartlett shot the wire haired terrier dog of a neighbor twice claiming the dog had destroyed 14 of his chickens. Upon pleading guilty to the charge, the judge fined him $25.00 and costs. The St. John Literary club of which Mrs. Christine Althouse is sponsor met in the class room of the Althouse Beauty school, Mon day evening, following the. usual formality of opening conducted by Miss Tamer O’Neil, president. Among the highlights of the meeting were the presenting on the part of all members a current event of which they had noticed in many papers of which they are readers. Those presented and dis cussed were: 1. New divices used in cars to de teot drunkness of drivers. 2. Te flying aces, three of whom were Negroes. 3. The Hall of Negro Fame, found in the Kansas City Call. 4. Chinese Fund and example to Negroes. 5. Housewives low in Neurosis. 6. Japanese invasion of Shang hai. 7- Whales used to get Nitre, 8. Auto license given to no one under 21 years of aga 9. William Edmondson, Negro History Question, found on Guidite page of Omaha Guide, by Mrs. C. CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes King: Yuen Cafe JOlOtt N. 24th St. Jackson 8S7e Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. «i. Althouse. Rev. D H. Harris of Mommouth. 111., gave the group some very en couraging remarks. After which S. Edward Gilbert spoke on the pro gram of the National Negro Con gross Youth Council, explaining that in the near future a youth council would be formed in Omaha and that the council would present over one of the local broodcasting stations the progress of he Negro dating back to 1619 up to the pro sent time. o ■ If you smelled chili or Ash cook ed by Jeff, you would buy. A BABY TO LOVE? If you yearn for a baby of your own, won’t you write us in full confidence and let us send you in teresting information on this sub ject? All free. Write Kadol Com pany, 779 Hall Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. (Adv.) rnrr t^ucky 7 Herbs ■ K k L From 7 Lands Believe in LUCK? If so, try fam ous 7 Herbs fom 7 lanhs, believed most powerful ever found far 7 YEARS GOOD LUCK. Send 3c stamp for FREE OFFER— SEVEN HERBS CO. Box CC7058, Kansas City, Mo. DampWash Beautifully washed and returned just damp enough to IRON. Minimum bundle 48c Shirts Finished in Any Family Bundle 8c LAITNDERERS AND DRY CLEANERS Edholm & Sherman 2401 North 24th St. Wr ft ft.* $50 In Prizes Each Night! The Event of theSeason 10th Annual FOOD FESTIVAL and Household Appliance Show Sponsored by The Omaha Guide and The Housewives League BIG NIGHTS NOVEMBER 15 TO 20 HOURS 7 TO 11 O'OLOCK ENTERTAINMENT The 3 Giants of Swing- -Radio Artists Winners of Stage Big Apple Contests -- a,•»t t ■ 1 t ■ » t t ■ t~t > » 9- » t t t i aft 9 • >n| -■■■■!> II > t * » I t r I |» » > t t » » t t T-f-r A-*"*"*"*“—*•- 1 t t T-T* w m m ■■ » ■ »"■' m w w Many Prizes and Demonstraions The place: 2418-20 Grant HOMEMAKERS INVITED _____ —.—m r—m .—ui f—m i—m r-in r—m r-m f—an nan ran ran ran nan ran nan ran tan nan ran nan nan ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran