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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1937)
NOTE:—Your i|«e*lion w.'.l lit answered FREE in th's rnl umn ONLY when a <1 p;Pn*r of (his column i* enclosed with YOUR QUESTION, YOUR FULL NAME, H1RTHDATE nnd CORRECT ADDRESS. Lor PRIVATE REPLY qend twenty-five cents and a self-addressed, stamped envelope for my NEW ASTROLOGY READING nnd receive by return mail my FREE ADVICE on THREE Ql ESI IONS- Send nil letltrs to Abbe Wallace, care of The Omaha Guide. 2)18 Grant Street.* Omaha, Nebraska. C. M.—Do you have any idea of my passing in all my subjects in this school this year and tell me what year I will enter in the sen ior class ? Ans: You are going to pass nil of your subjects but vcti must con tinnc to work very hard in order to do so. .Next September you will enter your Senior year at nigh school, and will graduate the fol lowing June. M. W. J.—What makes my hus band so fussy and hard to get, along with? Why docs he always pick on me? Ans: He’s a horn ‘grtJJch’ and will never get over it. It is only human for anyone to fuss and pick on the very people that we love the best. Why should anyone want to fuss and nag a person that you cared nothing about. He loves you, even though it is a bit selfish. B. M. O.—This boy that goes with me does he love me or the other girl he has been taking out? , Ans: This young fellow is a “man about town" and has several other girls on the string that you aren’t aware of. He likes you well enough hut he certainly is not in love with anyone of his friends. P. L. W.—Please tell me if my sweethnrt will take me back again for we have quit? Ans: Don’t be so anxious to take him back for it will make him lose interest in you ... go out with some other friend and show him a thing or two and he will be snoop, ing around your door asking you to take him back before very long, iP. H.—Would it be ndvisable for mo to go to the next town that I have in mind this year? Ans: The wisest thing for you to do young lady is go ahead with your education and forgc£ your boy friend nnd your desire to make a change. At your tender age there is but one place for you and that is in the school room. L. K.—Will there be any success for me in the contest that I am working fair and hnrd for? Ans: Keep'up the good work for you stand just as good a chance as anyone else coming out on top. It seems to me that you will be among the ten highest contestants... . .it is left up to you to do the rest. W. M.—I wnnt to know if my husband with a girl that lives close to me ad I believe? Ans; No he hasn’t been going with any girls at all. You had bet ter put more confidence in him for if you let h;m know that you doubt his sincerity, he will give you something to worry about - C. T.—Which one of my friends should I tnke seriously, the one that treats me. like a China doll or the other young man who is so popular among the younger set ? Ans: Why not go with them both for you surely do not want to enter marriage right away and get back in the same rut you were in some months ago. Make a number of friends for a few years.or until the right one comes along and you will be much happier than centering yc*ur whole thoughts on one person. "■1 ■■■ 0— ———• Guide Classified Ads . Are Money-getters What have you to rent or sell, your very closest neighbor may want it, in fact, may need it and maybe getting reedy to go out scouting trying to fiud that whfch is in your way. THE OMAH\ GUIDE classified adverisement moves things. Try itl If yeu have anything to rert or sell. L» t be a room rug, ice box, just call WE 1517, give, the office girl a two line classified advertisement and watch it. We get hundreds of calls da ly for apartments and rooms you are not usinR. Remember the phone number. Just call WEBSTER 1517 Tell the office girl what you have to sell or rent and she will write your ad for you or if you prefer, you write your own copy. We say again GIVE US A R'NG. CAM. WEBSTER 1517 and our lightning street get away bicycle I »ys will pick your copy up in time for the current issue. Don’t forget the phone number, WERSTER 1517. BEnimj^RomflncEC The Larieuse Beauty Foundat on wai established by the Godefroy Manufacturing Company to study methods of preserving- women's natural beauty, and to make the results of this research available to the public.* PETITE FEET CAN BE COMFORTABLE At o motion picture theater re cently 1 sat next to a girl and a young man who were apparently very much in lore. And you couldn't blame the young man, for she was a remarkably pretty girl, with satiny blnck hair, a glowing com plexion, and long silken eyelashes. Hut I noticed, that in spite of her grooming and her alluring beauty, something was wrong. A frown creased her forehead at times and she fidgeted in her sent. You may guess what was the matter, and I finally discovered It when I glanced down and saw that site had, in exasperation, kicked ofT her slippers. How many times have we all been tempted to do the same thing? How much suffering do wo endure for the sake of a slipper smaller than we can wear? And needless suffering, too. Your choice of footwear Is es pecially Important at this time of the year, with the social season get ting into full svv nd a constant series of donee- lens in pros pect for society \ n. Choose Sh' at Fit You’ll be on your feet a lot, and you cannot appear your best at these functions if your feet pain you. Wearing the wrong size or Jlie wrong kind of slippers may cause aches and shooting pains that will inevitably show in your face and posture. Many women's foot troubles arise from wearing slippers so smnll they pinch the feet. Shoes should fit firmly around the foot but they should first of nil be comfortable. It Is true that dainty, well-shod feet are pleasing to your escort, but if they eause strain in your walk or ■' .. 1 ... .— manner, the happy effect Is lost. ' Men notice these tilings. They won’t think you have a trim foot merely because your shoes are small. They’ll think privately that you’re trying to gain an effect. Shoe size Is especially important with the i open-toed sandals, popular this fall. Don’t get n pair so tiny yeur foot will melt around the sole. Always keep your shoes neat and well polished. A few minutes work, | with home accessories, before you ' leave your home will work wonders In your appearance. There are any number of good and Inexpensive preparations on the market for this purpose. Appropriate Footwear Your choice of shoes should he governed by the occasion. For picnics or barbecues In the open air a saucy tan oxford or a sport shoe, perhaps with n rubber sole, would be appropriate. For tho business woman a dark leather shoe with a broad comparatively low heel is usually in good form. For formal wear, of course, there are the open slippers with tall, slender heels, In pastel cloths, gold and silver, as well ns kid. If your feet are large, that Is nothing to be ashamed of. Wear a shoe that is comfortable, neat and attractive, and then forget about It. Women who have unlovely feet should wear unobtrusive footwear, and they should draw attention from their feet by making an ef fort to beautify complexion, hair and figure. The freedom from strain achieved by those who wear properly fitting shoes usually more than compen sates for any advantage that could be gained by wearing a fashionable shoe that is too small. CHURCHES ZION BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. M. K. Curry, Pastor Sunday school opened at 9:30 a m. Tho subject of the lesson was, “Christian Character and Peace” found in Col. 2:1 17. Much niter est v,'" - manifested in each group j during tii study period of the lea son, and many helpful thoughts I derived. At 11 o’clock the pastor preached from Matt. 26:46. His | text was, ‘ Rise and Let Us Be Go I ing.” This was a vtry inspirational sermon, out of which many good and helpful points were received. I At three o’clock the Los Cantores club, under the direction of Miss Ethel Jones, was presented in their “Fall” musical concert, by the “Im provement Club ” The following program was rendered: Remarks . Mrs. Bell Taylor Chairman Invocation Rey, M. K. Curry Chorus . Corman Trio .... “Cradle Song,” by Watson Misses Bernice Grice, Geraldine Smith, Oralie Britt Bass Solo .. Mr. Foster Goodlett I “Asleep in the Deep” .Girls Chorus ‘ Will 0‘ the Wisp” j Solo Miss Frances Cole “The Dawn Is Here” Mixed Quartet ‘Beautiful Dreamer’ Chorus . ‘ When the Banjo Plays” Solo . Miss Ruth Forrest “A Tiny Seed Became a Shrine” Mens Chorus . “Invictus” Introduction of Los Cantores Club Directress and Sponsor . .Miss Ethel Jones Saxnphone Solo. ‘Deep River” Miss Bernice Grice Solo . Mr. Jas- Murray ‘ My Lord What a Morning” Chorus . ‘ Good Night, Beloved Too much praise cannot be given this organization which is doing a great work in the music world, and Miss Jones is to be compli mented for having been able to secure such a wonderful group of talented young people and train them as she has. Someday this club will be able to complete with tho best musical talent of our race _ I MORNING STAR CHURCH .... Rev. Wm. Pruitt. Pastor | The Sunday school opened nt 9:30 a. m., with a large attendance I Subject of the lesson, “Christian Character and Conduct.” The les son was taught by the pastor with the superintendent presiding. At 11:30 a. m., was testimonial ser vices. At 3 p. m. the Rev. M. B Bilbrew, the pastor of Salem Bap tist church and members, render d services at the Morning Star church on behalf of the St. Luke ! Baptist church. At 0 p. m. BYPU was opened with a large attendance j The general lesson subject was, I ‘Pence on the March.” Evening services were held at 8 p. m. The, pastor brought to us an inspiration al message from Roman 1:16. Sub ject, “The Results of the Gospel.” The Morning Stnr Baptist church is very proud to announce that the different auxiliaries of the church, under the leadership of Rev. Prui't are doing a great work, spiritually as well as financially. Visit our clubs and mission circle, as you always welcome. -o CHURCH OF GOD Elder S. S. Spaght. Pastor Sunday school opened at 10 a. m. ; Lesson subject, “Christian Charact or and Peace,” taught by J- Eddens. Ideal morning worship. Message by pastor. Subject, ‘The Church.” Evening message was the con tinued message of the morning message.. Next Sunday night, Nov-,* ember 14th, at 8:30, a special mess age is being delivered- Everybody is cordially asked to come. The sub ject will be “The Sacredness of Courtship and Marriage, and the Abomination of Separation and Di vorce.” '.W.V.'.V.V.V.V.V.W.V.'.V Hineman Garage 2417 N. 24th Street 24 HOUR SERVICE GENERAL REPAIRING ■.V.V.'.V.V.V.'.VAW.V.W NORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Distance Hauling Moving and Storage Phone WE5658 2414 Grant St I HINES TAILOR SHOP Cleaning, Pressing and Re pairing. _ Dyeing and Hat Cleaning Dresses Cleaned and Press ed—Fur Crafting, Etc. 2523 Q STREET MT. MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F. P. Jones, Pastor Services throughout the day were as usual with the pastor occupying the pulpit, lie gave to his congrega two well thought out sermons The sermon at the morning worship was particularly interesting. One out standing point was that God is forgotten in the homes of today. Space and time is given to every thing else but no more do families gather for worship as in days gone by. The result is evident in the many problems that face the world today. ; | flj The Mission Circle is giving a pie sale November 20th. Everyone is asked to get their orders in ear ]y. The White Gift ceremony will be given the 3rd Sunday and Monday in December. Everyone is invited to this unusual service. Those who are still on the sick list are Mrs. Bur ton, Mrs. Henry, Mrs. Lillian Ross, Mrs. Beck and Mrs. Davidson. Mrs. Ji. B. Crawford of St. Phil lips Episcopal church was a visitor at the morning worship. We extend to all visitors a courteous welcome. -o SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. M. B. Bilbrew, Pastor at Services were very inspiring at Salem Sunday. The Sunday school observed Armistice day by stand ing in silent prayer- We received much information from the review of the lesson given by Mr- Cooper and Rev. Pettis. Our pastor brou ght to us a very inspiring message at 11 a. m. His text was found in St. Matthew the 20th chapter and 28th verse. The BYPU had a very lively ses sion- An Armistice day program was given which was sponsored by Mrs. W. Lambert. It was highly enjoyed by all. Our pastor brought another burning mesage at 8 p. m. His text was found in St. Matthew the 26th chapter and the 28th verse The Junior choir is giving a mu sical program on the third Sunday of the month. The sick of the church are: Mrs. N. Williams, Mrs. Salughter, Mrs. M. Alexander. Visitors are always welcome at Salem. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST Service order: Preaching 11:00 a. m. Evangelistic Service 7:30 p. m. Mother Annie Salughter in charge. Residence 2210 Clark. OLE’S ( Battery Station WE SPECIALIZE ON BAT TERY SERVICE 2934N. 24th Ja 9999 Better Bicycles At Reasonable Prices Repairing and Sundries. Louis Flescher 3704 N.30th KE 6646 j Clarinda, la. News Second Baptist church school met at its usual hour with Miss Rachel Cason, presiding. All enjoyed a wonderful lesson and made high marks in their tests. Morning service was held at the usual time with a good attendance. Evening service was held at the usual time with a large number of young people present. The second anniversary of the pastor Rev. D. Nicholson will be; next Sunday, November 14th. The St. John Baptist church will be the visiting church Sunday after noon. All are welcome to help us have a wonderful time Sunday, -O ST. JOHN A. M. E. CHURCH “The Friendly Church’’ Rev. R. A. Adams, Pastor Sunday services were held at the usual time. Sunday was Commun ion day. No new sick list has been passed in, and those who have been sick are reported doing fine. The choir’s Host and Hostess dinner was a great success and pas tor and choir are very thankful to all who came and who did anything at all to make it a success. Mr. McVay, the president of the choir, wishes to express his per sonal thanks to all who helped him in trying to put the program over, and especially to these people who do not belong to the choir. Mrs. L. I. Washington, Mrs. Manley, Mrs. McDaniels, Mrs. Edmonson, Mrs. Handy, and the young men who waited the tables. IDr. Adams is planning a big re vival in the near future, and he is desirous of having a big chorus to sing for it. - - O Miss Evelyn Chue will pass her 13th birthday, November 16th Happy birthday, Evelyn. ■ a ■ a a a a a a a a a a a a a amrrrri Dul'fy Pharmacy We. 0009 24tv, UKP ST^FETS PRESCRIPTIONS Fri*e Delivery * **«*_a_^ a_a_a ja a_a a ■ a 7ru -this finest- of fine ■Hair Dressings - FREE LUCK BAGI 50c Algerian Majo Luck Bag and samples Hair Dressing, Powder, Ointment Free. Send 10c to cover mailing cost. GOLDEN BROWN CHEMICAL CO. Dept. Memphis, Teno. American Coai to. Offers Black Beauty Semi Anthracite—smokeless—scotless—low in ash—large lump or furnace lump $10.75 per ton (As long as t£ie present supply lasts.) Other Grades of OoaJ at Reasonable Prices. Don't Delay—Have Your Way. Put Your Winter Supply Away. The American Cc»l Company has a plan from 6 Do 12 months to pay. FREE WOOD WITH EACH ORDER We Hire Colored Help. AMERICAN COAL CO 1224 N 13th A spacious new recreation cen ter, built by 52 NYA workers dur ing the past year, adjacent to the campus of Bethune Cookman col lege, Datona Beach Fla-, was dedi cated Sunday by Dr. Mary McLend Bethune, director of the NYA col ored division at Washington and president of the college. ARE YOU ONLY aT THREE-QUARTER WIFE? MEN.because they are men.can never understand a three quarter wife—a wife who is all love and kindness throe weeks In a month and a hell cat the rest of the time. No matter how your back aches —how your nerves scream—don't take it out on your husband. For three generations one woman has told another bow to go "smil ing through" with Lydia E. Pink ham 3 Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure in the three ordeals of life: 1. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2 Pre paring for mothe-hood. 3. Ap proaching "middle age." Don’t be a threo-quarter wife, take LYDIA E PI N Kfj AM'S VEGETABLE OOMPOUNDaad Go “smiling Through." LOANS We Buy Old Gold Watch and Jewelry Repairing " * Loan Mon ear on Everything 8'cs; Jew. fry 3 liil Lv3sl Cl>. ' LOTIIING 1 ‘•'•n-r 24th uivl Hrskine 2,11 24th St. Cniaha, .\ebr. ! ATTEND ■ The Nebraska’s ANNIVERSARY APPRECIATION CERTIFICATES Given with purchases that are multiples of $2.50 in any department of the store. Read the following and Mae the way that you ws.!l benefit buying everything good to v.)?r.r "or a!] of the famil at The Ne braska-only 8 more days to get your share READ AND ACT: »_ CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN