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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1937)
COMMENTS EDITORIAL PAGE opinions I THE OMAHA GUIDE Published Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska Phones: WEbster 1517 or 1618 Entered as Second Class Matter March 16, 1927, at the Postoffice at Omaha, Neb., underAct of Congress of March 3, 1879. TDC1MS OF SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER YEAR Race prejudice must go. The Fatherhood of God and the Brother hood of Man must prevail. These are the only principles which will stand the acid test of good. All News Copy of Churches and all Organizations must be in our •ffice not later tnan 6:00 p. m. Monday for current issue. All Adver tising Copy or Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, proceed ing date of issue, to insure publication. ..EDITORIALS.. < Lighted Cigarette—$70,000 Gone A short time ago a cureless Oregon motorist tossed a eig arette from his car. An area of 5,000 acres, covered with good young timber, iwas burned. A$ the present average l-’mber price, that means $70,000 in payrolls and supplies was lost to the satt: And, according to a conservation authority, “It will really amount to a Joss of over $1,000,000 in the future re sources of .he state.’’ Many decades are required before a burned tree is replaced and the land becomes valuable again. 'Preventing fire is said tube 75 per cent of reforests ion. And more than HO percent of all forest fires arc man made. In ev cry lumber state, you can sec thousands of ghostly acres, eov crcd ;wi h only the blackened stumps of once great trees^— (i'rtin remembrances to ignorance and carelessness. Every individual owes his follow citizens an obligation •when he goes into the woods, or drives in timbered country. That obligation is easily discharged—but failure to,do so may result in the loss of millions, and the ruin of irreplaceable nat ural beauties. Take the utmost cure with smoking maetrials— and don’t throw matches and butts, even if you ,do feci they are out, from your ear. Watch eampfijres like jn hawk, and when you leave, saturate them and bury with dirt. Obey laws— especially local rulings that are put into effect during fire seasons in areas where hazards are especially great. Remember forests are our heritage, and it is up to us to dissipate or conserve that magnificent legacy. He Saved Money—But! Some years ago the Pulitzer Prize award for the best car toon of the year went to John T. McCuttchoou. It was of a sad and shabby man seated on a park bench. A squirrel playing in front of him asked: “Why didn’t you save your money t” The derelict replied, “1 did.” Thousands of men have saved their money—only to lose it at an age when their fortunes could not oe rebuilt For saving is one thing, and security of principal is another. On happily, they don't always go together. Every man should place a large part of his savings m some plan such as life insuriuicb, that, guarantees tho maxi mum of security. Only the spare dollars should be used for speculation—for \eniuifs, though they may return i great profit, may also result in 100 par cent, loss of the principal employed Before tnl ing risks, it is essential to build a sc mid financial bulwark for the future The Price of Speed As evryone knows, speed is the great highway killer. A motorist who drives at an excessive speed endangers not only his own life, but those of everyone else on the public streets and roads, lie can offer but one (‘excuse” for his conduct— that superfast driving gets him to his destination sooner. The truth is, the minutes we save by excessive speed arc pitiifuiUy few in tihr light of the risk involved. Some time ago a teat was made in Chicago. A radio announcer was told to drive his ear on an eight mile trip in heavy traffic, observing not only every traffic regulation, but every rule of courtesy. At the same time a police officer followed the same route un der instructions to take every risk and reach lithe destination in the shortest possible time. Twenty fhree In'jnut'es later the reckless driver pulled in at the stopping point. The safe supposedly slow driver who had taken no risks at all, got to it two minutes later. We have nil met the motrist who makes a trip in a length of time requiring him to risks a hundred lives, and spends twice the time he saved over a normal, safe passage, boasting about it. None of us are so busy, none of !us have so great la need for saving a few minutes or a few hours, that we can afford the “price of speed." •'Save ten minutes)—take a. life.” That should be the mot to of the driver who “opens her up” on every'possible ocen Bion. Speed alone is the dominating factor in the great bulk of the nation’s serious trafic accidents. Look at it from yout own point of view and from a purely personal standpoint—is it worth it t DELINQUENT SUBSCRIBERS—PLEASE NOTICE The postoffice department does not permit the delivery of papers to delinquent subscribers. If your payments are not up to date, please mail or bring amount due to The Guide office or call WEB1517 for representative: Your cooperation will be Teatly appreciated’ The Management Economic Review The Social Security Act has created an interesting paradox. Practically everyone believes the purpose of the law is good and the public interests de mands that provision be made for the aged and unemployed. At the same time, practically every competent economist be Plieves the present act is badly drawn, contains the gravest kind of legislative errors, and mu it be dras icttlly revised. This lias been the feeling ev er since the law was passed. However, there was no strong movement for revision, for the reason the act was inline ly taken to court in a test of its constitutionality, and there was no point in doing anything about it until that had been de teruiined. When « few weeks ago, the Supreme Court held the act constitutional in two decisions (one upholdng the un employment, benefit part of it by a 5 to 4 vote of the justices, the other upholding old age benefits by 7 to 2 majority) it came again into the public eye and a definite movement to maintain its virtues while rid ding it of its vices is under way. It is a notable fact that liberal and radical commcnta tors wish revision no less than the conservatives. The more or less sociaflistie League for In dustrial Democracy has pub lished a monograph criticizing the act, and so has| the Twen tieth Century Pupid, which has a board of directors con sitting largely of prondnent in dustrialiHlts. And in some ins tnnees, both radicals ami con servatives make identical erit icisms. Objections to the act are of varying kinds. Some of the more important are: 1—Under the wording of the existing law, all of the funds raised by taxing employers and employees for old age insur anee must he invested in gov eminent bonds. It is estimated that the money will total over $47,000,000,000 by 1980. Tin national debt (which means the amount of government bonds outstanding) is now at a rec ord peak of about $35,000,000. 000. As a result, if the act is left unchanged, it will be nee essary to increase our debt by $12,000,000,000 in the next 40 odd years to tjake care of the old age insurance funds alone, Speech of Hon. A. Phillip Randolph __ (Continued from Page 1) nations of the world is about to sacrifice democracy under the as saults of Fascism. This represents a grave situation to mankind. If democracy is destroyed in Spain, it may mean the destruction of De mocracy all over the world. “We here have seen the plight of Spain, and have been through the great depression. We have seen the attack upon Ethiopia and the subjection of white people. So you see in he study of strains and stresses a conflict between class even if no government bonds are then held by corpora ions, individuals, trust funds, banks educational ins.itui.ions, etc. 2— There is nothing in the law to prevent congress from selling the government bonds purchased with the Social Sc curity Fund and spending the money for any purpose it may wish. Thus, an irresponsible Congress might legally dissip ate the billions of dollars that workers and employers deposit to insure a subsidence liveli hood in old age. 3— Some commentators feel that the cost of social security should be borne by the entire nation, and paid for by gene ral taxation, not just by taxes on employers and emplov" alone. In other words, under present provisions, the tax acts as a burden on productive in dustry, influences employers toward using more labor sav ing machinery and against hir ing more workers. It is some what in the nature of a class tax, whereas, say these com mentators, it should be a gen eral tax, inasmuch as it is de signed to increase purchasing power, which is a benefit to everyone. 4—The administration ot the act, to quiote Dorothy Thomp son, “is incredibly cumber some, complicated and expen sive.” According to Abrahmm Epstein, executive secretary of the long established America!' Association for Social Seeur ity, “Instead of promoting ade qua'cy of standards and uni fortuity, the act, encourages a confusing variety of systems. Indeed, the act lias already brought about a miscellany of 48 divergent state plans.” This does not exhaust the list of criticisms of the act, but it outlines the most potent and important. Congress is listen ing to the exports, and it is cor taiii that sentiment within the body in favor of revision is growing. MIZE Standouts I AWAfHMlKMfms WHOIE FINE BARITONE VOCE wKj RECOGNIZED BY THE THEATRE ~ MANAGER-- A (lo4c(jrIffrn / THE GOLDEN VOICEo PRIMA DONA WHO SINGS (' NIGHTLY OVER WDAS ' ^ jf a . V ***** » ^ * WHO PLAYS A FEATUREM IN THE WPA PRODUCTION— ; 'THE TRIAtOfDOCTOR BECI< ffl lmt imuutiMAX. am run I ea, nationality ana religion. mere fore, the great cause today is the cause of peace, because under the strains of war, minorities that fight for progress have their ef orts arrested. ‘Millions of peoples are slaugh tered and property wasted. Work ers are victims. We are also cor, cerned about the maintenance of the institutions of democracy, be cause under the maintenance of the frame work of democracy man kind moves forward in the van of progress. The workers are able to fight for liberation, and for that reason all the people in the world, Jews, Negroes, Catholics and the other groups in America must fight for the preservation of democracy. I The. Negro people are essentially the working people, and our pro I blems are those of working people. 1 In other words, we have to sell our labor in the market from day to day, to get the means to buy clothing, food and shelter. When wages are low, living is low. It is the interest of the workers to fight for higher wages because it means life. White workers have the same exploiters that we do, and have the same goal. All workers want se curity on the job in order that they may not constantly face fear. The workers want a higher standard of living which may enable them to enjoy the culture of our civiliza tion, and the work of our artists, and writers, and philosophers, etc. “Workers need leisure, time in which to develop the mind, spirit and soul. Negro workers must build power because it is obvious that in this machine age that it is utterly impossible for the workers to se cure the things they need without power. Business interests have po-' wer. It is a historical fact that groups that possess power, keep it. All groups must build power. The only way Negroes and whites can build power is to form industi al unions. “We have come to the point in America where the forces that con trol our lives, the great trust and holding companies, etc., will crush the workers unless they are well organized. “Because of the rise of mass pro duction in America today, the march of specialization and tech nogical advances, workers must build structures to combat these forces; as a result the old craft form of unionism is now giving away to Industrial Unionism, be cause it has the power to combat the organized powers in steel, rub ber, automobiles, and various mass industries of the nation. It is evi dent that this must constitute the new form of industrial organization in this country. And the Negroes are now participating in and build these industrial organizations. ‘In Chicago, they have marched in the van of industrial progress to win economic security and free dom. So the problem of'the Negro today is shifting. It is tied up with the problem of workers in this na tion, with the problem of peace, and with the problem of world democracy. “No Negro is safe while one white worker is in bondage, and no white worker is safe while one Negro is a slave. Workers in Am erica today know that we face a crisis. The Liberty League, United States Chamber of Commerce are attempting to make an association of American Manufacturers laws for the incorporation of unions. “The reasons for the 14th and 16th Amendments not being obser ved comes not from outside, not because of race or color, but be cause of fundamental weakness on on the part of the Negroes them selves. In other words, it expresses an age old saying that whoever is weak somebody will trample upon him, black, white, yellow or brown, somebody will subjugate him. He is subjugated because he is weak. He is weak because he lacks or ganization. Therefore, the. problem of the Negro people today, is a problem of organization, unity to build trade and industrial organi zation to achieve things. This does not mean that Negro people should build for themselves alone. The trade union movement is a move ment of white workers, and black workers, for every body who sells his labor in the market for wages. “The unity of Negro workers is tied up with the unity of white workers. The unity of black and white peoples on the industrial fields is necessary. Is it not be cause of our disunity in the indus trial fields that we are now in the Scepticism In Education By Wilfred Payne, Professor of Philosophy at The University of Omaha t ’ •% (Editor's Non: Dr. Payne hot been interested in progressive cePkem since 1926, and is the author of five articles on that subject.) ^ When a railroad president announces that a eoHoffe edu cation is useless, the professors are troubled. I i ms is Decause iney nave observ ed that he controls jobs, and they | fear that he may discriminate against the product of their insti | tution, and thus discourage stu dents. They believe he thinks a liberal education is useless because it does not equip the student with specific skills, but only with a sane understanding of life. They fancy | he wishes to employ young men who have learned to run compto meters, typewriters, and bookkeep ing machines. Blessed with a liberal educa tion themselves, they can not bring themselves to agree that the [ college ought to t furnish such , training. They j believe that the artisan has his Dr. Fays* piace in me—ne is the fabric of society. But they do not suppose it is their duty to train artisans. Tormented by the conflict and a stubborn loyalty to the ideal goal of a liberal education, they com promise. They propose that the students be liberally educated and trained in practical arts concur rently. Thus is bom the curricu lum content of the contemporary college. [ However, the professors are wrong. They are not wrong in their loyalty to ideal values. They are Vrong in their guess as to the situation that our economic organi zations cannot meet adequately, the problems of the Negro people? ‘‘The state chages the forces of things, and the Negro workers of America must have political ex pressions. This political expression must not be under business inter “President Wilson said, 'An in | visible empire has been built in American democracy, these forces impinging upon all phases of our lives because in their hands poli tical powers are concentrated to shape our lives and that of the people of the nation.. ’ The only way this power can be broken is by the workers to build their poli tical power to form a farmer labor political organization so that work ers and farmers may give expres sions to their political aims. “At this time the Negro people must take their place in the band of independent political movements that will express the interests of workers and all minority groups ' I am happy to say that Negro workers are awakening all over the land. This conference here in Oma ha is an example. Here today is an effort to unify all dining car groups. An efort to bring into be ing a National Organization. When this is formed, white and Negroes will take their place beside the Pullman Porters Organization. “To build these structures we need to develop the new spirit of struggles, a spirit to fight, a will to suffer and sacrifice because the great battle of the people of the world is bound to be won through blood and tears. Somebody must pay the price, somebody must sacri fice, somebody must be willing to go to jail, and even give up life it self. “The Negro has entered this struggle into this stage where the problem is to build power for the people. *'I am happy to be here to share in this struggle. To help build this organization. That is the spirit of the Negro worker and white work er. I am reminded of the works of Eugene V. Dobbs, that great fight er and leader as he was lodged in a Cleveland jail persecuted for his fight against the war. “Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever Gods may be For by unconquerable soul. I In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced or cried aloud Under the bludgeoning of chance My head is bloody but unbowed. Beyond the gate of wrath and tears Looms but the borrow of the shade i grounds on which the wosid con demns a liberal education. It is the scepticism of the liberally edu cated man which affronts the worffi, not his lack of artisan's skill, and his scepticism affronts because it is mistaken for cynicism. It is inevitable that the blessed with the opportunity af leisure should deny that there is a single road to culture and liberal ism; yet his consistent scepticism about formulas affronts the less fortunate ana they account him a cynic. Professors are too easily shaken, and need leadership. The induction of Dr. Charles Seymour into the presidency of Yale University, in October, should give them renewed courage. He chose that occasion* to announce, with singular clarity, a defense of the simple scepticism! of the liberal mind, confirming the conviction that freedom, and not technical skill, is the goal of edu cation. Here is reason enough for the professors to hail the new Prexy as master, but there is another, and a very positive reason for the ac claim. He avers that education must not content itself with free dom to seek truth without let or hindrance. Education must recog nize that devotion to an ideal larg er than itself is requisite. Thus Seymour adds his name to a long list of masters who have agreed that man’s life needs justification; that to live, without living well, and without a goal, is ungodly. j THE LOW DOWN —--from HICKORY GROVE BY JO SERRA I was skimmin’ through my paper and I see where it eon! s 650 million to run the U. S. Farm Dept., which is newly 2 million a. day; and it is sorted erablc money. And I also see that farmers will raise maybe 800 mlBW» bushels of wheat. And if they ^ was to sell it for one doMar a bushel, they would have eauf left over, maybe, after payin’ the cost of the Agriculture Da partment, to buy the seed to p/lant next year. And when us boys was there helpin’ our father, he told us how to tell whether it was gon na rain by listenen’ to the car_ over on the Wabash, and the Govt, it don’t predict any dos er now And we raised as much corn as they do today, and we didn’t have any Govt. feller followin’ us around bellin’ us things that we could tell him better than he could tell ufl. But I reckon if I had a U. S. automobile and free gas© line, I would be ridin’ around too, and tellin’ some fawner how to feed a calf or some thing. Hot ziggity! Yours, with the low down, JO SBRRA And yet the menace of the pass ing years Finds, and shall find me, un afraid It matters not how straight the gait, How charged with punMmamit the scroll, I thank whatever Goda mag he For my unconquerable eOel." t "Now I bid you forward to aotkg for black workers everywhere, #>r the future belongs to die wtcMag people.” M