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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1937)
ouioj-iour goes'ion w, I he answered FREE in th!s col ■mn ONLY' when a «f ppinjj of this column is enclosed with YOUR QUESTION, YOUR FULL NAME, HIRTHDATE and CORRECT ADDRESS. For PRIVATE REPLY send twenty-five rents and a self-addressed, stamped envelope for my NEW ASTROLOGY READING and receive by return mail my FREE ADVICE on THREE QUESTIONS. Send all letters to Abbe Wallace, care of The Omah. Guide. 2418 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska. C. T.—This boy that I am in love with asked m« to marry him and I want to know if he will make me a good husband ? ....Am: He would if you married him but he surely doesn’t realize that you are just a few years out •f the “cradle".you ought to wait a few more years before get ting married for you really don’t lore this party, V. L. Jf—Will I ever find the kind of husband I desire to marry and he happy ? Ans: Yes.if you continue to associate with only the best class of boys. You should try to make more friends among the girls for the more friends you have_the more new friends you are going to meet and hold, t . _ P. W.—Is it a wise idea for me to purchase the house that I am living in for I like it a lot ? Ans: Not at the price you would hare to pay. Wait a couple of months for it seems to me the par ty who owns this place will come down a bit on the house and they too, realize the first figure was a bit high. N. E. E—Plonse tell me if I will ever see my daddy again. I would like to get a new Astrology Read ing from you if I may? Ans: Sure you will see your dad dy again.... but not this year. Conditions are not such that he can arrange to visit home right now. You may secure one of my Astrology Readings by sending a quarter with your full name, birth date, correct address and also civ close three of the most pressing questions on your mind and I will be glad to give you free opinions on them. D. Ij. P.—Please tell me if the vung man I am going with cares anything for me docs ho love the girl I saw him with recently? Aas: Child.he doesn't love either iu of you. At this tender ago be bm’t going to declare his love for anyone and he is acting very sensible by n<it doing so. I. A. B. —What do you, think would Se the bcvst thing for my husbaad to do about work now? Ann: When he is physically able ... bo should return to the same position that he has been on before his iVitesn. He should also try to find something better to do but until be does by all means hold on to tbo job he has. L. G. J.—This man that visits Me claims to bo in love with me and I would like to know if there is anything to him ? A ns: He does love you but I don’t think yon will ever think enough of him to want to marry. Next spring will bring a new romance in your life that will mean more to you and you will forget you have ever known this particular party. M. I. B.—Am a regular reader of ytrnr column and I would like Guide Classified Ads . Are Money-getters What have you to rent or sell, yowr very closest neighbor may want it, in fact, may need it and Maybe getting reedy to go out scouting trying to flad that which is in your way. THB OMAHA GUIDE classified adveriaement moves things. Try itl If you have anything to rent or sell. Let be a room vug, ioe box, just eall WE 1111, give the office ghrl a two tine ohumified advertisement and watch it Wo get hundreds of oaDo daily for apartments and rooms you are not an tag. Remember the phone number. Jast nail WEBSTER 1517 fell the offiea girl what yea have to sol oi rent and she wiB write your ad for you or if you prefer, yen write yonr own copy. Wo say again GIVE Ufl A RING. CALL W1BSTER 1517 and our lightning street get-away bicycle beys will piek yonr copy ap in time for the current iaoae. Don’t forget the phone weather WEBSTER 1517. w for you to tell me why I am so restless ? Aim: The number of friends yon have made in rour present loca tion are few indeed, and you can’t be satisfied unless you are pleased with your social life. Join a club and go out among the younger people and endeavor to meet new boy friends. life will look much different for you. J. M. C.—-I have in mind a place $o go and take my family and want to know if success will be de rived there? Ans: Your idea seems to be a very reasonable onei.although it does appear to me that you should first make a trip to this place and look it over thoroughly before going to the expense of moving your family. -- o Bridge Enthusiasts To Hold Tournament In Montgomery Mobile, Ala., Nov. 4 (ANP) — Tho Sm^hjeast'em Bridge Ass - ociation will conduct its second an nual qpen ppirs duplicate tour nament in Montgomery, Alabama at the Alabama State Teachers Association was held last year as a feature of the Thanksgiving Holid ay program which was inaugurated several years ago by President H.C. Trenholm of Alabama State Teach era College. The main event is the Homecoming game on Thanksgiv ing Day between Ala. State and Tuskegee. This game has btcome t ho football classic of the south. This tournment has been sanc tioned by the national organiza tion, the American Bridge Associa tion, following its success of last year. Dr. P. VV Goode, Jr., of Mo bile, Alabama co holder with his wi fe, Mrs. Biatrice Goode, of the Mi xed Pairs Championship of the A. B. A. won last July in the Associ ation's annual tournament in C-hicu go, 111., is presiib lit of th ■ South eastern Association. Dr. Goode has received promises from several players of national rating' that they will attend tho Thanksgiving tournament among them are: Mr. Roger Margcram of Chicago, with his championship team; Dr. Geo. Moore oft Roanoke, Va., writer and nnalyst for th0 Norfolk Journal and Guide and the two women who have twice won the women's pairs championship of the A. B. A. Miss Polly Woden and Miss Ethel Merri man of Dynchburgh, Vu. Players interested in attending this tournament may direct their inquires to Dr. P. W. Goode, jr., 570 Davis avenue. Mobile, Ala., or to the vice president Mr. Hubert M- Jackson, 659 Greensferry, At lanta, Ga. For reservations write to President H. C. Trenholm, Ala bama State Teachers college, Mont gomery, Ala., this is advisable be cause of the large number of peo ple attracted by the football game. A cordial invitation is extended all contract players throughout the southern states to participate in this event of national interest. -o Illinois Pensioners Get Surplus Foods Chicago, Nov. 4 (ANP)—It was announced here Monday by John C. Weigel, public welfare adminis trative assistant, that Illinois old age pensiorters, in additon to their monthly allowance, will be given Federal surplus commodities. The food items will be supplied by the Federal Surplus Commodities Cor poration to the Illinois emergency relief commission for distribution to the aged needy. CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes a King Yuen Cafe 2010'/, N. 24th St. Jackson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 8 a. m. CHURCHES METROPOLITAN CHURCH Rev. R. W. Johnson, Pastor Tho services were very much en joyed by all who attended and every uplifting to the soul throughout tho day. Sunday school opened with the superintendent, Bro. Porter, at his post of duty. The golden text “Walk in the Sipiriit, and ye shall not fulfill the lunt of the flesh Gal. 6:16." The lesson was very well instructed by the teachers. Bro. Porter and his wife have been very successful with the Sunday school. 11 o’clock service started at the usual time and the spirit was high. The sermon preached by the pastor was touching and won derfully delivered to the people. The subject was “Chosen Vessels", tuken from Acts 9:16. There were, seven souls added to the member ship for the Lord. The Union les son, taught by Sister Woadip, was food for thought. There was a wonderful sermon ut the evening service. Subject, “Satisfaction" We always enjoy having our white friends present. Evereone is welcome. Prosperity service Wednesday night. A pro gram and drama will be given at tho church Sunday afternoon at 3:00, November 7th, sponsored by Mrs. Porter and your children of the Sunday school. •-o CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST Service order: Preaching 11:00 a. m. Evangelistic Service 7:30 p. m. Mother Annie Salughter in charge. Residence 2210 Clark. -o The parishoiners of St. Benedicts church attended Requiem High Mass he.ld for Mr. John Justus, 35, lately of Leeds, Mo. victim of heart trouble. The children’s choir under the direction of Mr. George Bryant, with Mrs. Carl Daniels at the organ. Mass was said by the Rev. Father James Pruess. Mr. John Justus attended St. Joseph School for Boys at Pensa cola. Fla. He was a member of the Boys’ choir and was also an alter boy th re- He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Mary Justus, one brother, Charles Justus, Co. F. ‘25th Infantry at Fort Guachanca, Nogalis, Ariz. Three sisters, Mrs Martha Copeland of Minneapolis, Minn.; Mrs. Ltonese Lloyd and Mrs. Daisy Bellingsley of Omaha Interment at Holy Sepulchre ceme tery. -o-— THE THIRD ANNUAL SERMON The Third Annual Sermon and Installation of the City Union Us her Board was held Suday, October 31st at 3:00 p. m. at St. John AME church, 22nd and Willis avenue. There was a great deal of on thusiasm shown among the ushers while Mrs. Georgia Goosley, Clair Chapel Usher Board, took charge of the processional march of the various usher 1 oards. There are seven active hoards in the union at this time, namely: Bethel Baptist church, Clair Chapel M. E., Cleaves Temple C. M. E., Mt. Moriah Bap tist, Pilgrim Baptist, St. John A. M. E. and Zion Baptist. -o Rev. Z- E. McGee was installed as pastor in Ilumstrnmek, Mich. In stallation services were held from October 11 to October 24th, at which time a very interesting pro gram was rendered assisted by the sister baptist churches of * Ham stramck. This is a thriving church with a large membership. The 12 room parsonage is very pleasantly situated next to the church. Mrs. McGee and their two younger sons, Morris, Joseph Howard, and small daughter, Alice Marie have joined Rev. McGee on his new charge* Rev. and Mrs. McGee were very prominent and active in Omaha's church and civic affairs during their twenty years residence here. Mrs. McGee was Council and Vice President of Long School Parent Teachers Association at the time of her departure. Friends and well wishers wish for them success. NORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Distance Hauling Moving and Storage Phone WE5656 2414 Grant St HINES TAILOR SHOP Cleaning, Pressing and Re pairing. > Dyeing and Hat Cleaning Dresses Cleaned and Press ed—Fur Crafting, Etc. 2523 Q STREET ».. *tf7lahnu^(>urrdvity i BEnmy^RomnncE^ The Larieuse Beauty Foundation was established by the Godefroy Manufacturing Company to study methods of preserving women's natural beauty, and to make the results of this research available to the public. • . PRIZES FOR BEAUTI HINTS All beautiful women, and all women who aspire to be beautiful, have their own ideas concerning the best methods of Improving their ap pearance. All of ns should share our knowledge of beauty Improvement with our friends, and for that reason < I’m again announcing this week the second annual contest for the most original letters on ways In which women can Increase their loveliness. The contest will be even more worthwhile this year than the one held last year, which was won, you may recall, by Mamie Lue Pitts of Cleveland. Ohio. Prizes totaling 1100 will be given; with the first prize $50, second $30, third $15, and fourth $5. Doubtless you use some trick to enhance your attractiveness, some hint that would be of benefit to others. Perhaps It Is a method of applying cleansing cream to the akin, perhaps a way to bring oat the full natural sheen of the hair, perhaps an exercise to Improve the figure. Maybe It's a combination of many things. Tell me about It In a letter not longer than 600 words. Address It to Marie Downing, Larleuse Beau ty Foundation, 611 Locust Street, SL Louis, Mo. If you win a prize. In addition to the money you will receive, you will have the fun of seeing your letter printed In this columa Send In your letter with a copy of this column or a coupon clipped from this newspaper. Letters will not be considered unless you fol low these Instructions. They must >e mailed before midnight, Novem ber 30, 1037. It Isn’t necessary for you to be a cosmetologist or beautician In order :o win a prize. I've met glamorous vomen everywhere, whose avery Iber tingles with allure, who have leveloped their own beauty secrets, tome of these women are In bust less, some are housewives who rea Ize the advantages of being well groomed. I met a woman at a cooking ichool recently, whose graceful Igure, polished manner and modish ippearance at once strack my eye. guessed she was about 30. and me of those fortunate women vhose wealth permits them to ipend hours each day In beauty lalons. Just out of curiosity 1 isked her about herself. You can Imagine how astounded was to learn that this woman was aany years older than I thought, nd that she was a widow support ng two children by working In a ery modest Job. Later I’m going to tell you some >f the things she told me about bow be achieved her breathtaking love Iness. Her hints were really very Imple and 1 feel sure many of my eaders have similar Interesting lethods for preserving their youth ul charm and beauty. Your letter will be Judged by a ommlttee of leading men and worn n whose names will be announced iter. I do hope you’ll write be ause 1 want to hear from you. Awards will be announced Just efore Christmas In your news apers. This Week in Thought and Religion By Robert L. Mooviy Armistice and War November 11th is nationally ce lebrated as Armistice, i. e., th/? day in 1918 when the treaty of peace became effective in the “War to end war.” Nineteen years later the world is tense with exci'i ment be enuse of the expectation of war- All of this proves that the mere in genuity of man cannot bring peace. Every truo American loves his country and believes in seif protec tion, but this doesn’t eclipse the view of the uselessness of war. The inevitability, i. e-, unavoidability of war does not deptnd upon a need of it; but bcause of the refusal to obey God’s word, wars come in ful fillment of the scriptures as found in Matt. 24:6, also the entire chapter. \Vro are admonished “If ye bo willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land; but if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be de voured with th? sward for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.” Isa. 1U8 20. W'ar destroys human lives, cruet fies civilization, works havoc with tho ideals and morals of nations. W'ar is everything horrible and de structive. The war that I, mv self and every true Christian be lieves in is the struggle of the spi rit against the flesh. If men did not allow tho flesh with its lusts overcome them individually nation ally and internationally, we would not have war. The Master Teacher is also the “Prince of PeacS.” To accept Him as “Dictator” in our affairs would bring us the reign of peace. Since it is obvious that ev eryone especially a majority will not receive them “see that ye be not troubled.” On this Armistice Day let everyone that wants peace, let his treaty of peace with (God be signed in Jesus’ blood “for He is our peace.” His will bequeath ed to us is “peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth.these things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world yo Rhall have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.,’Jno. 14:27; 16:33. OLE’S Battery Station WE SPECIALIZE ON BAT TERY SERVICE 2934N. 24th Ja 9999 Better Bicycles At Reasonable Prices Repairing and Sundries. Louis Flescher 8704 N.SOth KE 6646 Increase Wages Of Railway Workers Nlew Haven, Conn., Nov. 4 (ANP)—Wages of all dining car cooks and waiters on the New York, New Haven and Hartford railrorld wtere incii.ased 5»y 5 Vi per cent in result of conference of iv presentative of tihe company and officials of the Bubtherhood of Dining Car Emplyees, held in the New Haven Railroad general of fices here recently. Increases began as of October 1st. Grand President E. G. Hopkins and Chairman Oscar Jones of Local No. 2, of the bro therhood appeared for the em ployees. In 1981 and 1932, on proposal of the company, the cooks and waiters agreed through the brotherhood to accept wage cuts of 10 per cent on the same terms and conditions ac~ ceptable to tlte 21 standard rail road brotherhoods. In 1935 ’the amount was restored to all by the same process; and because of that tho New Haven management granted 5 Vi per cent increase upon Mr. Lemus’ nplication, without prior agreement. Shoe Pride or Shoe Shame . . . Give theKids A Break Lake Shoe Service 2407 LAKE ST. ' r PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS LOANS We Buy Old Gold Watch and Jewelry Repairing We Loan Money on Everything Gross Jewelry and Loan Co. 'LOTIIING Corner 24th and Erskine 2414 No. 24th St Omaha, Nebr Two Harlemites Are Certified As Watchmakers New York, Oct. 28 (By A. E. White for ANP)—The two proud est men in Harlem are Peter Huff stead end James Buchanan. They are justified in being proud. By qualifying as certified Watchmak ers, through a rigid examination conducted by the H6rologieal In stitute of America, they have ach ieved the watchmaker’s highest rating. In the science and art of watch making, this rating is equivalent to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of education. And sim ilarly, this certificate is obtained only by the most assidious applica tion to the finer side and technique of watchmaking. Inspired with an ambition to be come the best watchmakers in the city, these two workmen filed to take the examination; one because of an inordinate pridp in his work, the other on a sheer bet that he could pass the tests. Meeting ev ery preliminary requirement of the institute, which in ita;lf is a rigid test, these two Harlemites deter mined to do their best in acquiring the rights to the certificate. The work experience necessary before the candidate can qualify; the busi ness ethics demanded; the profes sional attitude called for; the shop, the tools, all are investigated thor oughly before permission to take I the test is given. These tests include written and manual work of a nature sorely trying to an experienced man, em bracing as they do the most diffi cult and scientific phases of watch making. And they are conducted under the supervision of a monitor appointed by the institute from their Washington headquarters in the United States Bureau of Stand aids. Records of the Horological in stitute show that their only about 20 certified watchmakers in the state <5f New York, compared with the thousands of watchmakers do ing business here. The recoi-ds show that there are only about 900 certi fied watchmakers in the entire country—with the largest number being found in the Middle West where compulsory laws demand this rating h fore a man can hang out his shingle. Peter Huffstead is in business for himself; James Buchanan is a ' valued employee of the Longines 1 Wittnauer company, one of the world’s greatest houses. Still Coughing? No matter how many medicines I 7ou have tried for your cough, chest j ;old, or bronchial irritation, you can i get relief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with any remedy less potent than Creomulsion, which goes right to the seat of the trouble and aids na ture to soothe and heal the inflamed mucous membranes and to loosen and expel the germ-laden phlegm. Even if other remedies have failed, don’t be discouraged, try Creomul sion. Your druggist is authorized to refund your money if you are not thoroughly satisfied with the bene- , fits obtained from the very first : bottle. Creomulsion is one word—not two, and it has no hyphen in it. Ask for it plainly, see that the name on the bottle is Creomulsion, and you’ll get the genuine product and the relief you want. (Adv.) | WVAWbW.V.WMWAW Hineman Garage 2417 N. 24th Street 24 HUUR SERVICE GENERAL REPAIRING ■V.WiV/.VWA’AVAVA Duffy Pharmacy We. 0009 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery wwwmwwwwvw, I IRE a, NERVOUS, EXHAUSTED! •.. Look to (row stomach Start taking Hostetler's Stomachic Bitter, right now and you wQl quickly not. how Ita madkinaTherbs and roots help to rerMahr* your dicesttre (lands _ 1 Health-wrecking Functional at I monthly periods Severe func tion a 1 pains of menstrua tion, cramping | spells and jan § gled nerves | soon rob a | woman of her | natural, youth ful freshness. PAIN lines too )ften grow into AGE lines! If you are subject to suffering at nonthy periods, It may be that Cardui will relieve you. Thousands of women rave found it helpful to Ake Cardui. They said t seemed to ease their sains and they noticed m increase in their ippetites and finally a itrengthened resistance o the stress of monthly periods. Try Cardui. Of course if it doesn’t ielp you, see your doctor. SOLD AT ALL DRUG STC.RE3 ► Your Kidneys contain 9 million tiny tubes or filters which may be endangered by neg lect or drastic. Irritating drugs. Be careful, [f functional disorders of tha Kidneys or Bladder make you suffer from Getting Op Nights, Nervousness, Leg Pains, Circles Under Eyes. Dizziness, Backache, Swollen Joints, Excess Acidity, or Burning Passages, don't rely on ordinary medicines. Fight such troubles with the doctor's prescrip tion Cystex. Cystex starts working In 3 hours and must prove entirely satisfactory In 1 week, and be exactly the medlotae yon need or money back is guaranteed. Tele phone your druggist for Cystex (Bias-tex) lodav. The guarantee protects yon., Copr. 1937 The Knox Co. pnpMrvpHpjH"KP!M|MHPF3R0pMHPB BnTTn ■ j j 1 ■ k\Hy I Jr* |BW I M >■ fc| ij ft "“iHjWEGOODNEW^POI^Ol^^^ Regvrdlesa of what your trouble may be, you can look the world in tbe facer Solve all problems; Get what you Want, and rear no Man or circumstances, four Happiness and Success demand that you print your name clearly and ■end It to S45 Owen Ave. REV. CHA5. P. COLBERT. Detroit, Mkhiffw MOVIE Be considerate! Don’t cough in the movies. Take along a box of Smith Brothers Cough Drops for quick relief. Black or Menthol—5^. Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the only drops containing VITAMIN A This is the vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous membranes cf the nose and throat to cold and cough infections. m ■ 'jp' w *" |H* [ ■ ■■ ■■■ — - Sure win playing •n/'fcrr»«tfcu included so you mm unit a big Hit with tWi new gume. for any day you want included if [you send your order at sues aad enclose $1.00—Cash or money order—or send name and address soly ad pay postman $1.15 upon delivery, plus a few cents postage. YOW CAN’T LOSE—money back instantly if this LUCKY NUMB** SELECTOR fails to MAKE A HI T with you. Rush yosr ordtw mediately. . F. KARMA I, 30 Church St, NEW YORK, If Y