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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1937)
CHURCH OF GOD Elder S. S. Spaght, Pastor Sunday school ope&ed at the us ual hour with sacred devotion con ducted by the superintendent. Les «on study, “Christian Renewal’’ ■was vary good, taught by J. Eddens Ho is a very efficient teacher, able to make practical and bring out the deep truths of the lesson. Morning service was exceedingly good pastor spoke from the thought "Where There’s No) Vision, People Perish.” His earnestness and burden in -drj ivering the message was of such as would reach an stir other zeal ®us hearts. Sunday evening Sister J. W. Ed dens of Oklahoma brought the message, which was good. Subject ‘‘One Law Giver.” Sister Edden is a consecrated woman (s emly) with all on the altar far God. ST JOHN A. M. E. CHURCH ‘The Friendly Church” I)r. R. A. Adams, Pastor It is very pleasing to see the young people all coming to Sunday school again, and making the. at tendance so firli and showing so much interest in the lessons. Dr. Adams wus in his pulpit Sunday morning and he and part of the choir went to Mt. Moriah Baptist church to help them in their wont n’s day services. Sunday night the choir had its regular 4th Sunday night all request service. There were many request numbers turned in. The choir finds great pleasure in •doing such service, but they are asking that requests be turned in by Thursday before the 4th Sunday, as the program is made up after thn practice preceeding the 4th Sunday. It is very important that all requests come in early. Those who miss the Host and Hostess dinner given by the choir will miss a treat Those who attended this dinner in years past say it is one of the most appreciated social affairs during the year. (Who would not come for a fine dinner of young turkey) This is not an invitational affair, so see any member of the choir and make your reservations now. Thb sick of the church are report ed as follows: Mr. C. B. Kitchen, Mrs. A. R. Goodlett, Mrs. Blanche Moore and Miss Mable King. Miss King is improving rapdly. Mrs. May Metoyer, Mrs. George Clough, Mrs. Mary Spencer and Mrs. William Spl?ncer united with our church Sunday. Visitors for the Poisoned Kidneys Stop Getting Up Nights T» harmlessly flush poisons and acid from kidneys and correct ir ritation of bladder so that you can stop “getting up nights” get a 35 cent package of Gold Medal Haar lem Oil Capsules and take as di rected. Other symptoms of kidney and bladder weakness are scant, burning or smarting passage— baskache—leg cramps—puffy eyes. 1 day were: Mrs. W. L. Seals, Mrs J. Pruitt, of Omaha, Mr. Bradlej i Garbee, Mr. Harold Pritchett; Mr I E. Booze of Chicago and Mrs Robert Martin of Sioux City, la — —-o~ SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH Rev, M. B. Bilbrew, Pastor I Services were very enjoyable at | Salem Sunday. The Sunday school started the day with a group of eager students to learn the word of God as an expression of tender feeling, that the superintendent havo for the young people that go to makh up the Sunday school. At 1.1 a. in. our pastor brought to us a very splendid message. His text was found in Romans the 8th chapter and the 33ri^ verse. The junior choir sang for the morning and evening services. Their sing ing was remarkable for their first appearance. Mr. Young the director is doing a splendid work with them. The BYPU had a special black board demonstration on th? topic, ‘ Murder at the Wheel.” All those that drove cars received some very hi lpful instruction. At. 8 p. m. our pastor brought another instructive message. His text was found in the third chapter of Rev. A big day is anticipated on next Sunday. The termination of thi one hundred dollar rally. Breakfast and dinner will be served at the church. Come out and dine with us. The sick of the church are: Mr. and Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Alex ander, Mrs. N. Williams. Visitors aro always welcome at Salem Bap tist curch. 1 1)01,GOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish Wv do glazing a.rd make window shades to order 1822 24 N 24 WE 1607 CONSTRUCTION Thera ere many wayi I* deflate the value ol I I, pair ol ihoea. In hidden placet, leather can < be replaced by eubititutci... and you'd never 1 know it until you wore the rhoer awhile. Bui, { when you buy thoet you are entitled to | thoe-leathcr. And you jet it In Doujlae , ALL-LEATHER CONSTRUCTION. e | ' 0UR REGULAR LINE $4.50 up lit/L.DOUGLAS tImeucaj best known shoes 318 So. 15th Redick Tower Orchard & Wilhelm Co. USED FURNITURE is taken into our Exchange Dep’t to encourage the purchase of new merchandise. It is offer ed for resale at the lowest prices we can put upon it. Our first and constant purpose is to make it easy for our customers to have the new. Our second is the quick dis posal of the old. Every day in the year there are large assortments offered. In fact you can furnish a whole house from this stock which changes constantly. It’s worth your while to come to the Exchange Depart xnent today, and a week from today, to secure what you want. WE LIS^ A FEW TYPICAL EXAMPLES: Walnut Refectory Dining Table . $17.60 Oak Dresser with big mirror... 7.50 4 pc. Green Enamel Bed room Suit . 22.50 Mahogany Spinet Desk... 14.75 ?. pc. Velour Living Room Suite . 15.00 2 pc Mohair Living Room Suite ... 29.60 Large Colonial Mahogany Library Table . 2.60 Upholstered Living Room Chairs .. 2.50 to 12.50 EXCHANGE DEPT. 1619 Harney UNDER THE NEBRASKA POWER BLDG. The Women’s Auxiliary to the Omaha Postal Alliance presented their national English award and their annual scholarship reward to Mr. Monroe Coleman and Miss Ro wena Jones for graduating with i highest average in English. This j meeting was held Sunday, October 24th at the YWCA. _ AMERICAN WIENER SH01 2509 N. 24th, Street. BEST CHIU AND BEST RED HOTS IN THE WEST ALL KINDS of SANDWICHES Ice cold beer to complete the meal I_ CLASSIFIED ADS ' 1 WO 5 room modern bungalows •' like new, $2,150 and $2,450. • Terms. Maple street. WE 3482. FOR RENT—Ixrve’* Kitchenette Apartment*. 2516-18 Patrick, or 2613 Orant st. Call We. 6553. APT. for rent, 2 large rooms, 2705 Ohio. FOR RENT. Five room bungalaw with garage. In excellent condition. 3005 No. 30th street. $25 per month. Call Leroy WE 1711. DRESSMAKING of all kinds. Dresses, Women’s Suits, Blouses, Skirts and Men’s Shirts. Miss Ethel Terrell, 2502 No. 24th St., Apt. 4 WE 1191. NICE furnished room in private home. AT 2743. Call after 5 p. m. 2 FURNISHED rooms. $2.75 and $2.50 each for men only. 2825 No. 24th street. NICELY furnished room for rent in modern home. Call WE 0162 NOTICE:— Adult Education Music and Dra. matte Classes, YWCA. Monday evening, 8 p. m., Voice Culture; Solo and Chorus singing. Wednes day evening, 8 p. m., Dramatics. Born to cook for you. Jeff 1818 No. 24th MODERN SHOE REPAIR 1410 North 24th Street Women’s Top Lifts... 15c Vomen’s half soles.65c & up len’s half soles and heels. . ...$1.00 & up fan's half soles.75c and up fan's rubber heels.35c and up ihildren'a half soles and heels _ 75c thildrem's half soles „....50c up Quality Is Our Policy r srir inrifinnt nmi tirtT inrinrirn; Mrs. J. P. Mosley, wife of Rev. J. P. Mosley, was injured while de scending a street car at 24th and Fa mam streets. She was taken to Lord Lister hospital, given ex ray examinations, and then sent home in a cruiser car. ARE YOU ONLY A. THREE-QUARTER WIFE? MEN, because they are men, can never understand a three quarter wife—a wife who is ail love and kindness three weeks in a month and a hell cat the rest of the time. No matter how your back aches —how your nerves scream—don't take it out on your husband. For three generations one woman has told another how to go “smil ing through'' with Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure in the three ordeals of life: l. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching “middle age." Don't be a three-quarter wife, take LYDIA E PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Go “Smiling Through." TRADE AT TUCHMAN’S Food Stores, Inc. Butter Nut Coffee lib 30c 2 lbs 59c WE 0402 24th & LAKE FREE DELIVERY ROBOT DIAL—THREE wav* bands, thin dials — but )us» ONE al a das ELECTRIC TARGET TUNING —Absolutely accurate, all elec tric "bull's eye" Indicator. PERSONALIZED ACOUSTIC ADAPTER Fits tho ton* to four Room mjj %20&\ ’*^r* ''''v1*1? w*^ gr-^ 0+ in 70 MODELS from 119.95 to 1759.00 0 YEAR-AHEAD FEATURES 10 Days Trial with Exchange Privilege EL£CT»IC AUTOMATIC TUN ING—An *1#ctric motor *ima« th» M«dU round tb« dkl M your aUUon. VOICE. MUSIC. HI FIDELITY CONTROL—Your choic* oi liv# diif«r«at tout fUfii LOCAL STATION INDICA TORS—Adjustable markers for your fsTorlte stations. f *2 Salts' s-sss^'sS' / CKI. Co- J I _ ii Paramount Radio Shop AT 8400 Open Evenings Until IO 2»009-l3Faraain _ _[ZENITH SHORT WAVE RECEVEHS OF 3 BANDhj OB MORE ARE auW WITH ZENITH DOUBLET ANTENNA ___ t!^