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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1937)
By KEN JESSAMY After dodging the issue for more than a year, the AAU has finally agreed to consider the 10.2 second mark hung up by Jesse Owens at the National Collegiate Track and Field Meet at Stagg Field in Chi" cago on June 20, 1936_The as sociation at first ruled that the mark could not be considered be cause after remeasuring the track, after the race had been run, it was found to bfe approximately three fifths of an inch short of the 100 meters mark. The old mark of 10.3 for this distance has been shared jointly by Eddie Tolan and Ralph Metcalfe. Most of thfe colored baseball fans were a bit pleased when the New York Giants lost to the New York Yankees in thie World Series. Bill Terry, manager of the Giants, has been credited with making cer ain disparging remarks about col ored ball players.These remarks wero said to have been made, after a troupe of colored players soundly trashed the National League cham pions in training sessions in C\iba last year. One reason that may be given for the fact that colored footbal'ers who are students at white colleges can’t make the all-American squad is that they are barred, through agreements, from competiting when their team is playing southern col leges. Selection by all-American judges is partly based on the num ber of games participated in and the number of yards gained.The white player therefoile, is allowed to make up any defecit in yardage but being able to compete in more contests.This to our minds reaches the height of unsportsman ship and that it should be practiced by our leading educational institu tions makes it even more appalling. DOTS and DASHES from COAST to COAST Tiger Jack Fox knocked out Red Bruce again last week.This makes the third time that the Tiger has emerged victorious over John Henry Lewis’ stablcmate.Lewis still refuses howpver to give, Fox a look-see at the title...Pedro Mon tanes is scheduled to headline the bill at the Rockland Palace next week.This will mark the first time that the popular Porto Rican has fought since losing his cham pionship bid to Lou Ambers. The indoor track season will get underway shortly and we are won dering who will be the Negro ath letes to dominate the sport pages ... .Irfist year it was Ben Johnson, Corvelius Johnson, Mel Walker, Big Bill Watson, and Dave Albritton to mention a few_This year they will be again in the line up at tempting to crack new records and equal old ones.These are not the lads wo are concerned with how ever, wa are wondering who will be the new stars to flash across the horieon and dominate the scene. Abolishes Admissions To Athletic Contests Talladega, Ala., Oct. 28 (ANP) —Ia order to renounce ‘‘commerci alism in athletic,” Talladega col lege is inaugurating a policy of no admission charges to this year’s football games and other sporting contests, it was announced Monday by President Gallagher. Commenting upon this departure from custom, the president stated, “This step is a definite renunciation •f all commercialism in athletics. For many years the college has folowrd the consistent policy of refusing to give athletic scholar ships or to offer any kind of spe cial inducement solely to attract athletes and build up winning team. The elimination of gate re ceipts marks the logical culmina tion of this policy.” It is understood that the only other inetitution in the country following a similar policy is John Hopkins university, white, of Mary land. Kid North Takes Stable to Seattle San Mateo, Calif., Oct. 28 (ANP) —Robert ‘‘Kid” North, famous at the turn of the century as the trainer of Joe Gans, former light weight champion pugilist of the world and in later days as the train er of thoroughbred horses—is planning to take his charges in the Meadow-Kozinsky stable to Seattle for the Longacres meeting, it was learned here this week. Kid North is manager of the Meadowbrook stable and stock farm and ranks as the outstanding Negro trainer of the day. He is well known to. Hollywood’s movie col ony, had entries at Bing Crosby’s Del Mar Racetrack meeting this last summer, was photographed with Crosby and Andy Devine at Del Mar on the opening day of the July meeting. h Recently Kid North took first call on the riding services of the famed Jockey Ralph Neves of South City, considered one of the greatest of present day jockeys, but who, be cause of his impetuosity and quick temper while in the saddle, has been repeatedly disqualified by. track officials. North is convinced that he can get Nevens to overcome this handicap and thereby become one of the ace riders of the Mea dowbrook stable. Among the prize winners under North’s supervision, with Charley Groose as assistant trainer, are Better Bet, Cue Ball, Hunting Ridge, Cue Ball, Sharp Girl (win .ner of the Lassie Stakes), Sweeping Flame and Saratoga Gal. North t cently swapped Bon Red for Saratoga Gal, thought first ‘‘he had something there,” later changed his mind, decided it was an even swap —as both parties to the transaction got exactly nothing. As a souvenir of the days ‘ Way back when” he trained Champion Joe Gans, Kid North has lately come into possession of t’t^ punch ing bag used by Gans in 1902 while training for the fight with Frank Ernie at Fort Erie, and also one of the gloves Gans used in the, his toric championship battle of July 4, 1908, at San Francisco when he lost the world’s lightweight title to the tough ring gladiator, Battling Nelson of Chicago. These trophies, are among Kid North’s prized pos sessions. -o SEX Where Knowledge Means Happi ness. A needed book FREE with a ■ copy of ‘ The Natural Sex Life” for only $1.00 Postpaid. Literature free. Portlab Service, 622 Watts St., Pittsburgh, Pa. UUUUUUUUULOJIJJJUUUIJLJJIJLIL CHAMPION Always Leads Track Odds Show Parlays * CHAMPION CIGAR STORE 2047 No. 24th St JA 4777 8c SHIRTS 8c When Finished Out of Any Family Service EMERSON LAUNDRv ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 No. 24th St_WE 1029 Morgan Coach Says Mathematics Help Him G^t Winners Baltimore, Oct. 28 (ANP)—if you want to know the secret of the phenomenal success attending Mor gan college’s football team—it has n’t been defeated in 44 games ex* tending through 6 years—then you need look no farther than the field cfl ‘mathematics. Coach Edward P. Hurt, normally a mathematics professor, has car ried the precision of his science t0 the gridiron. ‘ It’s all a matter of timing," he declared. "In science you won’t be satisfied with any thing less than exactness. You need the same exactness in coaching a football team." Accordingly, all his plays are diagrammed and worked out with mathematical precision. Each play er has to complete a fraction of the whole play and taught to do exactly that. The result is a ground gain ing maneuver—such as his "round Robin" which was first introduced to a bewildered Bluefield eleven in 1935. In this play, the oval was snap ped to the fullback, who threw a foward pass to a halfback, who lateraled it to the other half, who then lateraled it back to the full back who had come wide around end. The first time it was tried it was good for a touchdown as the dazed opponents stared open mou thed. These and similar plays have helped Morgan to amass a total of 983 points in six years to the op ponents’ 82. -o Arrest Man in Dixie As “Spitting Artist” Raleigh, N. C., Oct. 28 (ANP)— Raleigh police last Tuesday arrest ed Charlie White of Method, N. C., as the long sought "spitting artist,’’ alleged to have a new and novel method of pick pockets. S. C. Poole of Neuse, Route 1, iden tified White as the pickpocket who spat upon him as he was leaving a local store, and who then apologiz ed profusely while he brushed his clothes with one hand and '“lifted” his wallet, containing $45, with the other. AFTER 45 Very often as you grow 1 older your digestive sys I tem becomes deficient I and your blood can not B get the proper nourish H ment. You feel listless and worn out. Try a single bottle of famous old Hos tetter's. Its stimu lating herbs and roots quickly help in revitalizing the diges tive glands. At drug ttoresevery wliere.$ 1.50 In Police Court A delivery boy, 17, charged in connection with theft of groceries from the store by which he was employed, was freed court Monday morning quest of his employer, who said his job will be given back. The youth has been working af ter school for the past nine years, and has been a trusted employee. ■‘He’s not a bad boy, and I’d like to see him get another chance,” the employer told the judge. With his brother and a compan ion, the young man was arrested early Sunday carrying a bushel basket of groceries in the vicinity of the northside store. Later hei confessed to having stolen them, a few pieces at a time, the preced ing day. William MlcCay, appeared in Judge Holmes Municipal Court also and was charged with being drunk. He pleaded guilty, but was dis charged and paroled to his employ er. . I Laura Carter of 4827 So. 26th street, was arrested Saturday night by Offices1 Rose upon a complaint of the theft of money from a white man who was a visitor in that vicinity. She was sentenced 30 days. Herman Love, charged with reck less driving. A $1.00 fine was sus pended. VISIT THE New Elite Bar 2423 N 24th St. Drinks Of All Kinds At Moderate Prices Spe.inl Courtesy to Ladies Direct Wire on All Sporting Events Christopher & McGill, Props. THE OMAHA GUIDE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL .. DIRECTORY.. Save time, worry, confusion and money by consulting this complete Directory of Neigh borhood and City Business places. CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE 2422 No. 22nd St WE 0846 STEPHENSON BEAUTY SHOP 2037 N. 24th StAt 6810 GHARLENA LEWIS BEAUTY SALON 2866 Maple St. JA 6116 ECONOMY TAILOR Chaa. M. Simmons, Prop. Wc Cut, Trim Make Suits to Order Make all kinds of alterations for Ladies and Gents. Cleaning and Repairing 1918 No. 24th St. American Wiener Shop 2609 N. 24th Street. KING YUEN CAFE 2010% N. 24th St Ja. 8676 CHARLIHM PLACE 1602 N. 24th St_We. 4019 ELITE CIGAR STORE 2312 N. 24th St. Ha. 4226 HOUSTON’S GROCERY 2114 No. 24th St JA 3643 Our Sausage a specialty Free Delivery JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N. 24th St We. 0998 DUFFY PHARMACY 24th and Lake We. 0609 RABE’S BUFFET 2425 N. 24th St Ja. 9196 NORTH-SIDE TRANSFER 2414 Grant St We. 66M L. BERMAN, TAILOR 1408 No. 24th St. AT 1196 Special November sale. Any coat relined for $4.00. Electrical Appliances DONAHOO A HOYLE Norge Appliance Oo. 2423 Farnam St Ha. 060f Gradera W. F. HOCH Grading and Excavation 4506 Amea Ave. Ke. 0313 Grocery Stores HERMAN’S MARKET 24th and Lake We. 6444 Laundries EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 N. 24th St We. lOti EDHOLM A SHERMAN 2401 N. 24th St_We. 6054 Monument Makers HEFT A NOTES 40th and Forest Lawn Ke. 1783 Produce Markets METROPOLITAN PRODUCE 1616 N. 24th St We. 4787 BEN & KERMIT ANDERSON Painting, Wall Washing and Decorating 23 Years Experience Estimates free Work Guaranteed 2801 Miami St. 2872 Binny St Phone WE 5826 J. B. CLEANERS and TAILORS 1806 No. 24th St. WE 6161 We do all kinds of work. Columbus Frasier, charged with ' operating a motor vehicle without I a sticker was fined $1.00 and costs, Mark Yarboughs' case was con tinued until Thursday or driving without drivers license and a stick er. -o—. Sick or depressed, apply steak polus, 25c—Jeff, 1818 No. 24th St. Ritz Shoe Repair 2033 N. 24th St. Prank Potnpidor, Prop. Repair work neatly done. All work guaranteed. Shoes rebuilt. Half soles, rubber heels or dyed Ladies and Gents shine parlor. Walk in please—Walk out pleased NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2202-4-0 North 24th Street Phone WE 4137 Poultry and Egg Dealers Orn prices are reasonsable, see ns first. I4TT¥TT¥1T1 COFFEE JOHN’S i 111 So. 14th St. J Biggest 10c Meals In City j Everybody Welcome 5 WAWAW.W.V.V.WAN get Money --- Love I guarantee to help you yet a start la> life No rate beyond hope Stop mnrrj ing ! Write me today Information KPRSf* M. WILLIAMS, Journal Square Sta. Jersey City, N. J. Dept. D. Love Your Ne, ghboi1 In business do you love your neighbor. Do you seek to manage your affairs so you will reap double value the value from a just and valid service rendered, and accruing good will which comes only if ydur motives are right? The second value is based on the first—cos's less but is worth far more. On the accumulation of the seo ond value depends your chance to grow and expand. Negro business needs more good will. It needs to grow and expand We urge Negro business men '6 render service at a profit, but also to love their neighbor. (In other words, COOPERATE!) NorthCarolina Life Insurance Co. Durham, N. 0. 0. C. SfPAUUDING, President An Investment in Life Insurance Is an Investment in Personal Security the first completely automatic radio THE NEW G-E WITH - - A. G-E Touch Tuning Is the highest developement in automatic tuning—because ★ No dials to twist, twirl or swish ★ No fumbling with knobs if More stations at your finger tips—16 buttons in all if Ex clusive G-E Scan Button if Positive in operation if Simplified short-wave tuning if Tunes itself perfectly — and silently if Just press a button — that’s sill Stop in soon. Discover for yourself how far ahead the new G-E really is. G-E REMOTE TOUCH TUNING CONTROL Tun* from your eaay chair. Preaa any on* of 7 preselected atation buttona ■ . . that'a all I Optional equipment, •lightly higher price. —-- --.-----i - 25 MODUS TO SUKT FROM $00.00 UR AU WITH IXCLUSIVI TONI MONITOR Ton* Monitor. Cathode Kay Tuning Indicator. Laum Dial. Visual Volume Control. Visual 4-point Tone Control. Automatic Band Indicator. 12-Incn Stabilised Dynamic Speaker. Bats Compenaation. Foreign-Domes tic- Reception, Consol* expresses Modfrn Trend In Design. MODBL MS ly QC • TUBBS 3 BANDS "w. 99 MODEL F-135 13 TUBES 4 BANDS Touch Tuning (16 buttons). Silent Tuning. AFC. Master Louver Dial. Visual Volume Control. Visual 5 point Tone Control. Automatic Band - Indicator. 12-inch Stabilized Dy namic Speaker. Automatic Tone Compensation. Foreign - Domestic Reception. AVC 2 Stages of I.F. R.F. Pre-selector. 20 Watts Qutnut. Superb Instrument in u Custom-craft Console #100 AC Cabinet .* ■ 90*99 LIBIRAL ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD RADIO . . . FREE HOME TRIAL ! I Easy Terms-Low Down Payment. Allen Appliance IT. Omaha’s Largest Exclusive Electrical Appliance Store MA. 2221 5003 S. 24TH ST