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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1937)
SOCIAL Q „ „ i ^ + . CLUBS AFFAIRS ''O-O-C-l-e-l-y'' ORGANIZATIONS See ANDf First Everyday hi Sale Day at Andy's 1936 Chev. Town Sedan $460 1986 Ford V8 Coupe 385 1936 Ford Tour Sedan Radio, heater 450 1934 Olds Sedan, Radio new tires 896 1934 Ford V8 Tudor or Sedan 266 1933 Chev. Sedan or Coupe 276 1933 Ply. Sedan or Coach 276 1932 Chev. Coupe or Coach 175 1932 Ford V8 Tudor or Coupe 196 1931 Chev. Coupe or Coach 146 1930 Chev. Sedan 126 1929 Chev. Sedan or Coach 98 1930 Ford Coupe 85 A C. NELSEN Auto Sale, Inc. 2042 2044-2112.2200 Harney Street Phone ATlantic 2425-C426 ■to eo»fc j \*» Jjfowo Telephoning it all the more eitjoyebli when your homo hot handy exter tlon ♦siepfaonet — you can nalic cr or. twer calls front any part of ifco housn. . A yf other knows best. She knew the chil i dren woidd wonder and worry about her trip. That’s why she called them by Long Distance And you can be sure she will call back home often while she is away — It’s such an inexpensive pleasure at the lowest rotes — in effect every night after 7 o'clock and ait day every Sunday. I Clubs Los Cantores chorus will be presented in a fall concert at Zion Baptist church, Sunday afternoon, November 7th at 3:30 p. m. becoming one of the most outstand These young singers who are fast ing musical groups in the city, will include in their program, trios, quartette*, solos, young men’s chorus, young women's chorus and mixed chorus numbers. The concert is under the direction of Miss Ethel Jones and will be sponsored by the Zion Improvement club with Mrs. Bell Taylor as chairman. -— The Pastor’s Wives Council met again Wednesday, October 20th after having three months vacation. This council is composed of the ac tive pastor’s wives of the city of Omaha. After having had such a wonder ful vacation, autumn fids us ready and eager to assume our respective duties both to our individual churches ard to our council. After a short devotion, the regular busi ness was brought to the attention of the council by our president, Mrs. J. S. Williams. Election of of ficers being the main issue. The following officers were elected for the year: president, Mrs. J. S. Wil liums, reelected; vice president, Mil's. W. S. Metcalfe, recording secretary, Mrs. G. E. Stevenson; corresponding secretary, Mrs. D. W. Bass; treasurer, Mrs. W. 0. Conwe.ll; reporter, Mrs. M. K. Curry; chairman of program com mittee, Mrs. F. P. Jones, with Mrs. Bass and Mrs. Stevenson assist ants; chairman social committee, Mrs. M. K. Curry, with Mrs. 0. L. Mosley and Mrs. Ed Johnson, as sistants. We are sorry to lose Mrs. Phillips of Bethel A ME and Mrs. Boodle of Seventh Day Adventist, whose husbands w'ere called to other fields of labor. After discus sing plans for the ensuing years. We were served n lovely repass by the hostess, Mrs. J. S. Williams. We are planning great things for the new year. The Omaha City BYPU will hold its regular 5th Sunday’s mcetin» ■ with the Salem Baptist church, 28th and Decatur streets, Sunday October 31st at 5:30 The pubic is urged to attend ns a very ela borate program has been planned with a special address by Dr. M. K. Curry and with Dr. G. E. Steven son serving as master of ceremon ies. It promises to ho a very plea ant afternoon as all leading mini' sters are participating. With tho city health ban lifted, President Cooper expects n capacity crowd. Special military drill by each union FOR RENT—‘Furnished room in a warm modern home. WE 1517 GROW GLOSS Beauty Shoppe 2612 N. 24 h Street Get a box of Elsie Turner's conbin ation pressing oil and hair grower. AT 3036, Miss Turner will be glad to serve you at any time. Grow Gloss Hair Grower is just the pre paration you have been waiting for. IfniM KiTTm L \ ijig 1« «WW IKw ■ jj Pi legardlesa erf what yftur trouble may be, you can look the world to the face; Solre all problems; Oet what you Want, and Pear no Man or Circumstances four Happiness and Success demand that you print your name clearly and end it to >45 Owes Aye. REV. CHA5. P. COLBERT. Detroit, Michigan ENTERTAINS Mrs. Alice Jones and Mr. Lewis White, entertained their many fri ends at the home of Mrs. Jones, 2531 Maple street Sunday evening at a birthday cocktail party. The room was beautifully decorated, tho table was bedecked with a lace table cloth wth a centerpiece of American Beauty roses. Among the guests present were Mr. Rubin Althoaise, who served as champagne man, Millard Carr, Walter B. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Porter, Harry Mackey, Pauline Ellison, Lewis W. Groves, Mrs. A. Grand, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis, Homer McCraney, B. Collins, Miss Alice Jones, Lewis White, Louise Deckard, Thomas Ph ilips, jr.. Jewell Lott, William Smith, Mrs. G. W. Green, Mrs. Mollie Den1 nis, Earl Parks, Sadie Jones, B. Hill and Doris Washington. ■ o NOTICE Adult Education Music class YW CA Monday evening at 8 p. m. Voice Culture, solo and chorus sing ing. _Q “The Heart of Spain,” a motion picture accompanying the Spain bound ambulance from Hollywood will bo shown Saturday evening, October 30th, at the Central club, 2027 Dodge street. The ambulance, which stops at all large cities in its tour across the country is one of the two sponsored by the Motion Picture Artist Com mittee working in conjunction with the Medical Bureau to Aid Spanish Democracy. Martin North, Hollywood writer will be main speaker for the. even ing. A member of the local Medical Bureau will also speak. Members of the Motion Picture Artists Committee include such stars as Franchot Tone, L!one’ Stander, Paul Muni, Sylvia Sidney. Luisc Rainer and Frederic March The film is a sound picture taken on the Spanish battlefields. Two short features with Nancy Carrel' and Irving Piehtl will also be shown. The ambulance will be on display in front of the Central club and will tour the downtown sections of Omaha on Saturday, The purose of the ambulance tour is to raise funds for mrdiea’ aid to Loyalist Spain. Admission ! to the evening program is twenty I five cents. «—-— - O . . Tho Friendly 16 Bridge club w is entertained by Mr. Hip on, 2.31 Miami street. After a brief busi nres meetirg the club decided to give a Big Oomb'nation Bridge tournannent at IDT'jimland Hall. Clarinda, la. News I — Second Baptist church school met at its usual hour with Miss Rachel Cason, superintendent, presiding. Thei'o was a splendid spirit in the school. Church morning service was in high spirit The pastor brought a stirring message. Subject ‘Offen ces must need be.” Evening service, the pastor brought another stirring message with a nice audience. Subject “Heaven and the Way to get There.” Come to Clarinda if you want to enjoy Christian service. Visitors are al ways welcome. Mrs. Georgia Walker is visiting her daughter in Lincoln, Nabr. We miss her very much in service. The Mission Circle will have a mission program Sunday evening. Rev. Raymond Cooper of Omaha, Nebr. will bring the message. Miss I/ouise Nash was out of town Sunday. Mrs. Merrill Griggs and family were in service Sunday at Shenan doah, la. Sunday will be a high day in , Clarinda. Come one and all and en joy the day. The Junior Matron of St. John AME church wishes to thank everyone who participates in the stylo show given at the Urban League and we especially thank Mr. John Smith who had charge, also Mrs. Delores Blackwell and Mrs. Irene Morton for the beautiful salo numbers. Miss Edrose Willis who had charge of the music. Mrs. Margaret Bowlrs, 6407 So. I 28th street celebrated her 60th wed ' ding anniversary at the residence j of Mrs. Velma Saunders. Those present were: Mesdames Naomi i Montgomery, Hall, Wright, Benah Johnson and Archie Merton, Tulsa, Okla. All participating en joyed themaelves immensely. -o-— CORRECTION Mr. Bert Breckenridge of White Cloud, Kas., is visiting his daughter Mrs. O. B. Prestige, 2110 Lake St., Apt. 34, and not Miss A. B. Breck enridge, as was stated in last weeks paper. We are happy to make this correction. RITZ Shoe Repair . 2053 North 24th Street Women’s Top ifts .16c Women’s half soles _66c and up Men’s half Soles ...76c and up Men’s rubber heels.35c and up Children’s half soles .... 60c and up Meet, Yonr Friends at THE NEW RABES BUFFET 2229 Lafre St. JA 9195 Beer — Liquor — Soft Drinks AlflO DANCING Direct Wire on all Sporting Events AT 7527 Lunch Counter—W. Phillips Prop. Barbecue, Chi'i, Hamburger and Pastries Ueauliiuily washed and returned just damp enough to IRON. Minimum bundle 48c Shirts Finished in Any Family Bundle 8c ' FNDERERS AND DRY CLEANKB> FtWm & Sherman mim Vorth 24th St. \\\ «ic»5 i hi i iinriiiiiiiiiiirnii-Twi ... You Wouldn’t Believe It But Paramount $OA ALLOWANCE is Giving. for Your Old Radio On This Brand New 1938 Superheterodyne Jk HHIH H BB AMERICAN-FOREIGN 1 ] -TUBE ★ Sold Nationally at $69.95 * ON SALE TONIGHT . . . FRIDAY . . . SATURDAY * 4 THIS SALE TOOK OMAHA BY STORM SO WE ARE CONTINUING IT FOR ANOTHER 3 DAYS! This sale “taboos" the idea that you must spend $69.95, $19.95 or $69.95 . . . when you can buy this very latest model 11-Tube CKOSIJEY ... all wave . . . American, Foreign, Police . , . 3-band RADIO in a fine looking cabi net for only $49.95 and your old radio. See it! Hear it! We believe its by far the best radio value of the year! PIm Carry Inf Chare* ^_PHONE_ATj400 FOR HOME DEMONSTRATION ■■■2009 FARNAM »L—OPEN EVENINGS TILL 10—PHONE AT 8400B|B| HERMAN’S MARKET HERMAN PRIED LANDER Proprietor “EAT F LE! SCHM ANN’S YEAST FOR HBALTBT’ 24th and Lake Street WEbster 5444 n II UtUi Send You i i id Hi» # *1 p»ck.«. _ On FREE TRIAL -rtatfl*****^' J ust srnd us your address *’rT“ “ ^ and you will get by return mail on approval (in plain wrapper) thisfl package OI Dr. Van Vlcrk’s great Conjoint Soothing Prep arations which are help* ing thousands who suffer the pain and soreness of itching, bleeding, pro truding Piles. If satisfied with benefits received, then send us f 1. If not, keep your money. We trust you ior fair treatment. Write today. OR. VAN VLECK COMPANY, Dapt. Jackson, Mich. Men’s Dress Shirts 13y2 to 20 $1.00 Men’s Ties. $.29—4 for $1.00 Open until 9 Sat. evenings ACE TIE SHOP 1402 Faraam UNIQUE SHINE PARLOR 2220 N. 24th St OPEN TO LADIES 7:30 A.M to 10:00 PJI. OPERATORS :— Leroy Love Mhi. T. Jackson, Prop. Courteous, Efficient Service $2.49 to $4.90 AH Oofors m -5m* r New...flattering... ankle slimming modes in Fad's most fashionable material. Discovered by Jol£ne, noted Hollywood style authority and sent directly to us. ’ FRIEDMAN’S SHOE STORE 1510 No. 241h St. JA 0353 Wmn*»** I The wise and pleasant way to relieve a cough due to a cold is a ■ 1 Smith Brothers Cough Drop. (Two kinds: Black or Menthol—5^.) .j | Smith Bros. Congh Drops are the only drops containing VITAMIN A | 9 Tit is is the vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous ^ 1 membranes of the nose and throat to cold and cough infections. g § /with new friends everywhere. ' ( Sure win playing instructions included so you cam make a big Hit with this new gmne. G03jQEO3I233DSCQQCQ3i j for any day you want included if | you send your order at one© aad enclose $1.00—Gash or money order—or send name and address aaljr ad pay postman $1.16 upon delivery, plus a few cents postage. YOU CAN’T LOSE—money back instantly if this LUCKY NUMBER SELECTOR fails to MAKE A HI T with you. Rush your order i«t mediately. F. KARMA I, 30 Church St., NEW YORK, N. Y AGENTS _ WANTED Hair Grow ear Iln3 Our 18 OtEer Caimoleas Beauty Creations Bagftitring turn Rnr UtmMm OHfrip M «■ |N i htiM S°fc* brtw HaA* Ov»~taTaLvar** TitaS tb’Iww* *■ *• boat p*opU tnrrvluNa Tm Mb mm* mm? * ***** b» aad ro« «h nhiabl* prin Write tf mn la Cannon Cosmetics Cow Dept 20-A. Atlanta* Ga» N-N-P. Ex. S ~ _1 ^*M> *■