The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 23, 1937, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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• •NOTICE to all church, civic, re
ligious, secret and social clubs; to
pastors, presidents and reporters.
All lews of the above organisa
tion must be in our office on or be
fore Monday at 6p. m. each wcel.
for the news items to appear in the
current issue. Your members »ant
<he!r paper on time. Please be
prompt and cooperate with us.
C. C. Galloway, Acting Editm j
Elder S. S. Spaght, Pastor
We feel greatly thankful to God
for tho spiritual benefits we re
ceived. Sunday was a very good day
for the Church of God. Our souls
•were lit with the sunlight of God
flooding our souls as the natural
sunlight shines from a clear sky.
Sunday school was good with a
study of 'Christian Speech and
Conduct.” The lesson taught by
Brother J. Eddens was made prac
tical. Regular 11:30 morning ser
vices were ideal. The most soul
stirring, thorough awakening mes
sago was brought by the pastor.
Subject, ‘‘The Genuine Sa'nt.” Cer
tainly a'message so heavy, so rich
in spirituall vitamins, so stirring,
•was a value to each heirt. How
Cod (through His message to us)
stirred our hearts to arise, go
through, stand the test and prove
''genuifit” for God. He, the pastor,
stressed the cure for dead, cold,
unholy, unrevived, congregations,
and showed a genuine ministry,
‘'first” to be the solution and great
necessity of God’s work in gen
«rsl. Our hearts did burn within us
as he talked to us, as God placed
upon his heart.
Sunday evening services were in
spiring. Speaking for us, Sis, J.
Eddens, of Oklahoma. We wero
Very appreciative of her message to
us while in the city. We esteem her
a very dear woman of God. YPW
W always interesting with differ
ent religious subject for discussion.
Como for a spiritual blessing to
tho Church ef God.
Rev. J. G. Gates, Pastor
Jamcs Seay, Reporter
Tho Mt. Nebo Sunday school was
well attended in spite of the incle
ment weather.
The eleven o’clock services were
honored to have the young iRev. M.
I-eFall preach to them. It was his
initial sermon and was well receiv
ed by the congregation. His text
was, ‘‘The Lord is Able.”
Visitors are aways welcome to
worship with us.
■ o- >
F. B. Banks, Pastor
Sunday school was very wyll at
tended due to the inclemency of
the vfeather. Tho school was ad'
dressed by Rev. Reagon of Salem
Baptist church.
Morning service was preached
from the seventh chapter of Roman
24th verse. 'IJaxt, ‘‘O wretched man
that I am. Who shall deliver me
from the lady of this death.”
BYPU opened at 6 p. m. Our
pnosident Mrs. ‘Hill is very much
uplifted as the children are back
in the BYPU. Next Sunday a won
derful program will be ren&red
at 8 p. m. by Rev. F. C. Williams
of Zion Baptist church and choir
will be in charge.
Eight o'clock, the pastor brought
to us another wonderful message.
Text, James 3rd Chapter 6th verse
Visitors were Rfcv. and Mrs. Per
kins of Bethel Baptist church.
Come to Paradise, we are always
glad to welcome visitors.
Rev. M. K. Curry, Pastor ,
Sunday was young people's day
and a large number of young peo
ple were in attendance during the
services throughout the day. Sun
day school opened at 9:30 a. m.
Much interest was manifested in
the discussion of the lesson and
many helpful points neceived by
by everyone. At 11 o’clock Rev. P.
C. Williams preached and the jun
ior choir sang. Too much praise
cannot be given to the young peo
ple for their improvement in sing
ing and general deportment. BYPU
opened at 6:30 p. m. with the pre
sident, Miss Oralie Britt presiding.
At 8 o’clock Rev. P. C. Williams
1 pit.ached from Gen. 4:6. His subject
was, ‘Why hast thy countenance
fallen?’’ This was a very interest
ing sermon which was enjoyed by
an appreciative congregation.
The Mission Society merits Mon
day evening at 7:45 Mrs Cora Hay
nes, our very efficient president is
doing a splendid work. Visitors are
welcome at all tim d. Come to pray
er meeting each Wednesday night
at 8 o’clock.
“The Friendly Church
l)r. It. A. Adams, I’astor
The rain caused the Sunday
school attendance to be far lx low
the average.
The church services wtre very
good all day. Rev. Phillips, the for
mer pastor of Bethel A ME preach
rd in the morning. Jlis text was
from Dent. 8:11. His subject was,
‘ Beware, that thou forget not their
God.” Rev. Phillips was full of the
spirit and deliWred a very fine
in tno evening, ur. Adams, hr.,
Presiding Elder of the. Kansas dis
trict preached. His subject was,
* The Church and It’s Plans.”
Dr. Adams always leaves many
great thoughts for us to think over.
The sick of the church: Mrs. A.
R. Goodlet, Mrs. Eliza, Mr. George
Turner, all are reported as improv
ing we wish for their spd dy re
The choir is working hard on the
host and hostess dinner for Novem
li r 4th. This will be perhaps, one
of the best social gatherings of the
church groups during the year.
The tables will be nanird for our
different Negro Music composers,
and to pay honor to them. Each
tablo will giMo a number from the
composer for which it is named.
The visitors Sunday were Mrs.
Florence Kemp, Kansas City, Mo.;
H v. and Mrs. Phillips, Omaha,
Rev. John Adams, Sr., Omaha and
others whose cards were not passed
in. The quarterly meeting was to
take place the 4th Sunday in Octo
ber has ban postponed until the
4th Sunday in November.
Make St. John your church home
while visiting in the city.
* -o
Rev. Johnson, Pastor
Mrs. Willie Williams, Reporter
On account of rain, the attend
ance was small. Thl* pastor preach
ed from St. Luke, 19:5. Subject
‘Come down, I want to abide at
your house.*' The six o’clock Union
wns very good with the exception
of the volunteer program. Mrs.
Woody is teacher and Mrs. Crum
bly, president. They invite you to
come and enjoy the meetings.
At the 8 o’clock services, the
pastor chose for his subject, “The
Blind Man’s Testmony.”
On November 14th, the choir is
sponsoring an Autumn program for
the b meflt of the pastor and wife.
You are cordially invited to come.
The sermon will be delivered by the
pastor. Subject, ‘‘Autumn Time
There Will b|a a Great Time, Come
and Feast.” Every minister and co
workers are invited.
Rev. M. B. Bilbrew, Pastor
Mnnie Bryant, Reporter
Servicjns were very good at Sa
lem Sunday In spite of the rainy
weather. The Sunday school was
well attended. Our pastor brought
to us a splendid gospel message at
11 a. m. His text was found in St.
Luke, 9th chapter and the 15th
verse. “Our souls burned as he
spoke to us by the way.” The BY
PU had a very lively session. A
surprise program was enjoyed by
Our pastor brought to us a soul
stirring message at 11 a. m. His
text was St. Luke the 19th chapter
THa rally sponsored by the church
will terminate on the fifth Sun
day. A waffle breakfast and chick
en dinner will also be conducted on
that Sunday. Con*? out and eat
your dinner.
The sick of the church are Mrs.
N. Williams, Mrs. Mary Alexander,
Mrs. B. Bryant, Mr. and Mrs.
Foster, Mrs. Slaughter.
Our prayers go out for the
speedy recovery of these sick people
Visitor always welcome at Salem.
^ — o
Service order: Preaching 11:00
a. m. Evangelistic Service 7:30 p.
m. Mother Annit Slaughter in
charge. Residence 2210 Clark.
Rev. K. D. Johnson, Pastor
Th|s blue luncheon given Satur
day evening by the deaconess board
was a huge success. An elaborate
program was Rendered at which
time the Hon. J. D. Lewis spoke
as honor guest, lauding the good
works of the deaconess board in
particular, and of St. John in gen
oral. Sister Ida Fields and Mother
Mary Dyer also gave short talks.
A very enjoyable tirrt was had by
Sunday school opens at 9:30 and
is making rapid progress under the
efficient 1/ adership of the superin
tendent, Bro. Fred Alrid. Rev. A.
Young, one o£ St. John’s young
ministers occupied th/e pulpit Sun
day morning, and elaborated upon
the subject: ‘‘You Need the Lord,"
talj n from the 83rd verse of the
119th division of Psalms. In the
evening the pastor chose as a sub
ject ‘ There was Nohing but Leaves
Thereon," and selected as a text,
Matthew 21:18 19.
Both sermons truly came by de
tvinti inspiration, considering the
power with which they were deliv
Our pastor left on Monday, Oct.
18th, for Kansas City, Mo., to con
duct a ten night meeting for the
Rev. G. W. Reed. May we bid him
God speed, much succsss, and a safe
return honle.
All departments in St. John are
in full swing. Everyone is working
hard in our annual Xmas drive, and
wondering who will have turkey
for Xmas dinner.
BYPU at 6:30. Sister Maple
Kemp, president. Mr. Moses Lee
of Chicago, 111., Deacon Mclnosh,
Mrs. Arlene Banks, and Mr. Dor
sey welts visitors at St. John Sun
day. A standing invitation is issued
to all vsitors to be present and
worship with us at any time and
all times.
— - - ■ II-. - —
Servid* opened at 11 o’clock a.
ni. Evangelist services were held at
7:30 p. m. with Mother Annie!
Slaughter in charge,
Rev. J. P. Mosley, Pastor
Service at Mt. Olive was high all
day. Rev. E. Green from Pleasant
Gricn Baptist church took charge
of the morning service. The spirit
was high wth us througout the
week. W)b also want to thank the
different churches that come over
and worship with us during our
Pastor’s anniversary. On Monday
night, Rev. Cayton of Bk'ulah
Baptist church was with us. Wed
nesday night Rev. Pettis from Sa
lem Baptist church. At 3 o’clock,
Rev. J. P. Jones from Mt. Moriah
and his church came over to wor
ship with us. Rev. Jones preached
the closing sexmon for us on our
Pastor’s anniversary. Text, was,
"Ariw? and go over Jordan.”
Subject, ‘‘Traveling On." Rev.
Jones preached a wonderful ser
We aite looking forward to a
great revival starting October 24th
with Rev. F. P. Jones conducting.
Visitors are always welcome to
Mt. Olive.
May Get Vitamin C in Roses
Scientists of Russia claim they
will produce 13,000,000 doses of
medicine containing Vitamin C
from wild roses this year. Fac
tories in Moscow and Leningrad
»re expected to turn out 800 tons
of the curatives disguised in can
dy. The medicine is used in the
campaign against scurvy, which is
one of the serious afflictions of
North Russia. Soviet laboratories
found other new sources of Vita
min C, an enemy of scurvy. Rushes
and pine cones yielded 3,500,000
doses last year, but they have not
been popular because of their bit
ter taste. Professor Schmidt has
obtained a synthetic Vitamin C in
crystals from the wild commer
cial scale.
Models Mission In Clay
Uking only his hands as tools, the
potter of the San Juan Capistrano
mission in California has made an
exact model in clay of the famous
mission buildings. Three months
of study and careful work were
spent on the model, which was con
structed in sections that are moved
about easily. The builder, Yreneo
Mendoza, learned his trade in Jal
isco, Mexico, the birthplace of
handmade pottery, and scorns the
use of even a potter’s wheel.—Popu
lar Mechanics Magazine.
That Is the Trouble
Quink—Do you believe that all
money is tainted?
Guppy—Yes. Money in fact is
double tainted. 'Tain't your’n and
'tain’t mine.—Stray Stories Maga
His Speed Limited
Sailor—Say, conductor, can’t you
run any faster than this?
Conductor—Sure I can, but I
have to stay on the car.
As a Man M
* - ’
'' ■> __
© McClure Newspaper Syndicate. ,
WNU Service.
I fT WAS after nine o’clock in the
^ morning when Doris Wilson
awoke and began arranging her
memories of last night, and her im
pressions regarding what today was
to bring forth. To begin with, she
had had a sharp quarrel with Stan
about the car. Just because she
: wanted it especially today, to go to
I that tea at the Country club, he
I must have "business” that demand
ed it.
That meant she would have to go
in the trolley—so plebeian!—she,
who had been a beauty-parlor girl
before Stan had made her mistress
of his five-room flat, with all mod
ern improvements!
Horrid old flat, she hated it! Al
ready the furniture was out of style,
and Stan wouldn't buy new! He
wouldn’t let her have in a woman,
but one day a week, either, nor let
her send anything but the flat pieces
to the laundry. There were clothes
in the set tubs this minute that had
been there a week—and Stan hateful
as could be, because he couldn’t find
a clean handkerchief. Well, she’d
have to sozzle out a few, she sup
posed, to shut his yawp!
one rose ana aonnea a souea pinK
kimono and pink slippers, and drew
a boudoir cap over her frowsy
•‘bob.” Stan had got his own break
fast, and the dirty dishes were
spread on the set tubs. Of course
he had taken the last eggl There
was nothing left but stale bread and
coffee and corn-flakes for her! She,
threw fresh coffee in upon the
steeped grounds in the pot and
filled it with water.
At half-past eleven she began the
interesting process of dressing. At
12:30 a rosy, curled, silk-clad, fra
grant creature who in popular par
lance “looked like a million dol
lars,” left the apartment and sought
the China restaurant for her first
decent food that day.
Subsequently she took In the first
afternoon offering of pictures at the
••Elite” Picture Palace, and took
Complete in This Issue
the trolley for the Country club at
three. She had ordered no dinner
and no supplies for next morning.
• • •
Four hours before Doris woke
, that morning Susie Walker, on a
farm 20 miles away, rolled sleepily
out of bed and started her regular
morning routine. With trimly
curled hair, and in a clean bunga
low dress with a practicable apron,
she prepared breakfast for her hus
band and self, and put up his din
ner, for he was working away from
home that day.
. The wash-water was hot and Sue
filled the hand-run washing machine
while the children were dressing.
Then, while fifteen-year-old Sam fin
ished his father's chores and ten
year-old Bertha scrambled eggs and
made toast for her brothers and
herself, twelve - year - old Tommy
manfully ran the machine “so as to
give mother a good start.” Sue bus
tled about, emptying the machine,
filling the boiler, when required,
with clothes to boil, and putting up
three lunches, so that when the
school bus came by at 8:15 the
children would be ready.
After they were safely off she shut
ofl the stove, left the washing to
care for itself and, with a long coat
over her, skipped half a mile down
the road to Mrs. Brown’s house.
There was a new baby, and the
nurse had been taken ill and gone
home before the mother was able
to get about; so every day Sue ran
in and bathed and dressed the baby
and made the mother comfortable
and advised and oversaw the inex
perienced young girl who was do
ing the work and "helping out”
It was ten o'clock when she got
back, but the fire had kept and mure
than half the white clothes were
boiled off. She turned to with a will,
and by twelve the last stocking
flapped on the line.
“Lucky I don't have to gel uin
ner today,” she reflected, eating
warmed-up potatoes and cold meat
on a corner of the kitchen table.
The chickens and the old horse
had to be ted, the dishes washed,
rooms tidied, beds made, after this.
She had to pump all the water in the
sink and heat all she used over the
stove. She had oil lamps to fill and
trim, too. But she had time for a
few minutes' rest on the couch be
fore the children came from schooL
Dishes washed and clothes fold
ed, father suggested a family ride
in the flivver. Leaning back in the
car, the tired ache seeping out of
her limbs, the children's chatter in
her ears and father’s brown hand
on the wheel. Sue sighed from a
full heart, “I believe I’m the lucki
est woman in the world.”
• • •
In a restaurant 20 miles away a
thunderous-looking young man and
a sulky-looking woman were finish
ing their meal.
Said she to him, "I wish I’d never
seen you!”
And said he to her, ”1 wish to
heaven you never had!”
The Household
r I 'HERE are two ways to give t
gloss to table linen. One is tc
have the pieces evenly damp, anc
iron them until they are actually
dry. The other is to put a ver\
little starch in the slightly bluec
rinsing water when the linen it
To get the best results in the for
mer method, the linen must be
quite t. a m p.
When ironed dry _
the material will
have that excel
lence of quality
that it had when
new. If the textile
is not dampened
well, it does not ,
have a good
“body,” whereas
when it is, the
linen seems al- ,
most as ? it 1
were starched.
One great advan- L
tage of this meth
od is that the lin
en does not muss
and crease as
it does when
The reason why
table linen is ^
starched is that
the starch acts ”
as a sizing, which
we know is given L
new material in
order to add weight and a sem
blance of a finer quality of good:
than it actually is.
Sometimes sizing is advantageous
in new textiles as, for instance, ir
mosquito netting, stiffening for in
terlinings, veils, and numerous oth
er things. In table linens it is un
desirable. When buying these lin
ens, be careful not to get those
sized, as this filling will wash out.
and leave the material without the
•'body” that good napery should
When laundering table linen that
is old and thin, it can be somewhat
restored to its former weight by
lightly starching it. Good new lin
ens require no such treatment.
Starched material must be carefully
handled as it will crease badly and
muss easily.
A finish suggesting that of double
damask can be imparted to less ex
cellent table linens by ironing it on
the wrong as well as the right side.
The linen can be reversed when
the right side gets soiled, and it
will still look well unless spotted if
it has been ironed on the wrong side.
Use quite a hot flat iron and press
with some weight. Iron slowly.
Starched material scorches more
readily than unstarched, so a hotter
iron can be used on unstarched
laundry. Table damask should al
ways have a good gloss both for a
fine finish and because the pattern
shows to advantage when it has.
A Word About Cambric.
The word cambric is known to
every woman, but the meaning / of
the word is not so familiar. To one
person it signifies an ordinary cot
ton cloth, fine or coarse. To another
it means the finest grade of linen,
and between these two understand
ings of the word, there are various
interpretations. Cambric may be
the choicest of handkerchief linen,
or a glazed cotton cloth used for
linings. It may be figured, striped,
corded or twilled, and in many col
ors besides white. The word, origi
nally of high significance has been
changed in textile terminology, and
in the comprehension of it, until it
has lost its prestige.
Cambric, in its original and prop
er meaning, is the highest grade
of best quality linen, fine, closely
woven, and almost as soft and beau
tiful as silk. Its name comes from
the place in France, Cambria in
the department du Nord, where its
manufacture is reputed to have been
originated by Batista. Another
name for this material is Batiste.
This name may have a double ori
gin since the soft fine linen was used
to wipe the heads of infants after
baptism. In early days cambric
was used for handkerchiefs and
neckerchiefs sometimes called cam
bric or cambricks.
Original Uses.
One of the original uses of cam
bric was to make the ruffs so popu
lar in the days of Queen Elizabeth.
It was also used for cravats in early
days, and continued to be worn be
fore collars, as we know them to
day, came into use. For the cravat
the material was cut on the bias, in
a long strip, and four times the
width worn. It was a work of art to
fold these cravats, wind them about
the neck and tie the bow in the
back. The appearance was similar
to a priest’s collar.
Imitations of genuine cambric
were put out under the names of
Scotch cambric, cotton cambric,
and cambric muslin, all of cotton.
It is the latter sort cambric muslin
that was woven striped, corded, etc.
and in colors. From this frocks
were made. Fine cotton sheeting is
termed cambric sheeting, but linen
cambric would be too lightweight,
for sheets being more akin to hand
kerchief linen. Cambric lining is a
common sort of cotton cambric. The
use of the word seems to be waning.
The genuine material continues, but
under various names.
€ Bell Syndicate.—WNU Servlet.
FOR RENT, 4 room furnished
apartment modern, also two room
kitchenette apartment. Call WE
TRY DUNCAN’S Home Laundry.
All work guaranteed sactisfac.
tory. 1923 No. 27th. Call JA 0198.
Mr. A. Duncan, prop.
2509 N. 24th, Street.
Ice cold beer to complete
the meal
DRESSMAKING of all kinds.
Dresses, Women’s Suits, Blouses,
Skirts and Men’s Shirts. Miss Ethel
Terrell, 2502 No. 24th St., Apt. 4
WE 1191.
APARTMENT for rent, 2628 Wirt
FOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette
Apartments, 2616-18 Patrick, or
2613 Grant st. Call We. 5663.
Dressmaking. Mrs. Jones. 2522
Wirt St.
1 OR RENT. Five room bungalow
with garage. In excellent conditioa.
3005 No. 30th street. $26 per
month. Call Robbins WE 1711.
APT. for rent. 2 large roams, 8705
2 ROOM apartment, AT 6676
2122 Caldwell.
FOR RENT 4 room furnished mo
dem and also two room kitchen
ette apartment. Call WE 314«.
Louis Larsen Garage
For service and number one
repair work
Batteries and Tires
Come to Lonis Larsen’s Garage
3014 No. 24th St. JA 9220
Food Stores, Inc.
Butter Nut Coffee
1 lb 30c 2 lbs 50c
WE 0402 24th A LAKE
I Remember, please—when you take a Smith Brothers Cough Drop
(Two kinds—Black or Menthol—51), you get an extra benefit:—
Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the only drops containing VITAMIN A
This is the vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous
membranes of the nose and throat to cold and cough infections.
New Dress for Fall Windows in a
Curtain Sale
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
600 Pairs of
Qualify Maforial
and Good
WMs R«f« *1 M«H>
rial* sb4 CsIsm Tfcst
Smart Kitchen Cetteae Sate
' Beautiful Priscilla Bedroom Curtains
Attractive Flounced Bedroom Curtains
Simply Tailored Bedroom Curtains
, Ivory and Ecru Cushion Dots
{ Colored Dots on Ivory Grounds
Smell Patterns on Ivory Grounds ,
Pastels With Eggshell Cross Stripes "
r Ba»«m«gt—Whsrs 9«sllty li Uw Frlesd