The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 23, 1937, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Talent Night T
A Big F<
- *
Now that the ban is off the
Guidite club can put on full steam
ahead in preparing for the Guid
ite party, it come to light that
along with refreshmens and sweets
that will be enjoyed by all little
Guidites Uncle Gil plans to feature
talent night. A night in which ev
ery Guidite that can do something
will be given an opportunity to
show off his wares: dance, sing,
speech, poem writing, paintings,
drawings, instrument playing, acro
batics, quartettes, anything that
comes under the caption of talent.
Every Guidite who has a talent
and would like to take part in this
night of talent will please come to
tho office of the Omaha Guide and
register their name and the part
they wish ta take on the program.
All the various activities will be
grouped and prizes given to the
Now dear Guidites let’s get going
and show our parents what we can
The time and place -will be an
nounced next week.
■ —o
“ My wife came near calling me
honey last night.”
“Indeed, and how was that?”
“Why she called me. old beeswax’’
Always After Mary
They were having a lesson in
history at a school. The teacher
was examining the pupils on the
subject of British soverigns.
“Who came after Henry, the
Eighth?” Asked the teacher.
“Edward, the Sixth,” answered
r pupil.
'‘Right, and who succeeded Ed
ward the Sixth?”
“Mary,” replied the second little
bright eyes.
“Oorrect, and wyho came after
There was a puzzled pause. Then
a pupil who had heretofore not
contributed much to the progress
of learning had an inspiration. Hei
raised his hand, and being called
on answered triumphantly, ‘ The lit
tle lanvb.”
A Model Husband
William Henry had become great
ly puffed up over the fact that his
wife was telling the neighbors that
sho had a model husband. He bor
ed the office about it, until one of
them called to one side and suggest
ed that he should look up the defini
tion of the word “model” William
Henry took down the dictionary
I and read: “Model,” a small imita
tion «f the real thing.”
Warner Bros. Plan
All-Negro Musical
Hollywood, Oct. 21 (ANP)—An
all Negro musical picture entitled
‘ Thank You Father’’ is soon to be
produced by Warner Bros., it was
revealed here last week.
0 Be I
mature of Party
, -
Who Knows?
1. In what opera by Ponchielli is
the ‘Dance of the Hours?”
2. What is the name by which
Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony is
known ?
3. Who wrote the opera “L’ Afri
eaine” ?
4. Who wrote the song, ‘ Uncle
5. What is a symphony?
1. La Gioconda
2. Choral symphony
3. Giacomo Meyerbeer
4. Stephen Collins Foster
5. A symphony is an elaborate
composition in the sonata form, for
full orchestra.
Clarinda, la.
• • t » m ,
Second Baptist Church
Sunday school me.t at the usual
hour with a large attendance. Miss
Rachel Cason is proving to be a
great superintendent. Morning ser
vice: The pastor’s subject was,
‘The Great Christian Trials.”
Evening service was the spotlight
of the day. The pastor brought an
other stirring message. Subject,
‘ Try Jesus.”
Mr. Howard Willis, formerly of
Clarinda, is back visiting with his
family and many other friends.
Mr. Worker’s daughter and son
in-law are spending their vacation
with him in Clarinda.
Come one, come all and witness
a great program Hollowe’en night
at the Second Baptist church.
Cheney College Plans
Centenial Celebration
Cl) yney, Pa., Oct. 21 (C)—The
100th anniversary of Cheyney State
Teachers eollegewas held Oct. 14*
10. Among the speakers for the
centennial services was Dr. W. E.
B. DuBois, Mrs. Emma Guffey Mil
!i r, Dr. Henry M. Cadbury of Har
vard, Dr. Rufus Jones of Haverford
college, Lieut. Governor Thomas
Kennedy, Dr. W. R. Valentine, Dr.
D. O. Waker, Dr. Ambrose Caliver
and Prof. J. H. N. Waring, jr. '
Dallas Daily Wants
Colored Police
Dallas, Oct. 21 (C)—In a long
editorial, which catered to the pre
judiees of southern whites, the
Dallas Journal last week advocated
the use of ‘Negro police for Ne
Please enroll me in The GUIDITE CLUB, I promise to I
abide by the rules as set forth in The Omaha Guide.
My Name is_____^ge _
My Address is__ _
School Grade-Name of School_
Parents’ Name _____
Date of Birth_
Cut this out and bring or mail to “Uncle Gil”, Omaha Guide.
The Guidite World
of Music
By Miss Ethel Jones
Effect of Music on Wild Animals
According to varying experi
ments by the societies of the world,
there are instances where music
has had a notable effect upon the
actions of wild animals. While
some of the inferences made are
not justified it is interesting to
note the following gleanings.
Band music when played before
animals who have never heard it,
will cause them to become frighten
ed for a short period. Once they be
come used to the noise they pay
no attention to it whatsoever. Ca
nine animals will general howl
when music is played.
Observations from experiments
made at the London Zoo proved
that some of the animals liked
music, others were not interested
while others seemed intensely to
dislike it.
The seals showed a positive plea
sure when a small orchestra con
sisting of several instruments paus
ed and began to play before their j
' cool quarters. They stopped splash
ing in the water, came close and
swayed dreamily to the tunes. They
were very friendly and seemed to
forget there were any enemies of
which to be wary.
The large crocodile was another
who manifested that, though he
seemed dull and asleep, he had an
ear for music.
The huge rhinoceros, however,
was most impolite. At first he made
noises that expressed his contempt
of the orchestra. Next he, lowered
his large head and charged right
at the musicians.
The wolf family shrieked and
yelled, while the snakes paid no at
tention to the music at all. The
monkey liked the loud tunes that
were nearer noise than music. He
chattered and screamed with de
light. Other creatures of the forest
seemed to be pleased with sweet
music, played in a gentle dreamy
manner. So in the long run it ap
pears that wiki creatures like hu
man beings, like or dislike music.
A Guidite Poem
(1 promised Uncle Gil a poem,
so here it is:)
For my club, I will be. a booster.
For my club, I will be true,
I will be for my club as a rooster.
Willing, working and ready to do.
I will always be ready to honor
my father and mother each day
I will love them and chef r them
Arid for my Guidite club I’ll pray.
I will go to bed each night
With a cheerful Guidite smile:
I will try to see good things in
And I’ll try to reconcile.
I will advertise my club each day
Iwill serve for it as a club
I will fight for it and for it I’ll say
Join the Guidite Club.
.Rosa Woverly
2012 W. 29th St.
Los Angeles, Calif.
American and Chinese Dishes
King: Yuen Cafe
2010 Vi N. 24th St. Jackson 8576
Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m.
- i
Long Distance Hauling
Moving and Storage
Phone WE5656 2414 Grant St
At Boulder Bam
article v
Ta visualize the size of the four
intake towers at Boulder Dam,
imagine a 39 story building with
all but a few of its upper floors
under water.
A herd of 37 elephants, each
weighing five tons Could be ear
ried with case across Boulder Can
yon. This permanent cable way is
used to lower machinery and mater
ials from the rim to the foot of the
A trackless waste of barren de
sert, unfit to support human life
became the most perfectly designed
modern city in the world, housing
8,000 inhabitants during the. con
struction of the Dam.
The $2,000,000 government own
ed Boulder City, now houses all en
gaged in the maintenance of the
Dam and operation of the power
house, as well as those engaged in
various business activities in the
The power transmission line from
Boulder Dam to Los Angeles covers
a distance equal to any of the fol
lowing: New York City to Rich
mond, Va.; Chicago to Louisville;
Serantan, Pa. to Ottawa, Canada:
London, England to Wicklaw, Ire
land: Paris to Strasbourg: Berlin
to Copenhagen.
$20,000,000 worth of pennies en
ough to make piles of pennies ten
feet square and high as a 26 story
building could be. made from the
approximately 13,600,000 pounds of
copper required for the conductor
tubing used in the Boulder Dam i
Los Angeles Power Transmission
Bottle Balancing
Place a round bottle on its side
on the floor, then have a person
sit down on the bottle, extending
legs full length. Put the right foot
on top of the left toe, afterwards
giving the person pencil and a piece
of cardboard, and tell him to write
his name without his hands touch
ing the floor.
Cane Walk
Take a stick three or four feet
in length, grasp one end with both
hands and place the other end on
the floor, a little distance from the
feet, ben over until head rests upon
the hands. Stay in this position and
walk in four or five complete circles
Lift the head and try to walk
straight across the floor. Watch
out for falls.
T , T t r , T T--- - !
1. How many of the old white
metal Indian pennies were, made?
2. When was barbed wire invent
ed anti by whom ?
-3. What is Justice Hugo Black’s
religion? Is he a Mason?
4. W'hat is free verse?
Who drew a comic strip of many
years ago called Alphonso and
Gaston ?
1. A total of about 20 million
were made from 1867 to 1864. They
were made of nickle. mixed with
2. It was invented in 1873 by
Joseph F. Gidden of De Kolb, 111.
and patented, Nov. 24, 1874.
3 Associate Justice Black is a
Baptist, a Mason and a Shriner.
4. It is a literal translation of
the French vers Libre and is the
namo given to a form of poetry
written without meter or rhyme
and usually without regular stanzas
5. The characters were created by
the late Frederick B, Opper.
Enroll now for fall classes.
Graduates prepared to pass any
State Board Examination.
2422 N 22nd St. WE 0846
WEbster 3043
North 24th Street
Celebrates the 15th Anniversary
With a Rig Shoe Repairing Sale
Women’s Toplifls . . $.15
Women's half soles .-65c and up
Men’s half soles 75c and up
Men's rubber heels 35c and up
Childrens Half soles 50c and u0
1807 No. 24th St. WE 4240
II. II. ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■ ' '■
Regardless of what your trouble may be, you can look the world In the face;
Solve all problems; Get what you Want, and Fear no Man or Clrcutastancea
Four Happiness and Success demand that you print your name clearly and
Send it to
545 Owen Ave. REV. CHAS. P. COLBERT. Detroit, Michigan
"'JOE LOUIS Champion
A Full Size Specially Posed Photo
1FREE with Every Can of Sweet
Georgia Brown Hair Dressing
Here’s the biggest money-making opportunity ever
offered to Agents! Don’t lose any time taking advan
tage of this sensational oiler! Just think how your cus
tomers will buy when you offer them a beautiful Auto
graphed Photo (9J*xl2") of JOE I.OUIS absolutely
FREE with each can of Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Dress
ing. Everybody wants a picture of this coming world’s
champion in their home. So don’t wait. Send name and
address for FREE samples of
Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Dress
ing, Face Powder, Agents Offer
and Special JOE LOUIS FREE
Picture Offer. Hurry! Write today!
Dept. ISO
2241 Indiana Avenua
Chicago, Illinois
Raising the Parniiy*^ Thf,raareamtoipootlusmheotacttfeoni- _ _ _ : t
r LET'-r i ” " q ~ „ 1 ,F:r* ^>o >t wfNS&LFTv^
L_V^-Dorr | , /6*'h% ;. *L )vou WNV <20^])
Yvop i’cp^v7 ^ £*>*• voo! J ) \ 4c7* rtf> ? /*f> >LEPsWHOTmUfS
\li£U v i U®&»w~»* ?k
i k^q^ ! V-^'-r— : ^ ^ o ??
Jncle Gil Offers Prize
For Best Scrapbook
Uncle Gil will give a prize of one
dollar to the Guidite member who
turns in to him the most complete
scrapbook carrying clippings of
questions and answers as may be
found on the Gudite page each
week. Included in scrapbook aside
from questions and answers there
must also be found articles of an
educational nature, as may be
found on Guidite page for example,
“Facts About Boulder Dam,’’ in
older to be eligible for the prize.
Uncle Gil hopes to be able to
find a Guidite who has a complete
serapbook dating back to the be.
ginning of the Guidite elect cover,
ing questions and answers on Ne
gro history, music, articles under
the caption of the Guidite World of
Music, by Miss Ethel Jones, Arith.
metic questions and answers, poems
etc. Now dear Guidites if you have
failed to keep a scrapbook get
busy and start one for it may be
you that will receive a brand new
crisp new dollar bill from Uncle
Gil for the most complete scrap
book. This offer will close on the
26th of October.
Ladies’ and Children's Work
A Specialty,
2422 Lake Street.
Carl Nigro
Shoe Repairing
Best Material
Expert Workmanship
3118 North 24th Street
Keystone Lab. Dept. SEP-7, Memphis, Tenn.
Send me at once FREE Magic Incense, tha l
big gifts and big money agent's proposition.
My Name___
Street . _
Wear a Joe Louis button now m
sale at your local drug store.
Cleo Cola
Queen of Sparkling Drinks ,
12 oz. for 5c
Johnson Drug Co.
Liquors, Wines and Beer
Prescriptions ; |
WE. 0998 .. 1904 N- 24th St.
Battery Station
2934N. 24th Ja 9999
Your Kidneys contain fl million tiny tubes
or niters which may be endangered by neg
lect or drastic. Irritating drugs. Be careftB.
If functional disorders of the Kidneys or
Bladder make you sutler from Getting Dp
Nights. Nervousness, Leg Pains, Circles
Under Eyes, Dizziness, Backache, Swollen
Joints, Excess Acidity, or Burning Passages,
don’t rely on ordinary medicines. Fight
such troubles with the doctor's prescrip
tion Oystex. Cyatex starts working In 3
hours and must prove entirely satisfactory
In 1 week, and be exactly the medicine yoa
need or money hack Is guaranteed. Tele
phone your druggist for Cyatex (Stss-tex)
today. The guarantee protects you., Copr.
1937 Tho Knox Co.
Cleaning, Pressing and Re
.Dyeing and Hat Cleaning
Dresses Cleaned and Press
ed—Fur Crafting, Etc.
■ am r v / ^
... Look to your stomach
Start taking Iloatetter's Stomachic Bitters right now
and you will quickly note how its medicinal herbs
and roots help to revitalise your digestive glands
and give new vigor, energy and appetite. Faroeua
for 84 years. At all drug stores. 18 oa. bottle. $k50.
Flush Piosonous Waste and Acid From Kidneys
If you aren.t feeling just right-(
are nervous—have dizzy spells and
kidneys and learn more about
Through the delicate filters of
the kidneys, acids and poisonous
waste are drawn from the blood
and dicharged from the body
these filters become clogged with
poisonous waste and kidneys do
not function properly—they need
a good cleaning.
One reliable medicine highly ef
efficient and inexpensive is GOLD
MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules—
you can’t go wrong on this grand
medicine for it has been helping
people for 60 years—to correct
their aches and pains and to ban
Dish uric acid conditions, the ag
gravation of sciatit, neuritis,
neuralgia, lumbago and rheumat
So if you have symptoms of
Kidney Trouble as backache, ner
vousness, getting up two or three
time during the night—scanty,
leg cramps—moist palms or puffy
leg cramps—moitpalms or puffy
eyes, get a 35 cent package of this
grand and harmless diuretic at
any modern drug store—it starts
the first day on its errand of
But be sure it’s GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules—the origi
nal—the genuine— right from
Haarlem in Holland.
A Booster
When our solicitor calls at your home, be sure to show
by giving him or her a newsy item or taking a subscription for
12 months, 6 months, 3 months, or even 1 month.
When you BOOST THE GUIDE, you are boosting Omaha,
and are enabling us tio give employment to more of our own
boys and girls.
Both Our Service and Printing. We are
Equipped To Print Anything From Stamps
to Newspapers. We Call For and Deliver.
12418 Grant Street WE 1517—1518
' "Kmsmmmmmmmsismmmmmmmmmam -mmmBmmmmmBmmmmm