The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 16, 1937, Page TWO, Image 2

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    NOTE;—Y our tiueslion wl I he answered ^RFR :n th's col
nmn ONLY when a i! ppinjr of this column is enclosed with YOUR
ADDRESS. For PRIVATE REPLY send twenty-five cents and
a self-addressed, stamped envelope for my NEW ASTROLOGY
REA,DING and receive by return mail my FREE ADVICE on
THREE QUESTIONS- Send all letters to Abbe Wallace, care of
The Omaha Guide, 2418 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
L. T.—Please tell me what I can
do to make my husband stay at
home? Would it be letter for us
to part?
Ans: Certainly not for you to
have four sma I chi'dren to cons'der
and th»y surly need th» guid »nce
of both father aid mo'h'r. Ask
him to entertain h's friends in
your home intead of always going
out with them he isn’t going to
continue this way very much longer
as he realizes he is taking a selfish
standpoint in life.
M. G. X.-—I read your column
and enjoy it fine. Tell me if it will
be wise for to marry this man and
does he really want to marry as
he pretends ?
Ans: lie really wan's you for
liits wife but it v, ould he to your
advantage to see a doctor and clear
up your physical disability before
entering marriage with this party.
It will take only a short time for
you to get over the rendition so
seek medical rare right now.
M. R. W.—Do I have the wrong
opinion of the fellow that is in my
life anil tell me what would be best
for me to do?
Ans: You dont have the wrong
opinion of him., in fact you are
much too lenient with this man.
He isn’t showing you the consider,
ation due you and you would be
rather foolish to let hint continue
to hurt you as he has been doing
these past six months.
R. J. H.—Do you think I should
consider going with the same party
I went with before niy illness?
Ans: No .... take the advice of
a close friend of yours and you will
be much better off.
L. B.—Will I make my grade
this ye»r and be on the honor roll?
Ans: You het if you continue
to study as hard as you have done
in the past.
R. S.—If I make the change of
residence .1 desire will it bring
about the results that 1 wish it to?
Ann: Without a doubt. This mon
th af October will prove an ideal
seasan for you to make thi>. change
and you won’t have any trouble
whatever getting the job that you
have been interested in in the city
you have in mind.
G. E. J.—Is this man 1 am going
with mean good and will I have
any trouble with hs wife?
Ans: Plenty of trouble if you
continue to play around with her
husband. It does seem to me that
any nineteen year old girl could
find a nice.single boy to go with in
stead of trying to break up a com
paratively happy home.
B. M. S.—,1 want to know if my
mother will ever be well again?
Ana: There will be a change for
the better in her condition in the
immediate future although she will
not be as strong as she was before
her recent illness.
R. O.t-1 want to know if the boy
I love cares anything for me and
should I continue with him or not?
Ans: He doesn’t love you but will
show you a good time if you wish
to be friends with him. Roth of
yon are too young to really know
the meaning of love.
Notice te SubscriF»ers—
Pleas* notify the Omaha Guide
office, by mail or telephone, as to
your change of address. The post
al authorities make a charge for
the change of address when we are
not notified, in time to prevent de
livery to the wrong address. The
Omaha Guide will be forced to
charge a small fee of five cents
for each change of address with
out notice. Please call WE 1517 or
mail us a post card with your new
address on it, at one week before
you move. This will prevent a du
plication of papers and the five
cents charge. Thanking you for
your cooperation m this matter,
* !
By Jimmy Evans
Ralph Cooper, Hai l m’s favor tv '
son, flashed into the city for a
short stay last week. Cooper is in
i town to superv se the booking of
his new flicker "Bargains With
Bullets" The Coop is looking
fine and in tr’m, He "ran down”
two acts on t e “Amateur Night
In Harlem! irdio program and
rut jjp as only the Coop can....
His picture, i< due to play Loew’s
Victoria shorlly.
Tommy FV rr got quite a hand
from the patrons of the Michigan
theatre, Joe Louis' home town ....
Stra^nM to say (he first mention
JfSf " namv brought boos from
i'tr. ®<* Lucky Millinder
jnnd his orchestra played the Apol.
In last, week . . Willie Bryant is
aet f ir the mufvciil assignment at
the Plantation Club . The Cotton
Club’s debut drew cheers from the
audience and critics alike Tim
younger of the Nicholas Brothers,
is holding down Bill Robinson’s as
signment adequately.
Galle DeGaston, Bessie Smith
and George McClendon, died las'
week Bessie Smith was killed
in Memphis when an auto in which
she was riding overturned Gas
ton, one of the best hlackfaced
comedians, fell from a window in
the Howard theatre in Washington,
striking his head, and died instant,
ly. MlcClendon died at Municipal
Sanatarium in Chicago.
Small’s Paradise new show that
open'd lest week is a whopper. ..... I
The entire show is fast and speedy ,
with nil hands drawing hefty cheers ;
.. .For an excellent disc recording
may we sug est Ixiu's Armstrong’s
version of ‘ Alexander’s Ragtime |
Band” and "I'vei Got My Heart;
Full of Rhythm”.. Fats Waller
has a new recording of "Honey
Suckle Rnse"afnd "1‘lue, Turning;
Grey Over You,” that is worth
your time..
Leon and Otis Re e have set ’
their tune, 'It's Sic >py Time 1
Hawaii” to RKO it will be
heard in their picture ‘She Got that
Swing" Blanche Calloway will
stay the entire season at the. South
land Cafe in Boston ...Chick
Webb is set for the 71st Regiment
Armory to lay for its New Year’s
Eve dance.Tip, Tap and Toe
broke it up at the Paramount last
week and are being held over.
They are also doubling at the Cot.
ton Club Earl Mines’ Battle of
Jazz with Clyde McCoy’s ork had
the Cans at the Oriental theatre, in
Chicago gaga..... For the final cur
tain both bands joined together and
swung out with ‘ Tiger Rag.”
Orchestra Notes:—
Don Redman’s orchestra held
down the top spot at the Grand
theatre in Albany, last week....
Fats Wallers’ orchestra is current
at the Boston theatre in Boston.
Radcliffe and Rogers team
are holding down the comedy as.
signments at the Royal theatre in
Edenburgh, Scotland.
Jfwy Mty. i. Li
Asthma Cause
Fought in 3 Minutes
By dissolving and removing mucus or
phlegm that causes strangling, choking,
Asthma attacks, the doctor's prescription
Mondaco removes the cause ot your agony.
No smokes, no dopes, no Injections. Ab
solutely tasteless. Starts work In 3 minutes.
Sleep soundly tonight. Soon feel well, vears
younger, stronger, and eat anything. Guar
anteed completely satisfactory or money
back. If your druggist Is out ask him to
order Mendaco for you. Don’t suffer another
day. The guarantee protects you.
“Competition in the electric in
dustry was once justified but is
now false and wasteful.’’
This astonishing comment comes
from James D. Ross, recently ap
pointed administrator of the Bon
neville Power project and formerly
superintendent of lighting of the
city of Seattle. Mr. Ross is also
deeply interested in the power pro.
jects in Nebraska, and is recogniz
ed as a champion < f Federal power
projects wherever they might ex
And if the shoe fits in Seattle,
then it must fit, also, in Nebraska.
Competition whic h is * false and
wasteful” in Washii gton must be
equally “false and wasteful” in
Nebraska. So, why doesn't Mr.
Ross tell these thngs to Nebrask
ans ?
An Expensive Program
One good reason might be that,
at the present time, the Federal
Government is embarking upon a
vast program of hydro-electric
power generation and distribution
in direct competition with existing
power companies with power lines
and plants already erected. To show
that such competition is wasteful,
the duplication of lines and gener.
ating stations must be paid for,
sooner or later, by the taxpayers
and users of power as Mr. Ross so
painly does in Seattle would obv
iously eliminate any reason for the
huge Negraska expenditures on the
part of the Government. For, in
Nebraska, privately owned compan
ies with extensive power line cover,
nge, efficient and actually operat
ing service organization, are ren
dering adequate and fairlv.priced
If the Shoe Fits
So if the shoe fits with mun>ei
' md Federal ownersh p, then it
* < even more snugly with private
utilities, for the private utilities
are already in operation whereas a
great expenditure is necessary to
put Federal projects on an opeiat,
ing basis.
In addition to the false wes'e of
competition, we have an additional
waste in hydro electric general ior
of power, for the Federal Govern.
ment’8 own committee, of National
Resources found that steam gen.
erated power was cheaper than
wuter power.
If competition is false and waste,
ful- —and Mr. Ross should be ia a
position to know—and it present
electric service is efficient and fair
y priced, what excuse can be given
in justification of gigantic Federal
expenditures for power projects
hero in Nebraska? In hs annual
statement Mr. Ross asserted that
Meet Your Friends at
j| t’
2229 Lake St. JA 9195
Beer — Liquor — Soft Drinks
Direct Wire on all Sporting
Events AT 7527
Lunch Counter—W. Phillips
Barbecue, Chili, Hamburger and
the expense of dublication of el
ectric service in the city of Seattle
' where users pay $10,000,000 annual
ly to the municipally owned and
privately owner electric companies
is more than $3,000,000 or approxi
mately one third of the total cost
of power for the city. Regardless
■ of how wealthy a city or state may
be, the needless throwing away of
three millions of taxpayers’ dollars
can hardly be justified.
Nebraskans will do well to con
aider the case of Seattle, so ably
presented by Mr. Ross. For if the
shoe fits in Seattle—if competition
is “false and wasteful’’ there, then
the shoe must fit in Nebraska where
competition will prove just as false
and wasteful and unjustified.
Illinois Veterans
Face Jim Crow In
i . State Legion Meet
I ______
Pr ■ ingfield, Oct. 7 (ANP)—
BaP < 1 in their efforts to hike:
prices to Negro veterans here, last
week attend ng the. annual meeting
of the Illinois American legion,
white tavern owner closed their
doors “for repairs" until the color
ed visitors left the city.
Tavern owners intended to raise
their beer prices from 5 cents to
25 cents a glass if colored legion
a ires wanted service, with the price
remaining a nickle for whites.
When told by the local committee
that visiting ex soldiers had been
promised there would be no ra'se
:n prices of foodstuffs and drinks
end no color lines would be drawn,
the tavern owners posted “closed
for repair” signs on windows and
doors until the convention ended
hen reopened.
•"■*■" ■*■*■*■*■*■*■*■“• a » *■■*■*>*■*■%*•■
.Hntrnan Carafe
2417 N. 24th Street
Constipated? •
It’s Nerves
Not Poisons
That Make You
Modern doctors now say that constipation
swells up digestive organs causing pressure
on nerves in this region. This nerve pres
sure causes frequent bilious spells, dissiness,
headaches, sour stomach, dull, tired-out feel
ing. sleepless nights, coated tongue, bad taste
and loss of appetite.
1 Don't fool with laxatives that give slow
action, overnight relief, or are timed to act
In 12 to 24 hours. What you want is QUICK
NERVES. Flush the intestinal system. W hen
offending wastes are gone, the bowels return
to normal sue and nerve pressure stops. Al
most at once you feel marvelously refreshed,
blues vanish, and life looks bright again.
I That is why so many doctors are now in
sisting on gentle but QUICK ACTION. That
is why YOU should insist on Adlerika. This
efficient intestinal evacuant contains SEVEN
carminative and c&thartio ingredients. It acts
on the stomach as well as
the entire intestinal tract.
It relieves stomach distress
at once and often removes
intestinal congestion in half
en hour. No violent action,
no after effects, just OUICK
results. Reoommended by
many doctors and druggists
for 33 years.
GISTS know that Adler
ika hat no substitute.
Always DEMAND thm
Union Pacific Flashes
This is the time of year that all ,
of the old boys are getting together
again on the same car, so it won’t1
be much of, I say and you say, be. j
cause they all know eacch other
too well,. Well men, the pumpkin
season is here, and you all know wa
can hear up and on Hie rails is j
my rights. Well live, right and you j
will get your rights, on the rails.
Mr. Alton Goode and Mr. Ralph
Emmons certainly didn’t tarry long
in Los Ongeles. They came near
beating their telegrams home. Mr.
Spencer Gray, very popular lounge
car attendant has got. the right at.
titude about things. He says, “Hit
'em, hit 'em hard, hit ‘cm low, come
on girls, take it slow.’’ We wonder
what that cow cost Mr. Gray and
his pal* that they brought at Jim
Bell’s last week. Keep hitting Mr.
Gray, some party.
We welcome the Union Pacific a
lounge car attendant, what has
made good. It is Mr. Gaines T.
Bradford, former newspaper editor.
He is on the Los Angeles Challen
ger. We wish him lots of success.
Mr. Chippie Johnson, secretary
of the Bellview Press of which Mr.
Alfred Baldy” Langley is presi.
dent is making a reputation for
himself as a great reporter. Keep
up the good work ('hippie.
What a gay looking bunch of
fellows that went on President Jef.
When Poisons Clog
And Irritate Bladder
Go to your druggist today and
get this safe, swift and harmless
diuretic and stimulant—ask for
Gold Medal Haa ‘lem Oil Capsules
'and start at once to flush kidneys
of waste matter and saturated
with acids and poisons.
That’s the way to bring about
healthy kidney activity and stop
that bladder ir-itation which often
causes scanty passage with smart
ing and burning as well as restless
Remember, the kidneys often
need flushing as well as the bowels,
and some symptoms of kidney
weakness a «: Getting up once or
twice during the night—puffy eyes
—cramps in leg—backache and
moist palms
Rut be sure and get GOLD
MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules—
the original and genuine—right
f om Haarlem in Holland—the
price is small (35-eents), the good
results will fulfill your expects
FEW husbands can understand
why a wife should turn from a
pleasant companion into a shrew
for one whole week in every month.
You can say "I'm sorry" and
kiss and make up easier before
marriage than after. He wise. Ifyou
want to hold your husband, you
won't be a three-quarter wife.
For t hree generations one woman
has told another how to go "smil
ing through" with Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound. It
helps Nature tone up the sy stem,
thus lessening the discomforts from
the functional disorders which
women must endure in the throe
ordeals of life: 1. Turning from
girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre
paring for motherhood. 3. Ap
proaching "middle age."
Don't be a three-quarter wife,
Go ''Smiling Through."
fries special to North Platte they
were highly praised by the Presi.
dent and his guests. Good going
fellows, keep up the goad work.
They say Mr. Luther Johnson is
still the official broadcaster of his
crew. I heard that he was the an.
nouncer at the Ak.Sar Ben last
week. They say those twenty thou,
sand grape fruits had him announc
ing. What about it Luther?
Mr. Tea Bone how did you let a
man that can’t even balk bump you.
Oh, well, I won’t say who this
gentleman is, but I guess you felt
like bumping too. But not the way
you was bumped. ,
Well boys,, waiters come and
waiters go. A loft of the boys are
bidding Mr. U. P. fare thee well.
Most of them will spend the winter
in the beautiful national capitol,
Washington, D. C., from which they
sojourn on to that great Metropol s
city of Florida, Miami. Wherever
you may be don’t forget the U. P.
Get the Guide each week and
read “On the Rails.” Mail or bring
news to the Omaha Guide office at
2418 Grant street. Papers will be
delivered to your door just call W’E
|Ceystone Lab. Dent. SEP-7, Memphis, Tenn.
Send me at once FREE] Magic Incense, the J
big gifts and big money agent’s proposition.
My Nam#____
Street ____ [
City... Stata__
Duffy Phan-aac'
Wp Of»09
F'-ee Dp'ivprr
1 AFTER 45
I Very often as you grow
B older yourdigestivesya
H tem becomes deficient
B and your blood can not
■ get the proper nourish
■ ment. You feel listless
ana worn out. iry
a single bottle of
famous old Hos
tetler’a. Its stimu
lating herbs and
roots quickly help in
revitalizing the diges
tive glands. At drug
stores e very where.$l .50
■ji tp"fj
\ 111 So. 14th St. *
J Biggest 10c Meals In City /
5 Everybody Welcome S
Enroll now for fall classes.
Graduates prepared (o pass a»>
State Board Examination.
2422 N 22nd St. WE 0846
MEN. because they are men.caa
never understand a three
quarter wife—a wife who is all love
and kindness three weeks in a
month and a hell cat the rest of
the lime.
No matter how your back aches
—how your nerves scream—don't
take it out on your husband.
For three generations one woman
has told another how to go "smil
ing through" with Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. It
helps Nature tone up the system,
thus lessening the discomforts from
the functional disorders which
women must endure in the three
ordeals of life: l. Turning from
girlhood to womanhood. 2 Pre
paring for motherhood. 3. Ap
proaching "middle age.”
Don't be a three-quarter wife,
Go “Smiling Through."
Ue w
2423 N. 24'
Drinks of
Special Courtesr wadies
Direct Wire On
All Sporting Extents
Christopher &
McGiii, Props.
Purely Vegetable Laxative
that costs only about 1 cent a dose
CONSTIPATION is an enemy of
pleasure. It dulls your enjoy
ment of the best entertainment
and the best friends. ... To
neglect constipation is to invite
serious trouble. For your health’s
sake, take Black-Draught at the
first sign of constipation. You’ll
soon feel better. . . . Here is a
laxative that is purely vegetable,
prompt, and reliable. Try it!
Make today your luckiest
day—get Lucky Heart’s BIG,
WORTH of cosmetics, medi* ^
cines, household necessities ’
and curios that sell on sight
*7 —and keep on selling every
\ time you call back. Have money coming in
9 all the time. You will have what yourcus*
f torncrs want and you can really be a “big
money" salesman or saleswoman. Better
than a job. worK when you ie«
31k like it. Even spare time brings in
Sj up to $5.00 a day. Full time up to
$45.00 a week. Lucky Heart shows
you how to sell—tells you the sales
' < secrets it took us 20 years to learn,
J Easy "money-making magic" for
ANTEED—write today for FREE
f' HeartCo. l>tpt.G-io-3Memphis,Tenn,