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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1937)
Attend Church . . ■■ ■ ••••••••• • A FORMAL NOTICE PLEASE READ ••NOTICE to all church, civic, re ligious, secret and social clubs; t« pastors, presidents and reporters. All news of the above organiza tion must te in our office cn or be fore Monday at 6p. m. each week for the news items to appear in the current issue. Your members wan' <hcjr paper on time. Please h« prompt and cooperate »'th ns. NO ON TIME—NO IN THE PAPER. C. C. Calloway, Acting Editor MT. OLIVE BAPTIST < HURCII liev. J. P. Mos ev, Pastor I,cnora Parker, Reporter Sunday school opened at 9:30 a m., wth Bn' hr / ee Preakfi Id super in*end >it. > re i i g. At the 11 o'clock ervi es c v n-nt meet mg was held. Th ■ < hi'rch s look Ing forward <o he castors 4 h anni veraary beg i n'rg Oc'ober 11th through the 17th, Cn Thursday night, the liter Board had an on tntninmnt rt the chur ch Be' hel Bapli'-t ch r h (hr rend rt d r prog’cm v ;,h he Ush r Board Brother F'm r Co’lin*, president ».f the lU PU repo ts a wnbndld wession f or l at Su’d y. At the Tegnlsr even'rg 8 rv'c s last Sun vltty, r.'ght, ifos'or riea hed an in t crest in t ' men. ,Su' jec*, ‘‘Th’ Way of Salvation.” After the ser mm, communion wrs served. We ■ere always gird to have you visit and worship with us at Mt, Olive Baptist church. —--o PARADISE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. T. F. Banks, Pas I or Sunday school opened at the us ual hour, with the n dr It class pro ■sent. The Sunday *rho I drive was •quite a flier era, w'th Mrs. Booker rais'rg the largest amount of mon «y. At It o’clock the pis'or piv ach vd a wondotful sermon. Subject, "The Harvest Truly is Phntious, bill the Lai oiers are Few.” the. BY PU met at. 6 p. m. At the 8 o'clock si rviers, devot’i* s were led 1 y the deacons, Harris and Rnbrn. The craning services were very good. Welcome at all tim s to visit with us. CHURCH OF CO!) 2025 .North 24th Street E’dcr S, S. Fpn ht. Pastor Sunday was a spiritually high day for the Church i f Cod, with nn ■if fie lent Sunday school to begin the days worship. Opening the usual hour with the regular code of devo tion, the sch'-cl enjoyed u thorough ly simpllfi' l K eon taught by Joe Fdd tis, ‘Subject, ‘Christian Son ship.’” For the last quarter of 1937, in our Sunday school life is the most beautiful lesson study wQ fee! could bo chosen. "Studies Tn the Christian Life.’’ Having such lea sons direct from the Bible (our guide), how can one Christian err in his experience. Sermon by Elder Spaght, at 11:30 a. m., subject taken from Phil. 3:10. Surely the Christian whoso experience is not that ‘‘life of holiness” (as pertaining to re lgion) do not know', hast not learn ed ‘The Power of His Ressurection.’ Assuredly he rose with "oil things” put in subjection under his feet. Therefore, sin hath no dominion over us, because of the power of "Hus Ressurection.’’ Sunday night was quite a spirit ual renual for the inner man as we •observed the Lord’s Supper. The pastor spoke, very awaken ing from Acts. 9:6. Truly the hand of God is greatly upon Elder Spaght, nrd we do ap veeiate a real Holy Ghost man: being "first” n partaker of the gos pel, he declares to man. We invite you to come to our services, and for spiritual information or general help, wo feel he is able to help you. Ho is at. his home to those in need at 1911 No. 26th street. PLEASANT GREEN CHURCH Rev. J. II. Reynolds, Pastor Mrs. Lottie Keys, Reporter Sunday school opened at 9 a. m. \ wth tho adults attending only, j Morning services were held at 111 o'clock, as it was the first Sunday 1 in the month. Covenant meeting! was held. We were glad to have j our pastor, Rev. Reynolds, back1 from St. Paul, Minn., where he has completed running a series of sue 1 cessful meetings. Mother Reynolds, 1 also rtumr-d and we were all happy to see her. At the, evening service, t our pastor preached, subject, ‘ Per sonal Evangelism,” there were two additions to the church. A baptism was held at Pilgrim I aptist church, there were four ■ ■■■■■■■■■•a a a * * ■ a a ■ a a a a a Iwptlsed. We are building on the ' structure of our church and hope I to have it finished before cold wen I i her. The choir will hold its muB:cal Friday night, October 8th. Sunday, Oct 10th is r.illy day. Wo. are ask ing ell members ord friends to contribute one d llnr or more for for the bulid'nif fun i. MT. NEB ) BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. G. Gat s, Pastor Helen Bradshaw, Reporter -- The Mt- Ne'o Baptist church is j progressing rapidly. The juistor has returned from his trip. Sunday morning was covenant meeting. Sunday night Rev. Gates preached from the 6'h ehap'er of Nemiah m ing as his text, “I’m doing a great, i can’t come down ” Subject v a, 4 Come and Talk with Me.” The RYPTJ has r opened i n ior the direction of Bro. Harris. V si’ors always welcome. ( LAIR CHAPEL M. E. CHURCH Rev. W. C. Conwell, Pas'or » Mrs. Carrie Justus, Reporter Sunday school • p ,n d at 9:20, srbject f >r the sch ol was “Chris ' an Sonsh'p," I John ,:12- Golden c\t: “But rs many ns received Him to th' m gave he the right to "'omo ch ldren of God, even to them that beli'ive in His name.” .V; 11 o'clock services the pas or delivered a most m'rsi'njf com niunion sermon. Si bjpet, '‘Come for nil thincs are ready.” It wan '.'ijoycd by everyone and the touch ng songs that were rendered by hi choir as well. After Communion lic.ra was nstall.ition of the usher d At 0 o’i lock, the El»Worth/ '.eapm was o, e icd !y the v'ce 'ii'.sidc.n4, Carrie rn .Its pres‘ding. So ject of tH • lessen, “Rally Pay Program.” This program was car icd out v\iih a very insnir ng candle light r.ervice,. There wore •nndle lights of d f erent colors, for purity, good will, wisdom, more faith, truth seekers, reverence ard to servo.others. At 8 o’clock Rev Conwell, preached on th/w sp ritu 1 4 icrmon. Subject, * Beloved, now arc wc the soi's of God.” There were «. eventeon vsitors from St. John A ME church and a number rf other v-liters. Visitors n o always wel conuj to come and worship with us. ST. JOHN A M. E. CHUR II “The Friendly Church Hr. R. A. Adams, Pastor Tho conference year close s with n very fine report, nnd Dr. Adorns nnd several members of his congre ration nre in Kansas City, Kns, attending tho conference. Jlcv, C. C. Raker preached for Dr. Adams, while he was away. Next Sunday October 10th, the new pastor for the conference year will bo at St. John. “Come and Welcome Dr, Adams back.’ Tho writer feels that the congregation will be very pleas d to have Dr. nnd Mrs. Adams, back. The choir is expecting to hnvo every member out next Sun day, it will he the day to begin to near tho black roibes, and the first Sunday of the conference year. Tho sick of the church. Miss Mable King, nnd is reported to be doing fine: Mr. C. B. Kitchen, is improv ing. We wish for thirr speedy re covery. The church wishes to ex press its rynvpathy to Mrs. Bertha Dorsey, St. Joseph, Mo., Mrs. Theresa Boyd, Chicago, Mr. C. W. Penn, and DeWitt Smart of Omaha. R.c.nd the Omaha C.u!de, and get the latest church ard so cial as well as fraternal news. — HILLSIDE PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Williams, Pastor •-o Sunday October 10th will bo : young peoples day at Hillside. Pros byterinn chinch, SOth and Ohio 1 streets. At the i Iovon o’clock set’ j vice. There will bo regular organ meditations played by Mrs. Alice Wilson, and Mrs. Dolores Black well will be soprano soloist. There ' ill lx* a playotte and general Bibieal review given by the young people, directed by Mr. and Mrs. O. Lewis directors cf young poo pies wor. In the afternoon at 3:30 there will ho a young peoples musical given at- which time the Cantores Music Society, directed hy M:ss ! Ethel .Tones will furnish two soo j cial selections on the program. A ; very interesting program is plan [ red and everyone is eord:sl!y in vited. Miss Bertha Rudd will have charge of the afternoon service. There will be a regular evening sendee held at 8 p. m. The choir ! will sing special music. October 17th will be the 9th An nual Harvest Festival. This Week in Thought and Religion By Robert L. Moody "Oh sun and skies nnd clouds of Juno, and flowers of June together, Th' u canTt not rival f< r < n" hou ■ October’s night blue weather.” Autumn has truly come. Nature’s lovers are puzzled in their decision a? to wh'ch is the meat beautiful eason of tho year, i.e. “What is so rare ns a first dry in June,’ or ' Octn' or’s bright blue weather.” We noticed th t Iho f'rst pilgrim uge of black biro* nnd robb.ns has h'gun southward To s' and in the autumn sunset and 1 eho'd the many colors and had .5 'hat tint the trees and shubbery is a sight vary marvelous. Truly the “earth declares the glory of God, and th fermnnent shows worth his handi work.” What a Mighty God we serve! Studies in Christian Life—most or' our column will be devoted to 1 ho weekly lesson of our uniform Sunday school lessons for the cur rent quarter. Nothing is more prac 'tical nnd profitable th n a sincere study and every day practice of the lessons to be earned. Our first les son taught us our privilege, i.e. to ha sonship calls for purify:ng our selves as He (Christ) is pure.. We have discovered from I John, 3 chapter, who is and who is not “Born of God.” In th's rg?, of doubt and unbelief let every Chris tian reader 1 ve his profoss’on and ever sinner reader accept the new birth and ‘ become sons of God," ‘for as many as received Him to them He gave power to become the sons of God, even to them that be lieved on His name.” Jno. 1:12. “Now if any man have not the spirit of Christ, he is none of His for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." Rom. 8:9, 14. Notes on the current nnd forthcoming lessons will npprr.r in next issue. AMERICAN WIENER SHOT 2509 N 24th, Gtreet. REST CHIT I AVH REST RED HOTS IN THE WEST ALL KINDS nf SANDWICHES Ice cold beer to complete the meal MORNING STAR CHURCH Rev. Wm. Pruitt, Pastor Sunday school opened at the 'js j ual hour with Supt. Mrs. G. \V. I Stromile presiding. I.esson subj., | “The Christian Sonship.” At 11:30 ' a. m. Testimonial set vices. 3 o’clock \ Rev. M. R. Bilbrew, l ho pastor of : Salem Baptist church and choir I choir were present and closed out ■ j the revive 1. One addition was add cd to the church. The text was St. i Luke 8:54. Subject, ‘‘A Conquering 1 King.” 0 p. m. BYPU ope ed with President Johnson pressi ng. The attendance was fair. There were also some visitors. At 8 p. in. th|e sermon was prea ched by the pastor. The subject ‘ 1 Wondered Why.” Text,Exodus 3:3. "I’ll turn aside and see this great l sight.” Come to the Morning Star, I os you are always welcome, and made to feel as one of us. --- a-- - j NEW CLUB FORMED” The new vogue that has been created by people all over the coun try writing through "Lonesome Hearts” columns of publications has resulted in the formation of the National Friendship Club. This new club has headquarters I at 2132 Seventh Avenue, New York City, and its purpose is to help lonesome people enlarge their circle of friends. 1 • It is a strictly confidential club through which only club members are introduced. Membership in this new club will bring you new' friends —and a thrilling experience. Any one regardless of age may write for free information. NATIONAL FRIENDSHIP CLUB 2132 SEVENTH AVE . JE NEW YORK CITY . PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS newwires T \ BEFORE YOU ^ \KNOW IT I > Replacing Telephone wire* to prevent trouble ffl wi vi « s W T® Recently one of our customers rr-ked us why we were putting in new wires to his telephone. He said his service was all right and he did not know vihy the wires should be replaced. The facts are that a tele phone employee, when making a regular inspection to locate anything that might interfere with service, found the insulation on the wires worn so that at any time service might be interrupted. It is part of our everyday job to search for things that might interrupt telephone service and to correct the condition before service is affected. We are con stantly testing lines and equipment...making repairs to prevent future trouble...keeping your telephone service as free as possible from errors,imperfections and delays. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY NEATLY furnished ktchenet.e apartment, £875 Wirt Ct. W’E 4285. ••*•**• •• —0»»0«»0».nr-—■» ■« Louis Larsen Garagej For service and number on< ’ repair work Batteries and Tires rnnic to Louis Larsen’s Garaye J ; 3014 No. 24th St. JA 9220 ! j COMPLETE STOCK OF t CHORUS ANTHEMS AND HYMNS !Ed Patton j 1916 FARNUM ST. See ANDY First Everyday is Sale Day at Andy’s 1936 Chev. Town Sedan $450 1936 Ford V8 Coup* 386 1936 Ford Tour Sedan Radio, heater 460 1934 Olds Sedan, Radio new tires 396 1934 Ford V8 Tudor or Sedan 265 1933 Chev. Sedan or Coupe 275 1933 Ply. Sedan or Coach 276 1932 Chev. Coupe or Ooach 175 1932 Ford V8 Tuder or Coupe 196 1931 Chev. Coupe or Coach 145 1930 Chev. Sedan 125 1929 Chev. Sedan or Coach 95 1980 Ford Coupe 85 A C. NELSEN Auto Sale, Inc. 2012 2041-2112.2200 Harney Street Phone ATlantic 2425-2426 _ ! CLASSIFIED ADS '/’OR KENT—Love's Kitchenette Apartments, 2516-18 Kemcs, m 261,> Grant si. call We. 5553. Dressmaking. Mrs. Jones. 2522 Wirt St. 1 II i /^Msaa n. liW^m n~ I— m mu 270.r, MIAMI, 2 r'om s par’m nt f r rent. 3 FURNISHED apartments f >r 1 ren*. WE 3738. 2 ECOM furnished r; a Utilities paid. JA 0916 IN RADIO THE SWING IS TO Si' I WiMBS**'' Console QuaOty SPEAKER, 8-inch electro-dynamic, v ill tone qualities equal to most com.* ' - models; THREE BAND tuning ran; ; with no gaps, 525-22,000 Kc. continuous Receives American, foreign, police, amc teur, aviation and ships-at-sea broad casts; M1RRO-DIAL edge-lighted, gold reflector type with graduations fused on the convex glass, PLUS: Wide range variable tone control; Automatic volume control; Power supply noise filter; Push pull pentode output. CABINET is es pecially attractive, bentwood style, highly figured quarter stripe walnut hand rubbed. 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