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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1937)
SOCIAL C- ^ _ 4. _ r CLUBS affairs ''ws-0-C-l-©-T-y> organizations j ___ __ _ Miss Lar. aine A. Lewis charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph It. Lewis prominent mortician, 24th and Willis Avc., left recently to at tend Fisk university, Nashville. Tenn. Miss Lewis is very popular in the Omaha social set- She won for her school (Lothrop) in 1927, the honor of li| htweight high jumper. She is president of the Literati club which has a membership of 24 and which has an educational program. Tis club was organized by Miss Charlene Lewis, who is Lorraine’s sister. Mrs. Lewis is a very excel lent speaker and very active in civic, social and rel'g'ous affairs. QUACKS TO HAVE SPEAK Kit Miss 0. Carter, personal cornel lor of the YWCA, will speak for three wrecks at the Northsde l ranch of the YWCA for the Quack club. The membership committee start ed the membership drive which is to last throughout October. Inita tion will take place at the close of the drive. ^Q.—.. . The Ladies Friendship club met nt Mrs. Janice Howell, Sapt. 30th. Four rubbers of bridge wore played with Miss Theresia Anderson win ning first prize and Mandy McDnn iels, booby. The hostess served a very delectable lvn.hion, and an enjobable afternoon was spent by all present. The club adjourned to meet with Mrs. B. Watts, 1613 No. 22nd street. -o Chicken dinner Sunday 31 cents might seem high, but good. Jeff’s 1818 No. 24th. ■ .o-— Mrs. Hnttie Jones, who rr.sded with her daughters, Mrs. Edna Lawson, 2206 No. 28 h avenue, died Sept. 22nd. She is suiv'ved by her daughter, Mrs. Lawson, two bro thers, Henry Ln Mar of lndopen dance, Has., Mr. Sam I a Mar of Council Bluffs, Ta. and one. n one, Mrs. Otis Shelton of Minneapolis, Minn. WILL person who picked up t ry orti r'm last Sunday morn np a* Hummel park ploase notify thn ( mr.hft Guide. Peward. All ndul s dr*airir,p te» study mu sic may enroll at the Urban Lea pue on Wedneday evenin' i t 8 o'clock. Entrancees must be !i» veers of ope or ctver. Piano en rollments mny be made at 2115 ITum.'ltnn. Th? Wednesday ni'ht class was formerly held on Mon day nipht. .•— -n The* Friday Npht class will re sume its run on Friday, October 8th at 7 o’clock. On'y pirls and b-iys 17 to 20 mny enroll for this class. -o FRIENDLY 16 BRIDGE CLUB Th' Friendly 16 Bridpe club met at the home of Mr. .1. Davis, 2118 No. 29th street., Monday at 8:00 p. m. After a short bus'ness meet 1 inp there were three rounds of bridpo played. Mr. Peen and L Gray won hiph scores. A deliciou. repast was served. o- ( Entertains at Breakfast Mrs. Malinda Warren served • lovely breakfast at her beatitifu' home, 2608 Hamilton street, b honor of her dnuphter, Mrs. Ad’* Jenkins of Ghieapo, 111. The table was beautifully decorated wi*h a cloth of pink lace, with a center piece of pardenias. Guests present were Mrs. Lottie Keys, Mrs. Bishor Pearl and Mrs. Julia Pearl. Host esses were: Mesdames Jenkins and M. Warren PORO CLUB MEETS The Poro chib met j't the lovely home of Mrs. L. Thi mpson fo i their regular monthly meeJng. After business of importance wn cliscusseH, the members g-ve heautifi’l demonstration of ‘h"4 1*’ est coiffures, worn by the sorih’st rated miss. Following the dem-v st rations, the memV-rs were sor ed a daintv repast. The next mpct ing will be at the residence of Mrs. Luellnn, - -o Th'- Fport in-n Leagers club erg°n'sed Pe**'ember 22nd fo>- h< purpose c* v--« hall in th > Bnr'ig. Offieers eVelrd were Job ' Ander sen, president, John Bro'-n, s "re. tary, Clethla Wyllis, trea»ur>r. Members are: Harvvey Avant, Massie Avant, Wnrdell S-'L F J TIenery, J, Jackson, B. Tell, J. Her ! ron. Meeting was at the home of Cl | tus Wyllis, 2008 Ohio last Wed. — -—o Pr. and Mrs. A t'>-«>•• 8 »• and daughter in law < f M-« P- rl M Alexander, 2812 No 27 h avenue left for Cleveland, Ohi > 1-st Thurs day. They will make th -:r home j there. -o Common as stew. It’s good a fclf’s, 1818 No. 2th. ... (f BEflmy RorrmncE c :r The Larieuse Beauty Founded on was established by f •he Gadefroy Manufacturing Company to study methods ^g00f of preserving women's natural beauty, and to make •he results of this research available lo the public. A PERSONAL MCTTKU FH(»M MAIUK Dear iJvorynoii;. : I've just got to do some exploding about my trip to New York City. I'm Just bursting to tell you how n girl feels when she has just re ceived u big, bronze nnd mahogany placque, to say nothing about the party given me by my friends at the Plantation club on l.enos avenue. You don’t blame me, do you? Surprise! All of this was such a surprise, for 1 was just going abend doing a Job when 1 was suddenly In formed that the Urban League of New York nnd the National Beauty Culturists Association were giving me an award for writing this col umn. None of you readers knew who 1 was before this citation, nnd 1 was content to go on writing anonymously. Marie Downing is my name, nnd will always be my name, even though I do have a happy home, a tine husband and live Just as most of you folks do. It happens 1 am a licensed cosmet ologist; I also like to write. There has never been any feature column to give Information free, nnd It just occurred to me that maybe 1 could do the Job. A year and a half of this work, and what do I find—a big surprise done up In the most elegant kind of package: the rccognli.t.n by my friends nnd renders. You’ve probably rend elsewhere in your paper about the convention of the beauty league In New York, so I won't bore you with more of my story. Harlem Celebrities Present You will be Interested to know, however, that among my friends at the party were Ethel Waters, Georgette Ilnrvey nnd Jimmy Has* quette. In New York we also saw many of our oilier friends, Including Hill Itobinson and E. Simms Camp bell. All are ensconced in swank npurtments in Ilurleni. You’ll excuse me for bubbling over about It all, won’t you? I promise not to do It again. Hon estly I’ll get back to the subject of beauty nnd romance in my next column, fervently hoping that an other year will And you readers as interested In the subjects I discuss ns 1 hope you have been during the past 18 mouths. Next time we’ll discuss nervous tension—an annoying thing from which few escape. Good luck to you all now. If you’re In St. Louis anytime, won’t you come to see me? I’ll show you this handsome award nnd other souvenirs of the garden spot of New York City— Harlem. Cheerio. tiiiludftj Dorothea M* Lane O 193’ INTESMATIOEAt BE3R0*PRESS ----_I I According to :• rawest r< * ports from lbn,ris, ,the should, rrs of your evening gowns hit 0 he draped this fall. Top rigid AnAlix draped tomato ml jer fy dress is given a feminine o i>h, by a scarf-like drape that posses in front n.nd forms a h«v-t rain aft it Vails free in he hack. The other fn f k has decora l| mir of jet heads hat add a glitter to sleeves of lliis sheer a.ile dress, 'lip sh- ves are cut o form a soft dnv'c over d’e boulders •* • V.,„ 1. M pw n" No. 22nd stree' gave a bir'hd *y par in honor of h r mo*her, who w* seventy.five years old. This was the firs* b rt' day pT'* he had ever had. The home \v ' eautifutly decorated e"d *’’ ’ irthday cake given by hpv dough. >r was artistically arrrpord w‘tb candles. She, received lovely gifts from her friends and Vldren. Secret stuff! Ir.s'de football' " o tit to know what makes a big p football team click: what makes a quartciback suddenly do cl do to use certain plays: and why Inns and strategy* are sudd nl shifted in the middle of a b'“ ganiv? jiiz y nc’gnts: giant giraer v ' ' ■-*— nl<>ce: hot bolts his through’ he )>!r, the ra‘tL of wetwmt’e ammers! A skyscraper is going up. High in th air ca' footed men grimy overalls wbh gloved hands are dim’ g n'-rhlv around on the great ste ■’ s i 'erweh they are erecting. You wonder how those fellows up there feel: where they get the nerve to work so high in the air. Wonder how long <tv*v last before they come to some vio lent end. The last of the six gun sheriffs of the old West is Jack Abarnathv. He lived in the days when his smoking guns brought law and or dec to the frontier of New Mexico and Oklahoma. He caught wolves with his bare hands. These are the sort of things you read about in BOYS’ LIFE, the favorite maga7ine of half a million boys. Every big 53 page issue is cram mod full of adventure, sports fun, hobbies, comic stHps, contests, jokes and things you like to read and do. Buy a copy of BOYS’ LIFE today from your newsdealer—10 cents or sent subscription for one year with $1.00 to BOYS’ LIFE, 2 Park Ave., New York. Better Bicycles At Reasonable Prices Repairing &nd Sundries. Louis Fleschcr 5704 N.30th KE G646 San Francisco’s 1939 Exposition aready has acquired a reputation for the use of color and it predict j ed that it will be he most colorful ! exposition ever held in ih” United States. -o Mrs. Pauline Ellison, 1914 No. 28th street, has returned from a three weeks vacation trip, during which time she visited the follow, rig cities and towns of !he Gold n Vest: Los Angeles, Sacramento. San Diego, Long Beach, Beverly Hills, Catal na Islands ar.d TV Juana, Mexico. She was highly en_ tertained while in the land of flowers and sunshine. Mr. Fred Mickey and Mr. Ab Pondexter, of Los Angeles, C l f. spent the summer motor'rg thr i Texas and Colorado emroute to L A. They stopped in the city a few days visiting Mr. MVkey’s s'stcr and law, Mr. and Mr1. French L. Spencer, Clnr’- dale, Mi.-.s , Cct 7 (ANP — / r• >t ng hell her * Monday a f t Tall and attended by 157 pi nters of Coahoma County, it was voted to set (he maxim im price for cott< n pie’ing at 7B ce s per hundred p lire's. Reason: B enure of the low price paid to" cotton mid cotton end, it would L> unfair to (he planter and tenant to pay a higher price for labor. P. L. Williams, chairman agriculturi 1 committee if the Chamber of Coni merer, presided at the meeting. GROW GLOSS Beauty Shoppe 2512 N. 24 !h Street Get a box of Elsie Turner’s conbin ation pressing oil and hair grower. AT 3036, Miss Turner will be glad to serve you at any time. Grow Gloss Hair Grower is just the pre paration you have been waiting for. DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish We do glazing and make window shades to order 1822 24 N. 24 WE 1607 . Girl Reserve News . All high school Girl Reserves, will begin the week of October 1 >th Semper Fiedles (Freshmen) 4:1"> p. in. Gross Kicks, (Jr. and Sr.) Tues v October 12th, 4:15, OnHmist, (Sophmores) Wednesday, Ocfober '3th at 4:15, Grade S bool clubs will also begin on Thursday Octo '■or 14th and Friday October 15th Ifith providing grade schools open Monday, Ootober 11th. Our Girl Reserves clubs are open to any girl bewteen the ages of 11 and 18 who is interested in finding and filling her place in the world, and also eager to ‘ build up the finest” in her home, her church, her school and her community. The Girl Reserve Committee, with Mrs. Lois Goode, chairman, is sponsoring a bridge tournament on Saturday night, October 9th, at the YWCA. 25 mothers shared in an evening of fellowship at the “Y” on Monday night October 4th, at which time, Mrs. Thelma Hancock talked to the mothers on the topic, “My Job.” The next meeting will held at the ‘Y” on Monday October 18th at 7:30, at which time the Mothers Council will be organized, and officers will be formally elect ed. We invite all mothers to join this group. M ■ A. L. Scott, 1912 No. 25lh , street, received a serious cut on his ! finge- while on his job which re quired several stitehas. He was sent home. WANTED Colored Contestants for the Big Apple Gance Contest Orpheum Theatre Apply to Mr. Boa'ner •ft Jim Bell’s Harlem Club if' __ . .fato ,\A I j MODERN SHOE REPAIR 1 1410 Nmth 24 h Street Women’s Top Lifts. 15c* i Vernon's half soles.65c & up; Ten's half soles and heels_ j „... ..$1.00 & upj Jen's half soles.75c and up1 Jen's rubber heels.35c and up ttrildren's half soles and heels ... 75c Jhildran's half soles .50c up Qtmlity Is Our Policy Men’s Dress Shirts 13% to 20 §1.00 Men’s Ties. $.29-4 for $1.00 Op?n anti] 9 Sat. evenings ACE TIE SHOP 1402 Farnarti HERXJUTS MARKET HERMAN FRIEDLANDER Proprietor “EAT FLEISCIIM ANN’S YEAST FOR HEALTH” ■ "" ‘24th and Lake Street WEbster 5444 Have you tas'ed fish at Jeff's? Why not? 1818 No. 24th. -o Mrs. Lucy Hawkins, 2923 Lake street has returned from St. Joe Mo. where she spent her vacation. Bargains in Homes 959 No. 25th Ave, 5 rooms all, modern except heat. Price $1,109. Cash $110. Balance per month $13.50. 1.124 No. 26th St. 6 rooms modern except heat. Price $1,000. Cash $100. Bal per month $12 50. 1 house for rent furri h?d. Modern except heat. $20.00 per month. Kitchenette Apartment. All modern furnished. All monthly payments above in elude taxes and interest. E M. DAVIS Licensed Real Estate Broker 2817 No. 24tjh St. WE 1166 <|2.49 to $4.00 in A» Colors r New... flattering ... ankle slimming modes in Fall’s most fashionable material. Discovered by Jol£ne, noted ' Hollywood style authority 1 and sent directly to us. FRIEDMAN’S SHOE STORE 1510 No. 241 h St JA 0353 DampWash Beautifully washed and returned just damp enough to IKON. ^inimiun bundle 48c Shirts Finished in Any Family Bundle 8c LAITNDERERS AND DRY CLEANERS Eflholm & Sherman >10’ Varth »MI C. Wf *40,000.00 Prize Contest— on the Electrical Standard of Living • This is not an ordinary contest! It moans stepping into easier, healthier, and happier living. Washing, cooking, clean ing, and ironing ELECTRICALLY! This contest is so simple! And so profitable! For just a few m'nutes of your time, you MAY win a $12,C00 Electrically equipped New American Home; an $3,000 New American Home; or any of the 102 awards totalling $40,000 in prises! Decide to enter TODAY! Here’s What You Do! 9 "The Electrical way ol living appeals to me, particularly, because-" Com jjlote this sentence in one hundred, or less, wcrd3l Just simple, sincere every-day words! And that's all you need to dol You have nothing to buy! Nothing to lose! And beautiful prizes to gain! Get your contest entry blank TODAY! Write or call the Nebraska Power Company, 17th and Harney Streets, Omaha, Nebraska. Your copy will be mailed immediately. Nebraska Power Company