ON Hit RAILS As you know< for a reapproachment with Italy at the expense of Ethiopia and Loyalist Spain. Alieady there if evidence that the British people are ttuvot'ghly arroused and will op pose any further dickci i:>g with a p«w»i that is dei;*>ciateiv attHck •*.g i ritish shipping. Italy Faces African Crisis The Italian pirate submarine campagin is hIso likely to have im. portant repercussions in France, where the Popular Front Govern ment is showing signs of taking a firm stand against Italian inter vention in Spain and toward a re versal of its inherited policy of permitting the use of the French Djibouti-Addis Ababa railroad for transportation of troops and wr. materials into Ethiopia. The French East African rail road has be orae a vital factor in the Italian campaign to consolidate conquest if Ethiopia, with Italian commun.ationi-- between Ethiopia and the Italian colonies on the Fast African roast disrupted by Ethiopia* guerrila fighters. V. V.V.V.W.V.WAV.V.W Thii a. tide refers you to our reli able, efficient and courteous neigh bors. « U drug stores. Johnson Drug Store 1904 N. 24th St. WE 0998 Fine Liquor, Wines, and Beer PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Also Robbins Pharmacy 2306 N. 24th St. WE. 17711 Drugs and Sundries Free Delivery We make our own Ice cream Fresh Daily PATRONIZE YOUR NEIGHBOR HOOD DRUGGIST W. W.VWWAWWJWM Health Beauty Charm Keep Young1 and Beautiful (By Althouso Beauty School) Facials for the Teen Age The facial treatment for girls of this age is primarily a cleansing treatment to remove blackheads, re lieve clogged pores, to arrest seri ous blemishes and to correict a too dry or too oily skin. It is however very seldom that we have to treat the skin too dry we, recommend as a race have oily skins. When the skin is too dry we cecommend a light lubrication cream and when too oily we use a light astringent lotion which acts as a powder base. The teen age miss seldom needs a stimulating tonic or a vigorously deep massage, because the skin fa wrinkle free, well toned, full of life and vitality. All it needs is an extra thorough cleansing to re tain its normal condition. This should be given every month or six weeks. To my mother who was 13 years old on Emancipation day, she was proud. Jeff’s, 1818 No. 21th St. .VAW.VAV.W.W.V.V.V. •i CQFFEE JOHN’S ■; £ 111 So. 14tii St. £ Biggest 10c Meals lu City / J Everybody Welcome i . .v.v.v.v.v.v.v.-.v.v.v,. Ritz Shoe Repair 2033 N. 24th St. Frank Pcimpidor, Prop. Repair work neatly done. All work guaranteed. Shoes rebuilt. Half soles, rubber heels or dyed Ladies and Cents shine parlor. Walk in please—Walk out pleased —---- ' ■ ...- I • Follow the Crowd to POPS BUFFET 24th gjnd Seward Sts. Package and On Sale LIQWOR Efficient and Courteous Servcie VISIT THE New Elite Bar 2423 N. 24th St. Drinks of All Kinds At Moderate Prices Special Courtesy to Ladies Direit Wire on All Sporting Events Christopher & McGill, Preps. South Omaha’s Outstanding Store We Employ People of Your Raee . . AT THE UNION OUTFITTING COMPANYJ SATURDAY Well Allow , gmM For Your Old \ "Radio Relic" \ ^ Purchase of / Modern Kew 1938 •^7 • Featuring Full Foreign Reception and Foreign Tuning System! k Its National Price Is.$69.95 fa Less Big Trade-In —*■ Allowance.$26.00 ™ Reduced Price to Only • Como la . * • aid Atk for a PNILCO Don* ooitratlool Regardless of how old your present radio is . . , regardless of size or condition . . . we’ll allow you $25 for it in the purchase of this modern, new 1938 PHILCO! Built with 14 tuned circuits, it really gets you distance when you want it. Its oversized elestro-dynamie speaker brings you marvelous volume. Small carrying charge for terms.