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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1937)
Seeton of the Omaha Guide’s Food demonstration last year. This photo was taken on Hallowe’en night. MRS. MILDRED GILBERT Advertising manager of the Omaha Guide, also a civic and social leader of the community. Shot will on the Emancipation program, Monday night at the Elks hall. MRS. EDNA MITCHELL Mrs. Edna Mitchell, saleswoman for the American Coal Co., whc will participate in the Omaha Guide Emancipation celebration. This Issue Dated For Emancipation Day Observance Although (luted Sept. 22nd, th;s Emancipation edition is being deliv evo.d the current week and contains all of the news that would regular ly go into our October 2nd issue. Tho staff of the Omaha Guide an 1 merchants throughout Omaha have joined hands in an effort to bring 1 to you the finest Emancipation Edi tion ever published. We ho| e you like it. -o ■ — ‘Y’ Activities Sunday October 3rd, at 4:30 p. m., Northside Branch YWCA will have its annual fait opening to which the public is cordially invited In addition to announcing t> a fall activities, there will be a very interesting program. Mu-ie will be tarnished by the City Service ovcre stra. Delegates to the Okoboji busi ness and Industrial Conference and the Girl Reserve Summer Confer ence will be present in a unique; original way their experiences. The following delegates will participate Girl Reserves: Doris Newland, Mary Wiggins and Mercedes Moore from the Entre Nous, Trojan and Quack clubs: Eva Mae Stewart, Thelma Dickinson, Edna Carr, Ed i Thomas, Hattie Moore, MuniV, (’ 1 Vn« and Essie Porter. Mrs. John A. Williams, Chairman of the Committee of Management w V pro ’ide. Mas. Susie Yancy will have charge of the tea hours that follows assisted by the. Committee of Management and club pres:dcnts. The Committee in charge of the fall opening are: Mrs. Susie Yancy, Mrs. Vera Price, Mrs. W. B. Bryant i Mrs. L. L. McVay, Mrs. Agnes Hawkins, Mrs. Geraldine Stewart, and the conference delegates. -o Mr. Louis McDade, former resi dent of Omaha and prominent offi cial at St John AME, who is mak ing his home in Los Angeles, was in town over the week end visiting old acquaintances. Allen Company Has Rapid Growth The Allen Appliance Co,, 5003 So. 21th St., began business a lit. tie over two yea>s ago and now operates one of the largest ex. elusive electrical appliance stores in the Omaha territory. They represent more then 25 of the leading major lines of elec, lrical appliances—electrical refrig, era tors, washers, ironers, radios, vacuum cleaners, sewing maeh nos, gas and electric stoves and small appliances. ‘Our success,” said Mr. Brehsn, ‘'is due largely to our growing list of satisfied customers.” A complete service department is maintained. -o PROMINENT COUPLE WED Miss Lucille Biven of Louisville, Ky., and Mr. James Roy McAllister of Omaha were quietly married Tuesday in Council Bluffs, la. -o The Skans furniture, which is located at 2205 Farnam St., and of which Mr. G. A. Skans is president has a full line of furniture for all occasions. This firms shows kindness to Negro people. First of all, it main, tains Negro help which is the greatest respect that any can show to our group. HO-RO-CO. St. Louis, Mo. USA Late Classified £ds FURNISHED apartment. WE 0421 FOR R'ENT 5 room apartment. Modern except hoat. $18.00 per month. Call office, JA 1286. Home after 5 p. m. WA 5424. ~FURNISHiED APARTMENT. All newley decorated. CALL ATlantic 7313. j7n. CLEANERS and TAILORS 1805 No. 24th St. WE 6161 Wo do all kinds of work. 3 Apartments for rent. 2004 No. 27th St. Kitchenette apartment Chll WE 3146. FOR RENT or sale beautifully ► wlv decorated house. Oak floors, garages income. Best colored v n inity. AT 4698 evenings AT 6553. Room for rent 2705 Ohio. Room for rent man only 2211 Grant WE 1517. Chicago, Sept. 22 (By Percy R. Hines for AND)—The 24th anni versary of the Nat onal Alliance of Postal Empoyees v > 1 ! e nin Yd m .October 6th, when more than 70 branches of the organ zation located in as many citi. s through out the United States conduct ex. ercises celebrating the occasion. The date has been termed "Alliance Day” by the organization and fea. tures will be presented designed to improve the status of government workers in general and Negro post ' al employees in particular. The N. A. P. E. now has financial assets of more than $50,000. L. F. Ford of St. Louis is president. ! , Free Course I Iii HAIR CULTURE Conilitloi of MarorlHnr Flngerwartnir Shampoo Formula Incliutlnr DIPLOMA BT MAIL Writ* To<1»t CUBAN OOSMT7TIC CO. Dept. 6315-X CHICAGO. II.I,. RETURNS FROM VACATION TRIP Mrs. Adora Bland, 21)09 No. 28th St., has just returned to the city after visiting with friends, Mrs. Cleo Burris, and Mrs. Frank Thonip son, in Los Angeles, Calif. Mr*. Bland reports a very enjoyable trip She also visited other points west which were very interesting; in. cuding, Cheyne, San Francisco, Sacramento, San Berdino, Oakland, Las Vagas, Nev.; Reno, Denver, Colorado Springs, Pikes Peak,’ ‘Thu Garden of the Gods’ 'Hidden Inn’ ‘Cathedral Spire,' Buldor Dam Serpentine Drive ‘From the Cave ot the Wells.” V hile in C*1 »ornw, Mrs. Bland w s the rec'nie.nt of many social courtesies. Shu also attended ine N itional Banti«t Convent) >n winch ,vr vened in Los Angeles. 1 yt ^ 4 ^n: ?:i 0 r«i Broadcasts, All Pollc# ^— Call*, Amataur and Aaroplana Statloni - - -- EMERSON Model R-167 Powerful 5-Tub# AC Su perheterodyne with SEMLOID Dial, Em. •non "MICRO-SC. LECTOR", Auto matic V o I u m #| Control, Ton# Con trol and other tea turei in a gorgeoui hand rubbed Walnut cabinet. "Miracle 5".. Model R-156 American Broadcasts, Police Calls, Amateur and Aeroplane Stations 5-Tube AC Superheterodyne — Has Auto matic Volume Control—Tone Control—Dy namic Speaker—3 Watte Output—EXCLU SIVE Gemloid Indirectly Lighted Dial—and other modem ieatures. BIG-SET PERFORMANCI FOR ONLY ★ Emerson "MICRO-SELECTOR" means quick, sure tuning of more stations ★ Emerson "HARMONIZED UNIT" Construction means faithful reception. Standard American Braadcuttt, Police Colli, Amateur and Aeroplane Statloni B - Tub* "AC" Sup*rh*tsrodyn* with Automatic Volum* Control— Ton* Control—Dynamic Sp*alc*r and all oth*r now engineering (•atur**. Hand-.iibbed walnut cabinat. A marvelous "buy" at . . EMERSON Modal R-1S8 »■— i ■ — 1 fkoro'i ao tmeroo .or t^ry torio Ota turpoto— X from $14.95 to $139.95 (££)' _ _ «r f ALLEN APPLIANCE ) 5 OPEN EVENINGS / | 5003 So. 24th St. MA-2221 ' I ' I AUTOMATIC STOKER l I 1-__^_1 i Saves Fuel =Burns Less Expensive \ Coal l Always Reliable lNever Goes Complete - I ly Out ^Automatic Control i i--—.—— 51 5 Even Temperature I Saves Labor E Economical I Safe and Clean [ No Smoke 1 ---1 c 1 Model 35—7 to 35 lbs. coal per h^ur ^ Model 50—10 to 50 lbs. coal per hour. | | Serviceability Controlability J j Heat Ability Save Ability E 3 Dependability Lasting Ability j--;---■-—-™----=^-^-=1 j | 3 Toss away Your Work Gloves. | Bid good bye to shaking the grates. I 3 Automatic stoker converts the gas in your stove into heat instead of wasting it up i 3 the chimney. i t 3 All you have to do is set the thermostat for the temperature you want and it will % | regulate the fire and keep that temperature constantly. i i -- I