The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 22, 1937, EMANCIPATION EDITION, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Mm nr.,_
tired matron nt the Burlington De
pot., who hais .been ill at her borne,
2211 Ohio, for tie past few weeks,
is reported to be improving rapidly.
Two unfurnished rooms, 2501
Burdette street.
Miss Loraine A. Lewis, dnught r
of Mr. nnd Mrs, Joseph D. Lewis,
prominent Mortician, 24th and \V I
is Ave., left Saturday evening for
Nashville, enn,, where she wi'l en
ter Fisk university. Sh-‘ was a e m
panied by her s:8ler, Miss Chorion--'
I. Lewis, as far ns St. Loirs. Mi s
Lorene, is a graduate cf ITob n
sphuh Carpenter Collage of Em
balming, St. Louis, Mo. M ss Ch
lime is a senior at the A. and I. col
logo, Nashville., Tenn.
Five room bungalow with garage
in excellent condition, 5005 No. fUth
street. $28.00 month. Call Robbins,
WE 1711.
Mrs. W. M. Cooper, 2608 Blondo,
who has been out of the city for the
past month has returned to this
city, after visiting her mother and
father, M,r. and Mrs. Ben Hawkins,
in Arkansas. Mrs. Cooper was ac
companied by her sister, Mrs. Mary
Smith, and her two childrem, Ruth
Mae, and James.
Stands Where Ancestor Built
It 250 Years Ago.
Essex, Conn.—When John Pratt,
|with'Jiis wife and children and his
[household goods, moved to this vil-'
lage In 1678 and set himself up as
a blacksmith, he scarcely would i
have imagined that 250 years later
there would still be a blacksmith
jshop in operation on the same spot
l and that the proprietor would be his
[lineal descendant.
j Hundreds of persons stop every
, summer to ask about what is said
| to be the oldest business in the coun
try that has always been in the
hands of one family and to talk to
James Lord Psatt, the present own
er and eighth generation from the
Jim Pratt is not sure how many
buildings the family has used In
conduoting the smithy business for
two and a half centuries. The pres
ent shop, he knows, was. built by
his grandfather eighty years ago to
take care of an iron business ex
panding with the building of clip
per ships on the Connecticut river
“I shall have a shop which is
large and light," said that John
Pratt. "It shall have many win
dows and large ones. It shall be
of brick and it shall be large enough
for four forges."
Such a building was put up, and
It is still sound. It had windows
enough to permit work from day
break to dusk.1 It was large enough
to hold the year's supply of iroj,
brought in by boat in the autumn,
and once it did have four forges.
One was used for horse and ox
shoeing, cne for wagon repairing
and two for making iron mast bands
and other ship fittings.
Now modern machinery has been
Installed. An electric blower is con
cealed in the forge in place of the
old bellows, and the smith uses^a
power hammer more often than the
old anvil.
It is five or six years since
shod his last horse, and it is a qu:.
ter of a century since oxen were
shod in the shop.
Arctic Growing Warmer
With Aid of Tropic Air |
Moscow.—Professor V. Vize, Are '
tic scientist and explorer, has coin i
pleted a study dealing with the!
change of climate in the Arctic. Ac- '
cording to his studies, the mean an ■
nual temperature in the Arctic in
the regions adjoining the Atlantic
ocean has risen by two dei n 'i
during the last 17 years. Durmq
the winter the rise of temperature,
as compared with 17 years a > i
up to five degrees. On Franz
Land the temperature rise rcnchta,
seven degrees.
A noticeable recession of the pe
elers covering the Arctic islnn <«.
and a decrease in the quaniibes of
ice floating in the Arctic : ■ is is o j.
served together v a the warn r
temperature. Considerable thawi q
of ice is taking place in Spltzbcrn :
The change in climate occurri q
not only in the Arctic, but a iso in,
the temperate climate zone oI t u
U. S. S. '1 is explained by mere
into i ve i change of air between
tlu- p,.ur ! equatorial regions.
Skin of man Slate”
Is S’ isi ive l© Wri irj
Camden, N. J.—Stephen Kuclnrk :
twenty-four years old. doesn't huvij
to “write it on the cuff’—he u..
his skin.
Physicians say that Kueinski sai
lers from dertnography. Word}
written on his flesh with a In wi
pointed instrument remain legibi i
The Looking Habit
Baggsq-Happy are they who look
before they marry.
Boggs—Yes, and overlook after
Grow Gloss
Beauty Shoppe
2512 N. 24th Street
Get a box of Elsie Turner’s
combination pressing oil and
hair grower. AT 3026, Miss
Turner will be glad to serve you
at any time. Grow Gloss Hair
Grower is just the preparation
you have been waiting for.
The Word Cantaloapa
The word cantaloupe la oftea
looaely nsed. but should reolly he
applied only to a particular variety
•f ribbed musk melon which was
8r*t grown In ISuroim at the castle
»f t'nutalupo, in Italy.
Reforir* «-d Praere**
"Reforms arc e •••ntlal to prog
o*s," said III llo the m* '«• of t'hlim
town. *‘Thcv mud ha attained by
learning not only what hi posuibie
nit what is Impossible."
Tourhrevv of Lithograph Paper
Experiments with lithograph pa
ier eondiudod by the bureau of
standards allow that It* resistance
,o tearing and breaking Increases
i» the humidity gees up.
Much of anyone’* knowledge Is
really only information gained h.v
-ending or hearing the facts and
not hv actual v/Mne** or exainlna
ltoil of them.
* or -’on’* Puih P O. Moor*
One third of the f’f.iV'o mimi letters.
iHisteards. etc., posted In Ismdon
every week nre posted In the two
hours between 4 :.’!() |). m. and 11:30
Ii. nt.
! 'fe Standard* Different
The Ea t found the standard* of
western tile in actual practice very
different from those contained In
the New Testa nienL
Early Glass Making
In America glass making was first
started at the beginning of the Sev
enteenth century nt Jamestown. Va
63 'Dead' Hearts Revived
Sixty-three human hearts have
been made to beat again after be
ing removed from the bodies of
persons who have died. The ob
ject ef these experiments, by Dr.
William B. Kountz. of St. Louis,
was to learn more about human
hearts and how they function, both
in health and sickness—information
which cannot be obtained by ob
servation of animal or chicken
hearts.—Scientific American.
Strange Calf Match
Two men living near Swindon.
England, have played golf every
week that the weather perniitte
for the past 1* years. One is a re
tired farmer seven'y-three years
old and the other is a postmaster
several years younger. There is
an understanding between them
that the match will continue until
one dies or has to quit. The win
ner gets a silver jug.
In Error
Interviewer — I have been in
formed, sir, that you began life as
a poor bricklayer—
Great Contractor—There are two
mlatakea in that sentence. I be
gan life as an infant, and there is
no such thing as a poor bricklayer.
—The'Texas Ranger.
Slightly Mixed
Sunday School Teacher—Can you
tell something about Good Friday,
Freddy? #
Freddy—Yes, ma’am. He was
the fellow who did the housework
for Robinson Crusoe.—Stray Stories
Compliments of
Sam Feldman Grocery
^ WE 4515 24th and lllondo SC.
■« We feature Quality Foods and
j The Jewelry Store |
Tha + hyJts^ Yo’i to Trffdc w'th Them for
Diamonds—Jewelry and Silver
That Invites You to Trade withl Them fop——
-Best Repairs of All Kinds—I
ff.L. Combs & Sons
'Since 1888”
Bargain Center
If you want bargains, come to
Brody’s Bargain Store
_1324 No. 24th St.
Our Prices
Are Always
‘36 Ford Coach . $435
‘36 LaFayette Sedan .. 395
'36 Olds Touring Ttider .... 595
‘35 Ford Deluxe Coacfc .... 350
‘35 Chevrolet Master (fetch 450
‘35 Pontiac Deluxe Coach .... 425
‘34 Chevrolet Master Coach 345
‘34 Pontiac Coach, n' w tires 340
‘35 Chevrolet Coupe 410
33 Pontiac Coath . 265
‘33 Deluxe Victoria . 295
‘31 Pont:nc Sedan . 150
‘31 P’ymcuth Sedan . 95
‘29 Ch vrolet Sedan . 50
‘29 Ford Pick Up .. |65
‘2j E-s:x Coach, (). K... 45
50 others all prices and makes.
Your Pontiac Dealer
2215 Harney WE. 4444
Nwida. tire# d«ala—Lat ia*»
0.i »l « lltu*.
1 ■ " = " «i
.. . _.L_
jlmjli — Abioltttttff *’l *Uc*
ulc MLu>r> **♦"
j#|.. ,y, —. -vr&
7A '' f ~ "" J g* ,
m tv uUlfiijLd irom
$19.95 to $759.99
\ Vthan r5 F9 ?a pp f1 IT'1
\T l j 111! IIM
I-'G—An slrctric motor spins jjlji.
. a nssdls round tbs dial to
V»ux stadoa*
C .’ITflOl—Your choice ol *»»•
u t.»nl toot raag*s.
kZr~s r»b.. /'* Woofl
^ j«- jjr*
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