The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 22, 1937, EMANCIPATION EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3

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    Dean William Pickens
Held Secretary of N« A. A- C P.
Colored Dancers In
“Big Apple” Contest
; £u» -
Omahan’s will have th ''r f!rst
opportunity to see the now dnnro
Craze “The Big Apple’’ dance in f ill
awing, at a collegi'te m’dp g'vt
jambree at the Orpheum theatre
Saturday night at 11:46, when the
pick of the city’s c lored h or rs
compete for cash prizes on ' the
, «
This frenzied, half hysterical
dance craze, combining Swingin’.
Truckin’ and the Oy rlcston, in
< ti« delirious gyrath n, erginated
in the Do n South a: <1 h's been
sweeping the 11 e t by storm.
It will be demonstrated <n the
stage at the Midnight show Satur.
day to the tune of Gr g Wi’l’emr,’
all colored “B’g Apple” dunce or
As their screen aPrietjon <h'*
Orpheum theatre as arranged for
an advance showing of Warner’s
now musicacl “Variety Show” star,
ring Fred Waring anl h:s Pen -syl.
vanians, IMck Powell, Ted Healy,
Walter Catlett, Priscilla Lane and
Buck and Bubbles.
Tickets went on sale Wednesday
at the Orpheum theatre box office.
Dancers who wish to < nter “The
Big Apple” contest are urged to
get in touch with Manager Bill
Miskell, of the Orpheum theatre
First rehearsal will be held at the
Orpheum teatre Thur day morning
at 10 o’clock.
Legnlilv of • obky’itj
Tlie First amendment gnu rue tees
Hie right of people to petition the
Bpver!uu‘*nt '.Ybvn tvbbyins tf'.m
ply tin! utlempl io Inllueiit'e legis
lation by petition, or by n statement
of one’s side of a case. It Is en
tin ly legitimate. When it stoops
to intimidation or bribery It ceases
to be legal.
Mount Rainier Parlt
Of all the attractions of the Pa
eiiie Northwest, none is more irmpir
lug than Mount Rainier pa.U in
IVii hiiigttig. There are 42> si|'utre
nil! s of iiioiiii'aln wonder’ iml, 2s
gb, ier;. sp- etaenJar water a IN. n
riel of wild (low rs and one of tb
1:1;-: eat moiintains in the V -*rl I.
Do Not Live on Air
fi was a belief among the old nnt
lira i t F at elinnieltuins ex iled on
i; 1 r T1 s H i|,,t true. The fuel
tbiil tin m er ■ .a s are aide I" g-.
without food mr Ion- pern-da e
dot it led to this onoimoii: earli <
1 nion.
OH 'st f "road Stati n
’ mnt (Mare in Haiti mr ■ Is tb
I si ca Irimd station not > ly in
I Foiled States hilt In tb • world
I (is built in lei’ll. It is n u used
,t station.
Swords From Heaven
ll is believed that aneient Irudl
lions of certain ttue swords being
em i*rotn heaven can he exp I lined
liy i he fact that they were made
I rui.i meteoric iron.
The Port of Pompeii
Ir:carations have brought to light
what was once the port of Pompeii.
In a tavern were found the skele
tons of three men trapped while
drinking wine.
Interior of RoObins Pharmacy, 24th and Grant streets. Showing Dr.
Price Terrell and Dr. Leroy Robbins m foreground.
Sivcn Wonder* of the World
The generally accepted list of the
l? en wonders of the world Is as
ft Hows: tin* Pyramids of Egypt,
lhe Hanging Gardens of Scmlratnls
nt Babylon. the Temple of Dlann at
Ephesus. the Statue of Zeus by
I'hidia*. tlic tunih of Mausolus, the j
Pharos (lighthouse) of Alexandria
mil the Colossus of Uhodes.—Path
Under Magn/.l’ie.
Diet of 'iivijo Indian*
Tie orthodox Navajo will not cat
j! h eggs or (jowl. Some of the
voia ','i' rr',"*'<n cm who have heen
lo school vl late these prolii# lions,
h'*l the ujil m ii keep them strictly.
I i'Icrs iieci loltnlly sell tinned sar
' to the Indians, hut tlie pur
•hir er invarhihly explains that, to
his Mom 'eft, the sardines are tuedi
elite, not food.
f'c'titorrar cm Region’* Climate
T'e climate of the Mediterranean
region Is warm, almost tropical. The
j mean temperature for the year is
'7.h degrees !■’ The winters are
mild, hut the summers are hot and
almost ralnlo.-.s. The heat of the
summer, however, is tempered In
tunny localities- by the sett breezes.
The English Setter
The generally accepted belief Is I
that the English setter is the result '
of a cross between spaniels and the
ild Spanish pointers. English set
lers in America, while the offspring
of a parent stock that had Its ori
gin hi European countries, are the
evolution of American sportsmen.
The Hemicycle
The word hemicycle means half
circle. It Is a curved or approxi
mately semi-circular structure, as
that of some arenas of an orchestra
nr part of a room; hence, a wall
built In that form or a painting on
such a wall, as the hemicycle of the
Ecole des Beaux Arts.
Green Water Snake*
Green water snakes appear In
South Carolina, despite scientific
books which set their range through
Florida and Louisiana and up the
Mississippi river to Ilinols.
Flush Kidneys of Waste Matter
Poisons and Acid and Stop
Getting Up Nights.
35 Cents PROVES IT
When your kidneys are clogged
and your bladder Is irritated and
passage (scant and offten smarts
and buPns ylu need Gold Medal
Haarlem Oil Capsules a fine
hanniless stimulant ajnd dturetfix
that always works and costs but
35 cents at any modern ding
store. It’s one, gotfd, safe way to
put healthy activity into kidneys
and bladder—you’ll sleep sound
tho whoje night thru. But be sure
and got GOLD MEDAL— right
front Haarlem In Holland—you
are assured of results
Other symptoms of weak; kid
ney and irritatd bladder are
backache, puffy eyes, leg cramp,
moist palms
Veterans of Thinning Ranks j
Who Fought In the Civil War
Honored at Celebration
Three of Omaha’s 14 aged civil
was veterans passed n review be- j
fore a crowd of 400 of their fcene.
ficiaric.s at the Omaha Cude’s
Emancipation cele.brati< n held at
the Elks’ hall Monday n'ght.
Mr. Paul Holliday, Pev, D.
Nicholson and Mr. George Watson
donated their cars and delivered
the veterans to the hall.
The commemoration prog nun
was presided over by Atty. Charles
F. Davis with Senator John Adams
being the principal speaker.
In his address Senator Adams
gave a general outline of the Am.
crican Negro’s progress since
Emancipation, stating that though
Rev. Jessie Richard Young, for.
mer assistant pastor and leader for
two years of Zion Baptist church,
passed away Sunday morning. Rev.
Young came here under Dr. W. F.
Botts where he was called from
Bethel Baptist church and made
assistant pastor under Rev. Botts
where he served for more than two
years. Dr. Botts left Zion owing to
ill health. Rev. Young held the
church together until Rev. Harper
was called as pastor. Rev. Young
served for six years. Then his
health began to fail. He entered the
hospital during the fall of 1936
twice. In June 1936 he went to
Hot Springs, Ark., where he took
baths and hoped to regain his
health. Following that he went
to work for a time. A few weeks
ago ho became, ill and suddenly
made a turn for the worse. The
end came early Sunday morning
at the residence of his brother, Mr.
Sheppard Young.
He was a native of Louisiana
and had also been employed by the
Union Outfitting Co. for more than
IE years.
The. funeral seiwices were held
Wednesday from Zion Baptist
church at 2 p. m.
The Dude Ranches
No two dude ranches are exactly
alike. Some are founded on the bas
is of still active ranches which are
conducted as business enterprises
in W'hich the raising of livestock
and grain crop3 is the primary
business and that of the entertain
ment of visitors a secondary one.
Some are partly one and partly the
other; others have been developed
from the beginning as guest
ranches. Some are in the moun
tain areas, some on the plains,
and others in deserts of the South
FREE LUCK BAGI 50c Algerian Ma|o
Luck Beg and samples Hair Dreiiing,
Powder, Ointment Free, Send 10c te
cover mailing cost.
Dept. qj Memphis, Tenn.j
constitutionally free, the, Negro
had failed to gained political, ec.
onomienl and political freedom.
As a means for acjuring race pride
and strengthing the morale of the
younger generation. Senator Adams
urged parents to take a keener
interest in the studying of the
Negro’s historical* background that
they might learn of the really
great accomplishment of the darker
race and pass the information on
to their children.
Others on the speaking program
were: Rev. D. Nicholson of Carinda,
la.; invocation; (h;'aha Civic or.
chest;-a, Mjfss 1 f'wnjys, Los
Cantores chorus, Prof. Josiah
Waddles, Miss Ida Holiday and
Albert Baker, Deputy Chief of
State Veterans of Foreign Wars
from the state of Washington.
Plentiful repasts, consisting of
varied sandwiches salads ami coffee
were served by Mr. C. C. Galloway,
sponsor, Ethel Terrell and Ola Mae
Williams, Ester Horton, Mrs.
C. E. Reynolds and Mrs. Florence (
. o
Trees Should Mature
As proof that it pays to wait until ,
trees are mature and of fairly good ■
size before cutting them for tim
ber, forestry experts offer the fol
lowing statistics: “There i$ about
19 times as much lumber in a tree
with a 2G-inch trunk as in a 9-inch
tree and the lumber is worth more
per foot, bringing the value up to
36 times that of wood from the 9
inch tree.”
A Gentleman Farmer
Son-Daddy, what do you mean
by a gentleman farmer?
Daddy—A gentleman farmer, my
son, is one who seldom raises any
thing but his hat.
He Auto Know
She—1 see in the paper mat three
persons were killed in a feud.
He—'Those cheap cars are dan
11 .
Csuses Gss, ]
Nerve Pressure |
When you nre constipated two things hap
pen. FlllbT: Wastes aw 11 up the bowels and
press on nerves in the digestive trad. This
nerve pressure causes headaches, a dull, lazy
feeling, bilious spell-, lo -h of appetite and dir
tiness. RECONI): Partly digested food starts
to decay forming GAS, bringing on sour
stomach (acid indigestion), and heartburn,
bloating you up until you sometimes gasp for
| breath.
Then you spend manv miserable days. You
I CAn't eat. You can’t sleep. Your stomach is
pour. You feel tired out, grouchy and miser
To get the complete relief you seek you
must do TWO things. 1. You must relieve
the GAS. 2. You must clear the bowels and
NERVES. As soon as offending wastos are
washed out you feci marvelously refreshed,
blues vanish, the world looks bright again.
There is only one product on the market
•that gives you the DOUBLE ACTION you
need. It is ADLERIKA. This efficient car
minative catbartio relieves that awful GAS
at once. It often removes bowel congestion,
in baU an hour. No waiting for overnight}
relief. Adlerika acts on the stomach and botE
bowels. Ordinary laxatives act on the lower
bowel only.
Adlerika has been reo
ommended by many tloo
tors and druggists tor 35
years. No griping, no after
effects. Just QUICK re
mits. Try Adlerika today.
You’ll say you have never
used such an efficient intee
tinal cleanser.
GISTS knout that Adler.
,iba has no euhetiiuta.
1 Alutaye DEMAND the
I genuine.
Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey.
SUNFLOWER STATE—Fine flavor straight Bourbon.
Those Brands are your guarantee of quality. , .
Bottled for and recommended by
I Olson Company Inc
Wholesale Liquor Merchants Omaha, Fegraska
Nuptial Arbor Day
New ly married couples In I lor |
solid a German town, have to plant
two fruit trees for the municipality
to celebrate their wedding.
The Great Man
A great man ts great by thinking 1
great thoughts; and If we cannot !
think Ids thoughts, we cannot know 1
his greatness.
Fir»t Arithmetic Book
The first arithmetic book printed
was Bishop John Sherwood's "Ld- i
dus Arithmo Mnchinae," In Home. In .
the year 1482.
Air Route Over Ice-Cap
The shortest nlr route between I
Britain and North America Is over
the Ice cap of southern Greenland.
: Compliments Of
; 09.
1509 Jackson
j. AT 3322
Saturday. Oct. 2, 11:45 PM
“The Big Apple’’
Dance Contest
with Omaha’s hottest colored oofers competing for cash
prizes. To the torrid music of Gregg Williams’ ’Big Apple” ,
dance I'and. v
All Seats 40cNow On Sale
Show ’
■ With
Fred Waring and his Pennsylvania's
D^ck Powell and Ted Healy
Buck and Bubbles |
Central Market
1608 Harney Street AT. 8720
puehler Bros. Markets
j 2501 N. 24th 212 N. 16th 4905 S. 24th
) High-class Meats at Reasonable Price
American Coal Co.
At 3670 1224 N 13th At 3670
Excel Petroleum Nut Coke.11.50
Paris—Large Lump or Furnace... .11.50
Black Beauty Semi Anthracite, lump
or Furnace.10.75
Black Beauty Mine Run 60-40.... 9.50
Smokeless—Sootless—Low in Ash
Comfort Semi Anthracite Lump .. .10.25
Comfort Mine Run 160-40. 9.00
I Smokeless—Sootless- \
Frankin County Lump.9.25
Hot Flame Lump. 8.50
Central Illinois Lump. 8.25
Cherokee Lump.8.00
Cherokee Nut.7.50
American Lump.7.50
American Nut. 7.25
Thrifty Blend.7.00
Be wise use our finance Plata and protect yourself from higher
prices. Let your worries be our worries, Call AT 3670
Celebration Thiis Emancipation Day, to Your Wonderful
Progress During the Past 70 Years.