The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 22, 1937, EMANCIPATION EDITION, Page SIX, Image 21

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    Fy Ken Jos amy
Flash and -.pesd Tvld e Blunt,
Corona, Long I land heavyweight
who scored sen,-at on 1 y when he
knocked out Jack Tyamm ’ll in one
round at the Garden some tim > ago,
won a decision over Jo gc> B e s'ca,
Argentine heavyweight last-week.
.. Joe Ix»uis s opped Brescia in
four rounds. Lorenzo Pack, De
troit heavy, and Tony Galenta, the
heavyweight champion of New
Jersey, wi'l meet in a ten round
hout nt Convention hall, Atlantic
City. Sept. 28th Willian “Bill"
Taylor known for hi hrilliant rj
oord in rchc'a-tic circles sm a coach,
is hi o new boss of the Arkansas
State college gridsters.This
year’s team will be led by Capta n
Mack Robin’on, who starred for
Arkansas last year .The Black
Yankee* football team, an offshoot
of it* baseball outfit, is planning
an ox tensive retlrue for the com
ing season .... Moe Arte-;t, who
went to Gwnrgia State we* a mem
ber of the All Southern Collegj»n«,
ha* been Installed a* coach.
The Wh of experienced football
era at Hampton Institute Is the
main eon. e n of coach Gideon
Smith_ The Ar t game of the
aaaaon calls for thorn ta meet the
atrang Booth Carolina State team
of Roangeburg_Tiger Jack Fox,
Spokane, Washington light heavy
weight, kayoed Joe Finabbo In the
flrst round of a scheduled ten r >und
bout on the opening card at the
Rockland Palace last week.
Schmaling tope the list af conten
der* for Joe Louis erowh with
Tommy Farr and Bob Pastor men
tioned for the second and third
positions.Roscole Toles, up and
coming fighter of Detroitgot the
tenth position.
The National Boxing Association,
after a few dispersing remarks by
its presklent, okayed Joe Louis as
the heavyweight champion of the
world..Its proxy said that Louis
didn’t show championship caliber
in defense of his title against
Tommy Farr and that he was hand
ed the decision on a silver platter
.This coming fr m the president
Joseph Maloney, was considered
unfair by all of the major sports
writers Louis won by a lar ro
margin being the verdict of all pre
Wesley Farrell, a fighter from
the Pacific roast, lins been going
grent. since his arrival in New
York. Lrfist week he was sent
homo from Hr. Beirs camp at Pomp
ton Lakes because he made the
welterweight champion, Cdfegino
Garcia, look bad.
John Henry Lewis and Bob Pas
tor may be on a twin bill in Oct.
staged by Jimmy Johnson at Eb
betts Field.The boxing commis
sion is side tracking John Henry
on his proposed plan to join the
heavyweight elimination tourna
ment .... the commission told
Greenlee, Lewis’ manager, that
that they had no knowledge of any
tournament to be held.Janies
J. Braddock may he forced to quit
the ring .In his fight Max Baer,
for the championship. Braddock
injured his car drum_The wound
became aggravate and the former
heavyweight champ may have to
discontinued his ring career... This
new development will no doubt
cancel the Max Baer-Braddock
fight scheduled for the Garden
October 2fHh .In place of the
Baer-Braddock fight, Henry Arm
strong Is slated to meet Petey
Barren at this arena for the feather
weight title.
A1 Bmwn, former world’s ban
tamweight champion, starter his
combeck attempt in Paris last week
nnd Vayoes Andre Regis in one
- o
Coach I^ewis Out
Of the Hospital
r — -
Montpomerv. Sept. 23 (Cl—Al
though ho still uses a cane because
of infantes suffered when his au
tomobile cracked un in Mississippi
ls=t AP'-il wbi’a ennoute to Prairie
View. Pooch Tfafns "'rain heads the
♦■echnicul sfaff of the *Fama State
Hornet’s. At hon» 4he Hornets will
nlay TeMovrn. October 2nd, Flor
ida A. and M. Tetober Oth, Talla
depa, Nov. Btb, Clark, November
11tih, and Tuskepee on Thanks
pivinpr. A wav, tbo Hornets will bot
tle XavioT. Sent. 25th, Morris
Frown at Columbia, Ca., October
lfcth, S. O State. October ‘’3rd. Fv.
State at Hirminarham. Octolicr 29th
nnd Morehouse, November 20th.
Schmeling Goes Home
After Signing To
Meet Joe Louis
New York, Sept, 23 (C)—Max
Pahmeling sailed for Germany last
Saturday after signing up to get
a crack at the world champion hip
title now held by Joe Louis, next
June. Boxing experts believe Louis
will bq the winner. Caswell Adams
of the New York Herald Tribune
said: ‘The public believes that the
champion of the world (Louis, will
bo the Louis-Schmeling winner
and so does Jacobs.”
Have Biff Season
Institute, W. Va., Sept. 23 (C)—
The longest distance from home
thu Yellow Jackets of West Vir
ginia State college will travel ttiie
year will be to Jeffer. oa City, Mo.,
where they will clash with Lfn
c<>ln university on October &th.
The nextx longest distance will be
to Cleveland, O., where they will
[ clash with Wilberforee on Novem
> tier ZfVth. The season opens Octo
ber Vnd when the team plays Louie
Tills Municipal eolloge at home.
' The Morehouse colloge game on
October 10th la still undecided as
to plaon. Howard university will
come to Institute on October 23rd,
end so will Bluefleld on October
30tih and Tenowseee State on Nov
1 embor 13th. The Yellow Jackets
j will travel to Frankfort, Ky., to
storm Kentucky State on November
j 6th and to Charlotte, N. C., with
j tho hope of beating J. C. Smith
j on November 20'Jh. A. P. Hamblin U
coach. 11
- -- -a - -
Coaches at Meeting
Atlanta, Sept. 23 (C)—The thir
teenth annual session of the Sou
thern Coaches and Officials’ as
isociation, which closed a two day
meet here Saturday at Butler St.
) “Y”, was attended by 102 coaches
I and officials, whi discussed rules
1 thoroughly. Frank L. Forbes, of
Morehouse, president of the asso
• elation, presided. Jack Adkins Le
I Moyne college coach of Memphis,
I was elected the new president.
■-O' — -
Former Omahan Wins
1937 Twin City Title
Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 23—
William R. Simms, formerly of
Omaha fought his way to a smash
ing victory in the. annual Twin City
tennis tournament staged here re
cently. Those who witnessed the
final match, played on the beauti
ful clay courts at the Minneapolis
Farado Grounds, acclaimed it to be
tho most thrillrg and evvenly
match seen hereabouts since the
Gray-Penn rivalry of a few years
WTion, in an early round, “Bill”
Simms camo from behind to eli
minate tho faworod Albert Allen,
2-6, 6-3, 6-2.. the odds were in his
favor that he would be the new
chap. His ability to draw the op
position out of position for a put
away shot gave him descisiv© vic
tory over tht veteran, M. Leo Bo.
(hanon, 6-2, 4-6, 6.2.
In the final round, it seemed cer.
, tain that “Corny” Moberly, of St.
Paul would carry the cup back to
St. Paul. After trailing 4-2 in the
first set, Simms came up to takt
the set 6-4. So it was through the
entire five sets—Simms always be
hind. With sets at two apiece and
Moberly out in front 4-1 in the
fifth and final set, Simms began the
come-back drive that netted the
1937 singles crown. Simms poured
tennis balls at Moberly from all
angeles of the court so fast that
what was formerly a classy looking
tennis looked like a simon-pure
ham—meaning Moberly. A fierce
overhead drive and a cannon-ball
service kept Moberly from winning
another game. Simms took the
match 6.4, 3-6, 6—4, 3—6, and
Tuskegee Changes
Date of Opener
Tuskegee, Sept. 23 (C)—The
Tuskegee opener for the Golden
Tigers htus been changed from Fri
day night, October 1st to Saturday
afternoon, October 2nd, when they
cladh with Xavier of New Orleans,
at the alumni bowl. Lights couldn’t
be installed quick enough, said
Coach Cleve Abbott.
. V.v;,
v „ 0§» 4
vA North Dakota iwm/b^wt*«
X\ v»/H056 FATME BROWA/S ■
v\\ football history /V
Hurdler, he was a member
Honors in the hish //j\1
k 7 nr
ini. irrnxATiOMAL abuko rtatsc
The Tokio Military
Machine Is Still Held
Up By the Chinese
Shanghai, Sept. 22 (Special to
CNA)—The Smo-JapanoM war
entered ita fourth month this week
with the battle line* around Shan
ghai and in North China practically
unchanged. I>eepita Japan’s techni
cal superiority, her only positive
successes thus far hare been the
capture of Nankow Pass and the
city of Kalgan in North China.
About Shanghai, tha invaders
have managed to secure only a
precarious foothold In the face of
stubborn and heroic reelsteaoe by
the Chinese defenders te the com
bined might of the Japanese army
navy and air forces. Several times
in the past fortnight, the Japanese
lines in Shanghai were broken at
various points by fierce Chinese
counter attacks, greatly endanger,
ing the invaders.
Battles developing about Pciping
and Tientsin have still not pro
duceed decisive result', despite 200
Japanese planes, armored car and
tank detachments and strong ccon.
centrations of artillery. In that
the Chinese forces were consider
ably stiffened this week by the
advance from the. interior of the
former Chinese Red Army, now
China’s new Eighth Route Army.
Veteran of hundreds of battles dur
ing the years that the* Nanking
government unsuccessfully tried to
exterminate the Chinese Soviet dis
tricts, these soldiers constitute a
major problem for the invaders.
So great is their prestige throu
ghout China, that news of their
advance to battle the Japanese has
electrified Shanghai. The moral
effect of their support of the Nan.
king government will be tremen
dous, in the opinion of observers
In joining with their comrades'
to resist Japanese aggressions, the.
Eighth Army was able to effect
the release of 75,000 Mohammedan
troops that Nanking had sent
against them before the nation was
united by the undeclared war of
the Japanese. These forces likewise
will be sent against the invaders.
The fighting in Shanghai reached
world war proportions this week
as the Japanese unleashed every
thing they had against the Chinese
defenders. At the end of the fourth
day of Japan’s major offensive, the
Chinese lines had been bent back
a little but were unbroken.
Compliments of
Henry E. Eten
Superintendent of Douglas
County Schools
i i _ i
Meet Your Friends at
2229 Lake St. JA 9195
Beer — Liquor — Soft Drinks
.Direct Wre on all Sporting
| Events AT 7527
I Lunch Counter—W. Phillips
i Barbecue, Chili, Hamburger and
Pastries '
Soft Ball Stars Here
On their return trip to California
from the world’s championship in
Chicago, two Negro softball stars
stopped here today.
Otho Field*; and Harold ’Speedy”
Williams, members of the Cham
pionship California team. They
were the only two colored beys in
the Chicago tournament whieh eon.
■lsted of 1,500 players from aD
over the world. Williams, pitching,
won his game from New Mexico,
3.8, with Fields playing a wonder
ful game at first base. The team
waa eliminated in the quarter
The sensational records are:
William pitched 65 games, losing
3 and tying 2. Fields had the sen.
satiomal batting mark of 690. Both
boys were formerly with tbs Sioux
City, lows Ghosts.
* *—-0-- ~ *’
The 1939 World’s Fair in 3sn
Francisco will run for 288 days.
Buy Your
Fur Coat
Cleaning Repairing Remodeling
1623 Howard In Aquilla Court
Armstrong Kayoes
De Foe In Fourth
New York, Sept. 20 (INP)—
Homicidal Henry Armstrong had a
ten minute workout at Madison
Square Garden last Thursday night
and in that short time absolutely
pulverized Johnny DeFoe. The in
evitable knockout came in 1:12 ot
the tthround, after Armstrong had
floored DeFoe eight times. On Us
eighth fall Johnny McAroy referee,
mercifully waved the great Negro
assault and battery expert away.
Armstrong battered the hapless
De Fee from the first second, and
the only rest Johnny got waa when
he hung on for dear life, practically
defying the referee to pry him off.
atOM4 forth Mth Stroot
Phono WI 4137
Poultry End Egg Dealers
Orn prices are re&sonsable,
see us first.
CDt*C Lucky 7 Herbs
I"Kilt From 7 Lands
Believe in LUCK? If so, try fam
ous 7 Herbs fom 7 lanhs, believed
most powerful ever found for 7
stamp for FREE OFFER—
Kansas City, Mo.
\ i
t i
a §
l P
• «
j To Induce Early Business Here’s A Special^
i Low Price On
s "
| Sport Coats..!
g «
I \ a
10" |
i 1490
I 1
' \
Beautiful Fleecee.
Checks and Plaids
We expect these coats to be ^
higher in price before long„._ J
—so buy now. Use our “Will jj;
Call” plan-a small de- If
posit will reserve your coat
and you haVe the advantage
of an early selection.
Sizes 14 to 42.
Attorneys Refer to
Clients as ‘Niggers’
Tampa, Fla., Sept. 22 (Jas. A.
Boykin for CNA)—Two court aP-'
pointed defense attorneys referred J
to their two Negro clients as ‘‘nig
gers” this week in criminal court
The two defenders are being tried
on a murder charge.
They are being tried by an all
white jury. When the jury was
drawn and was about to be sworn
in, one man was asked: “If evidence
on both sides were equal, what
would be your verdict?” Without!
a moment’s hesitation he replied |
“guilty.’ The judge then explained
that the defents were to be given
the benefit of doubt under the law.
The man qualified for jury ser
Georgia State
Industrial College
Worth $750,000
Savannah, Ga., Sept. 23 (C)—
Georgia State Industrial college,
B. F. Hubert, president, began its
46th year ©a Sept 16th. The col
lege plant consists of 116 acres of
land,with twenty building*, valued
at 6760,000. A new girls dormitory
is boing constructed at a eost of
690,000. It will house 160 girls.
>—.—, o
Th* state of Oregon already is
making a collect!©* of wild animals
to be shewn at tbs Golden Gate
Interna tisnal Exposition In 1909.
2033 North 24th St
Joseph D. Lewis Co.
WEhsler 4030
Joseph D. Lewis
Miss Lorene A. Lewis
2310 No. 2!th St. Omaha, Nehr.
- > |ll|l n >-•■f-t I I | |Mp
North 24th Street
Celebrates the lath Anniversary
With a Big Shoe Repairing Sale
Women’s Tepliftg _ $.16
Women’s half soles ..65c and up
Men’s half goles 75c and up
Men’s rubber heels 35c ..and up
Childrens Half soles 50c and up
1807 No. 24th St. WE 4240
Wo Buy Old Gold
Watch and Jewelry Repairing
We Lean Manor on Everything
firm Jowolry
aid Lmr Co.
Omw Ntt m« BntdM
3414 M*. MOfc 80. Owk Neto. ,
— ■ *
And Our 13 Cttdio’vEA Beauty Creafloaa*
Coytajung Mr Now Mririaiao Cwpdn Wo «fll glw a Tmm Seal
to intaiflyanc •iKtr’iSc'Eica m wan vfca an acrUttont to fiuur*
aaonoy and bnJW up abotosaca to toafir awa !wioif pmdacta
to Cba bolter kind.'1 Ow te>to£cdy a igjrftjr tow fear appals., to
fib* bast paapla •▼•nrwbaro. Tn mV* sacra «m«T wilt a (jaaiup
tiaa and ;t'a wia vtlgobto ptbia • Wdto ai Mca to
Caaaon Cosmetics Co» Dept 20-A. Atlanta, Ga#
N-N-P. Rx *
Save time, worry, confusion and money by
consulting this complete Directory of Neigh
borhood and City Business places.
2422 No. 22nd St WE 0846
2087 N. 24th St At 6810
2866 Maple St JA 6116
Oha*. M. Simmons, Prop.
We Cut, Trim Make Suita to Order
Make all kinds of alterations for
Ladies and Gents.
Cleaning and Repairing
1812 Ne. 24th St
American Wiener Shop
2509 N. 24th Street
2810% N. 24th St Ja. 8576
1602 N. 24th St._We. 4019
2312 N. 24th St Ha. 4226
2114 No. 24th St JA 3543
Our Sausage a specialty
Free Delivery
1904 N. 24th St We. 0998
24th and Lake We. 0609
2426 N. 24th St Ja. 9195
1408 No. 24th St
Articles left over 90 days will be
sold within 10 days if not claimed.
Electrical Appliances
Norge Appliance Oo.
2428 Famam St Ha. 0600
Grading and Excavation
4608 Ames Ave. Ke. 0313
• Jroeery Stores
24th and Lake We. 6444
Laundries ...
2824 N. 24th St_We. 1020
2401 N. 24th St_We. 6061
Monument Makers
40th and Forest Lawn Ke. 1788
Produce Markets
1616 N. 24th St. We. 4787
Painting, Wall Washing and
23 Years Experience
Estimates free Work Guarantee
2801 Miami St. 2872 Binny *
Phone WE 6828
2414 Grant St We. 66M