The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 22, 1937, EMANCIPATION EDITION, Page FOUR AND FIVE, Image 20

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WE 3320 2214 N. 24tli
Nebraska AutoParts
1 2201 Ouming St. JA. 6851
50 Used Cars, $10 aAd up.
Generators, Tires, Glass, Bat
teries, Radiator? at a bargain.
We buy, sell and trade cars.
11 \
Self Polishing
For Sale at
FEW husbands can understand
why a wife should turn from a
pleasant companion Into a shrew
for one whole work in every month.
You can say "I'm sorry" and
kiss and make up easier before
marriage Mian after. He wise. 11 you
want to hold your husband, you
won’t be a three-quarter wlfo.
For I hree generat Ions one woman
has told another how to go "smil
ing through" with Lydia li Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. It
helps Nature tome tip the *5 um,
thus lessening the discomforts from
the functional disorders which
women must endure In the three
ordeals of life: I. Turning from
girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre
paring for motherhood. 3. Ap
proaching "middle age."
Don’t be a three-quarter vHte,
Ob ''Binding Through."
Cleaned and Pressed
Telephone AT. 5155
Make Strong Protest
Against the Japanese
Invasion of China
New York, Sept. ?2—A state
ment issued today by merican
League Against War and Fascism
strongly opposed the Neutrality
Act in, relation to the Far Ea tern
conflict. The League mainta:ned
that this false neutrality law was
an ineffective instrument for the
promotion of peace, and that it treat |
ed the victim the same as the ag
gressor. The statement continued:
“The world hns seen how this law
works in relation to Spain, cutting
off the democratic government of
the people from coming here and
buying the mean,? of their defense
against. Fascist a'tack and invasion.
If applied to the present (unde
clared) war in the Far East, this
misnamed Neutrality Act would
bar China from securing here the
means of defense and would work
to the advantage of the Japanese
invaders, who are well supplied
with war materials and more self
sustaining. The Uni'ed States
should take a positive and active
role in (halting this war on China
by joining with other signatories
of the Nino Power Treaty and the
Ki llogg Pact in bringing political
and economic pressure to bear
again t the Japanese invaders.”
“The people of Japan,” stated Paul
M. Reid, exorut've secretary of the
JiCogue, “like the people of China,
the United States end olher coun
tries, do not went war. They have
been duped and precipitated into
this unwarranted and murderous
invasion hy Japanese militarialists
and bankers. American industrial
ists who have been profiting great
ly from the sale ofwar supplies to
Japan for some months.
The time has c^m'1 for this nation
to cease all economic aid to Fas
cist, war making rmtioni?. The Neu
trality Art is a demonstrated fake.
What wo need is embargo legisla
tion against the destroyers of dem
The American Longue also an
nounced the beginning of a people’s
campaign to refuse to buy Japanese
products on i ale in this country. A
list containing 27 items—from
Chinn and glassware to tea and silk
cloth—was cited ns Japanese made
articles not to he purchesrd in ten
cent stores, department stores,
gr^- i-v • r>d moot markets, toy
r' • r ''»'*■« shops, dress shops,
d:y good - 1 clothing store--,
So GSo»t Can’t Walk
R me RimiiIi Sea Pynks of Borneo
bow the ground near cemeteries
with sticks to Imitate spikes, In or
der that the feet of any ghosts that
walk over them may be lamed.
Occupation of Ants
Among the occupations attributed
to ants are spinning, carpentry,
farming, baking, mining, plastering,
gardening, nursing, soldiering,
scouting and guarding.
Gertrude’s LittleHut
2002 N. 24th Street
Courteous Service to All.
Mike Colton
Quality Merchandise at
Low Prices.
Phcme JAckson 5757
24th and Lake Sts.
fi nctiW' mv* F0HMED
q1' 8 . . .The new vogue that'has been
T-.aSnw* -J r- A created by people all over the coun
ra @ jOL 9 f try writing through “Lonesome
I Hearts” columns of publication*
ir’ • . „ ml has resulted in the formation of the
V bB jiP 2 National Friendship Club,. • > *
^JdY i“Jisfe'Jtaj This new club has headquarters
/ ,m at 2132 Seventh Avenue, New York
. 9 City, and its purpose is to help
- _ lonesome people enlarge their circle
4RP YOU. of Wends. I*
mm M% It is a strictly confidential club
MM_ll_ _ through which only club members
/ . fflryyf/ are introduced. Membership in thlb
gfmm • •w/f a i new club will bring you new friends
M Plb/rinf’jl // —and a thrilling experience. Any
/ftkWFIbMiuift'a/ /•K*Ird]««‘ «>f »«• may write
<# for free information. r"
Enter inte correspondence with some one who will share *
your thoughts, interests, and ambitions . . . Know and writs to
club members of the opposite sex. Strictly confidential.
* a
Write for free application end literature
An Interview With
Eddie Cantor
By Fay M. Jackson
Comedians and choru3 girls have
always seemed to me to have a
comer on the unusual thing- of life.
To be sure one may never antici
pate them. The dumbest looking
hoofer I ever sew umed up one
d iy in her dress i, g room with a
translation of Sappho from origin
al Greek. •
Very well, thfn, can you fancy
Eddie Cantor waving philosophical
over the Negro queJtion—and my
utter suprise at the turn of events
when I thought we would go into
his trailer dress’ng room on the
set of Twentieth Cantury-Fox
studios for a Scotch and soda at
the miniature bar only to be spell
bound by a serious solution of
Minority group worries.
Flashing his great round eyes
in acknowledgement of an introd
uction from Earl Dancer, the re
gular comedian took a temporary
run out on cameraman Louis Gold
to speak his piece to his acknowled
ged millions of colored fans,
through the as ociated Negro
Dressed in a fantastic Arabian |
costume for his starring role in
“Aii Baba Goes to Town,” Cantor
led the way from the set to a trail
er parked nearby as a convenient
hide-out for the interview.
Trailer dre sing rooms are the,
fad at the moment among actors.
Luxurious to the last degree. Can
tor’s trailr seems to be equipped
with everything but the kitchen
stove. Its color scheme is a soft
restful green, mauve and ivory
combination. There is. a minature
bar with frigidaire; a table for
luncheon or cards between ‘‘takes,”
largo enough to accomodate five or
six guests. A book case, radio,
dressing and makeup nook, a long
divan for resting and comfortable
Lather and rhromium-trimmed
rocking chairs which fold up into
the walls when not in use to ac
comodate visitors.
As small as it is, as much as
it. contains, the trailer is so clever
ly designed that one docs not have
to fall over anything in moving
It was in this little “house on
wheels” that the great comedian
recounted his long friendship with
Bert Williams, “greatest, pantomin
ist of our time,” and with Enbie
Blake, Noble Sissle, and Jim Eu
rope. Blit, for Williams, Can'or
holds the fondest memor'e , the
greatest esteem and credits what
“little” he has learnt d to Bert
“They tnlk about Chaplain. But,
to my mind. Bert Williams was the
greatest pantomini9t that ever
lived. He was a miser wi'h ges
tures. Who el ;e but Bert Williams
could portray a poker game with
out. balking as he did in. the Z eg
feld Follies?” Cantor went through
the whole act so memorable to
theatre-goers of a decade ago.
“There are only three emoMons
one can ordinarily express in black
face,” ho explained.” They arc*
joy, sorrow, fright. Williams mas
tered these and more behind the
cork. I don’t think anyone can ever
tako his place. No one ever has. It.
is truly a divine spark that gives
us a Bert Williams, a Will Rogers.
“Aside from his art, Williams
was a gentleman and a learned
man. With all his comedy there
was great pathos in his soul. All
the tragedy of the Negro race was
in his heart. He felt discrimination
against his people so keenly. He
anticipated mucih «f what has hap
pened to my own race in Germany.
California members of the Dis
abled American Veterans of the
World War have launched a drive
to bring their national convention
to San Francisco in 1939, year of
the Golden Gate International Ex
Asthma Cause
Fought in 3 Minutes
By dissolving and removing mucus or
phlegm that causes strangling, choking.
Asthma attacks, the doctor’s prescription
Mendaco removes the cause of your agony.
Mo smokes, no dopes, no Injections. Ab
solutely tasteless. Starts work m 3 minutes.
Sleep soundly tonight. Soon feel weU, years
younger, stronger, and cat anything. Guar
anteed completely satisfactory or money
back. If your druggist Is out ask him to
order Mendaco for you. Don't suffer another
day. The guarantee protects you.
' tprwar<| f, : 1
is ?'oom snauah . |
n<^r ™ 2&gie$ win^V Jj
merds 95
...cM: ■ H
4 *>fk
•• * •' 4 . <
Sou r amarcn are being
educated and will became
_j u$efi4 etfeeoA and a sower
m all affair* cl lift.
Hughes Broadcasts
Plea For Loyalist
New York, Sept. 22 (CNA)—
Langston Hughes, famous poet and
author who is now in Madrid,
Spain, broadcast a pica last Tues
day night from that shell tom ci'y
for aid for Loyalist Spain and the
American Negro and white, mem
bers of the Abraham Lincoln and
the George Washington brigades
who are helping the Spanish peo
ple in their fight against Fascism.
Simultaneously, it was announced
at the offices of the North Amer
ican Committee to Aid Spanish
Democracy, in this city, that one
of the homes it is financing in
Spain for refugee children will be
named the James Ashford Home,
in honor of the lato leader of the
Harlem Young Communist league.
Ashford, a Negro youth who was
born in the deep South, died here
two years ago. At the time of his
death he was a recognized leader
of the American youth movement.
H<\ was elected in 1936 to the Ex
ecutive Committee of the Young
Communist IJnternatiovJal, iat it's
i Sixth World Congress.
Both Our Service and Printing. We are
Equipped To Print Anything From Stamp*
to Newspapers. We Call For and Deliver,
2418 Grant Street WE 1517—1518
Arkansas Farmer Makes
Guitar Out of Matches
Amity, Ark.—Van Denny, farm
hand far Delmos Howell at Rose
bud, near here, didn't have a guitar, j
So he made one.
The instrument, known as the
“Little Jumbo” guitar, was made
from 7.773Vi matches. One hundred i
and two ounces of glue were neces
sary to stick the matches together, j
The job, done mostly at night
after Denny was through his day’s
work, required five months to
complete. The neck of the instru
ment is made of native Bois de
Arc and is also hand made. The
guitar has a perfect tone and sounds
louder than the ordinary instrument
of this kind.
Denny, an accomplished musician,
is proud of his job.
Most Unusual Bank
The most unusual bank in the
United States is located in the Cap
itol building in Washington, says
Collier’s Weekly, and operated ex
clusively for the members of the
house of representatives. It has no
charter and no name, not even on
its cheeks, and it is not subject to
examination by any board of bank
examiners, despite the fact that its
deposits exceed $12,000,000.
Youth Seeks Title
e.s Needle Expert
Watertown, Mass.—Nine-year
old Richard Boyajian intends to
be the “world's champion em
broiderer.” A real boy, despite
his facility in plying the needle,
Richard has already shown him
self the equal of any girl he has
encountered in any of the local
playgrounds’ sewing projects.
A Proclamation providing for the
emancipation of the slaves in ccr- ;
tain parts of the Confederate |
States, issued as a war measure by
President Lincoln.
The number of slaves emancipat- !
ed by this proclamation was taking
the census of I860 as a basis, as
Alabama, 415,080; Arkan as. 111,- j
115; Florida, 61,745; Georgia, 1
462,198; Louisiana, 247,715; Miss
issippi, 436,611; North Carolina, I
331,059; South Carolina, 402,046;
Texas, 182,666; and Virginia, 450,
000 making a total of 3,120,155.
The number of slaves not affect
ed by its provisions was about
832,000. The full text of the pro
clamation i3 as follows:
Whereas, on the twenty second
day of September, one, thousand
eight hundred and sixty-two, a
proclamation was issued by the
President of the United States,
containing, among other things, the
following to wit:
That, on the first day of January
‘n the year of our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and sixty-three,
all person held as slaves within any
Slate, or designated part of State,
the people whereof shall be in re
bellion against the United States,
including the military and naval
officers thereof, will recognize and
maintain the freedom of such per
sons. and will do no act or acts to
repress such persons, or any of
them :n any eff r's they may make
for their actual freedom.
That the executive will, on the
first day of January aforesaid, by
and parts of States, if any, in
which the people thereof shall be in
rebellion against the United State*,
and the fact that State, or the
people thereof, shall on that day,
be, in good faith, represented in
the Congress of the United States
by mcimbers chosen thereto at
elections wherein a majority of the
qualified voters of such state shall
have participated, shall, in the. ab
sence of strong countervailing
testimony be deemed conclusive
evidence that such State and the
people thereof are not then in re
bellion against the United States.
Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lin
coln, President of the United States
by virtue of the power in me vest
ed as Commander in chief of the
Army and Navy of the United
States in time of actual rebellion
against the authority and Govern
ment of the United States, and as
a fit and necessary war measure
for surpressing said rebellion, do,
on this first day of January in the
year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and sixty-three, and
in accordance with my purpose so
to do, publicly proclaim for the
full Mod of one hundred days
fr^y-JE'' day of the first above
m^J^t^rorder, and designate, as
the totes and paits of States
when f the peon e thereof respec
tively ire this day in rebellion
again [the United States, the fol
lowin to ant- Arkansas. Texas,
Louis na, (except .1 e parishes of
St. B nard, Plaquemines Jeffer
son, it. John, Lt Charles.
lame Ascension. Assumption
Terre bnn", Lafourche, St M .tv
St. \ rtin, Ode ins), Mississippi,
Alaba a. Elrrhia. Ce rg:n, South
Carol a, North Carolina, and
Virgil i (except forty-eight coun
ties r fcrnated at West Virginia,
and a » the counties of Berkeley,
Accor C. Northhampton, Elizabeth
City, wrk, Princess Ann, and Nor
folk, jRiding the cities of Norfolk
and F^Bsmouth) and which except
ed paM are, for the present, left
precisBf as if this proclamation
were *>t issued.
Anc«h virtue of the power and
for th^tirpose aforesaid I do order
and dll re that all persons held as
slave J^hin said designated Stages
I cm not bound to wii
bound to be true. I am
to succeed, but I am bo
up to what light I hav
stand by anybody that stl
stand with him whi
right and part with, hij
goes wrong.
and parts of States, are, and hen
ceforward shall be free; and that
the Executive Government of the
I United States, including the mili
tary and naval authorities thereof,
! will recognize and maintain the
fredom of said persons.
And I hereby enjoin upon the
people so declared to be free to
abstain from all violence, unless in
necessary self defense, and I rec
commend to them that in all cases,
when allowed, they labor faithfully
for reasonable wages.
And I further declare and make
known, that such persons, of suit
able conditions, will be received
into the armed service of the Unit
ed States to garrison forts, posi
tions, stations, and other places,
and to man vessels of all sorts in
sad service.
And upon th:s act, sincerely be
lieved to be an act of justice, war
ranted by the Constitution, upon
military necessity. T inv f e the
considerate judgment of mankind
and the gracious favor of Almighty
In testimony whereof, I have
hereunto set my name, and caused
the seal of the United States to
be affixed.
(L. S.) Done at the city of
Washington, this first day of Jan
uary, in the year of our Lord, one
thousand eight hundred and sixty
three, and of the! Independence of
the United States the eighty
By the President,
William H. Seward,
Secretary of State
"Beats me why they call those
ere cinema attendants ushers, Lil!”
"Don't be silly, Bert. Don’t they
’ave to tell the people to keep
Example From Life
"Pa, what did the preacher mean
by wearing shining raiment?”
‘‘Well, a good example is my blue
serge suit, son.”—Capper’s Weekly
Teacher—Now, Robert, what are
you doing—learning something?
Robert—No, sir. I’m just listen
Ing to you.—Tit-Bits Magazine.
Odor to Be Developed
for the Rhododendron
Bainbridge Island, Wash. — Dr.
Fred Murphy, "rhododendron king"
of the state, wants to develop a
fragrance for the rhododendron,
Washington's state flower.
He received from the high Him
alaya mountains a collection of
200.000 rhododendron seeds, some
of scented varieties.
"It may take a dozen genera
tions of cross-breeding.” Dr. Mur
phy said, "but I believe the native
rhododendron can develop a scent
that will match its beauty."
Dog Hates Liquor;
Attacks Drinkers
Oakdale,Calif.—Spike, a 7-year
old bulldog reared in prohibi
tion days, objected to anything
that was "spiked.” Several times
he was nearly shot for attacking
people on whom he scented
liquor. He did not grasp the idea
that repeal legalized "spiking."
x-1-I— ■■ 7 11 —-—l__ .
Provides Schooling
For Farm Youths
Washington, Sept. 22 (CNA)—
Five hundred Negro youths are in
cluded among the more than 5,000
sons and daughters of tenant and
other needy farm families now
taking advantage of the practical
farm and home training offered by
the National Youth Administration,
according to Mrs. Mary McCleod
Bethune, Director of the NYA’s
Division of Negro Affairs. The
thirty-seven resident vocational
centers now in operation in ten
Southern states include twelve for
colored students, the most disad
vantaged group.
The centers, designed to provide
training and work opportunities for
the needy youth of tenant and
other farm families, are sponsored
by and located at agricultural
draining institutions such as agri
cultural colleges, junior colleges,
rural high schools and agricultural
experment stations.
Women of 1'runce are ardent
readers of newspapers.
A philosopher always functions
host on a full stomach.
The second-rate mind rarely ad-4
mires the first-rate one.
The man who thlnku he knows It
nil has merely shopped thinking.
Records of Week
Although at present many people
are inclined to regard the “Big
Apple" as just another dance fad,
record producers are taking this
new swing square dance very seri
ously. Judging from the. efforts
of disc makers, most of us will
soon be “Big Appling’ in the
, No sooner was the music dry on
the original musical version of the
dance, wlhen Clyde Lucas and his
orchestra were commissioned by
Variety to tram cribe the tune in
' wax. Almost every other recording
company decided to follow suit and
because they could not acquire the
rights to the original tune, they
hastily composed ‘Big Apples" of
their own. As a result there are
several different “Big Apples" on
the record market, some good and
some bad.
Clyde Lucais, however, has been
given credit for the best waxing by
enthusiastic ‘-Big Appier” who
have tried them rll.
But. the Big Apple parade has
only begun, and when the country’s
favorite colored swingsters get to
work on the thing, there’s no tell
ing what may lh«pp«m
Midge Williams r d lw r Jazz
Jesters (in this cm o ' i g Billy
Hicks and his Sizzlin'* i i of “Joe,
the Bomber" fame'' e n t. v-' swing
soma effusions for VnrVv with
‘Oh, Miss Hannah" nrd "I Was
Horn tio Swing." Petite ("Walkin’
the Dog”) Midge mixes her unusu
al concoction of hot and blue for
this disc.
Midgettesr Born and brought up
in California.Got her first job
when shn was fourteen years old,
singing Dixieland songs-in a night
club.Turned down a .fat con
tract fdr the call, of tihe open road
-Barnstormed through Japen,
then wanted to sing her way on to
China, hut mnnager insisted that
she return to the U. S....... She is
a free lancer, preferring to sing on
her own rather than with any par.
ticular band. ... Attracted by her
work on Variety Records radio mo.
guls have offered her a program
of her own.
rtetener nenaersons nanasmen j
are unusually subdued in their
waxing of “If You Should Ever
Leave” and the “Peckin’ ”—Inspir.
od “Posin’”. The reason is pro
bably because Chu Berry, their ace
tenor sax player, has left Hender.
son for a more lucrative position
with Cab Calloway.
Less youthful individual* who
dislike modern hot swing will pro
bably hate Lucky Mllinder and
his wild-uwinging crew when this
outfit begins sizzling out Millin
der’s latest recording room original
“Jamn’ for the Jack Pot.” Charlie
Shaxer on hot trumpet and alto
sax man Tab Smith amass most of
the musical shekels with their stel.
lar blowing. Tab Smith also cover,
ing himself with glory in the back
up, “Let’s Get Together.”
The Mills Brothers always make
a disc a must have, and when these t
smooth vocalizers couple with
Louis Armstrong’s hot trumpet,
it’is peaches and swing for the dis.
cophile. The double headers take
“Old Folks at Home” in best
swanee-ribberish fashion and back
it with “Long About Midnight.”
The Clarence Wiliams jazz spi
ritual. “Peace, Brother Peace” and
the rug-cutting rhythm of “Knock
In Wood” are served up in a hot
though poorly seasoned swing dish
by Willie (the Lion) Smith and
his capricious cubs.
.Bandsmen are only human
after all. When asked why most
dance bands prefer college engage,
ments to any other, even though it
often means lower receipts, “Trio,
ky” Sam Nanton, hot Ellington
trombonist, pursed up his lips and
said, "I guess it’s simply because
they make more of a fuss over us.”
bo That’s It?
"Who is that fellow with the long
“He’s a fellow from Yale.”
“Oh, I’ve often heard of those
Yale locks.”
Final Request
Judge — Before being hanged,
have you a last request to make?
Barber—Yes, I’d like to shave the
prosecuting counsel just once.
WEbster 3043
African Leader Hits
Jim Crow Rule
In South Africa
New York, Sept. 22 (CNA)—A
call for active aid to the African
peoples was sounded by Max Yer
gan, director of the International
Committee on African Affiars, at
a meeting here at which two Afri.
can Native loaders, on a visit to
the United States, asserted that
Siuth Africa, under British rule,
was “a country of color bars and
unhappiness,” where the official
“policy of tho government is to
keep the black man down at all
P. P. T. Jabavti, South African
Native lender and chairman of the
A11-African convention, described
in detail numerous repressive
South African laws which not only
bar the natives from the skilled
trades, hut forbid them organizing
into trade unions and require them
to secure police ‘passes” before
they can move about the country.
Natives are forced to contribute to
tho Old Age Pension Fund, but are
barred from its benefits, he sa d.
Many of the conditions in South
Africa parallel these of Southern
States, and many are infinitely
worse, the African leader asserted.
“In many places the natives are not
allowed to wnlk on the sidewalks,
they must walk in the middle of
the street with cattle and vehicles.
In other place?, natives are not
allowed to ride on trolleys, and all
trains are Jim Crowed..”.
Mr. Jahavu was preoh'ded by Pr.
A. B. Xuma, also a native Afr:em
and vice chairman of the All Afri.
can Committee, a united front body
with a combined total membership
of more than 70,000 persons, in
cluding Socialists and Communiits.
Channing II. Tobias, YMCA leader,
presided over the meeting, which
was held at International House,
500 Riverside Prive.
A three, point program advanced
by Max Yergan, called for publicity
to expose conditions in Africa and
to rally the peoples of democratic
countries to tihe support of the na.
tives in their struggle for a better
life, training of African youth and
the spreading throughout the con.
tinenb of the democratic idea, and
encouragement of cooperatives.
“The natives of South Africa are
fully justified in striving for poli
tical power that can express their
economic needs,” Mr. Yergnn told
a responsive mixed audience. “The
democratic idea is taking hold of
largo masses of people in this and
other countries, and it is our duty
to see that this idea becomes the
possession of the Africans.”
Mr. Yergnn referred to the fun
damental changes taking place in
France and declared that the pro
gressives ideas of the French
Popular Front Government were
bound to be reflected in France’s
treatment of its colonial people.
1206 No. 24th Street
Going Places and
Doing Things
Careful. Efficient Service
Kidneys Must
Clean Out Acids
The only way your body can clean out
Aclda and potaonoua waatea from your
blood la thru 9 million tiny, delicate Kid
ney tubea or Altera, but beware of cheap,
draatlc. Irritating druga If functional
Kidney or Bladder dlaordera make you
suffer from Getting Up Nlghta, Nervoua
neaa, L,eg Faina, Backache, Circles Under
B>oa, Dlrzineua, Uheumatic Faina, Acid
ity. Burning, Smarting or Itching, don't
take chances. Get the Doctor's guaran
teed prescription called Cyatex (Hiss
Tex) Works fait, aafe and sure. In 48
houra It must bring new vitality, and la
guaranteed to Ax you up In one week or
money back on return of empty package.
Cyatex coata only 9c a day et druggists
and the ruarantce protecta you.
24'h and Patrick WE 3199
i i
Renstrom Co. ii
Coal and Feed
Office & Yard 30th So Boyd
l i | i
Phone KEnwoc-d 6600
Storm King Semi.....$11.00
D. W. Lump _7.50
F. 0. Lump_9.25
* 0
... Look to your stomach
Start taking Boatettar'a Stomachic Ritters right now
and you will quickly note kow its medicinal herba
and roots help to revitalise your dittsotifc glanda
and sire new vigor, energy and appetite. Famous
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MEN. because they are men,can
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No matter how your back aches
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For three generations one woman
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