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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1937)
Walter white Secretary N.A.A C.P. -i, AMY JOHNSON WILL QUIT R.YING GAME No More Airways to Con quer, Declares Aviatrix. • — London, England.—Amy Johnson, heroine of the first solo flight by a woman from England to Austra lia, has decided to give up (lying. Knowing that Empire air liners and the royal air force are better able to make record dashes to South Africa and Australia, and seeing the Russians flying over the pole, she believes there is nowhere in the world to fly to and set up new records except with the backing of government finances. “Fly?” she said. “It is the last thing I would dream of doing now. If I saw any prospects of doing any thing by flying again I would go ahead. No, I am just going around now wondering what on earth I am to do with life. “But 1 am not going to fly, I don’t know what I’m going to do. In the old days it was my business to be photographed and interviewed with Jim, my husband. For me nil that terrific publicity is now ended." Has Earned Thousands. Miss Johnson has been a good | business woman. In ten years of spectacular flying, with half a dozen great flights to her credit, she has made many thousands of dollars. She has lived in fashionable hotels and saved enough to buy a fine house in London and expensive cars. Ever since that memorable day in 1926 when Amy Johnson first took her young sister, Mollie, for a cir cus flight over Hull, England, she knew she wanted to fly. Five years later, twenty-seven years old and a stenographer in Fleet street, she made a 9,900-mlle hop from Croy don airport to Port Darwin, Austra lia. No one dared hope that this inexperienced aviatrix, with not more than 90 hours in the air to her credit, could perform such a feat. A newspaper scoffed when Amy of fered to write a story of her trip (if she completed it). Later that same newspaper had to pay Amy, always i the business woman, $50,600 to go on | • flying tour for it. (The next year—July. 1931—Amy set off for a London-to-Tokyo flight with her tutor, C. S. Humphreys. , They made this run In the record time of 10H days. Broke Three Records. In 1936 Miss Johnson succeeded in smashing three records—from Eng land to Cape Town, Cape Town to England and for the round trip. On May 7, 1936, she landed in Cape Town, Africa, from England in 3 days 6 hours and 29 minutes, shav ing the record set by Tommy Rose by 11 hours 9 minutes. She com pleted the homeward journey in 4 days 16 hours and 16 minutes. Rose took 6 days 6 hours and 57 minutes; to make this trip. Her round-trip' flight took her 7 days 22 hours and! 42 minutes, as against Rose's 10 days 34 minutes. Four years ago Amy Johnson and her husband, Capt, James A. Mol lison, made a transatlantic hop from Wales to America. Their plane, Seafarer, was wrecked when they tried to land at Bridgeport, Conn., for fuel. They were within 60 miles of their goal—Floyd Een nett airport, when they ran out of gasoline. RAMBLING AROUND Peace is the reward of right thinking. Experience is a dear teacher— too dear. Faults should not be confessed | recklessly. Yi u may hate gossip, and yet you can't for0:t it. Even having your own way isn't the road to happiness. The mi n v ho cnannot tell a fun ny story u . • to tell it. - — ' — '* Pulisj Says See A13/ Firs! t ‘37 Bu'ck So ', radio, heater ?9"0 ‘37 Olds Deluxe Sedan 29 mi. 8.V) ‘37 Pontiac Town Sedan 16 ni! 8 ■> ‘37 ( hrv. Deluxe Town Sedan 675 ‘37 Olds Deluxe Sedan or Coach 675 "37 Plymouth Town ednn 550 ; '37 Y8 Tudor or Coach 495 ‘36 Chev. Town Sedan 375 ‘36 V8 Coach or Coupe 375 j ‘35 Chev. Master Coach Coupe 350 ‘35 Ply. Deluxe Conch Coupe 350j ‘35 V8 Deluxe Coupe Sedan 325 ‘31 Chev. Master Sedan Coach 295 31 I’ly. Deluxe Sedan Coupe 295 j ‘33 Pontiac Coach Coupe . 250 ‘33 Chev. Master Sedan Coupe 250 ‘33 Ply. Deluxe Coach Coupe 195 *33 V8 Sedan or Coupe Tudor 195 ‘31 Ford Roadster Cupe Tudor 95 j ‘30 Chev. Coach Coupe or Sedan 85 ‘32 Pontiac Sedan Coupe Tudor 95 Indian House Trailers, delivered ini Omaha complete ... 375 j ‘29 Chevrolet Coach I l ‘29 Ford Road iter ‘29 Oldsmobile Coupe ‘29 Essex Sedan 28 Buick Sedan ‘29 Chevrolet Coupe ‘31 Studebaker Sedan '31 Dessta Sedan I ‘29 Plymouth Coupe ‘28 Ford Roadster ‘28 Chevrolet ‘27 Buick Sedan ‘28 Chevrolet Coupe ‘29 IIupp Sedan ; ‘29 Nash Coach ‘29 Chevrolet Sedan ‘28 Buick Coupe A. C. NELSEN Auto Sale, Inc. 2042 2041-2112.2200 Harney Street Phone ATlaatic 2425-2426 Mound Bu!'der» a* Agrarian* Development of a relatively hlfch »«rnrliui culture by an ancient race r>f mound builders In what Is now Louisiana, Is revealed by relics from ilhsTupted prehistoric mounds. Compliments Of Tuchman Bros. Food Stores, Inc. “We Appreciate Your Patronage” Wishing You Continued Progress Tuchmsn Bros. Food Stores Phone WE 0402 , 24th and Lake FREE DELIVERY GOOD-LOOKING HAIR... tk. GOOD-LOOKING1 BOY FRIENDS You Can Have Both by Using LARIEU5E GLORIA Is the most popular girl in her set. Why?— Because Gloria is the type men are proud to be seen with — * queen with a radiant crown of soft, silky, richly colored hair that is followed by admiring eyes wherever she goes. Such hair is a possession that every woman envies. \ et so easy for any one to attain. A simple home treatment with Godefroy’s Larieuse produces transforming results — brings sheen and color to dull, grey-streaked locks—jet black, black, medium, or light brown or blonde color that is uniform over the entire head of hair, that will not rub off or wash out and will last and last. Get a bottle of Larieuse from your dealer today. "■ »” <=^lS?3!r? hai r coloring ... OODEFItOY MANUFACTURING COMPANY • 3310 OLIVE ST. • ST. LOUIS, MO ZION BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. M. K. Curry, Pastor Sunday schorl opened at 9:90. Thu It son was discussed by the combined groups and was very im. jar, sive. At 11 o' lock the pastor pl eached a wont! rful sermon, from f:uah 1:1. Services were very in. •|. tier; 1. s:nce we are in the | midst of a great soul-saving revival j We have a great gospel singer in tho person of Miss Salter*, of Dallas, Texas. If yru wish to be revived, come and hear this wronder. fill singer. She is the daughter of Rev. Salters, one, of our leading Baptist ministers of Texa*. At 8 p. m. The pastor preached, taking his te.xt from Jer. 20:9. Subject, “The Disturbed Prophet Becomes a Disturber.” Many help, ful points were brought out in this sermon. Miss Salrcis rang an in. spirmtional number whi h was en joyed by ail. The following visitors worshipped with us; Mr. G. H. Rountree, Chicago, 111 ; Mr. and Mrs. Meridith Hamler, New York; Mr. Sam Smith, Omaha; Mrs. Jauita Jam®5, Kan1 as < ty; Mrs. ! Ernest Hinchor, Marshall, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Homes, Chi ergo, HI.; Mr. James Douglas. Arkon, Ohio; and Mi- s Salters, Dallas, exas. Don’t forget to' coma to the big revival, which will last throught the 10th of October. Everyone la welcome. YES WE SELL Better Auto Supplies FOR LESS MAKE US PROVE IT .WORLD MOTOR SUPPLY STORE 1919 Famam St. Fredrick Douglas C ,'s an saiJ It L j ru ?1;or I i_DJ'a ..1 i2i. T j .1. A :■ 'f- ■ ' ' ' > > ' X j WHiTEN SKIN ivhile you sleep Now—almost over night—you can make your skin many shades lighter—free from freckles, pim ples, blackheads, laree nores. blotches. Tonight at bedtime spread iNaainoia Bleaching Cream on face, neck and arms. While you sleep it gently dissolves dark pigment. Remember—Nadinola is double acting. It gives results you have never found in any ordinary bleach. jpy Get Nadinola today at any toi ' K ' let counter or by mail postpaid, AT OUR 50c. If not delighted, money DICK cheerfully refunded. NADI KlolV NoLA, Dept. 93, Paris, Tenn. cNadirvo{acBkachingCrcam TROJAN CLUB I Ti e club opened its meeting at ; 8 30 p. m. sharp with its w a-sh'p period. The up to t he minute car r- 't events were given as follows: Anti lyncir.g bill by Bein'ce G.rr n Case of Justice Black by Ella Mae Mills; the Japanese and ( h'nesr W ar by Morgue,-i e Cur y and F. ter Essex gave a talk on the See itsboro Cjw. W'e are endeavor n g to enl’ghte i our. elves as to th. M rrenirgs <f the world at the p ..sent time and as much as pos Bible about our race. None of us can learn too tr ten ; bout : r people The Trojans take (hi t’me to extend deepest sympathy to Peuil Farer and family n regards to the pursing of her sister. The ),< rd giveth and the Lord taketh away. 15E FINANCIALLY FREE I I » ( rnro l n<-w for CJ (K s j Cr ua r< r pa-cd o pas . n . State Board Examination A L T II O U S E USM/TY SOHSOI, ! >.oo if ] pt WT, j | BARCLAY j j Whiskey and Gins. j | A renl buy to go buy | f I Hiram Walker Distilled • Whiskey and Gins. At Cut Prices Barclay Gins 5th at 99c . Barclay Whiskey . j 2 years old ‘Qts. 1.89 Pts. 98c 1-2 Pts. 50c ♦ j WE DELIVER i WE 4433 > 1 i ATisISK : LIQUOR STORE . . 24th and Patrick . Across from Rit^ Th tre W.V.'.YViV.V/iViVi'.VVi'.V.'.YV.'.'.V.V.y.'.VAV.V.V.' <•. n save t mo and money by buying at «c .■ *• *1 You <jo g-t rolls m-uV* of a ri-h dough, rt’d wh;ch con*a:n eggs V •I and shortening. NOT MER1 LY rolls made of bread dough. 5| I* Our cafes also contain butter. You will enjoy the flavor and S 5* whet is more satisfying than good food? JS WjWAvVAV.V/W/WA»AWft,>V.*/WWVW.Wy,3! ffi&s a htffon-ftndti G-E Touch Tuning is the highest development in automatic tuning — because ■fa No dials to twist, twirl or swish ★ No fumbling with knobs ★ More stations at your finger tips ★ Positive in operation ★ Simplified short-wave tuning ★ Tunes itself perfectly—and silently ★ Just press a outton—that's all! The new G-E Touch Tuning models await your visit. I 25 MODELS TO SELECT FROM $00.00 UP ALL WITH EXCLUSIVE TONE MONITOR Tone Monitor. Cathode Ray Tuning Indicator. Louver Dial. Viiual Volume Control. 4 point Viiual Tone Control. * meh Stabilized Dynamic Speak* him v .omp^nsation. rorpijjn B Domestic Reception. A*racurc MODEL F-74 cabinet of modem de- ZnT7t~ 1 TUBES 2 BANDS sign . 49.95 ,.. ■ .. —...» ■■■■■ I, I.,—— fc .r-r— MODEL F-96 9 TUBES 3 BANDS/ I Touch Tuning (7 buttons). Silent TuningJ AFC Tone Monitor. Louver Dial. Visual Volume Control. Visual 4-point Tone Con-/ trol. Automatic Band Indicator. 12-incij Stabilized Dynamic Speaker. Bass Compcn-j sation. Foreign-Domestic Re- . __ _ ception. R.F. Pre-selector Stage. SCl) ift Handsome Full-length Console. V W • w LIBERAL ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD RADIO . . . FREE HOME TRIAL $10 DOWN BUYS A TOUCH TUNING RADIO Allen Appliance Co. Omaha’s Largest Exoiuslve Electrical Appliance Store MA 2221 Open Evenings Till 9 5003 So. 24th St.