The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 22, 1937, EMANCIPATION EDITION, Image 17

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than 12 Mines larger
Than Any O'bvfa
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I’ublishfri In
Entered as Second Class Matterat Postoffioe, Omaha. Nebraska- OMAHA, NEBRASKA WEDNESDAY, SE3*T. 22, 1937 VOJa XI, NO. 22
- --- -- . , --- ---——
Medical Group Swats
‘Bunk’ of Peddlers
New York, Sept. 22 (CNA)—The
psuedo-scientific claim peddled by
by raoe "theoreticians" that Ne
groes ejcudti and offensive odor,
peculiar to them1 elves, received a
resounding swat this week at the
Medical Advi.-ory board of the
Daily Worker.
An Atlanta, Ga., white worker,
who evidently rid himself of this
anti-Negro fiction, sent the fol
lowing inquiry to the board:
‘ Can you tell me if there is any
difference between the composition
of the sweat of a Negro ard a
white man? I would be grateful if
you would give me this informa
tion in ord"r to settle an argument.
Mv f-i.nd say>: there is a differ
The board, which numbers some
of the leadmg physicians and spe
cialists in h*s city among its mem.
bers replied:
“As we have po'nted out many
t mes in the pa t, science, can en
tirely disprove the statement made
by your friend. No difference has
over been shown in the structure,
function, and excretion of Negroes
and whites.
“For that matter, seme time ago
we printed an answer to n question
from two groups as whether Ne
gro iskins give off a subs'ance
which has a particular smcl1.
“The fact is that all slons
Hack and white—g've off the same
smell, and the smell may be rar.cid
and offensive if not enough baths
are taken. The simple fact is that
■workers cannot take enough baths,
if they have to live in dwellings
without bathtubs, showers an ! run
ring water.
‘ M llions of workers, white rnd
Hal:, in t’is rii h land, rot only
1 m.v* no bathrooms, hut some even
1 **e no toilets and have to use out.
1 use —"11 the advertisements of
glo 'fir. I bathrooms in the luxury
magazines to the contrary.
“Workers, white or Negro, who
h 'vq no proper bathing facilities at
their factories, also smell after a
long day of dirty and hot work.”
New Magazine For
Teachers Off Press
Washington, Sept. 22 (ANP) —
The first i-sue of The National
Educational Outlook Among Ne.
groes was put into circulation on
Saptember lltih. This new magazine
of digest size is a monthly devoted
to the advancement of education
among Negroes. It has been de
signed to serve the interests of
teachers on all educational levels,
and in all sections, administrators
of school and colleges, school pa
tron*, students and pupils. The
magazine will serve as a medium
of expression for those who have
ideas and suggestions for the solu.
tion of educat onsl problems and
as a permanent relord of the pro.
gre's of edulation among Negroes.
Tho magazine is published by
by the National Educational Press,
Inc., Washington, D. C. More than
fifty of the outstandng leaders act
ive in tho education of N egroes are
members of its bosrd of consult
ants and (staff of ed torial advisors
The acting managing editor, T. Ed
ward Davis, has indicated that the
magazine is being gven a wide re
ception among teachers and other
interested persrtns, and that its
pagqs will always be pen to those
who have articles, stories, and pic
tures which are of interest to the
large number of persons engaged
in improving tho educational status
of the Negro race.
Dawson, Ga., Sept. 22 (ANP)—
D. W. Holley, who ‘‘rose from the
doad” about a year ago, died again
Friday and this time for good.
Holley was jailed a yenr ago on
i charge of stealing a bicycle. He
offered a ‘‘fit” and failed to re
spond to treatment. An undertaker
was summoned and the “body” re
moved to a mortuary. When the
undertaker returned next morning
tho ‘corpse" had fled.
He was recaptured but was not
returned to jul becau <o of his phy
sical condition. He became ill early
last week and died Friday. Funeral
services were held Sunday.
Politics Funny In N.Y.
LaGuarda In Lead
New Yrk, Sept. 22 (ANP)—N«w
York isn’t New York any more,
said a song writer years ago, and
he was even more right now than
he was then.. Shades of Tammany
Hall chieftains. Who ever heard of
a Democratic candidate for Mayor
openly avowing his affection for
for the Republican party. And who
ever heard of a New York Rqpubli.
can candidate soliciting Tam
many patronage? Well, that’s
what's going on in these parts,
what wil Fiorella LaGuardia prac
tically assured of reelection on the
record of ‘‘the best Mayor New
York ever had." And rolling along
with LaGuardia is Special Prosecu.
tor Thomas E. Dewey, with ambi
tious eyes looking ahead to the
Governorship. Right now, Mr.
Dewey is content to win the elec
tion as District Attorney of New
York county. And a moret unpopu
lar man with crooks and criminals
could not have been found, unless
the politicians had gone after Ed
gar Hoover to take the job.
Dewey and LaGuardia are an
unbeatable pair say all signs and
Tammany is rushing helter skelter
trying to find tsome way to defeat
the crushing tide of votes these
two will surely pile up. Harlem has
paid particular attention to Mr.
LaGuardia because, they say Mr.
LaGuardia has paid particular at
tention to Harlem. He has dona
greater things for the community
than nny of is predecessors- and
according to the program mapped
oqt, he will continue to do things
for Harlem.
Utica, Miss., Sept. 22 (ANP)—
Impre-sivo last rites were held here
last week for Lawyer MfcCadney,
son of Pleas McCadr.ey, wealthy
farmer of this district and one of
Utica’s most prominent residents.
Lawyer was buried on the campus
of Utica Institute of which hte
father is a trustee. He had recent
ly been employed in Atlanta but
returned home after becoming cri
tically ill.
Booker T. Washington, great educator, whose
efforts caused the Negroes of the South to be
come knowledge conscious.
Tuskegee Starts A 1
New School Year
Tuskegee, Sept. 22 (ANP) —
Train:, buses and family cal's
brought hundreds of new students
to the campus of Tuskegee institute
to begin orientation week activities
to prepare for the opening classes
of the college and high school de.
partments held Monday.
Orientation week program con
sisted of physical examination, in
tellgence tests, achievement tests
in arithmetic, English, reading and
spelling, conferences with the per
sonnel director and his staff, tours
of point of interest about the cam.
pun, talks on Tuskegee traditions,
a pep meeting and a moving pic
On Thursday night at a special
service in the .Institute chapel the
new students met Dr. F. D. Patter
son, president, and Dr. I. B. Der.
bigny, dean f administration. Dr.
Derbigny was the speaker.
Friday night the. entire school
assembled in Logan hall for the
Stunt Night program. This was the
evening that gave freshmen an
opportunity to display their talents
in strumental and vocal music, ac
robatics and such other entertain
ing talent that one may possess.
Applications already accepted
show a heavy enrollment in the
commercial dietetics courses and in
rural education. Abjhough it is
too early for actual fgures the
SSchool of Agriculture continues to
lead in enrollment of men students.
The Trade school, with its new at
tractive offering in non degree
courses, is pressing close, however,
for first place.
Twelve acres of outdoor space
are set aside for model homes and
landscaping displays at the 1939
World’s Fair on Treasure Island in
San Franrispft Rav.
Mary White Overton, founder of the National
Association for the Advancement of Colored