The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 22, 1937, EMANCIPATION EDITION, Page EIGHT, Image 16

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    Attend Church . .
• •NOTICE to all church, civic, re
ligious, secret and social clubs; to
pastors, presidents and reporters.
All news of the above organiza
tion must be in our office on or be
fore Monday at 6p. m. each week
for the news items In appear in the
current issue. Your members want
their paper on time. Please be
prompt and cooperate with us.
.. C. C. Galloway, Acting Editor
Rev. J. H. Reynolds, Pastor
Mrs. I.ottic Keys, Reporter I
Morning services at 9 a. m. De
votions led by Deacons. Sunday .
school was held for adults, and '
had very good attendance. The |
guest f jVakeir fbr the morning
was Rev. Charles P. Harris of
RuUhHord, N. J., subject, “Walk
with God.” Solo by Miss Allen of
Baltimore. Md.
Evening service was in charge
of Rev. P. M. Beverly of Newark,
N. ,T., subject “Paul and Silas in
Pri on.’’ There was one addition to J
the church for baptism.
Rev. J. H. Reynolds, our pastor, ^
will be p way for ten days, where j
he will run n series of meetings at
St. Paul, Minn. forRcv. Bosjhic. We
nil wish him success in hi) meet
Rev. M. U. Curry, Pastor
Sunday school opened at the us- ■
uni hour. Subject was, "Choices
and their consequences in n Na
tion’s Life.” The main thought in j
tho lesson was the blessings of j
obedience and the curse of dis
obedience. At 11 o’clock, Rev. Ho
ward Stanton, of Washington, I).
C., who is now pa-tor of Ebenezer
Baptist church of Alexander, Va.,
preached a beautiful sermon.
Subject, “Misdirected Powers.”
Rev. Stanton also snng very touch
ing gospel songs. At 6:30 the B. Y.
P. U. was opened with the vice
president, Howard Swain, presid
ing. Subject of the lesson, “Teach
ing of Jesus for Today’s World.”
Troup No. 3 rendered the progrnm.
At 8:00 Rev. W. Allen of Baltimore,
Md., preached n very inspiring
sermon, from Psalms 27:4. His
sermon made everyone happy as it
was so full of the spirit. His
daughter sang a gospel song. By
request, Rev. Stanton, sang again
for the evening services.
The following visitors worship
ped with us: Rev. and Mrs. Allen
and daughter from Baltimore, Md.;
Rev. Stanton of Va.; Rev. and Mrs.
H. G. Pope, Jersey City, N. J.; Mrs
Lucille Florence, Kansas City; Mrs.
Myrtle Beasley, Kansas City.
Our pastor gave us some very
interesting remarks concerning the
National Convention.
• o
Rev. Conwell, Pastor
The ehurch held its second quar
terly conference wth Rev. II. W.
James, district superintendent, pre
sent. He preached two wonderful
sermons, both morning and evening.
At 3 •’c'ock, Rev. Phillips of Be
thel AME church, preached the
communion sermon. A goodly num
ber communed.
We wish to correct an error that
was made in this column last week,
which reported that Mrs. Ethel
Kertly reported $5.10 in the rally.
It was $15.10. We are very happy
to make this correction.
Visitors are always welcome to
G'air Chapel.
Elder S. Spaght, Pastor
Katie Johnson, Reporter
Sunday school opened at the us
ual hour, conducted by Supt. Joe
Eddetns. The lesson, “Choice and
their consequence in a Nation's
Life.” Let us make God’s word our
choice by obeying it just like the
Bible reads, that we might have
eternal Hfe
At 11:15, the pastor brought
forth the message, subject, “The
Great Need of Christian Workers.”
Evening worship, the services were
good. The pastor brought the moss,
age from the 3rd chapter of Revel
ations and 12th verse. Subject, “Be
an Overcoroer in Christ.” Preaching
every Wednesday and Sunday night
Everyone is welcome.
Rev. A. Phillips, Pastor
Last Sunday was women’s day.
At 11 a. m., the Rev. Mrs. Dick
son delivered a very interesting
message. At 3 o’clock and 8 o’clock
p. m,, a program was sponsored
Those appearing were: Mrs. Pull
urn, Mrs. Rhone, Mrs. Wiggins,
Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. Whitehead, Mrs,
Rcggins, Mrs. Young, Miss Todd.
Mrs. Jessie Turner was mistress of
The A. C. E. League met at the
usual hour. The lesson was briefly
discussed. The topic for Sunday,
Sept. 2Gth, “Following the Pract
ice of Jesus.”
Come and visit with us.
Shoe repair methods have chang
ed. Thp horse and buggy days have
gone, and people are streamline
conscious. Likewise resoling shoes
by nailing, pegging, or stitching,
method is a thing of the past. We
resole your shoes by a modem me
thods at the Lake Shoe repair shop.
Rev. Wm. Pruitt, PaRtor
Sunday school opened at the us
ual hour, with a nice attendance of
adults present. The general subject
of tho •eeson was, “Ohoices and
their Consequences in n Nation’s
Life.” Mrs. Anna Hayes was a
visitor in the Sunday school at
11:30 a. m. the message was de
livered by the pastor, Rev. Truitt.
Text words, Matt. 21:28—Context
Mark 13:34; pretext John 9:4, of
which was very inspiring and by
expression of those present. BYPU
wa>s attended by quite a few adults
and visitors. Lesson subject was,
“Teaching of Jesus for Today's
World.” At 8 p. m. the pastor again
brought to us a burning message
from Joshua 24:15. Subject, “A
Wise Choice for Spiritual Food.’’
Come to Morning Star. You are
ulways welcome.
.. ...... u -. .
Rev. J. G. Gates, Pastor
Helen Bradshaw, Reporter
The Mt. Nebo Adult Sunday
school is progressing rapidly des
pito the absence of the young pen.
p'e. Rev. Gat1* took charge Sunday
morning selecting nis scripture
from the chapter of 2nd Kings
Text, "There cried a certain wo
man." Subj. ‘C«. d will hear your
Cries." Rev. Renfro taok "barge
Sunday night. Text subject
"You Need That."
Tho funeral services of Mr. Lu
ther Nicholas, who passed, Septem
ber 10th, were held at Mt. Zion
Baptist church, Monday, Sept. 20th
with Rev. M. K. Curry officiating
with the Mason Lodge in charge of
the service. He is survived by his
widow, Mrs. Nicholas, a stepadugh
ter, one brother and ono sister.
Rev. J. S. Williams, Pastor
■ "
To Have Visitors I)By
llil'side Presbyterian church will
have what is known as "‘Visitors
Day" on Sunday, September 26th
at 11 o’clock a. m. Every reader of
this announcement is a visitor. The
choir will furnish special music.
Beginning October 3rd, there will
be a w'eekly Sunday Evening Hour.
IA weekly musical worship service.
The choir wi'l sing palestrisian mu
sic used chiefly by the M. Christian
sen Ghoralers. Music by contem
pary writers will be sung from time
to time. In connection with these
revolution ary programs which will
meet the demand of the publie’e
musical taste, Mrs. Alice Wi'son
who has had a year of post gradu
ate work in the Music Conservatory
at Fisk university, will be heard on
tho organ by early comers, in a
series of organ meditations. Rev.
John S. Wiliams, pastor of Hillside
church wil1 teach and direct tho
music of these programs.
|«>7—- a~. - - '
This Week in
Thought and Religion
By Robert L. Moody
The Day of Atonment
Last week our Jewish neighbors
celebrated what is to them the
greatest day in the year—Yom
Kippur, or Day of Atonment. The
thought or meaning of this celebra
tion in-pires us—Christiana—-to
understanding of sin and the sup
reme sacrifice which was made for
all, both Jews and Gentiles.
Personally, I think it quite
thrilling to be reminded how the
High Priest offered the sin offer
ing for himself and the people.
Imagine seeing him sprinkle the
blood from the sin offering upon
tho ''scape goat” and this goat is
led away ladenod with the sins of
the people. Once again the people
nra freed from their sins and the
High Priest may offer burnt of
fering up to God, sweet with the
fragrance of burning incense i.e., a
sacrifice to God with a sweet smell
ing savour.
As aur neighbors celebrate these
ancient ceremonies in the typical
meaning those of us who havve ac
cepted Christ, repoice because he
is our passover and He is our High
Priest. We who were afar off are
made nigh by his blood. We enjoy
the “atonement” made possible by
Christ for through Adam all had
lost the image or likeness of God
but through Christ all were made
alive. To understand this Jewish
holiday, may we suggest that yon
rend: T^vitius 16:29-23:20 to
32 and Chri-t as the fulfillment of
these in tho 8th, 9th, and 10th
chapters of Hebrews.
“But Christ being come a high
priest of good things to come by
a greater and mare perfect taber
nacle.neithc.rlle entered in once1
into the Holy Place, having obtain- j
ed Eternal Redemption for us.”
Heb. 9:11, 12. Speaking of the will
of God and our atonement, the
word reads: “By the which will we
are sanctified through the offering
of the body of Jesus Christ Once
For All. Heb. 10:10.
Rev. F. P. Jones, Pastor
F. Burroughs, Reporter
Morining services were as usual
with Rev. W. M. Goldsmith taking
charge. His isqrmon subject “Pray
er" was very interesting and pro
vided many good thoughts to carry
home to one’s self. Too much can
not be said about prayer, for it
is the only method by which man
cr.n contact God. What has become
of the old time prayers that really
changed things.
Among the many visitors pre
sent were Rev. J. W. Webster of
Rev. Gates, pastor of Mt. Nebo
Baptist church, preached during
evening worship Latest reports
werq that Rev. Jones was on his
way home.
Friday night the Nebraska c'ub
is serving ot the church everyone
is invited. The sick of the church
are Mrs. McCraty, Mis. Davidson
and Mrs. Beck.
- ■ O
Rev. Johnson, Pastor
Services were well attended at
the Metropolitan church last Sun
day. The 8 o’clock services were
also well attended, the pastor spoke
briefly from Job 38:4, using for a
subject, “Where Were You.” There
were five additions to the church.
The Metropolitan Congress Is held
at the mother church in Kansas
City, Mo., Wednesday night of
this week was Omaha night. Visit
ors are always welcome to the Me
tropolitan church. Come and re
ceive a blessing.
I made
my skin
lighter! j
And now you, too, can have the joy of a
lighter, dearer skin—free from freckles,
pimples, blackheads, large pores, blotches.
Tonight at bedtime just smooth on Nadi
nola Bleaching Cream—no massaging, no
rubbing. While you sleep it actually dis
solees dark pigment — for Nadinola is
doublt-adint. That's why it gels results
where ordinary bleaches fail.
TEST Cet Nadinola today at any toi
let counter or by mall postpaid,
AT OUR 50c. If not delighted, money
piev cheerfully refunded. NADI
NOLA. Dept. 94. Par*. Tom.
FOR RENT—Love’* Kitchenette
Apartments, 2616-18 Patrick, or
2613 Grant at. Call We. 6663.
TWO room apartment, $3.50 week.
2 room private bath, $4.75 week.
Furnished, bills paid, JA 0986.
Dressmaking. Mrs. Jones. 2522
Wirt St.
FOR RENT furnished rooms in
modern home, 2622 Erskine St.
5 ROOM house. Modern except
furnace. New garage. Will rent
to responsible person only. No
children. WE 2438 or the Omaha
Guide, WE 1517.
APARTMENTS for rent. 3 room
and 2 room apartments. Call WE
ROOM for rent. Men erily. 231P
No. 22nd St.
NEATLY furnished room. Strictly
modem in private home. WE 6627.
Will Celebrate With
October 3rd will mark 100 years
of missionary work done by the
Presbyterian church U. S. A. Pres
byterians all over the world will
join in the celebration of this event
The centennial begins with a \ta>r'd
wide communion service to be held
on the morning of Sunday, October
■ >rd, at 11 o’clock presenting a
choir of 18 voices with Mrs. Del
ores Blackwell as soprano solist,
singing canticles of the 16th cen
tury; Handel's beautiful choral,
“Hear Us, Oh Father,” “God of
Our Life,” by Barnby, and “Come
Ye Blessed of My Fathers,” by
John Pringle Scott. Communion
will bo administered to all Chris
tians who desire to partake of it.
The evening service will be a ‘‘Can
dle'ight Musicale” which is expect
ed to be one of the most beautiful
services ever held at Hillside. Mrs.
Irene Morton, Mr. H. L. Preston,
augmenting the choir; will sing
“Chants of the 16th Century.”
Music lovers and church goers
alike wil* find these services very
helpful. Mrs. Alice Wilson, former
supervisor of music in one of our
own race schools, will be organist.
Everyone welcome to HHdlsde.
Installs New Machine
Keeping pace with the modern
trend of the machine age, Mr. L. J.
Taylor, proprietor of the Lake
Street Shoe Repair shop, near 24th
St., introduces the first and only
new shoe machine in Omaha known
as “Lamaco Weld” which requires
no nails, no pegs and no stitching.
This new ad modernized method of
shoe repairing rebuilds old shoes
like new.
The time required to finish a job
with neat and skilled workman
ship is less than half than that re
quired by the o’d method. Approxi
mately from 28 to 30 minutes.
Mr. Taylor whom the Guide con
gradulates on his progressive move,
invites his many customers to come
in nnd inspect this wonderful ma
chine. Money back guarantee, is
his slogan.
Food Stores, inc.
Blitter Nut Coffee
lib 30c 2 lbs 59c
WE 0402 24th & LAKE
1410 North 24th Street
Women's Top lifts_15c
Vomen's half solas_65c & up
ion’s half soles and heels.
-$1.00 A up
Can's half soles-75c and up
Can's rubber heels—35o and up
Children's half soles and
heels ..-. 75c
Jhildisto's half soles_50o up
Quality Is Our Policy
1912, AND MARCH 3, 1933
Of The Omaha Guide published
weekly at Omaha, Nebraska for
October 1, 1937. State of Nebraska,
County of Douglas.
Before me, a Notary Public in
and for the State and county afore
said, personally appeared Boyd V.
Galloway, who, having been duly
sworn according to law, deposes
and says that he i3 the Editor of
the Omaha Guide and that the fol
lowing is, to the best of his know
ledge and belief, a true statement
of the ownership, management
etc., of the aforesaid publication
for the date shown in the above
caption, required by the Act of
August 24, 1912, as amended by the
Act of March 3, 1933, embodied in
section 537, Postal Laws and Reg
ulations, printed on the reverse of
this form, to wit;
1. That the names and addresses
of the. publisher, editor, managing
editor, and business managers are:
Publisher, Omaha Guide Pub. Co.,
3418 Grant St., Omaha, Nebr.; Edi
tor, Boyd V. Galloway, 2418 Grant
St., Omaha, Nebr.; Managing Edi
tor Boyd V. Galloway, 2418 Grant
St., Omaha, Nebr; Business Mana
gers H. J. Ford and C. C. Galloway,
2419 Grant St., Omaha, Nebr.
2. That the owner is: Omaha
Guide Publishing Co., 2418 Grant
St., Omaha, Nebr.; H. J. Ford,
2418 Grant St., Omaha, Nebr.;
Fluma Copper, 2418 Grant St.,
Dmaha, Nebr.; Boyd V. Galloway,
2418 Grant St., Omaha, Nebr.
3. That the known bondholder,
mortgages, and other security hold
ers owning or holding 1 per cent or
more of total amount of bonds,
mortgages, or other securities are:
Dorothy Woodward, Congress Ho
tel,, Omaha, Nebr.; Frank Stewart,
"015 Manderson St. Omaha, Ne,br.;
M. H. Holmes, Omaha, Nebr.
4. That the two paragraphs next
above, giving the names of the
owners, stockholders, and security
holders, if any, contain not only
the list of stockholders and security
holders as they appear upon the
books of the company but also, in
cases where the stockholders or
security holders appears upon the
the books of the company as trus
tee or in any other fiduciary rela
tion, the name of the person or
corporation for whom such trustee
is acting, is given abo that the
-aid two paragraphs contain state
ments embracing affiant’s full
knowledge and belief as to the cir
cumstances and conditions under
which slot khob.iet and security
lolders who Jo no' appear upon the
books of the company as trustees,
hold st./ck end sec irnties in a capa
city other than that of a bona fide
owner; and this affiant has no
reason to bslieve thit any other
persons, association, or corporation
has any interest direct or indirect
in said stock bonds, or other secur
ities than as so stated by him.
Boyd V. Galloway
Sworn t. and subscribed he fere
me this 21st day of September,
Charles F. Davis
(My commission expires June 19,
*1 I
Atty. Ray L. Williams
Room 200 Tuchman Bldg.
Notice of Administration
In the County Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of
Edward D. Roberson, deceased:
All persons interested in said
matters are hereby notified that on
the 9th day of October, 1937 Ida
F. Baker filed a petition in said
County Court, praying that her
final administration account filed
herein be settled and allcwed, and
that she be discharged from her
trust as administraix and that a
hearing will be had on said petition I
before said Court on the 9th day
of October, 1937, and' that if you
fail to appear before said Court on
the said 9th day of October 1937
at 9 o’clock a. m., and contest, the
Court may grant the prayer of said
petition, enter a decree of heirship,
and make such other and further
orders, allowances and decrees, as
to this Court may seem proper, to
the end that ail matters pertaining
to said estate may be finally settled
and determined.
Bryce Crawford
County Judge
Be 9 18 37 end 9 25 37
"" I
2509 N. 24th, Street.
Ice cold beer to complete
the meal
Louis Larsen Garage
For service and number one
repair work
Batteries and Tires
Come to Louis Larsen’s Garage
3014 No. 24th St. JA 9220
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Often one of the first-felt
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That’s the sensible way — relieve
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ported from the
use of Black
Draught in
6uch conditions.
is made of fine
ly powdered
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sold in 25-cent
packages. In
i sist on
Robbin’s Pharmacy
Ve Make Our Own Ice Cream
Fresh Daily
2306 No. 24 th St. WE 1711
Mrs . Mary Murray, one I
‘ of our customers, recalls
• more than half a century
of telephone service:
"Without a telephone
I’d feel cut off from the
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that I’m 80 years old, I
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most pleasure from talk
ing with my friends over
the telephone.
"I’ve used the service
for more than 50 years.
There’s a difference be
tween telephones now
and even a few years
ago. There has been a
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the service.”
Telephona service is con
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Year after year, this Com
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search, planning, engineer
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able to connect you with
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vide you with faster, more
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Regardless of what your trouble may be, you can look the world In the facef
Solve all problems; Get what you Wanand Fear no Man or Clrcutagtances.'
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