The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 22, 1937, EMANCIPATION EDITION, Page SEVEN, Image 15

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    . » \
Interior Heisner’s Chicago Store with large force of colored salespeople.
Do Not Break
.The Faith
Greeting1* to my comrades of the
Civil, Spanish American, Philippine
Insurrection., and the World Wars,
and fellow citizens of Omaha,
Indeed it is an h/>nor and an
appreciated privilege to salute you
upon this momentious occasion.
Much has been said, much will be
said, but enough will never be said
that can express the greatness of
that humanitarian document, The
Emancipation of Proclamination
and that great man Abraham
Comrades we can do more than
what we have done as beneficiries
of that great proclamation. To
prove to the world and especially to
the people <-f the United States of
America that we are worthy of the
freedom and rcspan ibil ty given
us,'1 How are we to do tis?’’
The Negro men and bo s h v
fought in every war cf th:* ati n
the women and girls worked and
suffered, yes, even their lo cd or
to this countries cause, but ih .
i3 more to do and ri^ht now' i? the
time to do it.
Ipr r dibit |fc n ,of a C v 1 War vet
erun and I serv'd my country dol
ing the 1 i bp;.ire Insurr r-t on and
tiic World War. I kow what it is
to suffer in tne time of war but i
would go to it again f 1 needed to.
But tr. e are other danger?
threatening us at this very moment
Our beloved protector the Con
stitution of the United States :s in
di nger of bang changed or altered.
Our democracy is in danger of
being replaced by -ome foreign
My comrades and fellow citizens
let as not break faith with our de
parted comrades whose graves the
sun never ceases to shine on and
v ho are with bivouac of the dead
waiting that morn of the great
revival wen chief trumpeter,
Gabriel, will awaken us all to give
an account of our pledge “To
faithfully defend the Constitution
and flag of the United States.”
Let every man, woman, and
child be prepared and ready to de
fend ur Constitution and democracy
even if it is to make the “Supreme
Let us go to the polls on election
days and v ‘'0 '‘ ■r the men or wo
men that w ill rot attempt (o chrnge
amend, or alter the Constitution of
the United States without the con
sent of the people. Organize or
join veteran organization or the
different civilian societies. Be law
abiding, hone t, ndustrious, and
The Veterans of Foreign Wars
invites ail veterans that are eligible
to join their posts.
A. R. Baker
Special Deputy Chief of Staff
Dept, of Washington, V. W. F.
... R5 Box 12, Seattle, Washington
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barris,
2308 No. 26th street, are the proud
parents of a daughter born August
31 it.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thomas, 2917
No. 28th street, have returned from
a* extended trip to Los Angeles,
Calif.; Chicago, 111. and Pittsburg,
Penn. Tl>ey report having a grand
Mrs. Myrtle Beaseby of Kansas
City, was the house guest of her
cousin, Mrs. Ida M. Edwards and
also Mrs. Lucille Flrence last week. ;
The Modem Matron Ar cl.ib m t
September 13;h r.t the residence of
Mrs. Stewarts, 3015 Emm.t St.,
with the majority of the members
resent. Plans were made for bene
fit card party to be given, October
Election of office s was held. Tin
f> lowing were elected: president,
Mrs. Lydia Roger-; vice president,
Mrs. Vassie* Harold; secretary, Mrs.
Leon McVay; assistant secretary,
j\Irs. Vola McFall; treasurer, Mrs.
Stowart; in-tructress, Mrs. Made.
I:ne Sterling; reporter, Mrs. Nellie
Next meeting will be with Mrs.
Nellio Carey, 2806 No. 26th street.
“To Give One the Sack”
At one time manufacturers who
employed those who worked at home
put the work to lie done in a hag
or sack. If when brought hack the
work was satisfactory, the sack
j was filled again with materials; If
j not. It was laid empty on the coun
ter. This Indicated that the per
•'II would no longer be employed by
the firm.
Historically, leprosy has been ene
of the most picturesque of diseases.
A few centuries ago the living letter
In Europe was pronounced legally
dead and given a public funeral,
after which lie was exiled from hu
' man society and went about carry
! Ing a bell to warn of Ills approach.
Lumber Co.
Yard and Showroom at 19th and Nicholas
i amafeMvmmm
Beautifies, Modernizes,
Insulates and
Pays Tor Itself
lit*¥our Neighborhood
’.m1 have transformed a house with shabby wood siding into a beautiful
BIRD EK 1C homo to the great satisfaction of the owmer_Let ys
show you this job and explain how little it will cost to do yours, too;'
Let us show you the BRIC that will suit your home.
Auney spent on BIRD BRIC soon comes back to you in fuel savings,
AVe put the BRIC on over baavy insulatiutn board so that the hou e
ha •. a triole protection against the weather, summer and winter.
BIRD BRIC never requires painting.this saving alone evenually
warrants its cost.
1 To Three Years to Pay
We’ll show you the BIJU) BRIC that suits your home. The Micklin
T'an annngesall details, materials, labor and supervised application.
As Little As 97.00 A Month
iWfff PHONE JA 5000
. best known shoe.
> * .- t.
In tha Louvre
An inventory of the ministry of
education lists the following relies
In the Louvre; Greek and Itonmn
antiquities, 22,000; eastern antiqui
ties, ,15,000; painting and drawings,
82,510; sculpture, 2.008; furniture
and art objects, 8,228; Par East ob
jects, 2,1)23,
The word "pugilism" comes from
the I .a tin word meaning boxer and
a Greek word meaning with clenched
list. The first mention of such light
ing In literature Is found In the
twenty-third hook of the Iliad; an
other full description Is In Virgil,
1-*mdescent Lamp Light
If Pie light from all the Incan
descent lamps sold tn one year
would produce sunlight over but one
square mile of the earth's surface,
it would produce moonlight over an
urea of 400,000 squnre miles.
Chess Taught in School
In Stroehoek, a village In the
Hartz mountains of Germany, the
game of chess Is taught In the pub
lie school.
Remerrber Their Ancestors
Gaya. In Peegal. India, Is visited
annually by 100,000 Hindu pilgrims,
who pray for the souls of their rn
___ -_i
' Cmpliments of
Meyers Funeral Home
2416 No. 22nd and Lake
Phone WE 0248
45th and
Direct from the bakery, Omar 800 Bread
is delivered fresh to your own door like
your milk—always at the same hour.
Try this time-saving way to buy bread, and other baked goods 1
Town” every weekday at
10:00-10:18 a. m., over WOW.
' ywrni»tw<n,»fgiiwM|
Sen these marvelous radios at pur
store ... all the new 1038 models
are herel Trade In yonr' old radio
at a most liberal allowance.
"wiij," MK urr,
own homo . . . Jiwt
phone AT 4361 , , , No
Terms Ai 7C#> A
Low Ai We.k
I’lua hinnfl carrying charge
| | d a n&g?—
p;-.on« y-' a
s, Ui.ll I ^
... mi« ii !■—■■■ mwi ■ '
* m
| Prices Begin
1 at $49.95
Your Old Washer Down Paynent
! T^uima al IoW (Plus Small
3 I VI IIIv aa tjl ! Carrying Charge)
3 _
, . ...
Here are .1 things you want in your Electric
Washer—and only Apex gives you all three.
1. Washes the sheerest of silks and the
heaviest of woolens without wear or tear.
2. W rings all kinds of clothes soft and
fluffy without harm to either silks or
3. A washer of rigid construction—designed
and styled to last for years.
1 m
1*. —————————— ——_
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