The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 22, 1937, EMANCIPATION EDITION, Page TWO, Image 10

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    Scenes from National Beauticians Convention
The National donuty Culturist
League held in Netv York la t week
in its seventeenth annua! conv tt
turn, said to lave t n h" nt.t
aweesaful ard help"t:l it i a h’. t:> y
Evcy manufacturer <f note and
pii.etically < vei-y lrrge school nn i
sys tem of the country was repre
sented, the various organ /a .on
coop ratio# in a ;sr n n di s'# -‘d
to nlnee til ;* I so 'ness of beaut
culture on a hiyher and more pro. j
syionul basis.
T’ '• pictures above pive a few
glimpses of a few of the many at
active booths an some of the
rsonalitics in attendance.
Upper left is the Bonaparte
School display, upper r'jjlit., lh:
hvhid College in prec 'cal d?mon
trations; in the ic.t'r James Tf.
iubert, aweary cf the New Yiirl.
vlw,“ I. u • !••• p • • ent ’ j* lh->
<n;: ' - • h ’ ,-v " Award t.
Me-". Marie Downing of St. Louis
for her work in the fields of cosme
t< 1 try and journalism.
In the lower left ia the Godefrov
1 ooth; lower light a gl:mp90 of
guests at one of the many gv
n. rlies held, left to right, M s
'th-1 Waters, the famous sing ng
*j r, Musa V iliams, G • i " ** ,
rvey of stage fame; Jimmy
a -miitt-e, Hrota Ko" ,-s, M
1 -in, ■' n ' ■ r ’• m v ;
V!rgie Wii'T’, Mr. Cl aries Evans
ti r*'l irgnizv and Miss Marie
Belo 1 ft ‘o right are the new
fficers, M s. Marjorie St.v.a
'oyner, Chicago, president; M
). Chapman, New York, f rst vi
President; Mir?. A. Tav'o". 0 >•■'o'
.tv* vice pr- s'dert* Mrs. B. Me -
’ ’nrt 'i, D. C... f nn"c'"l
M s. V tV-t-rs Halt
i, . _ ■ g, C, 1 • •
Special representative ami Editor
of the Guidite Pape, known to thou,
sands of kids as Uncle Gil. Mr.
Gilbert is also 'secretary of the
Omaha Nepro Commercial club. lie
will speak at the Emancipation
Daughter of Mrs. Daisy Childs,
and the late Prof. S. G. Childs of
Deni Moines, la., is a graduate of
Iowa University. She is now work,
ing in the capacity of Office Se.
cretary.Bookkeeper of the Omaha
Guide Publishing Co.
Omaha’s own Negro Mayor,
Johnny Owen. He resides with h's
wife, Mrs. Thelma Owen, and two
charming ch lilr n, Fhi Icy am!
Barbara, 2228 Ohio street.
Young accomplished pianist of
\. Nr.lvn Hu. n h's era: ley a
!■,("() cirri n mr«] John Firry
. lie i, .'15 >:■, ' • sir • r. i! • hr
. r n-.f j d v. i h 'h’s f mi, 11
two years. lie has h d r? i n-s r.
: .• n he Pi o Ini.; *'e fn •
10 or 15 y : , • It ..rfdit ,n t ’ •
J "• ' : n I ' h’p ; b ' v, !• h
i A1 noth h e. IT,.. 1 -ve
ear and se es to t ’ o r;r n t
•’ass eondtUcn fcefor.t 1 e s 1 t » m
• d t- ed errs : re p a;a f d * ■ j
• :’i , 1 cod !: n v.lun they |
nvo the tore. 12 to 2-1 m n h 1
C.r f rria nic.i h r ef tl:.• 1) a 1 -|
\nierican Vr‘e ans of h 'Vo’.1
V ir have sir hed a drive to brng
he 4' national * (invent’on to S .t
I r "rnsco in UMD.year of the (Jol
bn Cuts Irt.rnattonl Exposition.
-** --n m i —
' 'p f r n o'r nriy i>
• • c Vcd’on f wild i imil:
h- r. rt ! (!«!!*« ii»
r ' : ’ <n >. i. ir:)
Oi ts’i> h V/'n ~ ■ :if lh<> 1 •
Bsy v?H be n grow’ng of
• .; . i i 'I) i i i i f i \ i
j Htiur
i Mc^raney i
: Hair Dresser
f WE. 3162 i
• ■ g ’ * v1 < ■ •' •
Butter-Nut Coffee is used in more Omaha homes than any other coffee
because it tops them all in flavor. There are lots of coffees that cost
as much as Butter-Nut—but if you want your coffee to taste better and
is easier to make—the coffee to buy is BUTTER-NUT.
■- -- - -
J ! tison, Jersey Ci y, parliamentar
'on; M”'. F.. Pnahnell, New York,
chaplain and Mr. Charles Evans,
national organizer.
J*r“. E'h'.d Ha rd of New York
v ir the et:r ng n e .-dr-t.
** Your Old \
^ma*"tamsL Radio ts ^
Model 81IK-I1. nflwn pav*t i
tube Electric DOWI1 Kay X <
Tuning Radio.
Ha* all feature* Balance ffl f
lieted and then cmA|| Wpfklv ’
•ome! Awonder- We*my
f..i v' ' ir Payment* /
$159.50 y
Leas Aerial _
now-electric TUNiNG-firstKj
truly automatic tuning! lust .%
push a button...Instantly...your 1
favoritq station — In porfoct turret
' "V*
■ ■— ■
This magnificent new radio offers yon
truly outstanding parformancs—at a
price you can easily afford 1 ft'
Imagine...the easiest—most aeetM^
rete tuning you’ve triedl The trues J
most lifelike tone you've ever hearn 1
... Plus —many other important newjjti
features that mean the
greatesfradio value tliW■
for you I ;
4 Electric Tuning
y Armchair Ceatrel ObelabU)
y Seek'/lie Msgk Veto* 4 Mask Brsto
4 Magk Eire y RCA Fetal Tuhes
y Straight LkwBlaT yBeaetr-ToeeCeWnet
r y Magnetite Core l-F TraneTorwers
y Ful Dynantk Speaker
4 Super. Power Output FToee Centred
yPhonograph Connection
4 Sheri Ware Reception
V Police. Aviation, Amateur Gale
•I —mpiepgsi
I 1
5003 So. 24th St. MA 2221
i. Modol F Fireside Circulating Heater
Now—housekeeping will be twice as easy
in Fireside heated homes. This great new
oil burning heater will supply your entire
home with a wealth of clean, humidified
heat—without fuss or muss. All you do is
fill the tank and set the flame. It will burn
steadily, evenly—maintaining the tempera
ture you desire. And WHAT'S MORE I! I
PORTANT Fireside heaters are sturdily con
structed to give you efficient trouble-free
service. Approved by Underwriters' Labora
All mechanics enclosed in a rich burled
walnut finish cabinet equal in beauty to the
finest radio you ever saw.
©Uses famous Lonergan
Solar Flame Burner—"heat3
like the sun." Can be se
cured with Thermostatic con
trol. Be Sure to See the Fire
rtj.HO LIKE ,
Beautifies the living room . . . floods
the entire home with heat . . . briftgs
new comfort . . . makes life easier!
fc ..... '.rjt : . • „ i*.i%
Model R Fireside Radiaut Heater
^ I
922 N. 16TH PHONE AT 6891