NO IE:—\ our question v, I be Jittswprrd t-RFE in tb s col umn ONLY when a »( pplng of this column is enclosed with YOUR QUESTION, YOUR FULL NAME, BIRTHDATE and CORRECT ADDRESS, bor PRIVATE REPLY send twenty-five cents and a self-addressed, stamped envelope for my NEW ASTROLOGY READING and receive by return mail my FREE ADVICE on THREE QUESTIONS- Send all letters to Abbe Wallace, care of The Omaha Guide, 2418 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska. M. W —My husband and I can’t g*et along and I am Clunking about leaving him. Will he do anything to me if I do? Ans: He i«n’t going to try to harm you but there is one thin thathe will not do and (hat is take you bark if you leave him. I!, loves you and is very jealous bu he isn't going to put up with the running home 'staff'' every time yon get angry about something. M. E. B.—I am Chinking of going away and wonder if I should go to New Jersey to seek a position? Ans: You had better seek work in the Varga city nearest your pre sent home ph you daig’t have the money to throw away on train fare. Save your money this winter and next, fall go on up into Jersey and New York. If. J.—Please tell me why this party is always telling stories on me as I haven’t done anything at all to her? Ans: Some people can't keep their tongue still when there, isn’t nay gossip being circulated and has to make up their own tales so is the case with the party you have in mind. No one pays any atten tion to her for she does the same thing to various other people. A. C. D.—Should I write my daddy as 1 now have in m'n 1 or would it be useless? Ans: It will probab'y be useless hut make the attempt at any rate. He should send you a I't'le money occasionally to he*p your mother with your school expenses and if the letter reaches h'm when h® is in good spirits he xx ill come across. II. II.—Thank you for an answer. Will I take the trip thut I have in mind nnd will my plans bo suc cessful in getting money? Ans: Your health is going to im prove in time but it will he neces sary for you to consult with a good physician. When you arc well .you can get a job and make enough money to keep you in the necessities of life. Ii. B.—Will tihe man I am going with ever marry me or does he care for me? Ans: He cares all right but he isn't going to marry you when you give him all of your attentions without it (live him a little enm pctititMi and it will make him come to some kind of decision one way or the other. C. J. 11—Tell me approximately hew long it will lie before the laxv Ruit I have pending will be settled ? Ans: Before the end of the year but I am afraid it won’t be settled in your favor then. Z. 0. It.—Will the cine I am thinking about return? Ana: Not any time soon. When he does you will have forgotten him -o NO MORE CUTS IN WPA JOBS; F.D.R. PROMISES Washington, Sept. 9 (CNA)— President Roosevelt assured 2,500 unemployed demonstrators who marched to Washington Inst week that no further cuts will be made in WPA relief rolls this year to meet relief budget restrictions. The President at the same time rejected “with regrets’’ the requst of the marchers that tlbe government pro vide jobs for all of the nation’s idle. White House secretary, Marvin T. McIntyre, declared in a letter addressed to David Lasser, presi dent of the Workers Alliance, that the President directed him to give assurances that the promise made to the Senate in a letter by W’PA Administrator Harry L. Hopkins will be fulfilled. Hopkins promised that there would be no more dis missals under the present budget and that WPA workers securing temporary employment will be con aidered as furlonged. Hundreds of Negroes were among the marchers, including a special contingent from Harlem, New York. Philadelphia Gets Second national negro Congress ’Va. hingtcn, Sept. 0 (CN.\)— The Second National Negro Con rr s: will be C'.eld in Philadelphia >n October !5bh, 16*h, nrd 17th, i; was «nn uir.ccd this week by !i 1 national hpc r.tary, John P. 1 avis. Calls for the Congress will go out mimeaiately to thousands of ganleationB throughout the coun : try, Davis announced. Owing to the | deep political and economic ehang -s , which have taken place on the Am ; erican scene, since the first Con gress, there will be a larger and more varied repesentation at the Second Congess. Negro trade unionists, in steel, auto, tobacco, marine, mining and transportation are leading the for ces which will huild and set the tone for Congress meeting as well as churches, youth, and varied oth er groups having the welfare of tihe race at) heart. Cites Threat to Race The call, which will be distribut ed mainly througfh the local eoun cis in more than seventy cities and from the headquarters in Washing ton, points out: ‘ Today tihe homes of millions of Negro people are threatened with hunger. Young Negro people lack the opportunity to go to school or to work. “Tfhe masses of Negro families are driven into crowded and segre gated dwellings at high rents where their children are forced to grow up amid crime and disease On tfhe n'n’-f-'tions of the South, tire lot, e things we sum mon the Negro people and all tru> friends of the Negro people to the Second National Negro Congress Wo summon you to unite with the forces of progress in a commo'< struggle for the civil and economic rights of Negroes.” lD»e Congress now has locals in seventy cities. These locals unite all types of organizations, thereby enabling a united struggle to im prove the conditions of the race an<| to beat back reactionary attacks No organization loses its identity by being a member of the local councils. On the other hand, by planning together with other or ganizations in the community, by exchanging experience, and by aid ing one another, every organization j has gained in strength, in prestige and in actual accomplishment. The history of the Congress since its inception two years ago has completely refuted the fears that it would duplicate the work of ex isting organizations of impinge in any way on the program and policy of these organizations. Hineman Garage 2417 N. 24th Street 24 HOUR SERVICE GENERAL REPAIRING CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dielics King: Yuen Cafe 201 (Hi N. 24th St. Jackson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. HEADS POST GRADUATES Dr. H. Sherman Manuel I _ You l'f"! physician to whom ' man} Pwnrs have conic re cently. I ast month hr was elect crl president of the Provident FTn'-ni nl Post-graduate Asso ciation during the meeting in i Chicago. Dr. Manuel is located in Co- J lumhns. Ohio, TTc graduated from Ohio State University, in terned at Brovrdjent, is vice president of the Buckeye State Medical Association, president Franklin County Medical As sociation, a raebmer of the Na Uonal Medical AsscViation, Am eriean Medical Assoiiiation, the Ohio State Medical Associa tion, Columbus Acodemy of Medicine, was appointed last year to the staff at the Uni versity Hospital of Ohio State University along with Dr. Giles being the first lime a Negro has been on the staff. He also serves as the only colored phy sician at Grant Hospittl in Co lumbus. PLAN TO START WORK ON ARKAK1SAS PROJECT Little Rock, Sept. 9 (ANP'— Hoyle Park COC ccmnarty w li re main here instead of being trans ferred to Lakp Catherine stab j park. Congressman 1>. I>. Terry informed Alderman Jack Pickens by wiro Tuesday from Washington. City officials had protested t,ha‘ ! much work remained to be done in Hoyle park and that it was plan , ned to use the company in develop- ; ment of tthe proposed colored park | in the south' nsthrn part of the city, j Congressman Terry’s assurance 1 that Hoyle Camp will remain has solved tlhe difficul'y. The Negro park was authorize! by a specialnl cb c’ ion la t January it which a 15,000 bond issue was voted. It will be constructed ns a PWA project. Tentative plans bad included use of the Foyle. CCC com P"nv for the hntTrg of i "pp’i> | aid for bnild’rg toads, trn’ls rnl recreation facilities. .'.VAV/.V.V.V.'.W.V.V.V. Duffv Pharmacy We. 0009 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery [AFTER 45 I A Very often at you grow R older your digestive syt- I |g tem becomes deficient B and your blood can not ; B get the j’rorier nourish- I meat, you leei titles* f and worn out. Try a single bottle of famous old Hos tetter’s. Its stimu lating herbs and roots quickly help in revitalizing the diges tive glands. At di ug ttoresevery where.$1.50 itU sigiitI bI fj irja * 1 J 4 - I 1 Defense Group Not Back of Stage Act Of Scottsboro Boys New York, Sept. 9 (CNA)—The National Seott?' re Defense Com mi tee issued a f if ment this week emphatically disclaiming any res mmsibility for the api>earance of fh e four freed Scotts' iro boys upon the stage of the Apollo theatre an West 125th street, Harlem. ■va Advertisements announcing the theatrical appearance of the boys contained a tr'bute to the. ‘‘devoted, untiring labors of the International Labor Defense, the Scottsboro Do fens'* Committee, the National As sociation for the Advancement of Colored People, and other organi zations." j Tho Scottsboro Defense Commit ‘‘•e assorted that it appreciated the spirit, of the statement, but regret that the committee, directly or indirectly, supports or approves the theatrical v nttires of the Scottsboro boys. May Harm Cause “The Scottsboro Defense Com mittee and its constituent organi zations have joined Samuel Lei bovitz in urging that these thea trical appearances may do more harm than good to the fight in which we are still engaged,” a statement issued by the committee declared. ‘On this point the boys have lis tened to contrary and mistaken ad vice from other sources. Although badly advised, they still continue their interest in tihe fate of th" olier boys still in prison, one under death sentences, the others under terms virtually life imprisonment. “Tihe appeal from the death sen tence of Clarence Norris has been filed, and motions for a new trial have been made in the cases of Andy Wright and Charlie Weems. Papers are being prepared for per mission to file an appeal in the Un ited Pastes Supreme Court in the case of Heywood Patterson, and the Scottsboro Defense Committee is studying every possible legal move which might aid the case of ! Ozzie Powell who was dismissed on the rape dha ge but sentenced to 20 years fop an attack upon a deputy sheriff. ‘ Petitions for ten million s'gni turcs calling upon Governor Bibb Graves of Alabama to release the five boys are being circulated.” —— o Chicago, Sept. 9 (ANP)—The Board of Managers of the National Junior League 'met Everybody Welcome ^ ■‘.‘.V.V.V.V.'.V.WWWVi M- D COi5PON Keystone Lab. Dent. SEP-7. Memphis, Tenn. Send me at on e FREE Magic Incense, the 3 i>ig gifts and big money agent’s proposition. f ly Name __ . . __ Street - . __ __ City —- State__ .. , DOUBLY HONORED " --- Attorney Wm. L. Houston Well deservied honors de scended upon tli«i well-known and distinguished barrister, W. L. Houston, of AVashington, D. 0., recently. He was elected as president of the National Bar; A hoc inti on in Philadelphia. Be: fore the a‘claim had died down I was appointed a Special As-; si'j*!ant to the United States At 1 ortiev .General. Mr. TTouson is a member of tbe firm of Houston & Hous ton, bis son, diaries TT. Hous ton. former member of Wash ington Board of Education and acting "Dean of Howard Law School. Mr. Houston is nnesident of ♦tie Washington Bar Associa tion. a member of the National T BniM and numerous ‘Vertern'it or(Tani•'ations. PWA OPENS FIVE UNITS OF HARLEM HOUSES New Vork, Sept. 9 (CNA)—The f'rst. tenants moved this week in*n Harlem RiVee houses, the $4,219, noo lew r t npar' merit rroject. at ’'■•’i l street overlooking the Har ' m river. uni's contain nw "79 a;mrtr.:e ts were if—.own open to • a-cnpancy. Work 's he.'nor press ed on two rth r i.n'ts, will com plete the project. bobbin’s Pharmacy Ve Make Our Own lee Cream Fresh Tail/ 2.10fi No. 21th St.. WE 1711 now urftN wi« YOU KISS AND MAKE UP? FEW husbands can understand why a wife should turn from a pleasant companion into a shrew for one whole week in every mouth. You can say “I'm sorry" and kiss and make up easier before marriago than after. Be wise. If you want to hold your husband, you won't be a three-quarter wife. For three generations one woman has told another how to go "smil ing through" with Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from tho functional disorders which women must endure in the three ordeals of life: 1. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching “middle age.” Don’t be a tbree-quarter wife, take LYDIA E. PINKHAM'3 VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Co ''Smiling Through.'' ALWAYS DEPENDABLE Roth Our Service and Printing. We art Equipped To Print Anything From Stamps to Newspapers. We Call For and Deliver. OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. 2418 Grant Street WE 1517—1518 John Adams, Jr., Attorney Notice of Probate of Will In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Gonzella Burrell, deceased. All persons interested in said es tate are hereby notified that a pet ition has been filed in said Court, praying for the probate of a certain instrument now on file in said Court, purporting to be tihe last will and testament of said deseas ed, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 18th day of September, 1937 and that jf they fail to appear at said Court on said 18tfh day of September, 1937 at 9 o’clock a. m., to contest the probate of said will, the Court may all and probate said will and grant administration of said estate to Nettie J. Fredrick and Earline Brown or some other suitable person, enter a degree of heirship, and proceed to a settle ment thereof. J'ohn F. Mericle Acting County Judge End 9|ll|3tf 3T i;’ : , T7*E 'lAicky 7 ITnrbs ■ fcSk L !■ From 7 Lands i’elieve in LUCK? If so, try fam >us 7 Herbs fom 7 lanhs, believed nost powerful ever found for 7 SHEARS GOOD LUCK. Send 3c stamp for FREE OFFER— uuuuiS l_U. lio.v, ivausus v^nj, iVio. FRESHI FOR A 6000 j DAY’S WORK I When You Get Sluggish (Constipated) Take a dose or two of BLACK DRAUGHT Work seems easier and there are more things of interest when you are really well — free from the bad feelings and dullness often attending con stipation. Take Black-Draught when you need a laxative. It has proved so good for prompt, re freshing relief from constipa tion that thousands of men and women rely on it for that purpose. If constipation has upset you, a few doses of Black-Draught should help to straighten you out. Try it. In 25-cent packages. PTor CONSTIPATION *7o. 'faJosncut ^ fyJU&L fa WBN H Bltfi BACH Bring back lustre and color to tres ses, quickly and easily with a simple application of Godefroy’s Larie-s -.Grey ness and streaks merge into a beautiful, even shade. Black, brown or blende as desired. Your face once more is frai J with the halo of charm that first won ltis cearr—anci tnat will draw him hack to $! JOU’ ^ct a bottle °f tarieuss today. OODEIilOY’S * » If your dealer J& doei not have [_fir far it, send $1.25 . direct to HAIR COLORING GODFFRGY MANUFACTURING COMPANY • 3570 OLIVE ST. • 57. I 01115, MO. w*i.n_n_A_'w^Aj\jV "w% 'vWvVi'W'AAA’jiw•**.■'■* - ’.-.w-l v -/_vnase Beautifully washed and returned just damp enough to IRON. Minimum bundle 4&c Shirts Finished in Any Family Bundle 8c LAITNDERERS AND DRY CLEANERS Editolm fk Sherman 2401 North 24th St. We f>OT»5 ---) NEW CLUB FORMED The new vogue that'has been created by people all over the coun try writing through “Lonesome Hearts” columns of publications has resulted in the formation of the National Friendship Club. This new club has headquarters at 2132 Seventh Avenue, New York City, and its purpose is to heip lonesome people enlarge their circle of friends. t • It is a strictly confidential club through which only club members are introduced. Membership in this new club will bring you new friends —and a thrilling experience. Any one regardless of age may write for free information. Enter into correspondence with some one who will share fl your thoughts, Interests, and ambitions . . . Know and write to tj club members of the opposite sex. Strictly confidential. Write for fro a application and literc' NATIONAL FRIENDSHIP CLUB g 2132 SEVENTH AVENUE NEW YORK CIH 1*——BaWKBMMWMr mmw mr nrannu ■'■mn mwmm u _ I the Family-Nobody^ ootno to uaa'flips'; ttafr lor a rtaufeawi (■"a*© tVCNWB X IMOUkKS *1001.0 I «*ov^ .« e>~ %c^v ~\ rut wwre? '***<<‘, \ I wr.1Q“>ri O'I ©'*•■'* 1 - h ^ \ Cy* SEE ««-> I H Mt« HMO- MMTttESS - H«Kt e.oo. two't*-. our A-^J-7 COucCCriN' ftuu T\\e , lu K-HCmQ- ' gp»>3— \'P% {yh/%i % n ‘3*_fiMTTBNATIONAL CARTOON CO N V