The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 28, 1937, Page TWO, Image 2

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    NOTE^—Your question w.'.l be answered FRFE in th’s rol
nnn ONLY when a ri pping of this column is enclosed with YOUR
ADDRESS. For PRIVATE REPLY send twenty-five rents and
a self-addressed, stamped envelope for my NEW ASTROLOGY
READING and rereive fey return mail my FREE ADVICE on
THREE QUESTIONS. Send all letters to AWbe Wallace, care of
The Omaha Guide. 2418 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
P. M. K.—1 am planning on a
trip this next summer and want to
know if I should go?
Ans: Carryout these plans but
don’t spend evrey cent that you
have saved up having a good time.
Be jost as economical as yea can
for your mortgage will he due very
soon and if you try you can meet
this obligation successfully.
E. M. W.—I am sick and have
boon for a long time. Tell me if I
will get to feeling better?
Ans. Without a dcabt provid
ed you consult with a doctor and
leave off the thousand of remedies
that you have been trying over a
period of several years- Any person
your age shouldn't thing of allow
ing themselves to remain sick
year in and year out when it is so
simple to get medical treatment.
M. M.—Please tell mo if 1 will
be successful in getting my di
Ans: Yes . provided you pay
for it youiself. Your ex-mate isn't
thinking of handing it to you gratis
and if you want t« keep down trou
ble buy it yourself.
11. L. ,)_How can I have more
success in marriage and make my
husband believe that I am not
guilty of neighborhood gossip?
Ans: Stay at home and carry
out his wishes just as aicurately as
you can. This is one thing that
>ou must prove before he believes
it and there isn't any better time
to get started than the present.
Don’t associate with tie people
who talk.choose ydur friends
among your husband’s associates.
E. L. M_I would like to know
if I should expect niy boy friend
to return? "2r'» >
Ans: The young man is going
to return but not to make you
his bride. Forget tfuit jou two
ever made plans of his kind and
begin going out with the other de
sirable young fellows in your city.
R. R J.—Why is it when my
(husband and 1 argue be wants to
pack up and leave and then ho
never does it?
Ans: He might fool you some
time and carry out his threats. It
doesn’t do cither of you one bit
of good to luss and argue and it
only breaks down love and despcct
you hold for one another. Don't
fuss with him .. let him get on
the war path just as often ns he
likes but hold your temper. You
would be lost without him.
W. L. Wv—I make it my business
fo read your column. Tell me if it
is impossible far me to win the girl
that I love?
Ans: Not impossible.but it
will take a lot of coaxing and yoi
must play the part of a "dashing
Romeo" to make her head turn
Take her out to the nicest place.*
in town for dinner and entertain
ments and it is up to you to do th<
M. F. R.—Should I leave m;
home or remain Ihere? My hom*
isn’t happy and my iiusband an*
I don’t agree?
Ans: There is one thing tha
practically every wife must learr
to make her husband feel a bi
superior.make him also belief
that you look up to him and r<
spect everything he says. If yo
try to appear better than he
then you will lose your husban
Stay where you are for anoth<
few months- Things will change.
Los Can tores Music
Club Gives Classy
Dancing- Fiesta
(Continued from Page 1)
A smart f:g-e was Miss Mary
Wiggins in a (lark blue organdie,
rcdingote style two vari-colored
.ndals. Miss Ruth Anderson chose
a gown of printed chiffan and Miss
(ieralding Smith a dark green or
Miss Olive Willis was striking in
a red nnd white dotted voile with
r-ed accessories.
Miss Bertram Johnson set off
(her piquant beauty in an exquisite
light bliuo lace gown. Miss Venita
Scoonay also wore a lovely lace
giwn of the same shade.
Teffetas were especially notiee
aUe. Miss Dorothy Westfield in an
emerald green and very charming.
Miss Leona Jones and Miss Mary
Franklin in pink, and Miss Pearl
Winston in red.
Miss Eva Mae Stewart wore a
striking gold, lame gold slipper
nnd a yellow corsage. Miss Mar
garet Hart, an out of town guest
I wore a beautiful white satin gown
I with red trimmings.
The officers of the music club
[ were introduced and its sponsor,
Miss Ethel Jones, given a hearty
1 nation.
Barely sustained sighs were
beard as the ast beautiful strains
| if the orehestra played an “au re
'"oir” nnd goodnight ending dra
matically the joys of a lovely
Mobile, A1 ■, Aug. 26 (By E. M.
Goode for ANP)—Transcending
interest all other work to be under
taken bv tlhe Regional Conference
of Southern Tranches of the NAA
CP, is the proposed fight to equal
ize teachers’ salaries in the deep
South, the first of such cases being
planned for Mobile County, Ala.,
where colored teachers nre poorly
underpaid, and with many eceiving
less than fifty per cent of the min
imum pay for white teachers. A
recent investigation conducted by
the Mobile Branch of the NAA CP
revealed that several high school
and elementary teachers who are
college graduates receive as low as
$26 per month salary'.
Both Thurgood Marshall, of New
York, assistant special counsel, and
the Mobile Branch announces that
the NAACP will be ready to go to
court as soon as a teacher ean be
found to bring the test ease, the
organization has completed its
plans and outlined the procedure
to be followed. The matter now
rests entirely with the teachers
themselves. The Association con
, tinues to v untiringly to find a
teacher willing to file a petition
for a writ of mandamus to require
, the county board of education to
, equalize the salaries of colored
I teachers.
e 2202-4-6 North 24th Street
Phone WE 4137
a Poultry end Egg Dealers
*• Om prices are reasonsable,
r see ns first.
By Jimmie Bvmm
By Jirnmr Evan*
Clnton Rosemoad, the colored
feature player in the Warner Bros
film, "They Won’t Forget,” a trea
tise on lyn<f*infr, is the cinema
find of the season and 's exciting
th'yitrcgoers with his excellent per
formance Place this picture on
v< ur "must see list”.Hie four
Scottsboro hoys were the feature
effraction at the Apollo theatre
last week A fairly large crowd
greeted their initial vaudeville ap
pearance though there arc many
that feel they are capitalizing on
their misfortune.
Buck and Bubbles, the famed
corned” 'innee team, are featured in
"Varsitv f^ow,” a new film,
which stars Dick Powell and Fred
Waring.Paul Robeson, the great
singer and actor, will be seen short
ly in ‘‘King Solomon’s Mine^” a
British Gaumont production.
Fddie Green, the radio eomed’an,
who has been heard with Rudy
Vallee several times and more re
cently was featured with Louis
Armstrong for the FI ■ischmnn
Yeast, will make a series of guest
appearances with the Maxwell
House .Showboat.
A new show to hit the air fea
turing colored talent comes over
WHN in New York, and stars the
Bronze Harmonizers. A mixed oct
ette, they specialize in spirituals
nnd swing singing.They may
be heard at 6:30.Harlem’s fam
ed king of the drums, Chick Webb,
and his orchestra, with swing sing
ing Ella Fitzgerald doing the vocal
izinz, played to stading room at
Loe.w’s State theatre in New York
last week.The show also bea
tured Chuck and Chuckles, Bardu
Ali and Charles Linton.
For lovers of hot recordings may
Tatum, the blind pianist, and his
rendition of “I Would Do Most
Anything for You” and "Liza.”
Fats Waller can also be heard sing
ing and playing ‘ Basin Street
Blues” and “I Ain’t Got Nobody.’
Bob Howard, whose style is simi
lar to Waller’s has made a record
ing of ‘‘I’ll Take the Key and Lock
You Up” plus "Penny Wise and
Pound Foolish”. ..For those who
love the torrid trumpeting of Lou's
Armstrong, we have "Yours and
Mine” and "Sun Showers”... An
other recording by Louis that is
worth your time is “Public Melody
Number One” and ‘Red Cap.” Fats
Waller makes the piano talk in h's
recording of "Tea for Two” and
“Keeping Out of Mischief Now.”
Le Due de Ellington plnys the
Tromar ballroom, Dos Mo nos, Au
gust 20th, ard the Turnpike Casino
in Lincoln, Nebr. the, next day.
Teddy Hill’s orchestra is still hold
ing forth at the Palladium theatre
in London, where they supplying
the music for the Cotton Club show,
Lta ky Millerd 'r has been selected
to play for the Daily News annual
dnnee contest to bo held at Madison
has a brass section of seven, four
Square Garden The I uke now
trumpets pnd three trombones. wi‘h
with the return of Fred * Posey’
Jhnkins, away for nearly two years
because of illness.
Cab Calloway and his Cottor
Club orchestra just completed theij
contribution to the new Republic
picture "Merry Go Round’ at the
old Vitagrnph studios in New Yorl
.Choo Berry, rated t y the cri
ties as one of the most terrific ten
! -*
or sax players, has been added to
i the band.
Ralph Brown, clever tap dancer
| closed at the Apollo theatre, a
downtown burlesque house, last
week. At the Palace theatre in
Cleveland last week, Tip, Tap and
Toe stopped the show. These lads
are so good that no other act wants
to follow them on the bill. ‘ How
Come Lawd,” by Donald Heywood,
announced as the first of a series
of productions to be staged by the
newly formed Negro Guild theatre
is slated for Broadway late in Sep
Monrovia, Liii Aug 2d C’l'-')
- Arresting >ir / inemb. rs of the
dreaded society of Leopard Men,
mystery sarm jiuh.d oig.nnzafoo
of the wild Cape Mmnt section of
northern Liberia, government for
ces fired the opening canons in a
skirmish to vine out the society,
n, was revealed last week.
For months, reluctance to ent'T
j the section where the society mem
bers dressed in leopard skins, have
! killed scores of natives, has been
| evidence on the paid of govern
ment authorities. Great fear of the
strange individuals was prevalent
among the natives of Liberia, who
believed them suptrnatural beings.
Among those apprehended was
George Caint, civilized Americo
Liberian whose blood is a mixture
of that of Negroes of natve jungle
tribes and’of the American Negroes
who helped colonize Liberia in the
early 1800’s. Caine is charged by
the Government with going to the
Cape Mount district to opperate
coffee, farms, and finding no labor
available there, organizing the
T "opnrd Mi n with the purpose of
terrorizing the section to get free
labor. Official action was precipit
ated when two witnesses w-ho had
st'cu the Leopard Men died myster
ious deaths.
Colonel T. E. Davis, intrepid Li
berian soldier, was given orders to
stamp out the Leopard Men. Ad
• vancing to the Cape Mount section,
h ■ accumulated the evidence which
resulted in the arrest of Caine and
• his men.
Both Our Service and Printing. We are
Equipped To Print Anything From Stamp*
to Newspapers. We Call For and Deliver.
2418 Grant Street WE 1517—1518
A veteran aetor whose perforin
anoe in the sensational new
<](eep sotuh an i-lysching film.
“TThey Won’t Forget” produ
ced by Warner Bros, has sky
rocketed him to stardom. lie
has appeared on lie stage and
in films for 17 years. Director
Mjervyn LeRoy said after this
picture wtu\ finished that Ihe
had never seen “a greater Ne
gro actor.”
To Reduce Maternal Mortality
St. Louis, Aug. 26 (ANP)—Ade
quate parental care is the best i
solution to race’s problem of ma- I
ternal morality, a commission on
.obstetrics reported last week at the
annual meeting of the National
Medical Association.
Contact was estblished by the
commission with he American Com
mittee \ n IMat | nal Welfare to
ako a study in various hospitals,
end 20 local committees were or
ganized throughout the nation to
make these studies. It was found
bo Negro mortality rate was much
higher in proportion than that in
the white group.
Serving on the commission, ap
pointed last year in Philadelphia
by Dr. Roscoe G. Giles, national
nrcsident, were Dr. . T. Sewell,
Philadelphia; Dr. P. M. Santos,
Chicago; Dr. G. Iorinan Adamson,
Nashville; Dr. S. S. Campbell.
Jacksonville; Dr. John R. Finley.
New York; Dr. P. S. Moten, Birm
ingham; Dr. LeCount, Cook, Wash
ington; and Dr. C. Leon Wilson,
Chicago, chairman. _
PHONE: 4)0 A A
For Finer faster
Improved Daily Servleo
Fastest Time to California
on "tuCUmFT
and “ The Californian ”
Do Iuko Streamline
Pillowi —Low Coot Meal Service.
everywhere EVERY DAY
141C Doughs at 15th
I1U TuU KNOW WHT y Twfi It So Midi Ptoasuro Entertaining A Em-Lite Hilo?* ^ Drawn for this dw By Rstim _
\ KPwO '«iu
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l! ^V1 (iXSj
HEVEft. !
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Clarinda, la.
, t t ) | » !■> < > > I I « « T T-T “
Miss Louise Nash, Reporter
Morning service* opened at 11:00
a. m. at the Second Baptist church.
Sunday school was well attended.
The evening sermon was delivered,
by Rev. Whitelon of Omaha. Our
pastor Rev. D. Nicholson was sel
ected a Bond member of the Minis
ter and Deacon union of the Iowa,
Nebraska, South Dakota Baptist
Lawrence Beard spent Sunday in
Red Oak with his family.
Mrs. Mary Ward, St. Paul, re
turned this week after a short visit
with her mother, Mrs. Carr:e Ro
Betty Montgomey has returned
from tihe lake.
Mrs. Viola Miller and Mildred
Walkpr, Lincoln, Nebr., spent a
week with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Walker.
Ms. Lizzie Washington and
Fances Brown are recovering from
foot injuries.
Fsie May Hayden of Omaha is
visiting in the Dvn Morton home.
Mr. and Mrs. Merill Griggs and
family oil Shenandoah, are spend
ing the week with their parent*.
Miss Louise Nash spent the week
end in Omaha visiting with Mrs.
Lottie Keys.
Duffy Pharmacy
We. 0609
Free Delivery
■: 111 So. 14th St. £
v Biggest 10c Meals In City ?
S Everybody Welcome
, i*
FEW husbands can understand
why a wife should turn from a
pleasant companion into a shrew
for one whole week in every month.
You can say "I'm sorry" and
kiss and make up easier before
marriage than after. Be wise. If you
want to hold your husband, you.
won't lie a three-quarter wife.
For three generations one woman
has told another how to go “smil
ing through" with I.ydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. It
helps Nature tone up the system,
thus lessening the discomforts from
the functional disorders which
women must endure In the throe
ordeals of Ufo: 1. Turning from
girlhood to womanhood. 1! Pre
paring for motherhood 3. Ap
proaching "middle age."
Don't be a three-quarter wife,
Go "Smiting Through."
i pH 1 1 ]P 8,11 ( wLiXAd f jrI BiWI A w rf J Wm
Regard lew of what your trouble may be, you can lode the world In {he face;
Solve all problems; Get what you Want, and Fear no Man or Circumstances,
your Happiness and Success demand that you print your name clearly and
send It to
545 Owen Ave. REV. CHAS. P. COLBERT. Detroit, Michigan
Beautifully washed and returned ju^t
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Minimum bundle 48c
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f( nmv' . ^ 9* E0RMED
v v * The new vogue that' has been
ITT & .a a ^ I created by people all over.the coun
H 1 BtTiHltftt- B I try writing through “Lonesome
A' At, jt o/ I Hearts’’ columns of publication*
-ip-' .« — I has resulted in,the formation of th6
;PU A}I National Friendship Club.
1“P This new club has headquarter*
/ ,1 at 2132 Seventh Avenue, New York
• City; and it* purpose is to help
. _ _ lonesome people enlarge their circle
AHE /OIL of friends p
B*"JL w It is a strictly confidential club
it _ through which only club member*
/ , C] are introduced. Membership in thi*
i y new club will bring you new friends
v/A4 FlSif FV/ a / —and a thrilling experience. Any
•#/# f-f one regardless of' age may write
yy «*» for free information-6
Enter into correspondence with some one. who will there
your thoughts, interests, and ambitions . . . Know and write to
club members of the opposite sex. Strictly confidential.
Write for free application and tiiterc'
I Ihfffp.” r-jMmwBMi i i in i ■—m i in i i urn I jt'tbw Timw A-%TA«rafwif