SOCIAL Q ~ 4- , r CLUBS AFFAIRS ■'O-O-C-iei-yv ORGANIZATIONS • • Health Beauty Charir Keep Young and Beau iful (By Althouse Beauty School) Falling irair, Its Preventive and Cure Someone has said that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound oi cure.” We find this saying very true in the treatment of falling hull*. It is so much easier to keep a healthy head of hair beaut ful than it is to grow a beautiful head of hair on a diseased scalp. In order to understand the prin cipal underlying the treatments that stops falling hair and that leads to the production of a new growth of hair, wo should learn v hat the hair is and how the hair grows. We are then in a position to know when we can expect re sults and why. The hair consists of a shaft start ing beneath the surface of the skin and projects above, and is, tere fore, an ouf/">wth from the cuti cle. * From the bottom of the hair folli tie we find the papilla or ‘mother’ of the hair. It’s from papilla that the new hair is created and it is here we find the nerves anu blood vessels. The sebaceous or oil glands em pty into the hair follicle. If the duct which leads from the seba ceous gland to the hair follicle be comes clogged or stopped up, we must not expert a heathy head of hair. We should mention the arrector, muscle which is located ju t below the sebaceous gland. This muscle does just what the name implies. It holds the ha'r shaft in place. Perhaps you are wondering just why we have to gone int > such de tail- When the sebaceous glands, the papilla and arrector muscles are doing their work, ns they should, we have a disease free scalp and the result a beautiful head of hair. (to bo continued next week) -o FORMER OMAHAN MARRIED| Mrs. Cora Davis, of Spencer, la. formerly of Omaha and Mr. Henry d'ickson, of Spencer, la., were married August 4th nt Spirit Lake, la. Mrs. Davis, is the sister of Mrs. Anna Tubbs, 1712 No. 25th street. --o CORRECTION Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Myers wish to state that they have not given a party or had anything to do ■with inviting any of the youngsters, A few of tho boys got together and asked permission to have the party at the Myers home for Jumes Hall's birthday, and tho party was confined strictly to their residence. (Signed) Mr. and Mrs- W. L. Myers -o Distinguished Texan Visits Relatives Here Mrs. Frances Christopher and daughter, Miss Opal, college fresh, man and Mr. Lermadis Mitchell, brother of Mrs. Christopher, of Tyler, Texas, spent a week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Par ker, 112 No. 43rd avenue. Mrs Parker is the sister of Mrs. Chris topher. Mrs. Christopher has been r successful school teacher in th< Emmett Scott high school foi fourteen years, in Tyler, Texas and Mr. Mitchell, has been PBJ operator for Prairie View college at Prairie View, Texas for the past five year. Miss Opal Christopher enteriei Prairie View college this fall. Many social courtesies were giv en in honor of the visitors, amonj those entertaining were, Dr. am Mrs. A. L. Hawkins, Mrs. Hiran Greenfield and Mrs. R. K. Lawrie They departed Wednesday morn ing after a very enjoyable visit. AMERICAN WIENER SHO) 2509 N. 24th, Street. BEST OIT1LT AND BEST RED HOTS IN THE WEST ALL KINDS of SANDWIOHE Ioe cold beer to complete the meal 1 Lawyers Eat Lunch At Citizens Bank Philadelphia. Aug. 19 ((’)—On Friday at 1 p. m. the delegates a* tending the annual meeting of the National Bor Association accept* I the invitation of Major R. R. Wright, president of Citizens and Southern Bank, 19th ard South streets, and ate lunch on the sec ond floor of the lank buibpng. Major Wright, in a 1 rief speech, told the story of the bank wh ch is now 16 years old and is the midst of a drive to b ing the deposits up to $1,000,000 this year. The Major also told of his becoming interest ed in the Republic of Haiti after a trip there in 1933, and how he also decided to try to do some thing to help :hc economic interests of the coun'ry, and that his aid took the form of organizing tb Haition,Coffee and Products Com pany, which now imports large quanities of Pure Haitian coffee The lawyers appeared keenly in terested in the story of the deve lopment of the American market for Haitian coffee. Major Wright, said in Philadelphia a real demand for the. coffee has been created among the lest class of people of the city—meaning, of course, the better class whites. DEAN SMITH MAKES r\EA AT ZURICH Zurich. Sw't.z rland, Aug. 19 (C) —Dean II. M. Smi h of R shop ct)lf 1* tc, l!. S. A., made a st'rring plea for world brotheshood and be'ter -ace relations he'o-e the World •ingress ef Baptist Youth, me?t ngfrom August 7th to 11th. DYNAMIC LEADER ■■■hbbshmiMMVI I — i ...r . MH^.n.i.1.. .11. - H'ON. W. ( . HOUS i i)N Comissioner of Ed cat" n of t’v» Elks since ‘25, under whose giid anco the sum of $146 090 has hce i raised by annual assessments, which enabled the Elks to grant 148 scholarships, 90 of the rec l ients <*f which have received d • grees from accredit’d colleges. Judge Hueston also conducts the Elks oratorical contests, ihe suhj -c* being always The Constitution of the United States, and the idea be ing to make our youth ‘‘manhood rights-minded.” A native of I .ex ington, Ky., Mr. Hueston received the LL. B. degree from the Univer sity of Knnsas Law School in ‘04. He practiced in Missouri, before the U. S. Supeme Court, and in all the state Courts of Indiana. He practiced in Kansas City from ‘06 to ‘20, then in ‘20 went to Gary, nd., and after four years, on Sep tember 1, 1924 was appointed Mag istrate in Gary by the governor of the state. He was elected to the 1 office by the people in ‘26 and ser ved until ‘30, when he became A* ■ sirtant Solicitor of the U. S. Post Office department. He headquar ■ are at 1916 14th street, N. W., > Washington, D. C. (C) . READY TO MOVE IN VACANT i - ! 2802 No. 24th St, 6 rooms all mo dern. Oak finished. Price reason able. 2803 No. 24th SSt.,.6 rooms all mo dorn. Oak finished, Price reason able. » -; 2867 Binney St. 7 rooms, all me' dern, Price $1,500 Cash.-Balance per month like rent. All monthly payments above in clude taxes and interest. ,E. M. DAVIS 4 Licensed Real Estate Broker 2817 No. 24th St. WE 116< Paris cables endorse their new drapes. The pencil slim dress at the left has gold kid edges at the neckline. The vionnet adaption at the right is softly draped and gay, three color fringe edges the sash. Black, brown, green, mahogany or rust rayon crepe may be chosen as materials. -o ('hi-fien Sandwich, Jeffs way, 30 cents. 1818 No. 24th. Miss Cora Jackson, 2616 Grant street has returned from a seven v/ecks visit in New York, St- Paul, Milwaukee, Chicago. Three Colored Programs Over Station WBNG New York, Aug 19 (C)—For th' v.eek beginning Sunday, August 8. three colored periods will be given over station WBNX, 260 E 161s* street. The first will be at 9:45 Sunday night, Bishop R. C. Law son’s Refuge Church < f Chris group; the second on Monday, Au gust 9th, at 1:15 p. m., a welfare I forum conducted by Miss Frances Moss Mann; and the th’rd, on Sit inday, at 9 a. m., a ‘Harlem Pray dr Meeting,” by Bishop Lawson. -o Mrs. Minnie Wilson and Mickey Jean, 2301 No. 22nd street, left August 17th for Little Rock, Ark. to visit Mrs. Wilson’s mother. Tht'ir stay will be indefinite. ——————————— « ■ ■. .i — ■ i I Men’s Dress Shirts 13y2 to 20 $1.00 Men’s Ties. $.29—4 for $1.00 Open until 9 Sat. evenings ACE TIE SHOP 1402 Farnam , - - TRADE nr TUCHMAN’S food Stores, Inc. WE 0402 24th & LAKE FREE DELIVERY 11 I Boiled foods, seasoned well, JEFF’S 1818 No. 24th. -o Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Allen, motored to Maryville, Mo-, Sun day morning for their daughter. Lena T>. Baez. -o— T b-ne ste-k, 25c, JEFF’S PLACE, 1818 No. 24th street. Tastes dfferenL -o - — Miss Lillian Colston, Washingt >n D. C-, is visiting her uncle and au i Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White, 2315 N > 20th street. Miss Colston has be^ the recipient of many social cour tesies while visiting in the city. -o Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Carey, 2633 Kinney street and Mrs. Lenora Lindsay of Joplin, Mo., motored t Philadelphia, New’ York, Cli ng' ii ’ other po nts east. Mr. Carey r. del ’gate to the National Postal 'mpP ye « All a ca. BARBECUE JEFFS 1818 No 24th. o. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hayden, and Mrs. Albert Ward, motored to Texas to visit relatives and friends. Mrs. Spencer Edwards, 2418 Bin ney street is reported to be improv ing at the Methodist hospital. Mrs. Clara Locke and daughter, Barbara Jean, of Kansas City, Kas. are visitors in the Rev. and Mrs. J. W. May home. They are cousins f Mrs. May. Mrs. Par's, 3208 Pinkney street, r.xiompanied ly her dau«rh‘er, Fran ces and sons, Leon, and Frank, left Monday by train for Ho.:s‘on, Tex. to visit their relat‘v?s. They will otu*n September 5th. Mr. and Mrs. James Lapsley of Chicago, IK, were the house gues*s of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Stovall, 24 5 No. 22nd street. Mrs. Lapsley i the daughter of Mrs St va'l. Wh le ir the city they were highly ent* r toned. Tey motor.d la HOI.I YIVOOO’S SLOWEST MOTION Be A Booster When our solicitor calls at your home, be sure to show YOUR interest in your LOCAiL PAPER, THE OMAHA GUIDE, by giving him or her a newsy item or taking a subscrip'ion for 12 months, 6 months, 3 months, or even 1 month. When you BOOST THE GUIDE, you are boos'ing Omaha, and are enabling us \o givo employment to more of our own boys and girls. “SO COME ON, BE A BOOSTER." Longer Nights Ahead! PROTECT Precious Eyesight with GOOD LIGHT # Fall will soon be here! And that means shorter days and longer nights . . . more danger of eye strain. Protect precious eyesight with good lightl Add new beauty to every room in your home with Better Sight Lamps . . . and safeguard the sight of every member of your family I For reading, study ing. mending and sewing you need Better Light . . . for Better Sight I / SEE YOUR DEALER OR J Nebraska Power Company