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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1937)
V The Omaha Guidites ^ “The Door of Expression” — — Edited by ‘UNCLE GIL’ *' DOUBLE COLA IDEAL BOTTLING COMPANY WEbster 3043 Carl Nigro Sho* Repairing Best Material Expert Workmanship Service 3118 North 24th Street MASON’S Bar-B-Q, Chili, Tamales and Fried Chicken to order 2024 Burt St. WE 6015 WANTED TO BUY 100.000 Pounds Brass, Cop per, Lead and Aluminum 20.000 Batteries 50.000 Auto Radiators Are we Buying* You Bet. If it’s Auto Parts You Want It Will Pay You to See Us First. We Are Here to Serve You. Consolidated AUTO Parts Co. 2501 Cuming St._AT 56M Home of Kaagaroe Court IT PATS TO LOOK WELL MAYO'8 BARBER SHOP Ladies and Ohfldran’s Work A Specialty. 2422 Lake Street. Cleo Cola Queen of Sparkling Drink* 12 oz. for 5ci I Meet Your Friends at t THE NEW I HARES S i j i j | BEER | j LIQUOR | j SOFT DRINKS j j 2229 Lake St. JA9195j NORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Distance Hauling Moving and Storage Phone WE5656 2414 Grant St HINES TAILOR SHOP Cleaning, Pressing and Re pairing. .Dyeing and Hat Cleaning Dresses Cleaned and Press ed—Fur Crafting, Etc. 2523 Q STREET Johnson Drug Co. Liquors, Wines and Beer Prescriptions TV E- 0998 .. 1004 N- 24th St. r^SoEiooir 1 4-—OT<i A Full Size Specially poied phptp * r FREE withe«ry“"»l . 4b Sweet Georgia Brown Heir DreMing Everybody wants a picture o[thl«gri'iitfll!^".1“1 "clcan-up" In* Money by gtidOR ‘J'Vna I 04JIS Autographed Photo 19 ' x 12 ) ot tOt 1: absolutely FREE with each can of 8w«t Georgia Brown Hair Dressing. Don't wait! Write today ior Free Samples. Sample Case Oder ^*1 LOUIS FREE Picture Offer. Hurry! Do It “owi - VALMOR PRODUCTS CO. fiU Indiana Are. { Pent. Ml • Chicago, in. Picnic at E! mwood Postponed ’Til Aug. 28 Because Uncle Gil found it ini possible to be present on te ori ginal date, the Guidile picnic has been set back to (he 28th of Au* pjst at whdh ime thousands of young people will frolic in Elm wood l’ark. The committee on ar rangement is enving nothing un done to make this the most color* ful picnic for youth ever to be staged in Omaha. There will be games, music and refreshments for all. DON’T FORGET THE DATE, SATURDAY. AUGUST 18th COME EARLY AND STAY LATE BRING YOUR LUNCHES AND ENJOY A DAY OF FUN AND MIRTH. ICREAM, CANDY, AND ORRANGEADE FREE TO ALL CHLDREN. PICNIC FACTS WHEN: Saturday morning, PARADE: Forms ait 26th and Corby, extending east to 24th street. Starting at Corby street the parade will move promptly at 11 o’clock. Line of march PLACE: Elmwood Park south on 24th to Cnmings; east to 16th, south an 16th to Dodge west on Dodge to park. REFRESHMENTS: Free Ice cream, eoolade and candy, AMUSEMENTS: Baseball. Dan cing, horseshoe pitching,contest, saek racing and many other garnet. PROTECTION: City Police. Boy Scout*, School Patrol. IOW TO GET TICKETS: Come to the Omaha Guide office b* ginning August 1st. TieVets may be obtained by elip"nur ice cream coupons on Gnidi’e page on and after Saturday July 24th. Mr. P. Hieromymous, one of Omaha’s largest Negro trans fer company owners, has come forward and offered Uncle Gil the service of his fler f of trucks to transfer the hundreds of boys and girls to Elmwood Park for the Guidke Club Picnic, Sat urday, To assure plenty of refresh ments for .the kiddies Mr. Drum of the Fontenelle Brew ery has promised to play the part of a good Samaritan by seeing ,fo it that the kiddies have plenty of orangeade to keep them ceol while they play. Uncle Gil will need many autos and trucks for the trans portation of kiddies to and from .the park, so if you want to do your bit to help Uncle Gil and his kiddies. Lend us a car and a truck. Parents are urged to accom pany their children and enjoy a day of fun. Free lee Cream Of course, there’ll be the usual ice cream, lemonade, and candy. All this will be free to the boys and girls who attend the picnic and iith them bring a card proving that they have been responsible for the sale of one new three months sub scription to The Omaha Guide dur ing the remainder of this month and July. So, hurry boys and girls and urge your parents to help you get I one new subscriber so you can get your card for free ICE CREAM, LEMONADE AND CANDY. Uncle Gil is especially desirous of having out-of-town boys and girls attend this big jubilee. Mr Gregg Williams and his band will be on hand to furnish rhythm rock ing melodies for Uncle Gil’s kid dies. All ready another fine younj father has offered to supply th( Guidite Picnic with candy. DRAMATIC ACTION, HUMOR, MUSIC, FEATURE ‘‘BARGAIN WITH BULLETS" Starring Ralph Cooper, Francos Turnham ed by preview critics the finest Class A movie and Theresa Har^ftn. “Bargain with Bullets,” a ever made by an all-colored cast. Scenes ftt)m Million Dollar Productions, Inc., motion pic- the gangster tfcriller are Reproduced above, ture difeet ed by Harry FYaser, h«* been call History Questions (Current Event) 1. Who is A* president of the Phi Beta Sigma national college fraternity ? 2. Who was recently elected pre sident of the National Women’s Federation ? 3. In what town will the National Association of Colored Women meet 1937? 4. VT'ere will the National Negro Congress meet this year? 5. Who is the president of the National Negro Congress? Answers 1. James Weldon Johnson, profes sor of Creative Literature at Fisk university. 2. Mrs. R. R- Moton, wife of Dr. R R. Moton, president of Emeritus of Tuskegee. 3. In Boston, Mass. 4. In Pheladelpihia, Penn., Oct. 17th. 5. A. Phillip Randolph. -o ANSWERS TO LAST WEEK 1. Though the anc;ents were suf ficiently impressed by the damage done to horses Ihoofs to devise c,-r itain forms of covering for them I (in the shop of socks and sandals-, the practice of nailing iron plates or rinm ifhocs to the hoof does not appear to have been introduced ear lier than the second century, B. C. and was not commonly known till the close of the fifth century, A. P., or in regular use till the middle ages. The evidence for th arlier date depends on the doubtful in terpretations of designs or coins, etc., As time went on, however, the profession of the farrier, and the art of the show smith gradually grew in importance. 2. In Africa. It arrives in England or western Europe in April. Its song is heard until about the mid dle of June. 3. Harward university leads wth 3,800,060 books and pamplets. the largest university collection in the world. Pr. Morris Fishbein describes a kidney as about 4V6x2V&xm nches Jokes MAMMA SPANK! Mrs. B. dropped in for • chat, accompanied by tha 3 year old an gel. While we talked the cherub grabbed a couple of books front the end table and started tearing out the pages. I said nothing, the crumbled pages were scattered all over the floor. When they were leaving, Mrs. B. said: "Ha, ha! Baby has torn some pages from your books, but you can paste them back easily.” “Ha, ha! yourself,” said I “These are the books you loaned me from your new edition the other night." Mrs. B. with angel fled in haste end minutes later came sounds next door that brought joy to wait ing ears. Angel was getting spank ed. BUSINESS CALL Mrs. B. was in an automobile ac cident. Ajftcr she regained con sciousness, her husband came to bedside at the hospital. "Careless of you,” he grow led, “getting yourself Jiicely planted here in a fine soft bed while I cook the meals for myself and the kids!” “If you feel that way,” she said weakly, “why did you come see me?” “I Just wanted to know what you did with that fifty cents you had when you left homo.” Each kidney contains between one million and four million inches of fiber chambers each with two in ches of microscopic tubing. 5. It is Epidermophytosis. Who Knows? What is a Crocket? What is an epilogue? \^at is a fugue? What is an inverted turn? What is a kit? Laat eekit Answers ... 1. A pontkello is the bridge of a violin, guitar, etc 2. Poco a poco means by degrees, little by little. 3. A triplet is a group of three notes played in he usual time of two similar ones. 4. An xylophone is an instrument consisting of a series of graduated wooden bars laid on straw, and struck witJh a wooden hammer. The scale is greatly limited to about two octaves. 5. The woodwind instruments are the orchestral wind instruments, which are made of wood. -o——— Earn Extra Monev School days have come> to an end, which means boys and girls everywhere have the opportunity to ninka merry during the three months vacation. Here's hoping that a majority of the Guidites es pecially the boys will fnd jobs and earn money so as to help their parents defray expenses at home. While we’re on the subject of working, perhaps it wouldn’t be a bad idea if those of you desiripg to earn some money during your spare time, would sell oopies of THE OMAHA GUIDE. _ SPECIAL Shampoo__25 c Uroquigiflole marcel-25c Press _---25c ALTHOUSE— BEAUTY SCHOOL 2422 N 22nd St. WE 0846 I ^ T J || | m! d ft I HAVE GOOb NEWS FOR YOU Regardless of what your trouble may be, you can look the world In the face? Solve all problems; Get what you Want, and Fear no Man or Circumstances. Your Happiness and Success demand that you print your name dearly and send It to 545 Owen Ave. REV. CHAS. P. COLBERT. Detroit, Michigan The Guidite World of Music By Miss Ethel Jones The Public Appearance Th-* success of a public perfor mance depends upon more than be ing able to play or sing r. selec tion well. We must remember that those attending a concert see as k ell as hear. Therefore, good plat form manners are very necessary and increase the pleasure of the audience. If a performer greets his audience with a pleasing personal ity, they respond encouragingly. A natural spontaneous smile and Lhc announcing of one’s selection in a clear natural tone of choice at once places an audience in a recep tive mood. A short time ago, I attended a program given by an amatucr mu sic and dramatic club. A middle aged bass singer, with a conceited, and a {Joker face and none too well groomed, slewly importantly made his way to the platform. He an nounced his selection in the same oonceited manner. As I glanced over the crowd during his rendition the majority looked bored. Being Just an ordinary loud singer with little or no training his singing re ceived but the average polite ap plause. At another tme a young lady whose playing was no better than the average little high school girl won her audience completely. With a bright smile and a pleasing personality, she gave a lovely dis cretion of the number she was about to play, and the title and the composer. As she finished play the au dience not only gave her plenty of applause but called her back for an encore. The cause for the different re ception is plainly ewident. Sum ming up then, tJhe successful pu blic appearance is made up of three basic elements: 1. Confidence which comes from much practice and through know ledge of the piece to be played. 2. A pleasing personality, and 3. Be ing able to put the audience in a receptive mood. PATRONIZE OUR I ADVERTISERS 1 OLE’S Battery Station WE SPECIALIZE ON BAT TERY SERVICE 2934N. 24th Ja 9999 Kidneys Must Clean Out Acids The only way your body can clean out Acids and polasnous wastes from your blood la thru » million tiny, delicate Kid ney tubea or Altera, but beware ot cheap, drastic. Irritating drugs. If functional Kidney or Bladder disorders make you suffer from (letting Up Nlghte, Norvous ueas, Beg Palna, Backache, Circles Under Byes. nisalneMs, Itheumatlc Pains, Acid ity, Burning. Smarting or Itching don't take chancre, Uet the Doctor's guaran teed prescription called Cyelex ISlss Tex) Works fast, safe and sure, in 48 hours It must bring new vitality, and Is guaranteed to Ax you up In one week or money back on return of empty package. Cyatex coats only 9c a day st druggists and the guarantee protecta you Asthma Cause Fought in 3 Minutes By dissolving and removing mucus or, phlegm that causes strangling, choking. Asthma attacks, the doctor's prescription Mendaeo removes the cause of your agony. No smokes, no dopes, no Injections. Ab solutely tasteless. Starts work m 9 minutes. Bleep soundly tonight Soon feel well, year* younger, stronger, and sat anything. Guar anteed completely satisfactory or money back. If your druggist Is out ask him to order Mendaeo for you. Don't suffer another day. Tba guarantee protects you. Omaha Guide Publishing Oo. Guidite Club Flotsio lee Oream Coupon Name —---— Address Parents Signature - Signed- Uncle GW 4 cups ot fittPPW-P TEA you U* ***¥""¥ KEEP CLEAN INSIDE! APPLICATION-GUIDITE CLUB Please enroll me in The GUIDITE CLUB, I promise to abide by the rules as set forth in The Omaha Guide. My Name is-. Age — My Address in ....—.—. ... City-State School Grade .-. Name of School.. . —— Parents’ Name ....—.— Date of Birth Cut this out and bring or mail to “Uncle Gil’’, Omaha Guide,. OMAHA, NEBRASKA Raising the Famiiy-me-ccrtalntycan throwCo'dwtner un minqsl___rlsnef rj^s wAuoNn C *** ,*'r fx-rc''ec■ ^—* HE'S WALKIN'! 6c^.lF MfOBEE-J 1 r?* l \ _ | r OM mS rtEft.o (WO PiONIN iKk’ ,rK; \ ^INr 'T„ i #. \- o»>aE" o*j r*. Ftooi.e at 'w^'j 0U V Wot^OEt^POE- 1 ma rme. ito \ Jr,„c*' v-,-L eF.EN (fV 9 ~ ft * ! / j ...,-^J^F^eoor! V, % 771, f . *7 rv4l*r **k>a. .: ..1 ^1-*5/? ’ INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CON Y.j __