The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 14, 1937, Page FIVE, Image 5
WHEY vs. PRAIRIE VIEW ON OPENING DAY Dallas, Aug., 12— The longest drop'dclc ever to be made will open the football game between Wiley college and Prairie View college, Negro schools of East Texas, Oc tober 18th at the Pan American Ex position. From 1,000 feet above the Cotton Bowl stadium the football will be drooped onto the grid iron a few minutes before the referee’s start ing gun. John C. Robinson, Ameri can Negro aviator, former com mander in chief of the Ethiopian air forces under Haile Selassie, will pilot the plane and drop the ball. Mbnday, Octover 18th, will be the seccond Negro Day at the in ternational fair, and noted pilot Robinson has accepted an invitation to be honoree for the day. After the game, v Meh he will unofficially open w'ri* his football stunt, the aviator will tell a few of his ex periences in Selassie’s palace at Addis Ababa, and as personal pi lot of the ‘Conquering Lion of Ju dah ” Robinson visited the Exposition this week, saw “Cavalcade of the Americas,” free dramatic spectacle of the international fair, and dis cussed plans with Exposition of ficials for his stunt and speech on October 18 th. The football which will be drop ped from Robinson's own plane will autographed with the names of the tw'o competing teams. A record crowd is expected to fill the Cot ton Bowl for this gridiron meet. -o OMAHAN SLUGGED AND ROBBED IN LOS ANGELES Word was received Tuesday morning by Cornelius Glover, 2412 No. 30th street that his father, J. Glover, who is visiting his hon Rev. J. L. Glover, pastor of an A. M. E. church in Los Angees, Calif., was robbed and slugged by an unknown assailant whiV walking Monday evening. Officers found the victim and carried him to his home uncon scious, as he was identified by cards fend in his pockets. The slugger escaped with only a watch and keys, but leaving cash. .It is reported that his condition is fair. o ENTERTAINS AT DANCING PARTY The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Meyers, 2416 No. 22nd street, was the scene of a beautiful dancing party, Tuesday, August 10th, with f fty couples from the younger to the older set attending. -The guests spent a very enjoy able evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lane, 2831 Decatur street, are the proud par ents of a son born, Tuesday, Au gust 10th, at a local hospital. Mr. lane is linotype operator at the Omaha Guide, and a graduate of South high school, where (he was a star tennis player. He also at tended Omaha university. JFree Course I In HAIR CULTURE | Consisting of Marcelling IFlngerwavlng Shampoo Formula Including DIPLOMA BY MAIL Iwnte looAv CUBAN COSMETIC CO. Pepfr B315-X CHICAGO, HI. Don’t Read This UNLESS You would like to save 50 per cent or more on all or used parts for your automobile. You want to know where you can buy tires and tubes to meet your needs and your pocketbook. You would like to sell, buy or trade your present ; car for a Rood recondi J tioned used car. You need glass installed for one-half the regular price. You can do all this and more by stopping at the RABEfi AUTO EXCHANGE 1839 Cumisg St HArney 6655 Your Business Appreciated Last Minute Snappy Items From National Field New Orleans, La., Aug. 12 (ANP)—Charley Tung, wealthy Chinee laundrynian, icelebreatod in honor of his second son’s birth day at New Orleans’ largest hotel Saturday. Four hundred guests en joyed his hospitality. The hotels in New Orleans uni formly refused to permit free ad mittance to leading Negro educac tors who were members of tihe Na tional Education Association this summer, but the color line does not apply to Chinese who repre sent considerable influence in busi ness circles here. New Orleans, Aug. 12 (ANP)— Flint-Goodridge hospital announced this week the appointment of Miss Sara Reid as Medical Record Li brian. She has recently completed a course of study in tlhe Medicol R cord Room at 'Strong Memorial hospital at the University of Ro chester, New York. Miss Reid is a graduate of West Virginia State college; of the Atlanta School of Social Work and has spent one year of graduate study in Europe. Victoria, British Columbia, Aug. 12 (ANP)—Mr. and Mrs. Pressley Winfield after spending several days |pre sailed July H9th for Juneau. Alaska. Mr. Winfield who is a well known realtor in Oakland, Caif., and Mrs. Winfield, the for mer Mae Tancil of Chicago, are making the cruise as part of a va cation trip. New York, Aug. 12 (INP) - Mary Nolan (white), former screen actress, charged that her reputa tion was damaged and that she was mhileiously libeled to thj extent of $26,000 through an article that appeared ast May in the New York Amsterdam News, which referred to her as the former w:fa of Dr. Eugene Nelson, Hollywood colored physcian. The suit was entered in the New York supreme court against the Savory-Powell Corporation, owners of the paper. Charlotte, N. C., Aug. 12 (ANP) —The 107 Negro city employees of Charlotte, the only ones ignored wl^.'n the 4ity council votjed to grant pay inreases of from $6 to |15 monthly, will also get salary checks increased by $6 monthly, | it was declared Monday night after j a hard fight for their inclusion by Alerman L. R. Sides. New York. Aug. 12 (ANP)— Friends of Lester Waltons in Am erica are this week receiving cards inviting them to the reception held . on Independene day in the Lega-| tion at Monrovia, where Mr. Wal ton is American Minister. -o GIVES LUNCHEON Mrs. John Penniston, 1618 No. 27th. proved to be a most charming I hostess at a lundheon given in hon- j or of Iher sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary j I Shumache, of Troy, Kas., Tuesday I August 10th. Mrs. Shumache is visiting friends and relatives in Omaha. Otiher guests included Mes ' dames L. V. Gray, Charles Trimble and Miss Etola Gray, of Oklahoma. -o Mrs. Robert Ellis of Kansas City, and sister. Miss Helen Howard, teacher in the public schools of Milwaukee are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chandler while on their va cation. Mrs. Ellis is the wife of | Dr. Robert Ellis, and Miss Howard 'ha? received her Master’s degree from Fisk university. <^y SPECIAL Clear Sheer Chiffons Sightly Seconds at 49c a Pair Friedman’s Shoe Store & Shoe Repair 1510 N. 24th SL JA 0353 BAKE A PIE ...or Fry a Chicken! ® THE MODERN ELECTRIC ROASTER does ALL types of Cooking • BAKES • BROILS { • STEWS 1 • ROASTS { • BOILS ] • FRIES 1 • TOASTS { Do all your summer cooking this easy, cool way. Free yourself from tiresome "pot-watching." A modern Electric Roaster cooks a whole meal —meat, potatoes, and vegetables—• at one time, while you spend the afternoon as you please. At small cost you can enjoy real kitchen free dom this summer . . . with a modern Electric Roaster 1 SEE YOUR DEALER [ OR Nebraska Power Company T bone steak, 25c, JEFF'S PLACE, 1818 No. 24tlh street Tastes dfferent. Mr. and Will Evans of St. Joseph, Mo., motored to Omaha to spend the week visiting friends. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDaniels. Miss Fern Webster, an accomplished musician accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Evans. -o Mrs. Fred Jordan, wife of the president of Western niversity and Miss Louise Washington were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Mc Vay, 2868 Corby street, while in the city attending the Missionary convention. WAWWAV.W.W.W .V For the BEST RaceResults Champion Cigar Store 2047 No. 24th S« JA 4777 Harlem Cigar Store 1614 No. 24th St. WE 5595 Rabes Buffet 2229 Lake St. AT 7527 Nile Gibson, Salt I,ake City, is making his home with Mr. and Mrs Edwin Gibson, 2226 Ohio street Clean System for i Health You must be free from constipa tion to have a good, clear complex ion. If not eliminated in due time, the wastes of digestion produce poisons and the skin must do more than Its share in helping to get rid of them.' So for a clear, healthy skin, re ; member the importance of bowel regularity. At the first sign of con stipation, take Black-Draught — the purely vegetable laxative. It brings such refreshing relief from ordinary constipation troubles, and tends to leave the bowels acting regularly until some fu ture disturb ance Interferes. Insist on Black-Draught. You can get it In 25-cent packages Sol Lewis Invites You to come in and visit our new store at 1901 Far nam St. See The New G. E. Refrigerators 5 Year Protection Low Operating Cost All Steel Cabinet * Vaccum Sealed Thrf? Unit New Low Prices .Prices from $85;50 ]up (Small Carrying Charge) SOL LEWIS 1901 Farnam St. Open Evenings AT 4485 STARTLING FACTS 30,000 OF THE CONSUMING PUBLIC IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA READ Omaha Guide THE ACCREDITED FIGURES OF 16.500 NEGROES ARE ABOUT CORRECT FOR THIS METROPOLITAN AREA, THAT IS, OMAHA PROPER THESE FACTS HAVE BEEN CAREFULLY COMPUTED The Average Expenditure Per Person, Daily is $1.25. The Total Daily Expenditure la About $22,867.00. Making the Annual Expenditure of $8,346,455.00. The Women and Misses of Our Group Require $701,102.22. Clothing and shoes for the Children, yearly totals of $500,787.30 Tn Omaha Alone, the 4,800 Families Spend Annually for Bread $226,497.00 More than $250,593.65 is Spent in Omaha for Fur niture. THE ABOVE ITEMS ARE A SELECTED FEW OF THE MANY NECESSITIES, COMMODI TIES AND LUXURIES CONSUMED IN THIS V,AST EXPENDITURE. WHICH ALSO INCLUDES Automobiles Groceries, Meats, Foods, Automobile Accessories Wholesale and Retail Bakeries Hardware Appliances Candy and Soft Drinks Jewelry Cigars and Tobacco Men’s Apparel Confections Musical Instruments Construction and Building Materiaf Notions Drugs Wholesale and Retail Novelties and Toys Dry Goods Radios Electrical Appliances Shoes „ ] I ” | Stationery and Office Supplies tot; REQUIREMENTS OF OUR LADIES FOR TOILET PREPARATIONS EX CEED $100,000 These Include Many Kinds of nair Bea utifiers, Massage Creams, Powders, Rouge, Lip Stick, Eye-brow Beautifiers, Perfumes, Toilet Water**, Talcum and Body Sachets and Manicuring Preparations. THESE 16,600 CONSUMER S ARE SERVED BEST BY ' i OMAHA’S ONE BIG WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE OMAHA GUIDE WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO YOU Mr. Advertiser The Omaha Guide Covers This Metropolitan Area Like the Dew Covers the Morning. ADVERTISERS WHO USE THIS PAPER DO SO BECAUSE THEY ARE SURE OP REACHING OUR PEOPLE AND GETTING RESULTS THIS ATTESTS THE OMAHA GUIDE’S WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PULLING POWER PHONE OR WRITE OUR REPRESENTATIVE TO CALL The Omaha Guide Publishing Company THE Omaha Guide Goes Home, Is Read a nd Preserved and Referred to Constantly PHONE WEbster 1517—1518 2418-20 GRANT STREET