NOTE:—Your question w!:l be answered FREE in th:s col* nmn ONLY when a clipping of this column is enclosed with YOUR QUESTION. YOUR FULL NAME, BIRTH DATE and CORRECT ADDRESS. For PRIVATE REPLY send twenty-five cents and a self-addressed, stamped envelope for my NEW ASTROLOGY READING and receive by return mail my FREE ADVICE on THREE QUESTIONS. Send all letters to Abbe Wallace, care of The Omaha Guide, 2418 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska. B. E. P.— 1‘Icase answer in the column whether or not I should continue with my husband or not? Ho stays out nights and doesn’t at tempt to support his family. Ans: It’s high time you were getting alarmed about the wry h< is acting. Give him a good old fa shioned lecture and let him know that enough of anything is plenty and it is up to him to do better, if you put it to him in a sensible manner he will change his ways. B. L. H.—Will I be successful with the plans that I have at this time ? Ans; Think the idea over a little more carefully before you make this change _in facte it seems to me that the fall of the year would be an ideal ime for you to get started. Things will look <>jiII for a few months but will brighten up later. Z. C. R.—Will the one I am thinking about return to me and does he really care? Am: Re has forgotten the many promines he made to ytsi. Get him off your mind for if he were really in love with you, he certainly would writ# oceanUmaHy and let yon know Wa whereahernia- There ia a felllow right in your city who ia terribly Interested in knowing yon better ..give him a break. H. 1C.—My wife and me have had trouble for a year. She listen* to her friends instead of me and I don't approve of her friends. They Hotel Chef Makes Plenty of Cash Tampa, Fla., Aug. 12 (By San ders Mason for ANP)—Leroy Buggs, a big but crestfallen dark gentleman, sat in the eounty jail last week puzzling over the per plexities of big business. By night Buggs was a chef at the swank downtown Tampa Terrace hotel, cooking those $1.26 teabone steaks to « sizzling perfection. By day, he operated his own restaurant, tr.o K. of P. cafe, sizzling those samo lucious steaks but selling them at two-bits a teabone to col ored cusomers. To be brief about it, Buggs had worked up a pretty good business until a squadron of city detectives swooprd clown on him late Saturday night and snatched a garbage can. In that garbage can, the detec tives found five dressed fat hens, several large juicy hams, lobsters, steaks, fish liver, butter, lard, eggs and a variety of canned goods, all definitely belonging to the Tampa Terrace hotel, but being transfer red to the Bugg’s K. of P. cafe. Acting on complaint of the hotel management. Sergeant Morris and Detectives Keene and Hamilton stationed themselves at the hotel's service entrance. Shortly before midnight, the garbage truck backed up to the door and started loading The detectives noticed nothing un usual until the last garbage can was loaded. It was carefully plac ed to one side of the truck. Offi cers trailed the truck from the ho tel to Bugg’s establishment. There i stopped and Lewis Thomis, the garbage man hoisted that "last" can on his shoulder and took it in to the cafe. It was then that tlhe detectives stepped in and snatched he can The found the food carefully pack ed but covered with over-ripe to matoes and broken eggs to give the appearance of garbage. The detective’s also arrested Thomas and Bugg’s wife, Mrs. Juanita Buggs, who was at the cafe and all three have been trans ferred to the county jail. They said the theft of groceries from the ho tel had been going for several months, Mrs. Buggs was out on bail Monday night. -o——— AFTER ME MY DEAR Ms. D. always grabs the Omaha Guide as soon as t arrives, and starts reading the front page. One evening when Mrs. D. asked for the back page, he replied: “Just a minute honey, I’ll be through! with the front page and you can have it. I don’t want to wait till you’re throught with the back page.” have even turned the children against me. What should a fellow do? Ans: Get away for a few months. While you are away send a lit tle money back each week to take cerci of your children a'so write to them. It won't take them hut a short time to realize that their fa ther is as interest d in them as their mother. Your wife will see her mistake Lut it will take some time for her to see it. R. J. If.—I have read your col umn for a long time. Do you think I will get over this sirkn; ss I now have and how long will I suffer? Ann: There really isn't any need for yr*j to go through life with this ailment. Fee a good doctor and cooperate with him for a few months and your sickness will be a thing of the past. Home remedies help sometimes. but in your case it a waste of time and money. W. R. J have planned a trip to the west coaBt for a year now and since the time has Just about ar rived for me to go I can’t get the least bit nterested. Should I go or stay at home? Ana: Don’t nllow that "good for nothing jealous" friend of yours try to keep yCu from enjoying a vacation you have planned for the past 12 months. Rare yon are go ing to have the time of your life *nd ytti won’t return this year. Z. B. B.—My business a/fa:rs ure getting in bad shape. Please -ell what is the best thing for me to do? Ana: Get a job even though you can’t anything to pay you a good salary, take something. While you are work'ng try to get some thing belt r, end it will only be a short time unt’l you have your bills under »ay and thia constant "head ache” will disappear. A. J. Am l going to many th“ man that I am expecting to marry l Ans: Just say the word aid he will march yr*J right down to the "preachers house.” Th:s is one old boy that you will never be able to shake has lost his head about you. Entertainment Whirl By Jimmie Evans New York.Louis Armstrong and his orchestra are in the pro duction at the Paramount heatre labeled ''Artists and Mod ds”.; The rumpet king of sw'ng is seen in a sequin-e with the a ge mouth ed Martha Rave.the orchestra is lost in the mammouth set, however Music lovers honored the late late George Gershwin at the Lewis chn Stadium last Monday night. A1 Jolson and Paul Whiteman, Ruby I'lzy, Todd Duncan and the Eva Pessye choir, the last three named appeared in his “Porgy and Bess” production, contributed their ser vices .... The house was sold out. on the first day that the program was announced. The hot sp us in town are getting ready for the invas’on of the Joe Louis fans, who will be trucking to i town shortly to watch the Bomber defend his crown against Tommy Farr of England . many of tlhe spots have been decorated and quite I a number have cut prices on wines and liquors, which is good news in I deed. t hick Webb nnd bs orchestra, !with the sensational Ella Fitzger ald doing the vocalizing, play An bury, New Jersey Armory on Au gust 18th.Don Rcdmon and his ork will also play dates in this state shortly.They play New Brunswick on August 14th, and are at Kruger’s Auditorium on Sept j ember 4th. For a bit of hot recording, may we recommend the hot plate by Teddy Wilson’s ork.The num bers are "Sun Showers” and "Yours and Mine” with the vocal izing done by Billie Halliday. Karl (Father) [Hines has aso dashed off a hot recording, name ly: "B«au-Koo Jack” and "Every body Loves My Baby.” Cab Calloway and Bill Robinson will be paired on Broadway when the headine appears for the new Cotton Club show. dab last week, closed at the Apollo Thea tre and, on Tuesday night came over the air...... one of the local radio writers remarked that while "Cab might not sing well, he eer -tainly sings loud.” The Johnson Trio, two men and a girl, closed at the Eltings in New York last week Duke moved on from the Palace Theatre in Chicago last week to play the Palace in Cleveland Tip, Tap and Toe. playing the Paramount circuit, are now at the Chicago treatre in tha* city Chilton and Thomas are n* the State in Chi.. Tour'ng the provincial circuit in England, Snake hips Johnson and his band, along with Browning nnd Sla r, are cur rently playing the Regent treatre. Air Ace Will Stunt at Pan American Exposition From out of the clouds above the Cotton Bowl at the Pan American Exposition, October 18. Dallas, John C. Robinson, American Negro ace Hier of Ilaile Selassie, deposed "Conquering Lion of Judah," will drop a football to open the annual gridiron classic between Wiley College and Prairie View Normal. Following the game Robinson will deliver an address to the people of his race. He was in Pallas recently making arnangements with Exposition officials for his stunt on Negro participa tion day at the International Fair. , Wealthy Contractor Buried in Alabama Birmingham, Aug. 12 (ANP) Funral services were held Monday at 16th SStreet Baptist church for Thomas Cornelius Windham, re putedly the wealthiest Negro build ing contractor in the nation, who passed away Friday in his home niter hn H. Thompson for ANP)—His tory was made here in Texas re cently when for the first time a colored union labor delegate met with white delegates of the Inter national Theatre and Stage Em ployees Union of Texas. The only colored delegate among nearly a hundred whites, Lee A. Lewis, business agent for Loc. 279, a colored union of Houston, affil I tinted with the A. F. of L., was ac cepted freely and openly at this ' state convention. Scheduled to be held at a local i white hotel, tlhe coming of Lewis caused the hotel management to 'denur at his presence. White dele gates told the management that if ' Lewis could not enter the premises then they would take their meeting somewhere else. Lewis was admit ted to the hotel cenvention room and was later seated at the ban quet table with the whites. Lewis is a member of the execu tive committee of the Houston lo cal, composed of whites mostly. He is the man directly responsible for the strong fight put up by colored people of Houston to force employ ment of colored motion picture op erators in exclusive Negro houses. Through his efforts twelve men are regularly employed at union rates. Magazine Features Negro Musician London, Aug. 12 (INP) -Teddy Hill, now furnishing the music for the Cotton Club show at the Pal ladium treatre in London, was fea tured with a full page write-up in the last edition of Melody Maker, the English musicians' trade ma gazine. The author of this article, Leon ard Feather, commented principal ly on tihe saxa phone section of Hill’s orchestra. This Week in Thought and Religion By Robert L. Moody Experience for Our Learning ‘For whatsoever things were written a foretime, were written for our learning.” Rom. 15:4. Since J'uly, we have been studying "God in the Making of a Wation,” in our International Sunday school course. Many eternal truths have been learned and are being learned now. At present, I wish to refer to the subye'f. for August ^8th—"God Feeds A People.” Ancient Israel was very much like people today; human nature seems to act the same in all generations. People murmured against God and his leaders then, and now. God hears their murmurings and yet bears with them. In a natural sense, God is feed ing His people bountifully as ever, but our proverty is caused by poor ‘‘distribustion.” There is little or nothing so wrong with the "pro duction.” Men will not harken to leadership today, no more than when Israel refused to hear Moses. The consequence than was that the manna spoiled. So today, as we fail our labor spoils or foils its purpose. "Hoarding” manna and hoarding gold or natural resources j have the same principal and results spiritually. The manna symbolizes “Christ who is the bread cf life, because like it, He satisfies— He is broad of life from heaven; a daily portion of his grace must be obtained. What God did for Israel, He will do for any and every nation that obeys Him. He supplied our propit'atlon for eternal salvation and he will sup ply our every need in temporal ife according to his riches in glory. Let us remember that — “Back of the lo*f N the snowy flour, > nd back of *he flour is the mill And back of the mill is the the wheat and the shower, And the Sund, and the Father’s wilL” i. K- Miller NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2202-4-6 North 24th Stnet Phone WE 4137 Poultry and Egg Dealers Oui prices are reasonsable, see us first. ■W.WA’.W.V.V.SW.V.V, Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 24t,h and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery V.V.VW.W-’.VAV.W.V > COFFEE JOHN’S ■I 111 So. 14th St. j .* Biggest 10c Meals In City \ > Everybody Welcome ^ .•.V.V.’.V.’.V.’.V.V.'.W.VA RITZ SHOE REPAIR 2033 No. 211 h St. Women’s Taps .-. l^c Womens Half Soles . 65c and up Men’ Half Soles . 75c and up Mens Rubber Heels . 35c and up Childrens Soles . _ JiOc^and^up , Ec2300 For Finer Faster BUS SERVICE FASTEST TIME To CHICAGO To KANSAS CITY To, DENVER To CALIFORNIA * Improved Daily Service KANSAS CITY • DAVENPORT DES MOINES * GRAND ISLAND McCOOK • SALT LAKE . LOS ANGELES • *SAN FRANCISCO Fastest Time to California on 'tuCUmW and “The Californian" De luxe Streamline Buses —Free Pillows —Low Cost Meal Service. LOW FARES w EVERYWHERE EVERY DAY Information—Tickets BURLINGTON BUS DEPOT 1416 Douglas at 15:h i Ethiopia Is Open Only To The Rich Rome, Aug. 12 (ANP)—Despite claims of Mussolini that Ethiopia was needed to take care of Italy's surplus Population, it was revealed last Week by newspapers here that those areas of Abyssinia under Fascist control will be the happy hunting-ground only of Italian fin anciers. Extracts from the report of an [agricultural mission sent to Ethio pia in February show that only areas in the country suitable for farming are already fairly dense ly populated by natives. Areas where the population is thin are are unsuitable for agriculture, and hope is already abandoned of any big mineral finds. The report also emphasized that title to this land by the present oc cupants is not established by law and therefore is opportunity for fnen with heavy financial backing to exploit them. Since Ethiopian la ser can be obtained cheaply, there is no opportunity for the exporta ,ion of Italian workers, the report xdds. Shoe Pride or Shoe Shame? Ladies Top Lifts ... 15c up Mens Half Sole_75c to 1$ Ladies Half Soles 60c to 75c LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street HOW OFTEN CAn YOU KISS AND MAKE UP? FEW husbands can understand why a wife should turn from a pleasant companion into a shrew for one whole week in every month. You can say “I’m sorry ' and kiss and make up easier before marriage than after. lie wise. Ifyou want to hold your h vs band, you won't be a three-quarter wife. For three generations one woman has told another how to go "smil ing through" with Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system. Hi us lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure in the three ordeals of lifo: 1. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching "middle age.” Don’t be a three-quarter wife, take LYDIA E. PINK DAM'S ' VEGETABLE COMPOUND aud. Go “Smiling Through.” * , — [AFTER 45 B Very often as you grow B older your digestivesys yl tem becomes deficient ®l and your blood can not get the rroptr nourish es ment. You feel listless B& ^ and worn on*. Try *.\ a single bottle of famous old Hos mr tetter’s. Its stimu lating herbs and ft}/ roots quickly help in < revitalising the diges tive glands. At drug Stores everywhere.} 1.5® 3et Money --- lovf I guorentee to help jroo get • new .tort to feTl ^0O<1 ,ho.M- Sto* 'rorry i* Lnr,,U, r,.*,i5>d*,v I*form»tloB FREB WILLIAMS, Journal Squara Sta. Iw*ty City, N. J. fUx>W\ ™ «■ F°™f? ^ - n M . . Tha new vogue that 'ha* beta L-gz 1 f maud by people all over the couis r H 1 C'l|fy_P I try writing through “lonesome Z|g*^ I Hearts" columns of publication* T^, • . «R a I has resulted in the formation of th* rVPfiVWnPlPl National Friendship Club. ■NrT^*7 This new club has headquarters / T! at ill! Seventh Avenue. New York 9 City, and 1U purpose is t» help - . r - , . leuaaome people enlarge their rifde ARE you. rf frkBdfc ^ /» It is a strictly confidential Hub , //. . ^ through which only club members 7 . fWTrT# (| are introduced. Membership in this TTj * "Jf/l • 7 new club will bring you nsw friends tr//e/ Cld/r7<*7 77 —» thrilling experience. Any -^1 erl v one regardless of age map write ' ^ # for free information. Enter into correspondence with some one who wilt share your thoughts, intereaU, and ambitions . . . Know and writs to club members of the opposite sex. Strictly confidential. ..-jtj. Write for free application and literatu' ■* NATIONAL FRIENDSHIP CLUB 2132 SEVENTH AVENUE NEW YORK CITTi JOE LOUIS Champion A Full Size Specially Posed Photo FREE with Every Gan of Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Dressing Here's the biggest money-making opportunity ever offered to Agents! Don’t lose any time taking advan tage of this sensational offer! Just think how your cus tomers will buy when you offer them a beautiful Auto graphed Photo (9?4*12") of JOE LOUIS absolutely FREE with each can of Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Dress ing. Everybody wants a picture of this coming world's champion in their home. So don’t wait. Send name and address for FREE samples of Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Dress ing, Face Powder, Agents Offer and Special JOE LOUIS FREE Picture Offer. Hurry! Write today! VALMOR PRODUCTS CO. Dept. ISO 2241 Indiana Avenue Chicago, Illinois DampWash Beautifully washed and returned just damp enough to IRON. ftririnrum bundle 48c LAUNDERERS AND DRY CLEANERS Edholm & Sherman 2401 North 24th St. We 6055 ALWAYS DEPENDABLE Both Our Service and Printing. We are Equipped To Print Anything From Stamp* to Newspapers. We Call For and Deliver. OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. 2418 Grant Street WK 1517—1518