comments E DIT O RIA L PAG E OPINIONS I THE OMAHA GUIDE Published Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska Phones: WEbster 1517 or 1518 Entered as Second Class Matter March 15, 1927, at the Postoffice a Omaha, Neb., underAct of Congress of March 3, 1879. TI*TMS OF SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER YEAR Race prejudice must go. The Fatherhood of God and the Brother icod of Man must prevail. These are the only principles which wll stand the acid test of good. AH News Copy of Churches and all Organizations must be in ou tffice not later tnan 5t00 p. m. Monday for current issue. AH Adver tfeing Copy or Paid Articles not later than Wednesday neon, proceed log date of issue, bo insure publication. ..EDITORIALS.. EDITORIAL OF THE WEEK Prom .he Washington (IX C.) Post, July 26, lfT!7 THE SCOTTSEORO CASE Dispatches describing Alabama’s abrupt action in freeing four of the nine “Scottsboro boys” suggest ,Siat the hooks on tlic ease may now be closed. It is predicted/Jjrom Dcciuur that if no appeals are filed in behalf of tho o her five NegrocP, Jxe governor will commute a. least the single death sentence now st auding. Dndoubtedly most of Alabama hopes for .just, this. The six-and-a-half’-year rape t'