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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1937)
Attend Church . . nm r a — A FORMAL NOTICE PLEASE READ ■ NOTICE to all church, civic, re ligious, secret and social clubs; to pastors, presidents and reporters. All news of the above organiza tion must be in our office on or be fore Monday at 6p. m. each week for the news items to appear in the current issue. Your members want their paper on time. Please be prompt and cooperate with us. NO ON TIME—NO IN THE PAPER. C. C. Galloway, Acting Editor CLAIR CHAPEL M E. CHURCH Rev. W. 0. Con well, Pastor G. Goesby, Reporter The Sunday School was well a tended and the lesson on “Life” was very interesting: both teachers and pupils gave some wonderful thoughts. The pastor followed this lesson wi h a beautiful sermon from .Tames 4-14. subject: “What Is Your Life.” He admonished us to let Hod come into odr lives and we would under.and life more clearly, l ife i- as vapor, it will appear for a little while and soon vanish; therefore it is given to 11s to work out our sou| salva ion so that we may enter into the eternal joys of His love. The .captains arc work in?? very hard in our financial drive to raise $1,000. This week on the church lawn will he a carnival sponsored by two of the captains. They will appre-' eiate seeing you. Visitors are always welcome. * CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST The Church of God in Christ just closed a successful conven tion which was in session for three days. Some of the out-of town guests were: Bishop Mus grove and family of Tnlsn, Ok la.; Bishop Scott and family of Oklahoma. City ; and Rev. t I Finer and family of Oklahoma City. Bishop Musgrove’s daugh ter and Miss Sparks were the pianists during the conven'ion Mrs. E. Smith of Tulsa, Okla.J the national president of ihe Mission Circle, was present and organized a State Mission Board, of whch Mrs. M. Wright is president. Both bishops and ( their families left Omaha for ^ Kansas City for a few days | visit and also to other points! in the East. ■ - o .— SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH 28th alnd Decatur Streets Rev. M. B. Bilbrew, Pastor Mrs. Minnie Bryant, Repotcr j Services were very pood Sun day at Salem. The Sunday School was well ( attended and is prowinp very ^ rapidly under the able leader-, Rhip of our superintendent, Mr. John Rosebauph. Salem enjoyed a rare trent Sunday, The son of Mrs. M. Henderson of Dallas. Tex., and the daughter of Mrs. Carrie Wright were christened during the,11 o’clock services. Rev. Bil brew then brought to us a pow erful gospel message. His text was found in T Peter 3:27. The B.Y.P.TT. is planning an outdoor meeting some time in August. A picture will be taken of the group. The Missionary Soeie*v will meet Fridav evening at 6 00 o’ clock. The lesson will be taught by our pastor. The sick of the church are Mrs. Pearl Hunter. Mrs. Bark er and Mother Kennedy. Our svmnathv is with them Visitors are always welcome at Salem. -o Eat Bpri»<r chicken until ha » con romete'down. 20c a 1b Rug. air-awe*** mdlons. ice cold 2Mc a lb. Harding solid narked ice cream—pint 15c. onart 75c. At fi«reVh ftrocerv 27th «nd rwut St* WE 6089. Opetn Sundays. t THE UNITED SABBATH DAY CHURCH Rev. M, M. Boodle, Pastor The .Sabbath school service opened at its usual time, 9:45; many were present and on time. The sermon preached by El der Burdin was truly interest ing and inspiring. Come and hear‘this man of God and let your soh| be refreshened. Come and worship with us. MT. NEBO CHURCH Rev. J. O. Gates, Pas’or Dolly Dixon, Reporter Mt. Nebo Sunday school opened with a large attend ance. The lesson was studied for thirty minu es, and review ed by Rev. Cates, our pastor. Morning services were enjoyed by all. A wonderful message was brought to us by our pas tor. Text Eph. 6:11, “Put on .'he whole armour of Cod, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Subject, “If You Call Him, He Will Hear You.” One visitor was present, Mrs. Evans, Church of Cod. Three o’clock service at Calvary church, Coun cil Bluffs, la. was enjoyed by all. The Mission sisters render ed a very lively program. Ev ening services were omitted. -o INTERDENOMINATIONAL Elder W. I. Ivring, Pastor Abner Irving, Reporter Sunday was Women’s day; Sis. Corum was in chage of the erviees. Sister Ester Dickson delivered the message. Subject, “Building." The message' was very arousing and interesting The rainy weather prevented evening services. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH | Rev. M. K. Curry, Pastor Sunday school was represen ted with a large number in at tendance. Much interest was manifested by each group in the discusison of the lesson*The intermediate department led in both attendance and finance. At 11 o’clock, the pastor gave a wonderul message. Subject, I Prov. 0:1G, which was enjoyed by a large audience. The fol lowing visitors worshipped with us: Mrs. B. Johnson, Dal las, Tex; Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Low, Wichita, Kas.. S. E. Jef ferson, South Omaha ;am^ nahy others. Due to the heavy rain which began in the early after, noon, there was neither BY PH or evening service. If you wish to hear some real inspir ational sermons, come to Z:on and hear Rev. M. K. Curry. BERMAN’S TAILOR SHOP .1408 North 24th Street. Each garment cleaned for win ter will be put in moth bags and kept until called for. METROPOLITAN CHURCH Rev. R. W. Johnson, Pastor Mrs. W. Williams, Reporter • Sunday school opened at 9:30 Mr. Porter, our president, in vites you to come to school on Sunday. Rev. Johnson is the teacher of the adult class, and he is asking that you come and be in school with the Master. At 11 o’clock, Rev. Johnson preached from St. Mark 8:34, subject: “Self Denial.” At night each soul testified to the honor and glory of God. You miss a blessing when yu fail lo worship at the Metropolitan. On August IJtli, there will be a great musical feast at the Pleasant Green Baptist church sponsored by the Metropolitan choir. The choir will sing all special numbers. Members don’t fail to be present. Don’t forget the date, Friday, August I3ih at 8 p. m. Come early and get a seat. —-O "loses Summer School Woodson Center announces the close of its eleventh annual vacation summer school Friday evening, July 23rd, beginning at (» o’clock ]>, m. Games will be played on the playgrounds at 27th and IJ street. There will be an exhibit of clusswork at 7:30 p, m. on 30th and R street. School enrollment in cluded 01 boys and girs '• der the age of fourteen. The average daily attendance was forty-five. -o Sing! Swing! Dance! That Swing, Sing and Dance Orchestra will be in town soon featuring Anna Mae Winbum, the Mid-west’s most popular en tertainer. North 24th Street SHOE HOSPITAL Celebrates the 15th Anniversary With a Big Shoe Repairing Sale Women’s Toplifts .. $.15 Women’s half soles ..65c and up Men’s half soles 75c and up Men’s rubber heels 35c and up Childrens Half soles 50c and up 1807 No. 24th St. WE 4240 Enjoy It At the Fountain Serve it At Horn* FAIRMONT'S ICE CREAM C]fie cPcak of Quality BETHEL AME CHURCH Rev. A. Phillips, Pastor Bethel had its usual uplifting services Sunday. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Rev. A. Phillips preached a very inspirug ser mon at 11:00 o’clock. One was added to the church, and also one on last Sunday. We Bad no league, owng to the rain, how ever, we are planning a pro gram for next Sunday evening during the league hour. We are inviting a prominent speaker for the evening; the subject will be “The Congress of the AME Youth,” which met in Memphis, Tenn., in June Come out and enjoy yourself with us. Rev. D. A. Campbell preached at 8 o’clock. We were so pleas ed to have him with us. Don’t forget the lawn social given by the Junior Stewardess on the 28th, at 2428 Franklin street. Visitors are always welcome to Bethel. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bershears gave if cocktail party Monday evening, July 1‘2th, honoring Mrs. Julia Johnson of Kansas City{ Mo. CLASSIFIED ADS Furnished Apartment. WE G421 Furnished 4-room Apt. Private bath, bills paid, $4.50. Ja 0986 Furnished Iiootn for rent. WE 2742. Furnished Apt. for rent WE 3738. For Rent—Two room furnish ed apt. Modern. 2705 Ohio St. For Rent—Furnished room. WE. 2742. APT.—3 furnished rooms, bath, lights and gas. $5.50 a week. Call WE. 3653. For Rent—A nice room for nice people. AT. 6827. FOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette Apartments, 2618-18 Patrick, or 2813 Grant st. Call We. 666S. AGENTS—10 daily selling Negro Dolls. Write, National Co., 163 West 12Sth St., N. Y AGENTS—Sell Emperor Hail* Selassie Picture, (Sample 26c) Negro Dolls, Flappers, Afriear League, 264 W. 135th St., New York. Send 10c for six mo. subscription to interesting magazine, Movie News and Pictures. Box 452, Dayton, Ohio. AUTOMOBILES: 1929 Ford Model A’s priced from $50 to $135. Russell Motors 20 th and Ames. NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2202-4-6 North 24th Street Phone WE 4137 Poultry and Egg Dealers Oui prices are reasonsable, see us first. • • *r • • ■ Nicely furnished Kitchenette apt. WE 6015 Automobiles—See Russell Mo tors for used cars—Fit*e sel ection to choose from—all malkes and inod.els. 20th and Ames. KE 0830. WANTED—Experienced aaleeroaB for rubber work glove* as tide line to retail trade. Liberty Rub ber Glove Co. Winona, Minn. MAKE $10 daily selling Negro dolls, pictures. National Co., 16$ W. 126th St, New York City. FOR ECONOMIC and comfort of living try DIXON APTS., AT 7435. Intelligence and Sales Dept. Good 6000 Representative Wanted income assured. E. V- Publishing House, 301-306 Elm st., Dept. N3 COLORED RACE ONLY- Nation wide social letter club: new friends, romance; strictly confi dential. Particulars free. KIS MET, Boxx 6166-E., Met Sta Los Angeles, Calif. LOANS We Buy Old Gold Watch and Jewelry Repairing We Loan Money -on Everything Gross Jewelry and Loan Co. CLOTHING Corner 24th and Ersldne 2414 No. 24th St. Omaha, Nebr. LA CASA BEAUTY SALON ii 2121 Lake St. JA 9100 > Mon. and Tue. Special Shampoo and Press with your choice of curls for the same price of a press and shampoo or just a press. Operators:— | Mable Thomas-Hazel Parker YOUR HOME NOW - _A I to 3 Years to Pay Micklta arranges all details, material, la bor and a finance plan that asks a Uitie each month with No Money Down It’s just good sense to fix your roof BEFORE spring rains do damage to frame and plaster. HAVE US ES TIMATE. There’s a dozen types of Bird Shingles and roll roof ings each in several colors in stock at Micklin’s. A root for your home or any home in Omaha. The Micklin plan arranges for labor, super vised application and a guar antee of satisfaction. JA 5000 , ■... — — — PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS America's GREATEST m w •vl OUB SPECIAL PLAN of no monthly payments for four months makes it easy for ^ you to own a new Stewart-Warner for Christmas and three years to w pay! Let the new 1937 Stewart-Warner refrigerator take over the task of keeping food fresh and wholesome for the family. It has a place for every item SO on the weekly menu . . . and a line-up of time-6aving features that will thrill any housewife. With three years to pay, every home . . . your home ... m can have the convenience of this truly modern refrigerator. 30 Why not come in today and see for yourself the many features that have > made the 1937 Stewart-Warner models the greatest refrigerator values on the market anywhere. A liberal deferred payment pl&n makes it easy to own any model you select. You can actually pay for it out of tHe savings you make ggr on food and ice bills. Trade in your old ice box now! _ < r I : ■ Wf11111 LUmLDbSH I ih.ttS * ■ ■ * 11* 11 M I ]uQnrWX^vvTir\ I ^ 111111 ■ « I CHECK WHAT YOU GET IN THE NEW 1937 STEWART-WAR N E R V SAV-A-STEP V SUD-A-TRAY V 16-POINT ILLUMINATED # COLD CONTROL v REVERSIBLE EVAPO 3^ RATOR DOOR V VAPOR SEALED CABINET • V SLO-CYCLE TWIN CYL INDER COMPRESSOR VTILT-A-SHELF, V SAFETY ZONE TEMPERA I^TURE CONTROI. V JUMBO VEGETABLE FRESHENER V JUMBO FRUIT BASKET y NO-W DIAMOND “GRID SHaviNG 1