The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 24, 1937, Page FIVE, Image 5
STARTLING FACTS 30,000 OF THE CONSUMING PUBLIC IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA READ Omaha Guide • THE ACCREDITED FIGURES OF 16.500 NEGROES ARE ABOUT CORRECT FOR THIS METROPOLITA N AREA, THAT IS, OMAHA PROPER THESE FACTS HAVE BEEN CAREFULLY COMPUTED The Average Expenditure Per Person, Daily is $1.25. The Total Daily Expenditure Is About $22,867.00. Making the Annual Expenditure of $8,346,455.00. The Women and Misses of Our Group Require $701,102.22. Clothing and shoes for the Children, yearly totals of $500,787.30 In Omaha Alone, the 4,800 Families Spend Annually for Bread $225,497,000. More than $250,393.65 is Spent in Omaha for Furniture. THE ABOVE ITEMS ARE A SELECTED FEW OF THE MANY NECESSITIES, COMMODI TIES AND LUXURIES CONSUMED IN THIS V,AST EXPENDITURE. WHICH ALSO INCLUDES Automobiles Groceries, Meats, Foods, Automobile Accessories Wholesale and Retail Bakeries Hardware Appliances Candy and Soft Drinks Jewelry Cigars and Tobacco Men’s Apparel Confections Musical Instruments Construct inn mid Building Material Notions Drugs Wholesale and Retail Novelties and Toys Dry Gomls Radios Electrical Appliances Shoes Stationery and Office Supplies THE REQUIREMENTS OF OUR LADIES FOR TOILET PREPARATIONS EX CEED $100,000 These Include Many Kinds of Ilair Rea utifiers, Massage Creams, Powders, Rouge, I.ip Stick, Eye-brow Beautifiers, Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Talcum and Body Sachets and Manicuring Preparations. THESE 16,500 CONSUMER S ARE SERVED BEST BY , OMAHA’S ONE BIG WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE ORflAHA GUIDE WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO YOU Mr. Advertiser The Omaha Guide Covers This Metropolitan Area Like the Dew Covers the Morning. ADVERTISERS WHO USE THIS PAPER DO SO BECAUSE THEY ARE SURE 07 REACHING OUR PEOPLE AND GETTING RESULTS THIS ATTESTS THE OMAHA GUIDE'S WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PULLING POWER PHONE OR WRITE OUR REPRESENTATIVE TO CALL The Omaha Guide Publishing Company THE Omaha Guide Goes Home, Is Read a nd Preserved and Referred to Constantly PHONE WEbster 1517—1518 2418-20 GRANT STREET 3101POUNDS OF NIMBLENESS -...-- *— . .. Troy Brown, hifty tcrtin newcomer, who hot a featured comedy ret* In "Nothing SacricJ/' a David O Selxnick production, starring Ftedric March and Coiolt Lombard, let* loot* with o bit of "twing" on thi tet in Hollywood. I .Oh Brother, “Don't you want to save a dime?” Get your ick et on time to the seascci’s great os*. Carnival Barn Dance, on or before Sat., July 24, 10 P. M._ -o t Mrs. Idn Crews Monroe, who has been visiting her cou sin, Ella Long, 2517 Lake street, was called home by a telegram she received. She left Wednesday, .Inly 21st at 8:30 p. m. Mrs. Alice Shaw w ho is the aunt of Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Althouse, 2224 N. 22nd st., was j the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. Sanford of 954 N. 28th Avc., for several days. The fourth annual conven tion will convene at the Church of God in Christ, 26th and Er skine streets, Friday, July 23, 1937. Many guests from all parts of Missouri and Nebraska are expected to be pesent Tim chief apostle, Bishop C. II Ma son of Tenn., will also be here. -o The Bacchanite Club’s Carni val Dance tickets are on sale at the following places of business: Bobbins Drug Store 24th and Grant St. » Tuxedo Billiard Parlor 24th and Grant Sts. George Lewis Chicken Hut Council Bluffs General Admission 50e. Before, you can save a dime, if you buy a .ticket on time. Saleswoman Wanted If you can sell everyday needs in a home, you have a job. Call MA 3704, and get par ticulars about the same. No previous epxerience wiTI be necessary. We will teach you salesmanship. If it is within you to learn how to become an in dependent woman bv learn ing real salesmanship. Don’t let Old Man Doubt hinder your success Don’t let ear hold you down any longer. Just Call MA 3764 and we will bring out what there is within. The Poro club held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Brooks. The yearly pic nic was discussed, which will be held July 26th, in Elmwood. The picnic is eagerly awaited because of it being a memorial event. The next meeting will be held at the home of the president. They will be enter tained by Miss Anne Michael. Enjoys Picmio atElmwood The Seventh Day Adventist church had their annual Sun day school picnic at Elmwood park, Sunday July 18th. The evening was spent playing ball and many other lively sports. The Boy Scouts band played while everyone marched around j PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Mrs. Julia Johnson of Kan sas Oity, Mo., is the house guest of Mrs. h. Moore, 2898 Bur dette street. Sing! Swing! Dance! That Swing, Sing and Dance Orchestra will be in town soon featuring Anna. Mae Winburn, the Mid-wesi’s most popular en tertainer. WOULD YOU, LIKE TO HAVE ( B* HAIR LIKE THISp ~~fnj ~fhis ffnesh of ■Hair Dressings — -Th. War to Lowtr. ■ur-te-Onai'Hiir" FREE LUCK BAG1 50c Algerian Luck Bag and sample* Hair Drexing, Powder, Ointment Free. Send 10c to cover mailing coit. goldefTbrown CHEMICAL CO. Dept. G-2 Memphis, Tent*. HINEMAN’S GARAGE We always try to please you. Our prices are low and our work is guaranteed. General Repairing—Greasing— Car Washing—A No. 1 Wax Job—Battery Charging. 2417 North 24th Street JAckson 9269 DampWash Beautifully washed and returned ju*t damp enouffh to IRON. Minimum bundle 4&c EAUNDERERS AND DRY CLEANERS Edholm & Sherman 2101 North 21th St. We 6I»55 n ONLY FRIGIDAIRE GIVES YOU THI? PROOF OF ALL 5 BASIC SERVICE* FOR FULL 1937 VALUE l PROOF 1. GREATER ICE-ABILITY PROOF 2. GREATER STORAGE;ABII TV PROOF 3. GREATER PROTECJ-ABIUTY PROOF 4. GREATER PEPEND-ABII ‘T** PROOF 5. GREATER SAVE-ABILITY "KS5: 'fftetel'Miite'i Cuts Currant Cost to *h* Bono I NEW QUICKUBE TRAY WITH INSTANT CtlBE-RELEASB , _ ALL-METAL FOR FAST FREEZING I - . Only Frtgidair* bos it! JI ) Bvery ice tray, in every Super- gU Duty Frigidaire la a faat-freexbis I ALL-METAL QU1CK.UBB TRAY with INSTANT CUBE-RE- I LEASB. Instantly releases ice- 1 .cubes. 2 or a Bay \ | ful at a time. Yields 1 . 20% more Ice by I ’ending faucet I meltage waste. 1 Come in and see its I quick, easy action. I _ AS LOW AS $114.50 Plus Small Carrying Charge _I 'SMnm'tmmm w meter-miser 4r