The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 24, 1937, Page TWO, Image 2

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    NOTE:—Your question w.' I b» ntiswp'rd ri1'*' n th a ml
umn ONI.Y when a <? p;i njj of this column js enclosed with Y uUR
ADDRESS. For DiilVA’i E REl'LY $end I weit'v-fi'c 'in'* a d
a self-addieased, sii mpeel envelope for m., N'EYY ASTROLOGY
READING and re<'e*i'e by teturn mail my FREE ADVICE on
THREE QUESTIONS. Send all letters to Abbe Wallace, care of
The Omaha Guide, 21 IS Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
(N. S. A.—Please tell me why
my boy friend slop coming to
Bee me all of a sudden! Put an
the column immediately please.
Ans: He became interested in
aim.tier girl, It seems to me
that you made your friend l 'se
interest by calling him so often.
Don't run af er the boys but
sit still and .they will seek your
Jf. J. It. I am a eoiLJtant
reader of your column. Tell me
if I should proceed wi ll the
plan I have in mind al this time
Ans; I am inclined to believe
that .t hings in general are not as
serious as you believe hem to
be, therefore your plan would
not amount to much. Wait until
the first of September before
mahingyuiy change and you will
be able to clearly de,ermine
your circumstance.
W. W. —ill ease tell me if
1 am going to get the job thut
I want next summer.
^ Ans: Don’t depend on it_
trken next summer com
ound you will be so far advanc
ed that you won’t even want
the job. SAudy hard this full
and winter and you will be
able to get a much better pay
ing position next summer than
the one in mind.
CJ. P. P.—Tell me if there
is any danger for me by going
with the man 1 am now goin
Ans: There is danger of your
Tuskegee Selects New
Hospital Director
Tusk gee Institute, Ala , July
23 (ANP)—Dr. Cyril A. Wal
wyn is the new medical direc or
of the John A. Andrew Memor
ial hospital of Tuskegee insti
tute. The aimouncemeut of Dr.
Walwyn’s appointment thin
week by President Patterson
fills a post which had been
look upon w i t h i u t e re s t
by physicians from one end of
the country to the other.
John Andrews serves a
trememlouK section of the
Houth, patients coming here
from surrounding sta'es for
treatment and in addition is as
suming an even more important
tftaius as the headquarters for
state and county health pro
grams which are being operated
in connection with the federal
aud state governmen s. Also
it the permanent headquarters
of the John Andrews Clinical
Society, which brings together
each spring the largest gather
ing of physiciaus outside of the
National Medical Society.
Dr. Walwyn, a, native of
3£in#ton„ Jamaica; a student
of Morgan college, graduate
of Howard university and
Medical Y«hool, the laWer iu
1928 has served as an instruc
tor in Howard Medical school
ginee 1929 and ag acting direct
or of Howard Health Service.
He will also head the student
heath department at Tuskegee
Dr. Joshua A. Williams who
has been serving as acting med
ical director is to pursue gradu
ate work upon a fellowship this
next year.
Oh Brother, “Don’t you want
io a dime!” Get your tick
et on time to .the season’s great
est Carnival Barn Dance, on or
before Sat.. July 24,10 P. M.
falling in love with (lie man
but that is all. The man in
question is very skeptical and
doubts any one he comes in con
tact with—.so don’t show vour
emotions too much in his ppe
iL. 15. Will my husband till
go with die woman I have in
mind? What should I do?
lAns: Do nothing until you
actually see your husband with
the girl, (f by chance you
should see them together nguiii
_then there is two things
to do. (lo home or remain with
him and say nothing. Your hus
band does not love any other
woman but he does love a good
W. It. F.—My parents are
supposed to visit me this sum
und I am worried because my
place is so small I cannot take
care of them in comfort. Should
I ask them not to come?
Ana: No.__this would break
.heir hearts. They had rather
Come and sloop, on the floor 1
than to be disappointed. This
trip has been planned for sev.
eral months and your parents I
will enjoy staying in your small
apartment. A change is wha.
interest them.
C. L. W.—Do you think that
my brother is in his right mind
tile way he is treating my nm
ther nm! lus wife?
Ans: Your brother is very
upset .bin be is in lib) right
mind. Your mother and sister
in-law should avoid him
much as possible until be "" '
hiimself again for he is more
than apt to say something .that
will make one of them des
pise him the rest, of hi« life.
1*. W. U. -My wife runs from 1
one. neighbor’s house o ir.
other all the .time and is nr «'!•
home long enough to fix meal.
and look af.or her house. Is it
another man that keeps her
away ?
Aus: It isn’t another man hut
it. is the neighborhood gossip
Unit calls her at all hours o
" * f t ,
.the day and early part of eaea
night. This is a habit, that sif
eould over come if ’•
hier. Talk wi.h her for she
eould he reasoned with hut ne
ver fuss about the way she acts
on 'focawmr
and 4' The Californian
Fr*« Pillow* — — Rocllnin#
Choir* — Soporvuod Low Cotf Moot Sorvlco.
Faster by Hours to the Coast
3 Buses Dally to
4 Buses Daily to CHICAGO
Bargain Excursion Fares
Only $12.50 Pound Trip
On M)l» *ru»y ftidoy, Saturday and
_ Sunday—5 day rutucn limit I
Anil A a ant about
Information — Tickets
15th and Douglas
ATI. 2300
The Larleuse Beauty Foundation waa established
by the Godefroy Manufacturing Oompany to study
methods of preserving women’s natural beauty,
and to make the results of this research available
to the public,
“Ills brow Is wet wKh honest
iweii 1."
Perspiration Is above criticism
for the working man, but for as,
dear ladies, It Is a decided foe of
attractiveness, for to be completely
Selectable and to have the Irresisti
ble charm of feminine daintiness Is
the wish of every woman.
During these wap summer days
aur efforts to control excessive per
spiration becomes a real battle.
Frequent bathing to keep the skin
fresh and clean is of prirnnry ltn
portuni-i'. \ cold sponge or shower
Is an excellent preventive, nnd a
few drops of your fnvorite perfume
or some luitli sails In the hath
water will help achieve your goal.
Light Make-up
I If you perspire freely about the
[face, makeup should be used spar
ingly and applied carefully. Don't
pnake tbe mistake of trying to over
come the effects of perspiration by a
heavy application of cosmetics, for
{this would soon become streaked
pad blotched. As a result your np
jpenranee would be worse than if no
snnkeup at all were used.
[ Rinsing the face with witch hazel
br any good astringent lotion be
fore applying cosmetics Is a good
picthod. This has a mildly ns
frlngent effect that will check the
{flow of persplrnllon nnd also soothe
rnd cool the skin.
Your choice of powder for the
?nminer should he made very care
ully. Be sure to get one ns light
In weight hb possible. A heavy
lowder clots easily on moist skins
L—so the lighter the powder, ihe bet
ter for those who perspire freely.
Don't fepl handicapped If your
skin Is moist. It will probably look
fresh and smooth nnd will not have
the parched dried out appearance
that the warm, sunny days bring to
National Ass’n
Annual Report Out
New York, July 22—The
27th Annual rjeport of the
N’AACP covering the activities
for the year l‘Jd6 is available
for distribution. The J6-page
pamphlet is divided into six
short chapters covering various
pases of the association’s activ
ities. One chapter is devoted to
lynching and others to legal de
fense, the fight for increased
economic opportunities and the
campaign against incquali.ics
in public education. Other chap
ters cover the work off the
branches of the association and
a report, on thle- finances The
annual report sells for ten cut
plus postage.
Everybody’s G?ingl
WHERE? To tko big t'ami. .1
Dance featuring Anna Mac '. in
burn and her Swing Hand on
Mon., July 28, n,t the beauti nl
Dreamland hull. The Hae.ehanite
Hoys will be on hand o see that
everybody has fun,
- »■-»--*—T-T-'T- f-T--~———»"»
Free Storage Pay Next Fall
Fully Insured
J.C. Wood and Co.
1406 Farnam St. JA 1619
those with drier complexions. If
you keep your skin clear, eyes, eye
brows, lips and hair attractively
groomed, you won't have to worry
about cosmetics, except for a little
powder to keep your nose and fore
head from becoming shiny.
A certain quantity of perspiration
Is normal. Failure to perspire Is
nothing to be proud of, because It Is
an Indication of subnormal health
Two Ways to Relief
Make a complete change of cloth
ing dally. Air your dresses and
shoes after each wearing. To guard
against even a suggestion of per
spiration odor, use one of the as
tringents or deod~r».ais on the mar
ket for that purpose. In some cases
a mild solution of warm water and
alum Is sufficient astringent to dis
courage perspiration.
An excellent treatment for more
difficult eases "f underarm perspira
tion Is four parts distilled water to
one part aluminum chloride. Do not
use this too often. Once every three
days Is sufficient for the first few
applications. After the second week,
once a week will do the work.
Sometimes three applications nt
three-day Intervals will relieve the
condition. An application every ten
lays thereafter will prevent recur
He very careful not to use this
solution too frequently. If you do
so, you can cause a skin problem.
Let the solution dry thoroughly on
the skin before putting on your
iress. (For sensitive skins, the
parts bathed with this solution
should be rinsed after It has dried.)
Always wash under the arms before j
And In rinsing—"Let your brow !
Peget no needless sweat."
Kills Baby and Wife
Then Takes Own Life
Lo:iugton, Si Us., July 22
(ANT)-—A futility quarrel re* rips.ii/ in the suicide
of Sam (Jin . ford, 35-year-old,
farmer, after tshooting his wife
and eight month old lathy girl
to death.
According t.<> statemen s to
investigating officers, the cou
ple had quarrelled a. the home
of Will Crawford, father and
huhbnml, and diffieul.ieg Imd
apparently been smoothed out
before they went home. The
shooting followed. Crawford us
ed an automatic shotgun load
ed buckhhot on his wife. The
baby being in her arms as lie
fired twice, lie then shot him
self through the head with a
.38 calibre pistol, dying inMan -
Men’s Dress Ehiits 13Vo to 20
Men’s Ties. $.20—4 for $1.00
Open until 9 Sat. evenings
1402 Farnam
A^ vou a Every member of this Club .s
T rv\IITI V^IIP ATtT? monially minded! You will know a
LONELY HEAR If about your fellow members of tha oppo
r» . * « . aits sex and have the privilege of ehoos
Do you want to find a . h , YOU want from members,
SOUL-MATE? everywhere! AU Gob matter, ar. han-)
THEN JOIN THIS CLUB died in strict prirscy. No outsiders need
NOW! know anythin! about ysur membership
or activities. _
Sand Fne Inf.mmtion And Gat Fwt R«*^
m BROADWAY . „ . _ . *£*22°. tLfcabi
r.»a.WtU , ideal I Colored Members Only I Effective I n'*r1
Both Our Service and Printing. We ar<
Equipped To Print Anything From Stamp4
to Newspapers. We Call For and Deliver.
2418 Grant Street WE 1517^1618
Paul C. Commers
Denies Rumors
My good friends of Omaha,
1, Paul C. t'ommers wish to in
form you that 1 am in very good
health, and 1 haven’t as yet lost
any part of my mind. 1 jusi
heard the untrue news of my
being taken from a train as a
unatic. This news of course
reached me through some fri
ends of Omaha. 1 was quite sur
prised when asked if I had been
carried from a train as a luna
tic. Just where the news origin
ated 1 do not know. All \ can
do is say that I am very sorry
that someone took just a ittle
too much for granted. And I
can assure you that I am quite
sane, and I am still living. I am
making my home with my wife
and kids. If ihere is any more
news I can furnish 1 shall he
very glad to do so. As i don l
expect to be in Omaha any
lime soon.
Caul C. Commers
Everybody’s Going!
WlIKllEY To t lie big Carnival
Dance featuring Anna Mae Win
burn and her Swing Band on
Mon., July 26, at the beautiful
Dreamland hall. The Bacchanite
Boys will be on hand to see that
everybody has fun.
24th and Lake Street
j WEbster 5444
Sleeps on As Thief
Takes Shoes Off Feet
Nashville, July 22 (J\NP)—
Macon Cole, driver for an un
dertaking company, imitated
one of his frequent passengers
so well Sunday night that a
thief took his wrikt watch
from his arm, 45 cen;s from a
trousers pocket, and the shoes
from his feet without arousing
the victim. Cole lay doubled
up asleep in the back of his au
tomobile while the theft oc
ccurred, and di'^ not know any
thing of what happened until
he awoke and stepped out of
the car.
while you
Now—almost over
night—you can make
your skin many
shades lighter—free
from freckles, pim
ples, blackheads,
large pores, blotches.
Tonight at bedtime spread iNaumoia
Bleaching Cream on face, neck and arms.
While you sleep it gently dissolves dark
pigment. Remember—Nadinola is double
acting. It gives results you have never
found in any ordinary bleach.
jny Get Nadinola today at any tot*
*"' let counter or by mail postpaid,
AT OUR 50c. If not delighted, money
DICK cheerfully refunded. NADI
noLA, Dept. 93, Paris, Tcnn.
Notice to Subscribers—
Please notify the Omaha Guide
office, by mail or telephone, as to
your change of address. The post
al authorities make a charge for
the change of address when we are
not notified, in time to prevent de
livery to the wrong address. The
Omaha Guide will be forced to
charge a small fee of five cents
f#r each change of address with
out notice. Please call WE 1517 or
mail us a post card with your new
address on it, at one week before
you move. This will prevent a du
plication of papers and the five
cents charge. Thanking you for
your cooperation in this matter,
C. C. Galloway, Business Mgr.
Robbin’s Pharmacy
Ve Make Our Own Ice Cream
Fresh Daily
230fi No. 24th St. WE 1711
MEN,because they are men,can
never understand a three
quarter wife—a wife who is ail love
and kindness three weeks in a
month and a hell cat the rest of
the time.
No matter how your back aches
—how your nerves scream—don't
take it out on your husband.
For three generations one woman
has told another how to go "smil
ing through" with Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. It
helps Nature tone up the system,
thus lessening the discomforts from
the functional disorders which
women must endure in the three
ordeals of Ufe: 1. Turning from
girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre
paring for motherhood. 3. Ap
proaching "middle age."
Don't be a three-quarter wife,
Go " smiling Through."
Hair Grow** Bleach Cream
glenMe llr«a|A) |p**bU KM*j»N
And Our 18 Other Cannolene Beauty Creatfone
B*vtnnln« MB Ntv AdrwMn Owpilp w w* «♦*• a Frm Stul
to lataUlvral. ntiplt mam at wamm wb* am aaiWIoua la Dtka
boost aad build up a baatuam at Mr mra mBtop bmalr producto
to lha balls* Had. Ova la aMdtr ■ to>»I to* tort cppsala to
to* b*rt p*opl* fnrrwkm. Tm nab* aun bbst wtsb a «aalitr
Has aad yoa via valuabl* prim. Wdto to am to
Cannon Cosmetics Co* Dept 20-A. Atlanta, Ga*
I \ %
_ mi
Omaha Guide Campaign Drive opened
June 7, 1937, for 6,000 new subscribers
and closes September 6, 1937. You will
have *o hurry if you want one of the new
valuable prizes to be given to subscribers
during this campaign drive. SubscripMons
jo The Omaha Guide arc only $2.00 per
year. See the new Ford V-8 1937 Car in
Hineman’s Garage display window, at
24th and Lake Sts. For fur'ber informa
tion, call our office, WE. 1517.
All subacrlben who pay at The Omaha
Guide Office,2418-20 Grant Street, dur
ing the month of July will be .given
20 per cent discount on the years sub
scription. Yon can subscribe for as many
years as you like.